today is my trojan virus day again:-/
By pinay81
@pinay81 (1535)
February 5, 2008 1:25pm CST
hi to all, i just want to share my experience again today with ptc that i encounter trojan virus:-/ i got 6 detected virus today with my anti-virus with ptc so i want to share to all member of ptc what i have been encounter i will the name of the ptc here that i encounter virus so everybody will know also im still member of this ptc but everytime i encounter some virus i immidiately reported to the admin so they can delete that ads and no more members will be affected also with trojan here is the list of ptc site that i encounter some trojan problem: virus( when my 1st day to click the ads i encounter 3 virus and the next day they they have error problem about the site and need to fix so i dont come back again on that ptc site:-/
adverbux- trojan virus through exchange link (im not active anymore w/ this ptc)
clixsense- trojan virus (pls be careful not to open the ads with name "(bighitterssecret-you want to know how to explode you clixsense download)"im still member of this ptc.
paidclicks-malware virus here is the info of the ads that i encounter this virus(malware exploit.html) ads number "110755" i reported this as soon as i encounter the problem and the admin was immidiately responsed to my email.
donkeyemails- trojan virus- i delete already the info about the ads with virus.
2bux-trojan virus- just today morning when i click the ads here is the ads number with trojan virus ( adsno.#10503.
getref-trojan virus- from earn credit through click i report already this ads to the admin of getref(url.208.168.176/e.zl0102/index.
as of now here is my list of the ptc site that i encounter some problem about virus if anyone of you have encounter also some virus from ptc ads you can add here on this discussion if you like thanks.sorry if i offended someone that member also of this ptc maybe you think i just want to scare all your referral member sorry i just want to share my experience im still member of this ptc site except adverbux and
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