school subjects good and bad!

Halifax, Nova Scotia
February 6, 2008 7:30pm CST
hey hey everyone! i was just reading a few discussions on math and how easy/hard it is and how many people like/dislike it etc.. ive always loved math and all that can be accomplished with it and numbers in general.. i dunno if its my favorite subject in school per say.. i think wood/metal shop was my favorite cuz we got to use CAD programs and build various things etc and i like doin all that sorta stuff.. but math is definately something i rely on a great deal in life so for that reason i guess it was the best subject in school.. i wish i had a better understanding of how important science was when i was in school though.. i found it to be a bore unless we were in a lab lighting stuff on fire lol but ya i think scienece is also one of the best subjects.. if you woulda asked me while i was still a teen in school though i woulda told you it was my least favorite subject of all.. and it always was.. anyways i wanna know what you all had for a best and worst class when you were in school.. or if youre still in school what subject do you enjoy and dread the most :)
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8 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Math, english and typing were my favorite subjects. I not only enjoyed them but I knew that they were things i'd be using my entire life. I think the only subject that I really disliked was history. I used to fall asleep in that class all the time. I'd probably enjoy it more now if it was taught by an enthusiastic teacher.
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
9 Feb 08
i never took typing in school cuz i didnt need to.. by the time my school had a computer lab i could already type 110wpm with great accuracy.. im around 130 now :D doubt ill get any better, though on a laptop i once tested at 142wpm with 96% accuracy! english wasnt much a subject i ever got interested in either.. im not big on reading etc, i dont like to write things, especially my thoughts, on paper, and they wouldnt let me you pencils in highschool and i also hate ink!.. to boot they wouldnt let me use red ink, which is the only ink i use! so i was not liking english at all haha :) even now a days i still only use red ink when im doing crosswords and such.. and i still prefer lead over ink.. my hand writing is actually better with pencils than pens also for some reason.. looks different totally.. as for history i hated that also.. why do i care when columbus came to north america or what year texas became a state.. to this day none of that has been useful to me.. i even love trivia but history barely helps even with that lol
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• India
7 Feb 08
HI good afternoon this is prathap now we are discussing about fav subs my fav sub is naturalscience its a very interesting subject with full off biological mysteries and relations
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I firmly believe that all high school students should be required to pass a Personal Finance class similar to the one I had to take when I went to school for my associates degree. These type classes should be required in all years of high school. I wish that someone would have taught me the things I learned in this class while I was in high school.
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
9 Feb 08
im not quite sure what kinda finaces you learn about but in highschools i went to you had to learn how to do your taxes and make a fake budget as to how you would live etc.. like what kinda job you expect to have and what you'd get paid etc.. living expenses etc.. and other random stuff dealing with money and life.. im sure you arent making an apartment in a shoebox with cut outs from an ikea catelog though :) but thats why they call it higher learning :) and post secondary.. for those who wanna learn more :)
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I disliked any class that had a lab. I just really am not a "hands on" type of person. Chemistry was a dreaded class. Anything that involved reading and writing were always favorite subjects.
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
9 Feb 08
we shoulda been twins.. im the total opposite.. i prefer hands on instead of writing or reading everything.. if we were twins you coulda gone to those classes and i coulda gone to the hands on classes and it all woulda worked out! lol :D
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• United States
14 Feb 08
That would have worked out great! My daughters are sort of like this. I tease that they are twins born 2 years apart. They are like night and day. One is very hands on and curious to see "what will happen if". The other one won't try anything unless she knows all is going to go well.
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• United States
10 Feb 08
I hate math! It bores me. Math was my worse subject in school. I did ok when it was basic math, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but when it got to stuff like algebra and geometry, I couldn't grasps it. I was an A, B student, in every subject except math when it came to algebra and what not. I barely passed those subjects with a D-! lol. I hear people say that math, including algebra and geometry and all that, is important, but to this day I don't understand why. I graduated highschool back 1993, I took some college courses a few years back at a small business college...To this day I can honestly say that I have never had to use algebra or geometry or anything other than basic math in real life. Not even fractions, I was told I would need to know fractions even for basic things, like doubling or hafving recipes when cooking. But that is not true either, although I know fractions, I have never used them for anything in real life either, not even cooking. One, I usually don't follow recipes when I cook, I just make things I can make without needing a recipe in front of me. Two, even when I do follow a recipe, if I want to double it, I just find the appropiate size measuring cup or spoon, then fill it up twice as many times as I would need to for the original recipe, hence i used basic multiplication, not fractions, haha...If I need to cut the recipe in half, I find the measure cup or spoon size that I need for each ingredient, then fill it half way, (I just sort of eyeball it to see when it's half full), ok, I admitt, that's probably not 100% accurate, but it works well enough, so, so what? lol...Okay, I'm rambling again and probably getting a bit off subject, sorry, but yeah, my worst and most dreaded subject when I was in school was math and when it comes to algebra and whatnot, I don't understand why it is important unless you plan to get a job of some sort that would require you to know it. My favorite subject in school was art. I was good at every subject except advanced math, but art was my favorite because I love to draw, paint, make things out of various materials, etc. I still love that stuff to this day!
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
13 Feb 08
art is definately a great class.. pity not all schools offer art classes of any kind.. and ya i agree with you on the whole not needing advanced math for basic life.. when learning how to drive a forklift they give you some algabra to figure out how much weight your truck can lift.. but to this day ive never had to actually use that in the work place.. we dont drive up to a bin and pull out a calculator to figure out if we can lift it.. for one, we know whats in them already etc and how many of them at a time we can lift just from experience.. but for two if your forklift can lift it off the ground your rear wheels come off the ground instead and ya i cant imagine any driver ever using that formula to figure out if they can lift something or not.. even when i was going through forklift training the intructor told us we'd never use this formula its just how to do it if we ever wanted to haha but ya i guess engineers or rocket scientists might need it?! i dont :)
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• United States
7 Feb 08
I hated and still do HATE math. I just could never wrap my head around algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. Geometry was ok but the other 3 gave me anxiety attacks before a test and not because I didn't know the answer. It was always the way I CAME to the answer. I could take a 7 step equation and get the answer in 4 on 90% of the problems on the test but would always end up with a failing grade because "that wasn't how it was taught to me" English comp, lit, and grammar were by far my favorites. I love the written word. And to this day get complimented on my vocabulary. Science and social studies were easy for me to grasp and I really only paid enough attention to pass the tests. I barely retained any of that knowledge. But I bet I could kick your butt in trivial pursuit. They don't have a math category :)
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
9 Feb 08
you should watch what you bet on.. trivial pursuit is the only board game my mom plays and shes had it since it was printed in black and white (jus kiddin but longer than i been alive for sure) hehe i dont think theres a question on those cards i havent heard.. not to say i know them all but yah ive studied we could say :) as for the school stuff.. i was never failed for it but ive been in trouble many times for not showing my work in math.. long division was what killed me actually.. i didnt need to do it the answers just sorta popped into my head but teachers swore i had to be a cheater etc.. funny how even after a few iq tests and exams taken alone they still assumed i had to be a cheater for never showing my work in math *shrug* and yah for scienece and social i did about the same as you.. enough to get by and forgot most of it:) though i try to learn more science these days if even only from the discovery channel and random chat.. or even those lovely random facts on shows like 'criminal minds' and 'csi' :)
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@janqlm (10)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I'm on the short bus to math class. Hated it in school, hated it in college and struggled like hell with it. Now in my adult life, I analyze and conduct criminal investigations, own and operate my own investigation firm, and do all the stuff associated with running a small business, but yet...I still count on my fingers. Well...not exactly, but I have a similar system of making little dots with my pen in the same formation as they would be seen on dice in order to count. God help me if I have to add more than 6 to another number. LOL Somehow, I manage. I have no idea how. The problem was that I never memorized addition, subtraction and multiplication tables in like...3rd grade. And so today, it inhibits me still. I was far better at the less concrete subjects such as English and History. Science and Math? Forget it....
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• Halifax, Nova Scotia
9 Feb 08
haha i totally forgot about the dice counting til now.. i remember a teacher used to tell a kid to do that in my class! i think i was the first kid in my class also to memorize the times table from 0x0 to 12x12.. i really love multiplication, its my favorite part of math haha (ya i know im a geek) but its better than division and adding etc.. subtraction is my 2nd fav! lol ;/ but ya i guess not most people like numbers as i do.. its kind of ocd of me.. congrats on the business though :) not too many top dogs cant do math! lol ;D
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• United States
19 Feb 08
When I was younger I didn't like math, science or history all that much. I did like chemistry in 8th grade, but all the rest I couldn't stand. I started college at 17 and went for two years. I really liked Psychology and Art history and Sociology... and I took astronomy and oceanography because I had to take science. I got C's in them. Since I have aged, and started back in college in 2005 I like science a lot more - especially quantum physics and astronomy and meterology. I went from getting C's in math in the past to getting A's in College Algebra and Statistics. I'm majoring in Art History, so I like History a lot more now too. I think it took me time to appreciate how interesting those things can be. Math is something I really like a lot more now. I love doing puzzles, especially logic puzzles.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
Math was always my best subject..and science my worst. It wasn't that I didn't like science, I just didn't put all the effort into it that I did with the rest of my courses. Then my grade nine teacher recognized this and put me into Honors Science where my teacher was a So then science was a great class :P But yeah, math was always my favorite which is why I might just have to take my business concentration in accounting.
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