My Grandma is Leaving me....

@34momma (13882)
United States
February 6, 2008 10:41am CST
I went to see my Grandma yesterday and It was such a sad and hard day for me. My Grandma who is 85 is going to pass away most likely before the week is up. I am so heartbroken. She is one of my Heros and the lost of her is going to be really hard. Yes she has been sick for a while. Although you know it's going to happen doesn't make it any easier. I just find comfort in our relationship and know that it was a special one. Are you blessed enough to still have your Grandmother?
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28 responses
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
6 Feb 08
I'm soooo sorry to hear about your Grandma 34momma! HUGS!! My mothers mom passed away when she was only 7 and my fathers mother passed away 1998. I was fortunate to have spent time with her before she passed since she lived very far from us. Her body was flown back to Rarotonga where I was fortunate enough to attend her unveiling of the headstone the following year. My husbands grandmother is 91 and is still going strong even after having a stroke about 7 or 8 years ago. She is blind in one eye but is still pretty much in her families lives. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers - take care Rachel!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
6 Feb 08
Rachel you are such a sweet person. thank you for always having such kind words to say no matter what I post. I am hanging in there and all prayers are helpful
• United States
6 Feb 08
Unfortunately, I am not. I was close to grandparents and loved being around them. I lost my grandfather when I was 6. Then tens years later when I was 16, I lost my grandmother. It is always hard to loose loved ones. Know it is going to happen definitely doesn't make it easier. My grandmother got real bad off and we knew she could go anytime, but it is always still hard on you. You just have to try and cherish what time you might have left with them.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
6 Feb 08
that is true. it is just sad to say, she is in a medicated coma, so now we can't even talk to her. it's better then her being in pain because i don't want her to go that way. I want her to go in peace. thanks for you response
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
7 Feb 08
In a way I envy you, but then again I do not. I never knew my grandmother, she passed before I was born. I would love to have known that kind of love. The way my sister acts over her grandson is so different than with any of her four children. She said he blew her mind when he was born. She didn't know she could love any other child the way she loved her own. I mean she is totally goofy over this kid. I couldn't be right ever again if I had to let go of that kind of love. But you have got to pray and ask God to make things alright, in spite of the pain. God bless you.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Feb 08
girl that is how my grandmother treated us. not like another mouth to feed, but as a blessing and gift. she treated us like we were the answer to her prayers. You can't buy that kind of love. I am very honored and truely blessed to have had such a wonderful woman in my life
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
7 Feb 08
Yes, you are very blessed.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
6 Feb 08
Sadly no. I lost my grandmother after my 21st birthday in 1991. My birthday is the 4th. Hers was the 3rd. We always celebrated together. My grandmother was a very special force in my life as well. I moved into her home to take care of her while she battled cancer. I miss her. I still mourn the loss, almost daily. I did name my child after her. I am certain she would be pleased with the person I have become. I am very sorry to hear of your impending loss. While I cannot say "I know how you feel" I can say " I have had a similar experience" I know how I felt. My only advice is cherish these last days with her, and remember the effect her presence has had on you. Then continue to honor it.Think of her and smile. I am sure she would want that more than the sadness.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
6 Feb 08
thank you for your kind words. it's hard, but i know she would not want to be remembered the way she is now. and in my heart I know she is going to be with my parents really soon. so that helps
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2 May 08
You are right knowing does not ease the pain but look at it this way you must have lots of adoped grandmas here on mylot. You can adopt me if you like, I could be your internet gran
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
2 May 08
hey austinbell. thank you for coming by and replying to this post. this was a rough time in my life when she passed on. but my heart is very light because i know she has gone home
@fenicliu (93)
• China
2 May 08
I am really sorry to read about this. Don't be sad anymore. I know it is very hard to accept the fact that family member is passing away. However, you have to accept it... Give my best bless to your grandma and I hope she can be all right. Perhaps, miracle can be happened.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
2 May 08
thank you very much for your kind words fenicliu, they mean alot to me
@SViswan (12051)
• India
7 Feb 08
I'm so must be tough to watch your Grandma now. I lost my maternal Grandma a year and a half back. She was very ill and we actually wished she would pass away so that she didn't need to suffer. My paternal grandmother is still with us and besides the regular aches of old age, is well enough to do her own chores.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
7 Feb 08
nope i had lost all my grandparents at an early age and barely remembered them..your lucky that you had spent a great time with your grandma..just think that all of us will be going away with our own special time..
@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Feb 08
that is true. i spent alot of time with her and loving and learning from her. I am very blessed
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I am sorry that you are going through this, and you are right, knowing doesn't make it easier. I lost my mother and one grandmother a number of years ago. I still have another grandmother who will be 88 next month, although she lives in another state very far from me, I call her a lot. So far, she is doing pretty good, but I know there will come a day when she will be gone.
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@nengs10 (3180)
• Philippines
7 Feb 08
How sad,maybe your Grandmother was very Good to you.Well I still have my Grandparents but Im not so close to my Grandfather because I dont want the way he treat us,too strict but still I love him.Same as you I dont want to lose my Grandmother she's too kind and very understanding.Dont worry your Granma is already in God's hand right now.GOD BLESS!
• United Arab Emirates
7 Feb 08
Oh. it is really heart breaking. I can understand your feelings. May God give to strength to bear the pain of loss. I too faced a similar situation for my grandpa(maternal side). We were praying that he lives more and more. But since he was very old, doctors said that its time for him to leave the world. I was shattered. But just praying to God to give back my grandpa to me. I loved them so much and I was very close to my grandma. My grandma passed long before grandpa. She used to love me and pamper me. I still remember small loving things she does. I miss her very much. God give them peace.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
8 Feb 08
thanks lavender, we got the call today, my grandmother has passed on!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Feb 08
All my grandparents passed many years ago. I do still remember my grandmother and miss her so much. My mom just passed a couple of weeks ago. You are so right. Even tho you know it is coming and that they will be in a better place, it still does not make it any easier at all. I am so sorry for your loss.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. i lost my mother back in 94. it was the hardest thing i ever had to deal with until i lost my father 20 days later. i tell you what doesn't kill you only makes you strong!!
• Philippines
2 May 08
i'm sorry to hear breaks my heart for a family member leaving so soon...i only had one grandmother left...its my father's side but i am not close to her...not one on my father's side due to some conflicts...i wasn't blessed to have a grandmother alive...i love my gradmother from my mom more...i hope your fine now...
• United States
7 Feb 08
Hello, I am sorry to hear about what you are going through and facing. It is so very hard to lose someone that we love so dearly. I never knew my Grandmother but I still remember my pain when I lost my Mother in 1999; In that moment I was not aware of my surroundings as I slumped to my knees at a payphone-broken and once more a weeping child. No words consoled me. Only God and time. I am a GrandMother myself and oh, what a blessing those little ones are. I pray often that I will be Blessed with a long life to be there for my Children and GrandChildren. I know that the loss of a loved one is a very personal pain-and words often fall short but it is my prayer that God will embrace your Grandmother, you and your family in this time and comfort you. Your GraandMmother will go on living in those wonderful memories you have. Share the stories of your GrandMother with future generations as well, she may not be with you but not forgotten. God Bless You. My GrandChildren have heard stories from me about their Great GrandMother, So they know too a bit about this proud cherokee princess and what a kind, and strong woman she was. They ask me "If I miss her?" yes I do, but she goes on living in each of us-and for us-my 4 Children and 6 GrandChildren-it all began with her.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
8 Feb 08
hey Pamela, thank you so much for the kind words. I got the call this morning that my grandmother passed away. we are all sad by this news, but together we are going to be ok
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
17 Feb 08
I know just how you feel. Not quite 2 years ago I was in the same situation. My Grandmother had been sick for a while and we knew that she had less than a week to live. It was the most amazing time of my life to date. Amazing because it made me rethink my life and my priorities. It made me treasure my family so much more and we all sat around and talked about our memories of Grandma when she was younger. It brought the family closer together. You posted this 2 weeks ago so I don't know what the situation is now but trust me, it will get easier as time goes on. Your Grandmother is in peace now and as time goes on, you'll realise this and it will bring you comfort. She'll always be with you.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
8 Apr 08
My mother side , I still have her but she is far. She is like 84 years old now and every time I will talk to her over the phone, I can tell she is very happy to hear me. We are not that close though when I was growing up because I can feel before that she likes best my first cousin so I just keep myself unattached from her. Despite of that situation, Since I was working when I was still in our Country I really find my way to provide her even know, I'm still thankful to her for bringing me the best mom I got!
@Lovett (464)
• India
19 Mar 08
I m sorry to hear that my friend. But i m not so lucky like you to have such a close relationship with my grandma,cause she was in heaven,when I was born,,,n it hurts me a lot,,,that i did not have the chance to meet her,,,,!!! Enjoy your grandma ,friend as much as you can,,till u have the chance....Capture,cherish, and enjoy every chance you get to be wth her!
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
2 May 08
im so sorry to hear must be devastated....its really hard to lose someone you love so dearly...this has been posted 3 months ago...i hope shes still with prayers is with you....
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
17 Feb 08
I know how it feels to lose a love one. I sympathizes with you. It is okay to feel so sad and hurt. But after that, we should learn to move on and face our own lives. Just be brave and think of other people who loves you and of whom you love in return. You still have each other.
19 Mar 08
I wish with all my heart I could see my grandma for just 1 more day, like you she was my hero, she brought me up from being a small child and gave me all the love and respect any child could ask for. I miss her dearly and also like you she was ill for a time and I knew she was going to pass away but when she did the shock and grief was still enourmous. But it has been a few years now since she left us and I have happy memories of our life together and I dont think about her suffering or being ill anymore. But like I said I just wish with all my heart I couold see her again for just 1 day.