Hillary's Healthcare plan

United States
February 11, 2008 5:32am CST
If Hillary gets into office, she says she will push the issues of national healthcare. The government will be covering the cost of millions of Americans who do not have good healthcare presently. What do you think of the idea of millions of Americans being covered by this plan? Is this a government problem...should they even get involved? What about illegals...would they also be covered in the plan? What would the final costs be and how would it affect our present tax/health situation? Please weight in on this issue!
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7 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Look this is simple, it is not the government to provide you anything. Look everything that the government has it has to take from someone. The thing I find funny is that government programs always get bigger never smaller. Government is alway adding new programs never taking away. To all the people out there that think we should let me ask what are you willing to give up. I mean this if I am paying for your Health care should not you be giving me something. I do not want the government to be in control of my health care. I do find it funny that the same people that say that the federal government screwed up the clean-up in New Orlean. Well I say why would you want the same government to take over your health care. I say if Hillary want to force healthcare down my throat, she should have to get rid of something. Only makes since to me.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Feb 08
Every interesting question that you ask of me, who am I voting for. The sad truth is I do not know. I us what I like to call the Electablity to agreablity ratio to decide on who I will vote for. Let me explain, in mid 2007 I liked Ron Paul because I agreed with him the most. When Fred Thompson stepped into the race I supported him, but he dropped out before he got to my state. So when the primaries got to my state I chose Romney because I did not want McCain to win. Now I am looking for a candidate that I agree with, but has a shot to be elected. There is not alot of since in voting for some one who is only going to get 1% of the vote. I do like Wayne Allen Root with the American Libertian Party, but I will have to see.
• United States
14 Feb 08
Someone actually sent me a link to take a quiz where your score would actually line you up with a candidate whose ideas actually came close to yours. Thompson came at the top of my list with Romney close second. Are you a big 'right' fan? I listen/watch Glenn Beck every now and again and he was talking about the health care issue and the costs. Hillary's plan would cost (I can't remember the exact numbers) was 12 billion where the entire budget of the home land security was 7 billion (something to that nature). He also made reference to that fact with the interest rates of the loas the governments owes that by 2040 our entire GNP will go to paying the interest (?...it was something like that, I was weaving through traffic during the broadcast). It seems like we are at a loss no matter who we elect. What can the average joe, like you and I, do to make a difference?
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• United States
12 Feb 08
The governement cleanup in New Orleans! I almost forgot about that! Is it still going on!! Yikes! Can you imagine the same people who are in 'charge' of that being in charge of healthcare? Amazing! When did it become the job of the government become out provider for health and food and housing and, and? I have a better idea, let's be proper parents and take care our families. Let the government take care of the national defense and other big things we can't. Who do you like in the coming elections? Why do you feel that way?
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@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Personally speaking I think a National Healthcare plan would be a good thing for the US. There are too many families with little kids that can't afford to take them to the doctors and something needs to be done about that. As for illegals....I think they need to go home! lol....I wish someone would do something about that one.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
11 Feb 08
One question I would like to ask you, who should pay for the wee little children, their parent that had them, or someone else that did not.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Those who already have a plan they like wouldn't have to change a thing under any of the plans I've seen proposed. Myself, I'd rather have my health care decided by my doctor than by the insurance companies as it currently is for all of us. Annie
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• United States
12 Feb 08
At what point in time did it become the governments job to take care of the health of people? Let's look at the constitution and other plans for our government...hmm, I don't see anything in there about everyone deserves free health care. If one looks at the socialist/communist countries...yep. But not here. Health is not a right. If we wanted to look at this...isn't housing important to Americans? Isn't food? Maybe we should have these be rights too...I am sure Hillary wouldn't mind adding these to the governemental budget to ensure all Americans are safe and well cared for. Question: when did we become a country of 'demanders' versus 'doers'?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Unfortunately, since we're at the point where over forty million Americans lack health care coverage I think the government NEEDS to get involved. Let's face it, I don't think anyone would openly advocate refusing emergency treatment for someone who is uninsured and can't afford to pay for their care but as long as this continues to happen the costs for those of us who have insurance and/or can pay as we go will continue to skyrocket out of control. When there are millions of patients who can't pay their bills the health care providers are going to pass that loss on to those of us who do pay; that in turn means the insurance companies are going to be charged more for services rendered which means they are going to raise their premiums with no end in sight. On the other hand if everyone who isn't currently covered by insurance were allowed to buy into a plan similar to the one federal employees have the larger pool of consumers would make it possible for premiums to be reduced. People who can't afford to pay the entire premium themselves could get a tax credit or get reduced premiums based on income which would still save the government money because with more people covered by conventional insurance there would be fewer on the Medicaid roles. Also, if more people could afford preventative care such as routine tests and treatments before their illness became more serious and therefore harder and more expensive to treat everyone would save and fewer would suffer or die needlessly. ER's would save money because fewer people would be forced to use them as their family doctor. I'm opposed to the idea of garnishing people's wages who are unable to pay for insurance but I think this could be developed and managed in a way that this wouldn't be necessary. In my humble opinion if this is done right - and I'll be the first to admit it won't be easy and it won't happen overnight - it will add to the financial burden of very few and it will actually save money for the vast majority of us overall and in the long run. For example, if I were to pay $200 more in a year on taxes but saved $2000 a year I sure wouldn't complain about the extra $200 in taxes! Annie
• United States
13 Feb 08
I would like to ask how does Hillary Care do for people who are 'sorta-citizens'. There are millions of people in our country who have crossed the border illegally (that is the term people should be using) but yet get free education, medical and other help. Here there are criminals (yes, someone who does someone illegal should be called a criminal) getting everything they want for nothing. The way I understand it Hillary wants to cover everyone. DO you really think the US economy will be able to cover all these people? Will we be 'racist' and not cover them? At what point in time with the government stand up and defend our country and make decision that protect us instead of weakening us. What is your position on this?
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• United States
12 Feb 08
I know what you mean by your first sentence. In my household of five people, we can only afford for one of us to be on insurance. My eyes are pretty bad and need to have tests done, plus my teeth need to be fixed, but I cannot do any of that because the cost would be through the roof! If someone in the house were to fall and break their leg or something, I'm not sure how we would pay for it because our house payment, vehicle payment and auto insurance cost like a thousand or more dollars a month which is very difficult to keep up with. Anyways, I think the government should step in to the picture to at least make the insurance companies lower their prices. The CEOs at these companies would make more money if more people can afford their services, but they are all after the money I think.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
Every Canadian is covered by a National Health Plan. Nobody in Canada ever loses their home,and their life savings because they get sick. Why do Americans not see the advantages of this? I Have American friends who can't afford the Health Insurance so they have to Gamble with their Health. If either of them gets sick the other loses the shirt off his Back. How fair is this? What other civilised country in the world would be happy with a situation like this. For the sake of all Americans I hope Hillary gets elected!
• United States
14 Feb 08
Are you sure you want the same governing body that wastes millions of dollars a day to run something as important as health care? Help me with the numbers: isn't Hillary's plan going for a price tag of $12 billion? What is the budget for other programs, functions or even entire adminstrative bodies in the government (defence, home land security, education, etc). I read somewhere where our nation's debt will envelope our entire GNP by 2040! Do you really think with loans and interest already owned...do you really think this is a good time to start something like this? Hey, do you know if this program will also cover our 'Mexican Guests' who are here illegally? Free education, free jobs and free health care (not like they don't get it now anyway)! I can see now why they 'risk' so much to get into this country!
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• United States
12 Feb 08
National health insurance is a good thing in Canada? If that's true, then the American government should look into Canada's system and see how it works. They should also see how England's dental national dental plan works because they have one of those in effect. I believe they can just walk into a dental office (with an appointment of course), get the work done and then leave (I don't know if they pay a little bit for the office visit or not. I think everyone has to pay a tax for that service).
• United States
12 Feb 08
What a wonderful thing! Not having to pay $12,000 a year for medical insurance!!! Not everyone gets healthcare coverage at work and those that do don't dare leave their jobs because they will lose their coverage. We have become slaves to the health insurance companies. And those who can't afford to pay for it just get sick and hope for the best. We are supposed to be one of the greatest countries in the world and we spend more money on other countries and our enemies than we do on our own people!
• United States
13 Feb 08
I hear you. I want to change from my job to a home based business but the insurance I have (as well as state retirement) has been called the 'Cadillac' of insurance. No one in the state has it any better. This is good but also bad. I pretty much painted myself into a corner. Can't afford to leave my job because of the insurance. My point is: should we actually have the government do this? The same body that spends billions on foriegn countries, millions for common tools, wastes on a daily basis, screwed up social security (there will be nothing in the system for me even though I have been paying in forever)? What about our 'Mexican Guests'? How much will they get? If it matches the amount of other benefits they get now...why would anyone want to live in Mexico when they can come here? What is your ideas about these?
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• United States
14 Feb 08
Sure is funny who someone can break the law (sneaking into the country) but get all the perks (health/education/income) that regular citizens don't. I think it is so hillarious how these liberals won't do anything about the 'fence' with Mexico but will turn around and push free health care for all. Hmm. Let's take me today. Got a $90 ticket for speeding in Detroit (could have been worse...I was in a construction zone! Mental note: when driving turn down the radio!). This situation with a US citizen: Get a ticket. Pay a fine. Learn never do it again. Insurance may go up. Yikes. This situation with a non-citizen: Get a reward (free education or health care), Learn this is SWEET! Get a better job. Make more babies and make more money. Hmm. Seems kinda lopsided to me! The last thing I want to do is sound 'racist' or anything of that nature but I get so frustrated with the BS! What else can I do? Any ideas to share?
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• United States
13 Feb 08
The "guests" as you put it are already getting it - because they are being given government services with no questions asked. It is about time for the hard working citizens to start getting something back for all of the taxes that we pay. Everyone on welfare get services including medical insurance coverage. What about the working guy?!? It is our time to start taking back - and any candidate that is going to do this is the one who needs to be elected! The Medicare system is actually excellent and fairly well managed. IT needs to be extended down to all.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Feb 08
When I was a child, people had healthcare but it was for hospitalization. They paid a monthly premium, pretty low according to my mom because doctors weren't anxious to put people in the hospital as surgery was more dangerous than it is now. (I'm only 53 so that shows how fast the advances have been made!) Everyone paid their regular doctor bills from their own pockets and bought their own medicine. That's why the insurance bills were low. Fast forward to 2008--everyone wants everything paid for, people are having cosmetic surgery and suing when it goes wrong. People believe everything their doc says and when he's wrong, they sue. Prices go up. Johnny gets a scrape, or a cough, and his mom takes him to the ER instead of the doctor and the insurance company gets a big bill. The insurance pays for the ER, the medicine prescribed, the follow up visit to the doc, etc. So...instead of wanting coverage for hospitalization, the people want everything paid for and by God, they're going to get it at the price they want to pay or they won't have it and then we pay for it. Get what I'm saying? I don't think gov't should become involved. Gov't trashes everything they touch, after the increase the prices and make it practically unusable. Then they tax us for it, and increase that tax yearly. I think rather than forced national health care, we should allow some sanity to creep into the medical field and give more control to the doctors--after all, they're the health experts not the insurance companies. We should accept more financial responsibility for our basic care so that everyone in the country doesn't have such high premiums. If we pay cash for a doctor's visit, the docs can lower the price because they save the cost of 30 minutes of filing all that paperwork plus the phone time arguing with the insurance company, etc. Hope I've explained my thoughts clearly. This subject kind of puts me on auto-rant sometimes.
• United States
12 Feb 08
Either Hillary's plan or Obama's plan sound like a great thing for the country...in the long run it would make insurance cheaper (because so many poeple would subscribe)-but, it would also reduce health issues because poeple would be in better health and not pass the costs onto taxpayers....just my opinion.
• United States
14 Feb 08
Help me with the numbers, but isn't Hillary's plan going to run something like 12 billion dollars? With the amount of debt the governement already owes, do you truely think this is the time for the government to step in and take over another program? Now, if the government didn't waste money right and left (in the billions, I am sure) and we didn't owe trillions as a country, there would be very little arguement from me at all. But...we are in some very troubled times right now. What can help if we didn't use the government? We need to depend more on each other than the government: support groups, food kitchens, churches, services organizations and the like. Let's take on the responsibility for our own preventatative health by actually eating right and getting our kids out of the house! Do you think the idea of a governmental health plan is really a good idea after these issues come to light?