Postage going up...again
By coffeebreak
@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
February 11, 2008 7:59pm CST
Going up another penny. I know the internet and online bill paying and all has put a crimp in their bank book, but they have raised a penny every year for the last few. I have stuck with USPS for paying my bills (with a check) but this goes up and I am going to have to learn to do it online. Just think, pay 10 bills at 42¢ each - that is $4.20 a month - more if you have more bills! Doesn't sound like alot, but when you have to stretch the nickles till the buffalo poops, $4.20 a month that is easliy saved, it a big deal.
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8 responses
@ladyslew (91)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I use maybe half a dozen stamps a YEAR now. Personal communication is done either by email or phone - after all, it's not like we hve to worry about huge bills for long distance in the age of the nationl calling plan cell phone, all inclusive house phone plans, and voice over Internet.
I've been paying bills over the Internet for years. There is only one bill I write an actual check for, and even that I don't mail but rather pay in person.
The only thing I mail are packages, and even those I don't send very often. So I went to the post office web site to see what the increase on package shipping rates would be. it says they won't annouce the shipping rate increases until March.
But I did notice something else while I was there. A couple of services have price decreases! "Lower additional ounce price for presorted First Class Mail letters" and "lower pound price for Standard Mail saturation and high-density flats." In otherwords, they are lowering the cost of sending JUNK MAIL!
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I have never understood why they haven't tackled the cost of junk mail and third class/bulk postage for junk mail and the like. There is a ton of that and no one wants it so raise the price for that stuff and keep the first class down.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Feb 08
Guess that'd make a difference, but then again, you said,
"since legit business communications get a break for using the postal service."
We may not be a business, but we sure are legit so why raise for some and not others? raising the rates is just pushing more and more people to online and paperless transactions - ergo the down fall of USPS? all over junk mail?
@ladyslew (91)
• United States
13 Feb 08
Tell me about it! I'm pretty mad that they junk mailers get their postage reduced. But if you're mailbox is like mine, the majority of the mail you get is catalogs and other junk. I have elected to receive electronic statements from just about everybody, so I don't get many financial statements or bills via snail mail.
But thinking on it, presorted First Class is also how companies send out statements and bills. That's not just junk mail in envelopes. So maybe it's not so bad since legit business communications get a break for using the postal service.
But high-density flats are all those darned catalogs. You know, you order that cute sweater from some clothing catalog or website and the next thing you know they are sending you a 50 page catalog every week. Then they share your address with half a dozen other clothing companies and you're getting their catalogs every week too. Why should those tree killers get a postage discount?
Oh, in case you're wondering how I know so much about USPS shipping, I have a cousin who works at the big post office in Baltimore loading and unloading trucks. Gee, maybe he'll get overtime because with the discount these clothing companies will be able to afford to send more catalogs....
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
I guess they are trying to compensate since a lot of people are not using mail anymore preferring to use email and IM.
But it surely is not by raising the postage that they will get more people using it. They would make more sense if they created ways to incentive people to use regular mail more often - maybe emphasizing the more personal facet of handwriting a letter as opposed to the impersonality of emailing. Or make it fun to send post cards again or something like that.
As for paying bills online I think that if you trust the way you protect your computer, it's a great solution . It saves time and money
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Yeah, they are most likely compensating for the fact that so many do online banking and not mailing checks anymore taht they are loosing money. I understand their lose, but at the same time, raising the postage is only making it worse - if I am considering online banking, trust me, many more probably are too. Rising costs are pushing me to try it and if I like, it, sorry I'll have to save themoney! The USPS needs to think of other ways to encourage people to snail mail again. I mail a letter every week to my GD and she only lives across town but she loves getting my letters in the mail box!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
12 Feb 08
I am waiting until they invent the slot where you can put the money into your computer and it comes out at the other end. We have the same problem in Canada. I know we can walk down to the Mall or pay the bill at the bank, but there are times when we want to write long letters and what about us writers? I am working on a novel, and now I have to save money to pay for the postage and that is not just that but I have to send numerous copies to agents to see who will look at my work.
And then there are the ordinary businesses that you have to mail checks to. Our stamps are now over 51 cents each and when you count on the cost of the envelopes, the checks, etc. it is not cheap.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Sometimes you just have to have USPS. Their Priority Mail flat rate envelope (about $5) for as much as you can fit in it - starting to be a good deal if you have to mail alot. But then again, won't be long till stamps are that high...and Priority mail is going up in May to!
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Why does this not surprise me?
Just the other day my husband needed a stamp. I gave him a couple, a 39 cent and a 2 cent. Yep I still have some of both left. LOL Anyway, I half jokingly asked him if the price of stamps had gone up again, this way we could put the correct amount of postage on the envelope. He didn't know so I looked it up online and couldn't find anything about it on the USPS site, so we took our chances and mailed it off.
I think the price of stamps is just ridiculous and try my best to avoid using this method. Too bad they don't drop the price instead, maybe that would help with sales.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I forgot to add the news link! Sorry! It is goig up May 15 and a penny to 42¢
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I'm not surprised at all. They gave us the option of those forever stamps or whatever they are called for a reason right? As for online bill paying I've done that for years and have always found it very easy.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Yeah, but how many know about the Forever stamp? I had not heard about it until the article. Any who doesn't know about them...there is a stamp called the FOrever stamp. you buy it at current rate, and it is a valid first class stamp "forever" no matter what rates go up to. Thing is, how many do you buy? Could be quite an investment. And most will just say, "good grief I have to buy a lifetime supply and keep track of them, I'm going online!" I think USPS is just hurting themselves more than they realize. I mean if htis forever stamp is so good, and you can buy unlimited quantities, why don't they just leave postage rate at a fixed rate and stop spending the money it costs to raise it, change all the scales and other things that accomodate rates, printing up new stamps, cost of notifying the country and the list goes on....all over a penny.
@goinliveinfive (561)
• United States
12 Feb 08
To be honest, I'm constantly amazed at how cheap it is to send a letter. Granted, it costs the same to send something across town as it does to send it across the country but just stop and ponder that for a minute: for less than fifty cents you can drop a letter in a metal box, someone comes and picks it up, countless other people in between tend to it all the way to its destination and it arrives on the recipeint's doorstep, usually within a day or two, three or four if it's making its way clean across the Fruited Plain.
I can remember it costing 19 cents to mail a letter. The year I went to college it went up to 21. Fifteen years later and it's going to be twice that. In fifteen years it's only gone up 21 cents. The price of gas has tripled in that amount of time, what it costs to pay those postal workers has also increased, not to mention wear and tear on all the vehicles used to transport the mail. My point: there's no use in complaining. They could be charging a lot more for their services, especially with the wallop the post office has taken since the advent of the information age. A decade ago I mailed nine bills a month. Today, I mail zero. It's all done online, via direct debit or through my bank. I also don't send letters anymore. Why bother when I have instant message and e-mail (nevermind that long distance charges for phone service are going the way of the Model-T and it costs next to nothing to have a real-time conversation that eliminates the need for a letter altogether)?
Be prepared for an increase every year and be prepared for them to become sharper as their services become more obsolete. There will come a time when the postal service will be used solely to deliver parcels and mailing letters will be a premium service, far more expensive than it is now. I think we'll see it during my lifetime.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Feb 08
You have probably very precisely predicted the future! I remember post cards at 6¢! I have also heard "rumors" that they will stop Saturday mail deliveries. Life does change ALOT!
@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Guess it's time to stock up on those Forever stamps!
@Elfwand (36)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
Really now. I dont know. I presently work for a company who's tied up with USPS. We manufacture postage machines. I haven't heard any update from the management that the postage would go up again this year. Normally, we're the first to know if there would be an increase.
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