Don't Lie to me that there is no attack on the Family in the U.S.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
February 11, 2008 12:23pm CST
For decades we have seen the far left launch attack after attack on the Family instituiton in the U.S.. For decades the left far left has lied through their teeth, saying they have no agenda against the family. What used to be veiled attacks by the far left have now become blatant... and some liars who call themselves "republicans" have signed on. California has banned the use of the words "Mom", "Dad", "Mother" and "Father" in public schools. It seems these terms "discriminate" against homosexual and transgendered parents. This won't just affect California though. Being one of the biggest markets for text books, publishing companies in all states will have to make the change if they hope to be able to do business with California Re-Education, I mean California public schools. Will America wake up to the further attacks on the Family? Or will the sleeping giant merely roll over, in fear of being called "homophobic" or "religious nuts". I'm still left wondering why everyone has to change to fit the demands of the few.
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14 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
11 Feb 08
Let us remember that Liberals are tolerant of anyone execpt, Christian that believe the Bible should actually be obeyed. If you complain to the government the liberal just say, sorry separation of church and state. Oh but they will get in to the business of the church. Anything that is traditional is evil, plain and simple.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Feb 08
Liberals are tolerant of other liberals.. that is all.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
11 Feb 08
I assume you're talking about California Senate Bill 777. Conservative christian reactionaries have been howling about how the 'vague' terminology could mean that 'mother' and 'father' can't be used in school because it's discriminatory. This, of course, is the biggest load of bologna imaginable. The text of the bill doesn't even mention the words 'mother' or 'father' much less ban them. It doesn't even give that impression. This is just another case of reactionaries pulling complaints out of their backside. The only agenda 'against the family' in this country exists in the mind of paranoid conservative Christians who are ready to believe the 'left' is out to destroy the country one secular value at a time.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Feb 08
You know, I believed the liars on the far left when they said that they were just about equal rights for everyone. But that lie was exposed a decade ago. In a world where a person can lose their jobs for not playing along with a person's fantasies, I'm not buying it anymore. No, 777 doesn't say, "Mom" or "Dad", but it does ban gender specific language that might be hurtful to someone. How long have we been told that it is "hurtful" to "exclude" people who don't have a mommy or a daddy? Lie all you want, but history shows the lies and the liars for who they are. What next, Military recruiters will be banned from schools????
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Sorry, but I absolutely think Military recruiters should be banned from schools below the college level. It's been said that these very young people are promised the world if they enlist in the military and I think high school students are too easily drawn into their false promises. I think they should have to meet their recruitment goals by pressuring adults, not children. Annie
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
12 Feb 08
The bill contains anti-discrimination elements making it unlawful to government paid teachers and schools to discriminate against people in their teachings. In other words, they can't go around saying it's un-natural to be gay, or that retarded people are a burden on society. I see nothing wrong with this. Mind pointing out exactly where in the bill they've outlawed "hurtful" speech? I have yet to run across it. From what I can tell, people are getting upset because teachers can't legally provide materials or teach lessons that reflect adversely on minorities. Unless you want teachers talking about how homosexuality is un-natural, or how mentally handicapped people are a plague, I don't see what your problem is with this. This legislation merely sets up a provision that discrimination can't take place in a school.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
Ok. To stave off the reactionary right wing, fly-off-the-handle antics, here is the link to SB-777. I have read the entire bill, and no where does it mention the banishment of any vocabulary. Especially the words "Mom" and "Dad". I have no problem with republicans beating up on each other, in fact it's entertaining to watch, I just wish you fruitcakes would do it with the truth for a change. We've had enough lies from you people over the past seven years to last us for the next sixteen. So pull your head out of your bumm, sit down, shut up, and have some cake.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
Loving words from the unhateful left... right? You are living proof that the far left is every bit as hateful as you accuse the right of being.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Feb 08
No problem, I think we all go off a bit at times.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
12 Feb 08
oh for the Love of God, when will it end? Joe Blow not having a mother or father does not negate that this other child does and he has every purpose to refer to his specific parents with these titles... what do the other children call their parent/parents??? bob?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
When will it end? They used to lie saying it will end when everyone is treated equal. Now we see that a change of actions isn't enough, they can't stand anyone who even thinks differently as they do.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Please SHOW ME where it says any such thing about not being able to refer to a mother or father! It says not such thing, not even close. Annie
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Can someone please explain to me how these common words discriminate? I've been an out lesbian for over 25 years, and suffered plenty for looking like what I am. I am against hating people because of who they love, etc, but I'm even more against idiocy in the public schools! Someone needs to get the word out: there is no act of legislation that can take the place of common sense! BLEAH!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
Thank you! There are people who would say I must hate you just because I disagree with you. They would be wrong. It's ironic that people who claim to celebrate the differences among us, want us to ignore that there are differences at all.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Here's where I found the bill: Annie
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• United States
12 Feb 08
Ummm...can someone please tell me where I can find a copy of this Bill 777 so I can read it for myself? I have been searching online for a while. I can find plenty of information where the bill is talked about and where opinions and whatnot are expressed about the bill...but I can't find the actual bill to read for myself and see what it actually says or don't say and how it is worded. Can someone please tell me where I can find a copy of the actual bill? Is there a website where I can read the actual bill and not just read about the bill?
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• United States
12 Feb 08
Because we have been made to adjust...and think that it's a positive thing to be politically correct. We have been trusting for way too long. We have tunred our country and our way of life over to people who have stolen their way into politics, to support their personal agendas, right under our very noses. We have been rolling over for years because we have become a country of apathetic hypocrits who complain our butts off inside the closed doors of our own home, yet agree with everything anyone says or wants while in public. We have done it to ourselves. We have elected politicians without investigating who they are and what they believed in. We have opened the flood gates for people who are liars and thieves, who now dictate what we can or can't say, what we can or can't eat, what we can or can't drive, and how much we are going to pay for it all. We have driven ourselves into poverty, both monetarily and spiritually, while unbeknown to us, we have paid these thieves enormous amounts of money to sit in their high minded offices making laws against us. It's high time we, as Americans who love our country and live by God given rights, to stand up and do what we can to get these jackasses out of office and replace them with people of good moral character. It's high time we stand up for what is right and what we believe in. I sincerely hope we stop the apathy and take the control of our country back into our own hands, instead of everyone else dictating how we live. I've been wondering why we have to change the way we've lived for hundreds of years, just to please a few discontent individuals.
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@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
13 Feb 08
Lucky for the liberals, a majority of the media sides with them and dwarfs these issues. Our family values are the core to how our country became as powerful as it is. The liberals will do whatever it takes to take down the right, even if it means destroying the most basics of our society. The wonder of the American political system has been to allow the population to speak. This is to say that the majority wins. What is good for the majority must be good for all. Unfortunately, while the majority speaks to elect the person who will represent them the best, that elected official then perverts their duties and speaks for the vocal minority. It is going downhill and going downhill fast.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
13 Feb 08
Exactly. free speach apparently has no place on the far left.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Feb 08
It's another form of trying to be politically correct ruining the foundation that this country was built on. You know me Para, I'm a democrat, could be called a liberal, but there are things that I don't agree with. Don't you just know there is some attorney out there making a fortune off of potential lawsuits, because EVERYTHING is offensive nowadays. BTW, if I'm not a "mother" and my husband is not a "father", exactly what do we call ourselves? Talk about taking PC too far...
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
The only "non offensive" term I've come up with so far is "Legal Guardian". Of course, that is offensive to us, but we're not on the "do not offend" list, so we don't matter. It's hilarious, the far left will say that only us "right wing" folks see a problem with this... I guess they don't think your opinion matters.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Feb 08
After having looked up the Senate bill listed by Latrivia I must say I agree with his or her comment totally. I couldn't see anything in the text that came even close to what you're referring to here. This is another case of typical right wing overreaction: if laws are passed to keep nutcases from getting automatic weapons they want to keep everyone from hunting, if two men or two women are allowed to get married soon I'm going to want to marry my cats. There sure is an attack on the U.S. family but it isn't by the evil liberals! Annie
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• United States
12 Feb 08
Some people just have more rights than others - or think they deserve more rights than others. Why? I have no idea.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
Because "equality" somehow means, "you have to do it my way or you're a hateful bigot".
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Well I believe that hate isn't a family value but if it is then I am not a family memeber. so there is no way the left can be agianst the family if love is a family value as for the mom dad thing That is over the top. But then agian it is cali so who knows. Oh and by the way I am gay
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
19 Oct 08
Well, that all depends. Do you think I hate you because I disagree with the agenda of many gay activists? Many of them say I must. I don't hate anyone, I'm merely against the definition of marriage getting changed to fit a political agenda. I'm glad to see that you agree that the "mom" "dad" thing is over the top though. I can't find anywhere in the scriptures that would justify hatred towards homosexuals, I have no idea how some Christians do it.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
23 Oct 08
Does it say homosexuals are nasty? Or does is say that homosexual acts are an abomination? There is a huge difference. It is kind of interesting to me that people refuse to believe in God because they don't agree with God (for sake of discussion, I do mean the Judeo/Christian God, but it goes for any other god really). If the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does exist, it isn't up to Him to adjust truth to fit what each of us are willing to accept, it is up to us to adjust to Him. On the same token, if any spiritual path is the truth, then it is up to us to adjust to the truth and live it. If there is no spirituality and when we die, that's it, then it really doesn't matter what we believe, so no adjustment needs to be made at all. Then the satanists are probably right.
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
23 Oct 08
This issue of gay marriage has so much to do with one religions defintion of Marriage when there is so many other religions in the world to have one being pushed on a society is wrong as for the homosexual hatered it is in the bible the New Testament. It is in Romans for sure and then if you go past that book there is some more references in there to how homosexuals are nasty and evil and stuff of that kind of stuff and that is why I don't believe in a God.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
I think that the people who are angry at this post and the christian people who object to these types of legislation do not understand what the concern is. You see there is such a fear of hate crimes and judgement that we can not have any middle ground. I am tired of not being able to say I disagree with homosexualality then I am labeled homophobe or intolerant. And I am neither. I have family members that are gay whom I love dearly and want nothing bad for them. But I do want to be able to teach my children my faith and beliefs without being persecuted for it. While on the road this summer I heard a news report about a christian group who were charged with felonies for singing worship songs in a protest.. According to the press they were peacefully protesting a gay gathering and when asked to move further down the street they did. These people ended up with large fines and a felony on their records last I heard, they are fighting it. Where was the justice in that? Do you know why they could be chargee with a felony? Because of the language in a hate crime law! Our concern is that we will eventually be charged with hate crimes for teaching our children our values! That to say it is wrong and an abomination to God in our home will be labeled "hate" speech. Let me be absolutely CLEAR I do not care what homosexuals do with each other I really do not care if they are married I care about my rights to teach my children what I believe! I care about whether or not my Pastor has to water his sermon to keep from offending anyone or going to jail. These laws and ammendments are always meant for good and to help but as you can see from the link these things get abused and others rights are trampled on.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
Exactly. "Homophobe" and "intolerant" are words thrown for one purpose and one purpose only... to shut us up. The far left has absolutely no interest in freedom of speech. They want you to agree with them, or live in the shame of being the bigot they consider you to be. If there is no room for middle ground, there is no room for freedom of thought. It's ironic, the very people who claim to be all about "liberty" are the biggest enemies of it.
• United States
12 Feb 08
I didn't know they banned the words "Mom" and "Dad" in public schools. That's ridiculous. If and when you find out why everyone has to change to fit the demands of others, let me know.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
12 Feb 08
"mom" and "dad" are just examples of the kind of gender specific speech this law targets. Since not every kid has both, we wouldn't want to make them feel bad by bringing the words up! Not everyone has to change to fit the demands of others, just those of us not in some protected class.
@forge_t (92)
• United States
11 Feb 08
you forgot the starving people in the us and homeless medical with band aid cures.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
11 Feb 08
I didn't forget them, I just left them up to you. ;~D
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