Most Unusual Crime...

Unusual Crimes... - Unusual Crimes...
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
February 10, 2008 8:43pm CST
What is the most bizarre crime you have experienced or has happened in your family? Years ago, my Mom's sister worked as a Security Guard. She wasn't a big woman (as in big and tuff) but the store she worked in wasn't in a really high crime area in Texas. A woman came in one day and tried to rob the place, my Aunt managed to get her into a back room to wait for the police to pick her up. The woman, who was very large, was wearing a long coat and when they got to the back room she pulled it off and tried to take off. It seems she was completely naked under the coat and her whole body was greased. My Aunt tried hard to grab hold of her but she just slipped right through. I don't know if they ever caught the woman but my Aunt was pretty banged up and that was the end of her Security Guard career. Remembering back we were shocked to hear that anyone would do something like this. A couple years ago, Hubby's mother told us about a woman that lived near them that had went through a branch bank in a nearby town and tried to rob them THROUGH THE DRIVE THRU!! It turned out that she had overspent money and didn't want her hubby to know so she thought she could steal the money and replace what she'd spent. She went to prison. So, what's your most bizarre, dumb or unbelievable experience? **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
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15 responses
@mummymo (23706)
12 Feb 08
Oh sweety thanks for the fantastic belly laugh with this one. Of course I felt bad when I realised your aunt was hurt but the rest of it was hysterical! I haven't really had any experiences like this but my sister had her house burgled years ago and all they took was her HUSBANDS underwear - that is pretty bizarre right? xxx
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• United States
12 Feb 08
In 2000 When my nephew was kidnapped and murdered He was murdered by one of his co workers and when they closed down for the weekend cause of Kyle being missing the one that murdered him told my brother in law to have a good weekend
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Back when I worked at Walmart I had to bust Santa Clause. Apparently he's really a skinny woman with fake beard & a lot of "padding". As she went though the store the padding kept getting larger until I finally busted a VERY plump Santa. Also explains where he gets all those gifts to give out.
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@lirael (501)
• Philippines
11 Feb 08
Well, mine's not actually bizarre, just plain funny. (For me anyway, since I experienced it first hand). Back when elephant (trunks) pants were a fad in my country, my friend and I saw a snatcher stole a purse from a girl, turned to run, only to slip because of his long pants. He got caught of course.:)
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@AmbiePam (96483)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Over a decade ago when I still loved with my parents, we lived in the house next to where my dad was pastoring. It was not a good area to live in, but it kind of came with the job, to live near the church. Anyway, one night around 3am, my dad was in the living room, and saw headlights shine through the window facing the church. He looked, and he saw two guys cyphoning gas out of the church buses. He called the cops, and within 5 minutes, they were there and arrested both guys.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I guess the most bizzare crime that happened to my family was one day when we woke up to find a drunk passed out, soaking wet, in the middle of our living room floor after having broke through the front door.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I have thought and thought about this one the only thing is I can think of that the store down the block keeps getting robbed about 10 times now since the first of the year and have heard of no on getting caught yet!
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Well Twoey, i don't know if i should be happy or feel boring but nothing has ever happened in my family like that..I bet your aunt was scared out of her wits..The closest thing to a crime was when i advertized a truck we had for sale on "Tradio"it was a station that you could sell buy or trade ...This man came and looked at the truck and acted interested,so i felt he would come back,but he didn't..However i started getting obscene phone calls from this weido, he was really bad..I kelp just hanging up on him,but one day he called and ask where my children was,and i told him to leave me alone ,then he ask if i was sure my kids were at school,making it appear that they had been kidnapped..I went to the school and for a very long time i was in torment worrying about my children..Finally he stopped calling..I am happy nothing really bad has happened...
• United States
12 Feb 08
Looking at your post again, and seeing the part about family, I just remembered a story that should have been at the top of my post!!! I know that you remember the riots that happened in Cincinnati back in 2001. It still makes me mad; not only the cause of the riots, two policemen shooting and killing an innocent black man, but the black community's response to it. They had a riot, and stole from and tore up our own stuff. They ransacked our own neighborhoods, now what did that really prove? Not only are we suffering injustice by the police, but now we have nowhere to shop too? -_- That wasn't one of our best moments. But I digress, the reason I bring this up is what my cousin did during the riots. As I said, people were breaking into shops and looting them, my cousin did this to a local shoe and clothing store. He ran in, loaded up on some items, and ran out. Not that I condone looting, but my cousin could have gotten away had he not been so stupid. Instead of going home with his newly stolen goodies and hiding out (he only lived about three blocks away) he hides the merchandise in a nearby bush, and goes back for a second armful!!! Of course when he went back in he ended up getting caught by the police and got locked up. He did 18 months behind that stupid stunt -_-.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
I definitely got a couple for you. It seems here in Cincinnati we had a rash of unusual bank robberies. First, a man tried to rob a bank, and then get away on the local city bus, with a transfer no less!!! I was very mad at him, because I knew the bus route he got on, and it was one of the slowest buses we have!!! He got caught with the money about two stops later. The next one, a person tried to rob the bank, and get away on a bicycle!!! He got caught about three blocks later by our cycling police. He got hemmed up in traffic. The last one I still don't believe, a man robbed a bank in the downtown area, and got away, on FOOT!!! The police were really slacking that day. Although traffic downtown is bad, they still should have been able to catch the man that robs a bank and just WALKS away. Hats off to him though, they haven't caught him yet.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I worked in a grocery store. A Middle Eastern man, wearing a turban, started walking past my cash registers. There was blood dripping from his head. I went up to him and asked him if he was okay. He said he was fine and started walking quickly towards the front doors. Another memebr of the management team was coming in the doors for work. I asked him to stop the man. He stoped him and told him to come up to the service desk. We questioned him about the blood dripping from his head. He refused to answer. We asked him to remove his turban. He was hesitant, until we told him we would call the Police. He removed the turban and underneath it were 4 steaks, one with a puncture hole in the cryovac wrapping. That is where the blood was coming from. Now, since they were on his head, we couldn't resell them, for obvious reasons!! We told him he had to pay for them. He couldn't, so we told him he should call someone that would come to his rescue, otherwise we were going to have him arrested and that would cost him much more money than the 4 steaks. He called a relative and we waited in the backroom until that relative came into our store. The steaks were paid for and we told him he was not allowed to step foot in our store. We laughed at this for weeks, as this was the first time we had seen someone attempt to steal meat in this manner. Believe me, we had seen a lot in the way of attempted theft, but this was a new one on us. The one I still can't fathom anyone doing is sticking a frozen turkey in between their legs and trying to walk out of the store with it. It has happened several times, but the person always got caught, CUZ THE TURKEY FELL OUT ON THE FLOOR BEFORE THEY MADE IT OUT THE DOORS!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! PEACE
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
11 Feb 08
off the top of my head all I've got is one of my co-workers brothers. Somebody was drinking and driving one night and ran their car straight into her brothers house. Fortunately no one was badly hurt but they have a big hole in their house that the cops and stuff said couldn't really be fixed or something. Besides that...i've got nothing.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
11 Feb 08
That is an unusual crime! Oh my gosh! I can't imagine your aunts horror at seeing this woman in such a state!! It would be enough for me too!! LOL My story is, my husband was in Korea (Army) for the year so I had moved back in with my parents to await his return. During this time an old neighbor came to visit. The last time we had seen him was when he was just a kid. He gave my parents some kind of sob story that he didn't have a place to go because he was in the middle of a divorce and his ex had the cops looking for him. My dad, against my mom's wishes lets him stay on the couch. One day led to two and then three... eventually dad noticed some things were stolen from him and waited for this jerks return. He confronted the guy and the guy took off. Dad called the cops and was pressing charges. This guy sent a letter begging dad to drop the charges and he'd pay for the things that he supposidly took. Dad ignored it and said he was going through with the charges. Not even a week later, (mine you, I'm legally deaf) this jerk comes back with a friend at 4am and threw a molitove cocktail through the picture window and set my parents house on fire! I heard the commotion but thought it was a three legged table had tipped over due to mom's cat. I just knew there was a huge plant spill but thought I'd get it in the morning but something kept at me to get up and check it out. The nagging feeling wouldn't go away so I finally got up and saw the fire and screamed bloody murder!! I was so loud that my next door neighbor, a marine, heard me and came flying over banging on the door trying to get in to help us but we couldn't get it because it was blocked by the fire. I got on the phone and believe it or not, 911 wasn't in affect in that area yet so I had to dial 0 and once someone finally answered I had to hang up because the smoke had dropped to my breathing level and had to run to my room and call again, and when they answered I screamed help! help! our house is on fire!! and she asked my address in which I screamed it out and she wanted me to stay on the line and I told her I couldn't because I'm in the house that's on fire! and then hung up. I tried to go out the back door but couldn't make it through the hallway so I back tracked back to my bedroom, I had my two dogs with me and one or two of my parents so I opened the window, knocked out the screen and had to toss them out one by one and then I crawled out. After the fire dept got there, we had found two more cocktails by the house and one was for the back door but I guess they heard me scream that they took off and left the two behind. This f'n jerk got away with it all because we couldn't prove that he did it. Circumstantial evidence wasn't good enough but dad did get him for theft and he had to pay restitution but he paid part of it and was able to get off on the rest in the end. I don't know how but he did. My parents and I had to live in a camper for about 2 months till the insurance and cleaners and rebuilding was all done. It was pure hell. When hubby finally did come back a few months later, I was soooo happy to be back with him once again and finally back home, where ever home was at that time which ended up being Texas again.
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• Australia
15 Feb 08
OMG! I'm sorry, injuries aside, that was funny. Both of them. There are a lot of stupid crooks out there who do things to stop others finding out other things they have done. Just doesn't pay now does it? lol.
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• United States
11 Feb 08
Those are pretty wild!!! I don't think any of us have experienced anything quite that bizarre! I've had a couple of family members go to prison but nothing bizarre as in robbing a place, greased up, and naked expect for an overcoat LOL. Love the drive-thru robbing too! Some people...I'd seriously like to know how they think they'll get away with things like that!
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