Is WWE real?

@Bbilal (1998)
February 10, 2008 11:15am CST
I can't believe that WWE is real. I think it is all a bunch of fake horse poopy so that grown men can hold each other and guys can watch this and feel good about themselves. Are they really athletes? Aren't they all on steroids?
3 responses
12 Feb 08
I think it likes a show more than a competition.Some of them are real,but most of them are just for fun,just to please audiances.They are professional traded athletes.I like their show ,it really give me pleasure everytime I watch it.
• United States
12 Feb 08
It's only real in the sense that when they get slammed to the mat it hurts like hell. But, no, it isn't a "real" sport. It is entertainment, a show. It is all choreographed and staged to entertain the masses. Yes, they are real athletes. They train and work out and practice just like other athletes. The only difference is the choreograph a lot of the moves they are going to do during a match. They practice a lot because you can get seriously hurt doing those stunts. And Americans aren't as dumb as you think. Just because they act like they think it is real doesn't mean they don't realize it is staged. Part of the fun of the WWE is emerging yourself in it...pretending it is all real. It's fun, you get to be part of the show. I don't watch any more. I used to watch as a kid (my brother was really in to it) and then after I met my husband. We liked the story lines and the characters. Then The Rock and Austin left and I stopped watching because none of the guys interest me. I have much respect for their talent, though.
@richux (119)
• Lithuania
10 Feb 08
Of course it's not real. It's only show and I think only americans can think it's real. It's more like soap opera, not the real fight.