So... what did you think of tonight?
By vivasuzi
@vivasuzi (4127)
United States
February 7, 2008 8:43pm CST
Ok, enough of the warnings. So what did you think of tonights show?
I was sooo annoyed they had Johnny Fairplay b/c I can't stand him...
I was even more annoyed watching the favorites be so dang cocky!!!!
Then I was SOOOO happy when the FANS kicked butt on the challegne. The favorites didn't stand a chance!
And I was even happier that Johnny asked them to vote him out! I think he realized this was a lot harder this time around and said "ah, screw this, I'm out!"
So what did you think? Do you think the fans will start a winning streak because of their adrenline and their intense want to beat the favorites? I think the favs screwed up b/c right off the bat they are talking alliances and who they want to vote off first rather than talking strategy to beat the challenges!!
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9 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
9 Feb 08
I hated that Johnny Fairplay was back, though I knew he was going to be. But thrilled when he got booted so quickly. I am not so sure he really wanted to go. He is such a player and hard to read. I'm surprised some agent hasn't picked him up for an acting gig. LOL!
Very, very happy to see the fans win the first challenge. The Favourites were cocky and stupidly too busy getting busy rather than thinking about their opponents. It will be an amazing season if the Fans can keep whooping the butts of the Faves.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
9 Feb 08
I knew it too but still hated it :) Yes they didn't even have a plan going into the challenge. They thought they had it all figured out.
The only annoying thing about Johnny going home is that if he HAD caused a huge betrayl and broken up one of the four-somes, the Favorites would be so drenched in drama they wouldn't be able to focus on winning. However, since he left like he did, they are still in good moods and might be able to pull out a win. I hope the Fans keep going thouhg!!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
After his previous "actions", I don't really think any of hte players had any thought of keeping JohnnyFairplay. Theyknow for sure he lies and cheats, so why deal with the obvious if you don't have to! Get rid of the one you know is a problem, then work on the others. No surprise he was voted off. But wonder if he was serious about the baby being the reason he wasn't "all there" or was that justa sympathy game, that backfired on him!
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Yeah I wonder the same thing.
Well at least one person had said they wouldn't mind taking Johnny to the end b/c they knew ppl hated him, but maybe he thought twice about that and realized the rest of the ppl would probably hate him for taking Johnny along.

@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I was happy to see the fans win the challenge also and was really surprised that Fairplay wanted to go home. I do think the fans will do better than the "favorites?" too because there are already 4 people paired off sleeping together. I think the favorites might lose some challenges to break up the couples. I say favorites but they are not all my favorites, some of these people I had already forgotten about. hahaha But I love the show anyway.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I wasn't sure if Fairplay really wanted to go home or not. I think that if they would have NOT voted for him, he would have said it was all a plot to get rid of someone. But since they did vote for him, he's saying that's what he wanted. We shall never know!!
Yeah I can't believe those 4 people hooked up so fast!! Maybe it's because they all already kind of know each other. You gotta wonder if the favs had some time to hang out while waiting for the Fans to arrive and already had made some connections.
The only people in the Favorites I like are the little chinese guy (yao whatever) and James. Both of them I thought were nice and friendly and still did well in the game. I hope they make it far. I don't like the others, or don't know them b/c I missed a few seasons.
I agree though, I'll watch anyway :)
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
14 Feb 08
"Alliances right off the bat, just makes the one team a bunch of little teams and that just won't help the winning attempt"
Yes that is so true but these people only think about the end result and not the first few weeks. Even on RealWorld/RoadRules challenge they showed a preview that the guys on one team are planning to lose on purpose so they can get rid of a girl. Who would ever lose on purpose? I wouldn't be surprised if this happened on Survivor this season since it happened in the past.
It seems that the more members the stay to the merge the better, but these people are sooooo scared that the second they merge everyone will backstab them. I think the problem is that you can't trust anyone so they try so hard to find someone they think they trust right off the bat.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I too thought it was boring that they hooked up so fast. I thought that they just thought they were so fav-tastic that they knew how to play so first things first, no shelter, but make alliance! I think the alliance thing is so over rated. The TEAM is suppose to play together until the merge. Alliances right off the bat, just makes the one team a bunch of little teams and that just won't help the winning attempt. I enjoy the show to, even write a blog about it for fun (its in my profile under the Squido artilces!) But I am not a fan of the theme of hte show, as I wasn't All Stars. Previous players just dont' exhibit the excitement new players do.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
9 Feb 08
I really enjoyed watching the first episode of fans vs favorites. I was surprised how easily they won the challenge against the favorites. Some of the favorites should have been able to figure out the puzzles quicker. Johnny Fairplay is very annoying and glad that he is off the show. I think the favorites will do better next time knowing he is not around anymore. Obviously the fans loved him otherwise he would not have been there. I would think the favorites would want to beat the fans first then worry about making it to the end.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
10 Feb 08
Yeah the favorites were too cocky so I think they didn't even think it through. When it came to the challenge they thought they seemed to be all separately assembling the wheels and that really put them behind.
I don't know if Johnny messed up the favorites game at all actually, but did you notice how they didn't seem at all concerned that they lost? No one was fighting about it, or saying "we'll get them next time". They just kind of accepted the lose. That tells me that they might still be too cocky to win the next challenge.
I don't think the fans LOVED him, I think they LOVED to HATE him! The show most likely asked him back knowing people would watch just to hope he loses. I was going to watch regardless.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I noticed that too - that they weren't to concerned that they lost. And there was no talking about who they were going to vote off. Could be that Johnny saw that to, figured he was a gonner so why not make this "sweet and loving" little thing about the baby be the reason he was not to concerned about being voted off and hopefully make them all feel bad for voting him off or at least give the audience a good story about how wonderful he is as he is leaving!
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@CatVegas (709)
• United States
10 Feb 08
I really love Survivor..I have watched it since it first started and I always keep Thurs. night open to besure to be home and see it...
I was soooo happy to see Johnny Fairplay get voted off right away. I didn't like him in the last one he was on as he lied about his grandmother, and she was home watching it on her TV...That was sooo wrong to do...
The Fans I think will give the Favorites a real run for the money so this show will be a very interesting one to keep on top of..And I'm happy to see Yau-Man is back, but I don't think he will be so lucky this time...But who really knows as it is early in the game and will be a very interesting one....

@CatVegas (709)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I have to agree with you as I also like Yau-Man and James...I would really like to see one of them win this time..But it is early in the game...I also hope the Fans do win more right now so the Favorites can get a few of them off as there are a few more of them that I really don't care for....All in all it is going to be a interesting show and I don't plan on missing one night of it...Will be glued to the TV on Thurs nights...LOL
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Thing is about the Favs or previous players - the team they are on know of their powers/weakness and that is used against them, not if they are good players. I liked YauMin too, but he displayed so much strength and everything previously, that he will most likely be the next to go if possible. The Favs dont' want to deal with the ones stronger than they are ... theme of the show... but with new players, since no one knows of hte strengths and weaknesses, each player is not at a disadvantage right of the bat like the Favs are.
@groomtobe23 (635)
• United States
12 Feb 08
It was a very odd episode, especially with that JFP ended up doing. I don't know his real-life story, so I don't know if he was being honest, but it seemed like he was getting out-played, and just didn't think he could handle it. It will be a good season in my opinion if the fans can build off of the early-win energy. Their problems will come when they get tired, and have been on the island for a while. I think that is when the favorites will get the advantage.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I do think he is really having a kid, but I think he was still playing the game with that story, and the plan just backfired on him.
I'm hoping the fans don't get too weak from lack of food. It's hilarious how the favs have found food so easily b/c even though you are on it twice doesn't mean you can magically find food better. I hope the fans win some food so they can get energy like you said.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
15 Feb 08
Now that you mention it..I didn't notice either team doing any cooking or food searching last week!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I'm a fan, but didn't think much of this one - like Allstars - they already played some even already won - give others a chance! But yeah, it was annoying that the Fans say since they "know" how the Favs play, they had the advantage and the Favs, said that cause they've played before, they know how to so they had the upper hand! I write a kind of blog about it if you'd like to take a look - check out my profile under Squidoo! to see it! I'm having fun with it! Wasn't looking much forward to it, but those challanges and the landscape are so amazing and enjoyable to watch...
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Yeah I guess the fans could actually have a disadvantage b/c they THINK they KNOW how the favs played, but really, CBS doesn't show it all. Second, the favs could switch up their game play to confuse the fans.
I will check out your blog if I can find it :)
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Both sides think they have the advantage over the other, but to me it seems they are being over confiendnt in that respect. I thik the Favs threw the challange so they could vote of JFP. His exit just wasn't a surprise, exciting, anything. It wasl ike everyone expected it and knew it was coming, so they all just went for ice cream while the votes were read! Rather funny you think about it. JFP thought he was so cunning! I think he knew he was going to be the first gonner, so he made up that story, told everyone about it and left on that everyone thought he was a good guy after all!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
12 Feb 08
HeHe. Each season hubby and I say that we are not going to watch Survivor again because we are always so disappointed in who wins. However, we recorded the espisode and Sunday afternoon when extrememly bored, we watched it! I couldn't believe how people were already pairing off among the favs. This just seems so shallow and needy to me, but whatever floats their boat. I too was glad that the newbies kicked butt on the challenge. I'm not certain that Johnny Fairplay wanted to go home, I feel it was a cover in case he was voted off.
@sunshine2007 (21)
• United States
9 Feb 08
i watched and was excited to see that they put some fans on..would of liked to know when they picked them though..i was probably busy that day...i was glad to see johnny fair play come and go so fast..but the excuse he gave was rediculous..his baby momma was probably happy as hell to see him go for a while..something else was going on..prbably was jonesen for drink or the show watch all the time
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
9 Feb 08
Yeah it does seem like you never know when they pick people for these things. Probably they just applied for survivor as usual not knowing they would be the "fans" team.
I think Johnny realized he was in over his head, that these people weren't gonna fall for his lies this time around. When he saw that, he made up that lame reason to leave! There was no way he would have made it to the end. No one trusted him.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
14 Feb 08
You got that right! If he was so "all about my baby" why didn't he try harder to stay and win some money to support the child!!
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I have never ever ever seen a single episode of survivor. Ever! I am afraid to say I could win though because I don't want to be high jacked off my couch and tossed out of a plane. But I can assuredly say I would have been one of the first voted off the island. lol
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
8 Feb 08
Hey you never know! A lot of times they keep people who don't "survive" very well because they don't think they are a threat. And sometimes that non-threat even ends up winning! So if you are every forced to be on the show, we will see what happens :)