My Fellow Americans - I am a Plagiarist!
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
United States
February 11, 2008 10:51am CST
I cannot tell a lie. Well, I can, but I try to make it a practice not to. So here is my confession.
When I heard about the recent actions taken against a much loved and admired friend to many in this little community I felt the need to do something about it. Many of you also joined up the cause and have done things to get the attention of the powers that be to reevaluate the way they govern this forum.
I applaud all of you!
But seeing as how I only knew our dear friend from a few comments and discussions I could not find the right words to put in a form letter to the administration so I contacted a friend.
He may not know her anymore than I do but he is a writer and I find myself going to him for more and more advice then anyone else I talk to on this site. He wrote that form letter so many of you saw, loved, and forwarded on. I made a few minor changes and someone else made a few changes but the person who deserves the bulk of the credit is our very own (since I can't name names his user name initials are) LA and his mother is 50.
I may not get into the thick of some of the drama that surrounds him and the woman responsible for his life on this planet but I am proud to call him a friend. And I was amazed that he was able to write such a wonderful letter in a whopping 5 minutes flat.
It was never mine nor his intention to deceive any one of you but we both felt that since I am not hated by the masses (as of yet) and he was not personally asked to be a supporter, (even though he too is one of our recently departed friends friends if you look at the long list of friends they both have), that the letter would be more widely accepted if it came from me.
I recently wrote about selfishness. The acts taken against our beloved user is what prompted that discussion but there was a hidden message that I'm sure got overlooked.
She isn't the only one here that has been punished and had wrong doings done to her. And I am not only referring to another recently reinstated user.
Things have happened to me, friends of mine, and people I only know from talking to the friends I have made here.
Why is it we only get involved when the person was dear to us? Why don't we all combine our efforts for good any time this happens to someone? Sure there are people who deserve what happens to them. I'm glad to see them go. But when it happens to the people don't deserve it, INCLUDING the one who is responsible for writing the letter, shouldn't they be entitled to the same kind of support from this community. Why don't they get it?
I had 2 people come to my defense on this discussion I am talking about here, last night while I was sleeping. I thank them. It is the RIGHT thing to do when someone is attacking someone for NO GOOD REASON!
I hope you all heed this lesson. Someday the very same thing may happen to one of you and you will wish you had such good friends on your side.
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7 responses
@aquajules4 (583)
11 Feb 08
It's good to see that there are people who like to help each other.
There are so many people that are too quick to stab each other in the back, but to find a genuine person is rare these days.
I don't know much about the back ground of the letter or the other person, but keep the good work up. It's nice to have people like you on here.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Feb 08
There are more people like me here that anyone realizes. Even myself at first thought there was just a group of "old schoolers" who stuck together and tormented everyone one of them didn't like. I can admit to being wrong since it only happens a few times a year :)
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I love my LA and people need to stop attacking him and his family- get over it people. He is a fab person and leave him alone..I didn't see the discussion but he doesn't deserve to be attacked. Noone does...
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I didn't say I knew anything about the situation, I stated that I hadn't seen the discussion. I also said that noone deserves to be attacked and NOONE DOES. I know him off of my lot and he is a great person in my opinion. That's all that I said.
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I am like you in a way I am Switzerland I try to stay neutral as long as no one is getting personally attacked. I don't know the full story about why sndcain was banned but I am willing to do anything to help get her back. I always liked reading her discussions. Let me know how I maybe of some help.
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I can only speak for myself as to why I don't get involved. There are always two sides to every story. I would have to listen to both sides to really be able to see what is going on. Even with hearing both sides of the story how can anyone be certain that either person is being totally honest. If a friend is being attacked then of course I would take the time to report the discussion to mylot. I don't however engage in an arguement with the attacker because that only makes things worse. Mylot admin. should be the ones to deal with the situation. I could only hope that my friends would handle the sistuation in a similar way. If I was suspended or banned then I would be mature wnough to walk away from it all.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Feb 08
It doesn't even have to be about two sides to every story. I know I didn't make this clear because I had to be as vague as possible to keep this discussion within guidelines but the negative behavior is behavior I have seen with my own eyes.
This isn't grade school. myLot admin isn't like a strict 3rd grade teacher watching over everyone on the playground to make sure no one is getting mistreated by the classroom bullies. Admin has other things to do then get involved in childish squabbles over differences in opinion.
If you came across a discussion and went to post your response and noticed that the comment right above yours was tearing the original poster to shreds would you still post the same comment you were going to or would you point out (if you could)where the antagonist may have misread what the poster wrote in the discussion if you saw that their comment was off base?
I would. I have. I don't care about what personal issues there are between people here. If I see someone being attacked for no reason I say something about it.
I know you are only speaking for yourself and I am not saying you are wrong for not getting involved. I just wish a lot more people would come to the aid of anyone who needs it. Not just friends of theirs.
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I admit that there are times when everyone should stand up for what is right. However if everyone just respond to the person doing the attacking then not much will happen. It must be reported to admin so that the person doing the attacking can be dealt with. I also agree with you that if it appears that someone has misunderstood something that someone has written then I do try to help explain that I don't think that one person understood. I guess what I was trying to say was that anyone seeing one member abusing or attacking another member should report the discussion in question so that there is a paper trail for admin. to follow.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Their are times when I go out on a limb and then there are times I don't it depends. Cyn I don't feel like I have to come to your rescue at times because I know that you are perfectly capable of ripping a new one, But if you or loungey or nova, goodie, sissygrl, skinny any of my firends got band for stupid reasons such as a person attacking you and you defending yourself I would move heaven and earth to get you back my friend. I know what loyalty and friendship are and I feel alot of people have lost that. But I can also see right and wrong to. I have heard through the grape vien what has happened and I feel that it has been unjust .. I don't really know the person and I feel bad that they were attacked and because another poster is good at making things difficult they both get banned. I think admin really needs to research every thing before they ban a member.
I have been attacked before and I didn't even start it or get in it but because I was friends with the person they came after me and my star I'll never be back up to where I was but they didn't get rid of me and that is because I have found the greatest group of friends. .. I support all causes in the case of an under dog .. Good Luch Guys in getting your friend back.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Feb 08
That's sweet Bella. And you are right, I don't need the help but like on a previous discussion I posted where someone was cynbashing me, my friends came to my defense while I was in bed sound asleep. I didn't even see what had happened until this morning and it made me smile. I am glad to see there are people on this site that will put their fingers to work when they see someone going off on a tangent for no reason.
and you are right, admin should do more research but it may also just be a luck of the draw. If your a friend with a moderator on this site yet the "report abuse" complaint goes to someone who doesn't know you from Adam then luck just wasn't on your side and the moderator who got the complaint acted on it based on their judgment, more so then what the facts surrounding the offense probably were.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Feb 08
The important thing is that you did something. Most of us are sheep who believe that something should be done, but "perhaps not by me because I don't have the words". When someone is lost from a board it is like a light being extinguished and it is total and forever as none of us control the means to regulate this site or any other that we do not own. Well done for remaining Cynicalandoutspoken.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Thank you p1kef1sh. I do what I can and try to get others to put up their pitchforks and join together for the greater good. It's a tough job but someone has got to do it. LOL
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Glad to hear it Riptide. And like I told Max. I am Switzerland when it comes to anything that I have not been personally involved in. I'm just glad to see we can all put aside our differences for the good of the end result we are all trying to achieve. Thank you for visiting this discussion and offering your support.
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