
@tiffiny (872)
United States
February 10, 2008 10:46am CST
Ok guys I'm at the end of my rope here. I swear to goodness. My son will wake up so early (before seven) and get into everything. Today was the breaking point. He got up and did God only knows what to my computer luckily it still works, and he ate an entire four layer chocolate cake. Made a huge mess. All in all I had spend half an hour picking up everything that he destroyed. I don't know what to do to keep him from being a little tormenter. I can't do the child gates becuase he loves to climb so he'll get over those really quickly. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm so frusterated and pissed I can't do anything. The things that I've tried haven't been working. Like I said I'm at my end right now.
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12 responses
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
10 Feb 08
Maybe you could try sending him to bed later. I don't know what time you usually send him to bed, but if he is up before you, maybe you need to be keeping him up a little later, or cut out naptime. You don't say how old your child is, but I'm assuming that he's probably old enough to figure out how to get past child safety locks. I would definitely discipline him for what he has done, telling what he did to deserve a time out or a toy taken away, or how ever you discipline. If he's waking up that early in the morning, his body is definitely getting enough sleep that he is waking up early. That is usually a sign that you can get rid of naptime, or start keeping him up later. Hope that helps!!
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@tiffiny (872)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Thanks I cut out nap time. Tear and we are keeping him up later. He's still adjusting so right now he's still waking up at six in the morning!!! And we got a safety gate but the first day we had it he figured out how to climb over it. Lol But thanks for helping and you had a lot of really great ideas and comments. Oh he's three by the way lol
• United States
12 Feb 08
My two boys were extreme opposites at that age. My oldest, at 3, would just go in and turn on the tv... and watch until I got up. He had that remote mastered. My youngest, well at 3 I got my tubes tied if that tells you anything!!!! However, he was not an early riser, and still isn't. (He's 16 now and could sleep 15 hours a day if we let him.) He was into stuff all the time, and there was no stopping him. So I decided to make the best of it. If he wanted something to eat, I had stuff available for him in the lower cabinets. Just for my sanity. I'm hoping my suggestions help. He'll get into a routine now that you have cut out nap time. I know some parents think naps are an absolute necessity. I'm not sure if it's more for the parents or what. Yes, some kids need it, but alot don't. Mine never needed them. At three they're becomming more independent. That can be a whole challenge in and of itself. Good luck!!
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
11 Feb 08
He got your attention didn't he? That's what he intended to do... Had you been up I don't think he would have even thought of doing anything like that. He may need to go to bed a little later. Even children who sleep through the night will not sleep longer than 9 to 10 hours, and we shouldn't expect them to. So if he is going to bed at 9PM he would be ready to get up by 6:30AM or even earlier if he is still a toddler. After all 9 hours is a long time for a child to sleep because their little tummys can't hold enough to keep them from getting hungry. Some times it is the child that teaches us.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
11 Feb 08
the best way to handle this is to be up before him. Set your alarm clock and just get up. Go sit on the couch and be ready to greet him when he wakes up. Give morning hugs and kisses and start the day. If it's real early, maybe a few minutes of Noggin can help occupy him while you wake up some more. He needs a routine. Those can help alot and will decrease the messes. You're a mom now, and we moms just have to get up and be ready for the day. i know, i use to struggle too w/ it. Kids get up early. they go to bed on time and sleep all the way through the night w/ no running thoughts. And they wake up fresh and ready to take on the day at 6:30am. I don't think it's good for moms to keep sleeping while their kids are up. Something dangerous could happen and I don't think you'd forgive yourself if it did. Set that routine and eventually, you'll get use to it. If he still takes naps, take naps w/ him. It's good for kids to get up early...they're going to have to do it for school, anyway. I don't know how old he is, but it's not his fault, really. He gets up and there's noone around. Kids get bored quickly and get into things. that's their nature. It'll be good to set a routine because it can also teach him how to act in the morning. Others may be sleeping first thing, so he needs to know what to do, like watching quiet tv. I wish you luck. I don't suggest locking him up in his room, or making a trap so he can't go anywhere. he's up and awake, and he shouldn't be punished for having a good night's sleep.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Am sorry your son is getting into things early in the morning. It's a tough job being a parent. How old is your son? We had a daughter who was into everything and very early in the morning. She would destroy anything and everything. One morning she mixed flour and water on the floor. That was a tough job cleaning it all up. She got ahold of vitamins also and they were in a locked cabinet. There were so many things she did and destroyed that it would take forever to list them all here. I chatted with the pediatrician about this situation. This may sound very mean but it works. We put a lock on the outside of the door and locked her in the room at night. This was only to keep her in the room and prevent her from hurting herself by getting into mischief in the morning when we were sleeping. The door would rattle and we knew she was awake. I got up with her and all was well. I don't feel this was wrong because it wasn't safe to have her all over the house and sometimes outside while we slept. Most of this occurred when she was 2 1/2 to 3 1/2. By the way, her room was right next to ours so we could hear her if there was a problem or she was sick. The locks were removed once she understood she was to wake us first early in the morning before going anywhere else in the house. Today this daughter is grown. Lives a very productive life and has a great career. It didn't damage her in any way and again I say this method was only done to prevent her from getting hurt or roaming the streets.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I have no answers but only consolation...he will outgrow this. My youngest was like that. It was to the point that I was almost afraid to shut my eyes at nite not knowing what would happen. One nite I awoke entangled in cassette tape. she had decorated my entire apt and me with with over l00 tapes. it was 3AM. Another morning, I woke early & out of habit checked her room...she was not there. She was outside on a milkcrate,taking down laundry. she was not quite 4. When she was 6, I got a phone call at 5;30am. it was from a neighbor. She had got up in the nite and went out to have a smoke and saw my daughter outside sweeping leaves. I could write a book about this kid. All in all she was a good kid with good intent. She is now 14 and I have almost no trouble at all with her. She has a mind of her own to be sure. hang in there mom. do you have a baby moniter so that you can hear when he gets up how old is he?
• United States
11 Feb 08
LOL@ the tape. I imagine it wasn't funny at the time, but i can't stop from giggling over it.
@jayman32 (267)
• Australia
10 Feb 08
hello, how old is your boy? is he able to open the child safty locks, now days you can buy one of those things to fit just about everything..
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• Philippines
11 Feb 08
what we usually do with my nephew is to let him play and play until he is sooo exhausted that he'd be sleeping soundly for hours. my nephew is just 1 and 7 mos old but he's a total menace already. he just ransacks everything in his path. when he wakes up in the morning we just open the tv and let him watch his favorite videos. then we put all his toys infront of him -- so he won't have any more time running around the house looking for something to break again.
@gemini_rose (16264)
11 Feb 08
My eldest son is 16 now, but when he was 3 or so he would get up before me, when I got up I would find everything out of my cupboards and mixed in a big yukky mess on the floor, things like sauce, sugar, cheese anything he could get his hands on! So I thought right I will show you, and I put child locks on the cupboards and the fridge, but he ended up showing me because he could open them ha ha So we were back to square one, gates dont stop them either. I think the worst thing he did was when he decided my dog was thirsty and proceeded to give her my bottle of taboo that was in the fridge, luckily he didnt try it and neither did the dog. But no amount of telling him off worked, so I made him clean it all up and also started setting my alarm and getting up before him, its a pain having to get up so early but it was the best thing to stop him doing it.
• United States
10 Feb 08
For his safety and your own sanity, you need to get a lock for his bedroom door so he cannot get up on his own and venture out to make a mess. Also, I would be certain to set my alarm clock for 6:30 a.m. to check on him, make sure he is safe and asleep. Unfortunatley, toddlers get up early and you will have to start getting up even earlier. Good Luck!
• Israel
11 Feb 08
How old is your son? If he is grown enough to talk to him, try explaning it to him, and ask him to stop. Anthor solution is to let him stay awake a bit more, meaning - If your son wakes up on his own, he probablt slept enough. So, asuming that he goes to bad at, let's say - 8pm? let him stay awake until 9pm, and this was he will wake up an hour later.. Even though I have 0 expirience at parnting, I have a younger brother - it might be diffrent from child to child, but I think it might work - you got nothing to lose any way.
• United States
10 Feb 08
I am having some of the same problems. My three year old goes to bed at 9-10pm and wakes up at 9am. It also helped her sleep in when we covered her windows to make her room darker in the mornings. We still use a baby gate that she can pull down but because our rooms are across from each other I use it more as a warning system. When I here her playing with it its time to get up. Last weekend we weren't so lucky. She pulled teh gate down and painted the house with finger nail polish. Luckily none got on the carpets.
• United States
11 Feb 08
I would definatly suggest disiplining the child for what he does. Try taking away something that he likes to do. Also you could try putting child safety locks on your door if he is young enough.