Do you think schools should bring back the cane as a form of discipline?
By kiran1978
@kiran1978 (4134)
February 7, 2008 4:38am CST
Often you hear some people say that schools would be better off if they brought back the cane. Then kids would not step out of line. What do you think about this issue? I am a teacher and I do think that some students seem to get away with alot of misbehaviour, however I do not think the cane is the right way to go. I think that teaches them that if you do something wrong then you get hurt and violence is right. I do not personally agree with using voilence as a way to give students consequences. Although I do think some students at schools need more serious consequences for their actions. Have you had any experiences with the cane when you were a child? Would you approve of your child being caned if they misbehaved at a school? What are your opinions on this?
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14 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
7 Feb 08
No I think that I agree with you in that the cane is not the right way to go. But considering that kids today get away with so much at school, mainly because the teachers are limited in how far they can go with discipline, I think that something needs to be done. There are some terrible things happening with our kids in school these days and the punishments that can be given to the offenders just go over their heads, they dont care. The cane was no longer allowed when I was in school, but I didnt dare do anything wrong, I wouldnt have dared because of my parents, I would have been in BIG trouble. I dont think I would agree with my children being caned at school, but if they had done something wrong and they needed to be punished then I would be agreeable to that.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
THanks for your response, I definatley would not like my child to get the cane either. When I was younger I wouldn't dare step out of line at school either, as I would be worried about consequences at home. I do remember friends of mine though that were boys are they seemed to get the cane every week. I felt really sorry for them seeing all the cuts on their hands, plus then to top it off their dad used to cane them too when they got home. Do not think they learnt their lesson by getting the cane, just made them lose respect for the person giving the cane. It is sad that kids are suffering at schools these days with bullying, something definately does need to happen as they are not worried about current consequences.
@terrib_6 (1)
• Australia
29 Dec 08
Let me take an opposing view, but one that would have been conventional wisdom until recent times.
Nature uses pain to teach us lessons. When very small I ignored Mum and grasped a guard rail around an open fire on the basis that it was black and didn't look hot. It was. When I was at school I ignored advice not to run about madly, fell on my face and broke my nose. I could go on, but the point I'm making is that nature taught me I'd done thing through pain and I didn't soon forget....and that pain was more lasting and damaging than the one to six smacks of the cane a teacher could administer.
Its PC today to write off all caning teachers as sadistic bullies but that was not my experience. My Grade 4 teacher actually used a short cane to reinforce spelling - a real no, no today - but he was widely accepted as a teacher who cared about his students and easily the best-liked adult in the school. My high-school science teacher was noted for his use of the cane but people surrounded him at school reunions and treasured their memories.
Pain taught me I could not turn up for class when I felt like it; it taught me assignments had to be on time; and it taught me I couldn't abscond from a sports carnival and go walkabout. I learned that you can't start a brawl in a queue of students outside a classroom and I learned that even a young, inexerienced female teacher had the power to send me to the Office for the inevitable cane, whether I was impressed with her or not.
Youngsters need boundaries and firm, fair, teachers who follow-through when boundaries are crossed. Such teachers are respected. I frankly don't have any idea how a teacher could survive in the anarchy of today's schools and I certainly don't think students are the better for avoiding the lessons that a bit of pain can deliver.
@missmoneylove (105)
• United States
7 Feb 08
Goodmorning, I would not let my child be caned! I would probabley own the school if that ever happenned! However, I do think there should be nore strict consequences to misbehaving children in schools. Kids need to be taught- that's what school is for. I'm not sure how, but something needs to change in these school systems to keep the kids from growing up to be violent/criminals/etc. Happy mylotting!
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
Thanks for your response, I totally agree with you, caning is not the answer. But something has to be done, not sure what the answer is though. Take care, have a great day.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
8 Feb 08
Now children are well aware of rules and regulations. They even threaten us that they will inform the police. Not only that, it is better to bring them to order by love and affection. If it does not work, withdraw all the facilities. My son who is 13, sometimes creates a problem. I cut of all the facilities like taking him for outing, purchase of sweets cancelled, no going out for dinner, no purchases will be made in stationery front,. He knows these things are important and hence he comes to terms.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
Yes I think cutting off privlages does work for most kids, kids these days love their computers, play stations etc. STudents definately do know the rules and regulations, they know they can do alot of things and get away with it.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I absolutely think that caning a kid for misbehaving is just wrong!! How can one teach peace when reacting in violence?? It makes absolutely no sense at all. The best way to teach is to teach by example. I do agree that kids do need consequences for their bad behavior but violence is definitly not the answer!! If my child misbehaves at school....I will not only back the school in whatever punishment they give her, you can bet that she will lose her computer, i-pod, phone for a time depending on the crime. I think what is needed here is that teachers need to be allowed to discipline and the parents need to have consequences at home as well for bad behavior in school. Nowadays, many parents feel detention or suspension is enough. it isn't. I have brought my child back to the school to talk with the teacher about a problem and it is made very clear to her that I will not tolerate her disrespecting her teacher or disrupting the classroom.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
I agree with you caning only teaches kids violence not peace. It is so great that you are supportive and you back the teachers up, that is a big key in managing kids behaviours, working together. Thanks for your response.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
7 Feb 08
No I wouldn't let my child go to school that allowed caning. If that happend I think the popularity of homeschooling would come into popularity.I think there are some parents who seem to allow the school system to do most of the raising of the chidren. For my part so far we are very active in my daughters education. I intend to keep it that way. More people should make it a team effort between school and family. Constructive discipline that shows the error of a mistake gets better result than caning. After all, violence often begets violence.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
You have the right idea, team effort. I know this year at schools, us teachers are told that we need to teach more kids social skills as sadly some kids are not being taught this at home. Glad you are playing an active role in your daughterd education, she is very lucky to have supportive parents. Thanks for your response.
@littleowl (7157)
8 Feb 08
i believe that there should be a lot more dicipline in schools nowadays than what there is now-i do remember when i went to school when i didnt write my english properly being rapped over the knuckles-and seeing a couple of the boys in the school get the cane-i am not sayng that that is what we should do now but all diciplins has been taken away from teachers like yourelf to bring respect for their elders-what i do beleive in is that when children finish school they should go in the army for at least three months like it was when i was younger which is where they do learn reapect,disipline and even can come out with a degree for work after-littleowl
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
Hey littleowl what a great idea, the army when students finish school to teach discipling and respect. Thanks for your interesting response.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
7 Feb 08
If I was a parent, why would I let my child be caned when I went through the effort of raising them to the best of my abilities with not even a scratch or an insect bite?
Of course there are children who simply see school so boring that they make their own ways to make it interesting. Breaking the rules seems more exciting and exhilarating. Then again, there are really those students who do it on purpose, now I see some family issues that causes some children to act like that at school.
Seeing to it to solve the very cause of the student's unlikely behavior at school would alleviate things or even solve it. Make subjects interactively interesting.. well, how can you do that with History? Physics with experiments? Not just experiments, something entirely different that would make bored students to participate.. well, they might be able to bombs which is not distant from happening so aside from teachers warning their students, a well rounded upbringing from the parents would avoid such cases.
Home and school, two places where children build their personalities and their characters.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
8 Feb 08
There is absolutely no way I would let someone hit my child! Corporal punishment is still allowed in some southern schools (I don't know about anywhere else) but a permission slip has to be signed by the parents. My parents never signed that paper and I wouldn't either.
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
8 Feb 08
hi. i understand some of the southern schools are still practicing the cane as a discipline. yeah you are right kids these days are getting away with too much. i like if they knew getting the cane would be a consequences. they would think twice about making a wrong decision. there would be less school violence.
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I don't think that caning is the answer, but I do think the schools should have a little bit more control over the kids. I honestly don't know what the answer would be. Like many things it starts in the home. If the kids were held responsible for their behavior at home they would feel more responsible at school. I couldn't imagine my daughter ever disrespecting a teacher! If she did she would definitely hear about it at home and be punished. I'm not saying she is perfect. Every kid is going to test rules and make mistakes. When my daughter gets a "step" at school, though, she feels aweful about it. Most of the time we don't even have to worry about the disipline at home because she has already "done her time" so to speak. The kids that are in need of caning at school most likely don't have parents at home that are taking care of issues, so I'm not sure the caning at school would make a difference.
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@Sh0rtii011 (128)
• United States
7 Feb 08
I Know of some high schools that are actually TAZERING kids and I just think it's all wrong just like you said it teaches them that if they make a mistake they will get hurt, no it isn't the answer but now everyone has a different opinion about everything.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
What is tazering, is that the cane? Which country is that happening? Definately do not agree with violence, that is not teaching them anything.
@tamz21 (67)
7 Feb 08
I really dont feel bringing back the cane would be the answer to sorting the children out. but they do need to sort the school's out some how as the way children act now adays is so different to how it was when i was back at school.when i was at school we did misbehave but we also knew not to over step the line. If i got into trouble i was more scared of my teacher phoning my parents due to i knew they would be very hard on me. But the problem now adays is that parents dont have much control over their children due to different laws!
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
Sadly it is true kids these days at school misbehave alot more then when were at school. Even calling parents does not seem to phase some kids, they just have the attitude, "I don't care." Thanks for your comments.
@ganarch (18)
• India
8 Feb 08
Before i write on this, this particular discussion takes me back 28 years to my School days when my Teacher, The Respected Mrs.Felsita Rani would walk into the class with a cane in her hand. As she used to wear High Heels, the sound that she generated while walking was very high that all the children in the class used to maintain pin drop silence even if she's walking in the Ground Floor or Second floor. Bur never in my day i have seen her use the Cane on the students. It was just to scare...
Like wise, in today's generation i don't think that Trouble making children can be brought under control using Cane. they should be taken into confidence by the Teacher.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
8 Feb 08
That would have been scary as a kid hearing that lady walking in her highheels and seeing a cane in her hands. I think alot of kids were scared in the past. But do not think fear is the way to discipline kids these days.
A friend of mine used to get in trouble by his teacher when he was at school 20 years ago, he had to head butt his teachers fist. He is still angry to this day, that his teacher made him do such a thing. So glad we don't have the cane today.
Thanks for your comments.