What would you do if your 16 yr old daughter was pregnant?
By crazylife
@crazylife (855)
United States
12 responses
@yuanxiaoli19 (10)
• China
24 Feb 08
AS a mother,my responsibility is to help her see the situation clearly:the difficulty to foster the baby ,the intermit of education and so on .
AS for the last decision,it's up to her and I will support her.
@jonatechme (104)
• Kenya
23 Feb 08
I'm a Christian and so abortion is not an option. I'd help my daughter in bringing up the child and in the mean time take her back to school. I've seen several parents doing so and eventually it has paid.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Feb 08
"and you wanted her to get rid of the baby"
That would never happen with me...If my daughter were to come home knocked up at 16 I would sit down and talk with her about what it is she wanted to do and the pro's and con's of all options etc etc...I would NEVER say "get rid of it"..Its not my choice! Its hers! All I can do really is be supportive of her..shes my daughter I love her unconditionally and would stand by her no matter what choice she made
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I would never make her do anything she didn't want to do. I would support her decision but I would also make sure she knows all her options. It's her body and she is the one that has to live with the consquences.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
12 Feb 08
If she absolutely refused to get an abortion, she would get the cold hard facts of life. She would be getting a job immediately and saving money to pay for this little mistake all on her own. That's if I don't kick her out first.
Luckily, though, I won't be having kids so I'll never have to go through that.
@david2005 (798)
• Canada
16 Feb 08
I would tell her the pros and cons of having the baby would be and tell her that I would be there for whatever decision she chooses to make.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
A mistake could never be made right by another mistake and for me, having an abortion is a BIG mistake and very wrong. Abortion will NEVER be the answer to unplanned pregnancy. So I would never condone nor allow my daughter to have an abortion even at such young age. I could raise both of them myself and let my daughter continue her studies after she has given birth. Life goes on and if it happened to my daughter, then it must have been part of divine plan. What is important is that she will learn from her mistake and become a better and stronger woman because of it.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I would respect my daughter's choice & offer any support she needed. If she chose to have the child, I'd help her find ways to meet her needs and work out the practicalities of going to school when parenting a child yourself. If she wanted to terminate, I'd offer her support, transportation, whatever she needed. Her body & her future belong to her, my feelings or opinions should not be part of her decision process.
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
12 Feb 08
Hi there crazylife! We are Christians and for us, abortion is never an option. This actually happened to my younger sister who became pregnant just before their high school graduation. Now, her baby is turning two on April, and he's a darling. We helped her bring her baby up and now she's continuing her studies and taking up Associate in Hospitality Management.
@honeylore23 (1081)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I do believe you have good plans for your daughter and I know she has too. But life is like that, full of miseries and mistakes. Just help her correct her mistakes by doing the right thing not by doing another mistake just like getting rid of the soon baby. She gets pregnant but it doesn't mean it will be a hindrance to achieve her goals in life and the dream you want for her someday. If I am the mother, I would just let the baby born, help my daughter become a responsible mother and encourage her move on.
It would be unfair to the child in her womb and to the mother itself to get rid of the baby just because you think it will hinder your plans. It will not give real happiness knowing you have kill a fetus for the sake of attaining her education that s your goal for her.
@crazylife (855)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Yes, I understand what you are saying and I some what agree, it is not fair to kill the fetus but what there is not enough money to take care of the baby what would be the point in keeping it, babies are very expensive no one likes to kill a fetus but everyone don't have the money to suppose a baby, thanks for replying i appreciate it
@MERCEDES1112 (115)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Well i was 16 when i got pregnant which i had already quit school but it was'nt my mother choice I kept my baby and now im married,got my GED and startng college !I would'nt have done it different Im now 18 and about to start college for medical transriptionist and spanish!But my mother was never there for me she is an achohalic we where no reALLY CLOSE ! But my 15 cousin, well just turned 16 got married last week on he 16th birthday!Her mom was way to strict on her and thts why she went off an got pregnant because she could not sit down and talk to her mom! She was'nt even suppose to be dating untl she was 16 and thats way to strict whn you keep yor kids from doing somthing that makes them want to do it more!Me at 16 when i got pregnant it was my choice was wanting a famliy and if i would'nt had a baby i would might have been wild and endng up in getting in trouble instead im at home ith my husband and baby and finishing school and starting college!I uderstand that it always dont turn out like that for everyone but talk to your kidsit makes a difference!If my daughter ended up in this situation i would help hertalk to her and let her know that i was in the similar situtation and that everything was going to work out fine bu i hope i can prevent it by talking to her before this wuld happend I would tell her the truth look having babies is hard ,being 16 and getting married is hard so it's your choice you can do that or you can wait until your older to have kids and get married where you have time to find yourself!I would say somthing around that but just thought i would share now days it's reall common for 14,15,16 year old geting pregnant and it's defintly not good just to sweep it under the rug and get an abortion because kids need to learn that when they do somthing the outcome is not always what they thought it wold be! and they have to live up to there mistakes if you ask me having a baby matures you alot i know it did me which i was always mature for my age!But anyway just thought i would share P.s this was a real good subject for me lol)
@venuslady226 (5)
• United States
27 Feb 08
To be honest, I don't believe that Children should be raising "Children". Of course this question is never easy. I'd most likely talk her into having an abortion, but to also write down a whole list of pros and cons and how a baby will effect her in the long run.
Most likely, I would probably take her to get an abortion. 16 year olds shouldnt be having kids these days.