Self checkouts Friend or foe?

United States
February 12, 2008 9:59am CST
REcently I have answered a discussion asking if I use self checkouts more or if I use the cashier more. That got me to thinking about when I worked as a cashier and had to deal with these things. LOL!!! When dealing with these as a cashier, there is one of you to monitored approximately 4 or more registers LOL!!Talking about working harder for your money. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't have to fix or overide something for the customer. LOL!! For those of you who use self checkouts you know what I mean .. It's when you have the please wait for help or customer service of for assistance symbol come up .. Though we may never walk over to the register because some things we can fix at the station others we do have to come over and throw a code and password through. I have to say on a 4 hour shift I had to fix things over 100 times and they don't tell if your using a check you still have to see a Cashier at least where I worked. LOL!! So my question to you guys is have you had any problems at the self checkout? If so did that discourage you from coninueing to use them?
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18 responses
• Canada
12 Feb 08
i understand totally with what u mean !!!But i think the self checkouts are based on also the customer's service,...wether he/she is in a hurry,...or doesnt want to wait in line.Also, so if they get over or undercharged, the individual can only blame his/herself........As far as technology is concerned,..we're in an exponential era of gadgets and technology,....which in instance, paves the way for conveniences such as this.
• United States
13 Feb 08
I completely understand what your saying and agree with you. That is why I only use them when I have a small amount of items this way it's quicker at times than going to the check out but I mostly prefer humans to computers when I shop and I go through a check out. LOL!!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Feb 08
I think one out of 3 times we go through the self check cash there have been a problem or two usually with things like deli meat, or things from the bakery that are not always the same weight. the hot deli, chicken meals, those are always a we need cashier assistance. The only other time is when we have coupons, the cashier has to fix those up for us. At the one grocery store we have the self serve thingy's in there is 6 scanners for ONE cashier. lol. poor girls. I have been a cashier too so i know how grumpy people can be when your not going fast enough for them!! I was going through the self serve once, and a lady with a kid knocked over a HUGE display of chocolate bars!! and that B1TCH never even stopped to help the cashier pick them up. So i helped her. well i did most of it because she was so busy with the other customers. i thought HOW RUDE was that lady! its her fault that her kid knocked the stuff over!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
13 Feb 08
oh no! are bunched up knickers the same same getting your panties in a twist! wait.. isn't it dont get your knickers in a twist and dont get your panties in a bunch ? or is it dont get you knickers in a bunch and dont get your panties in a knot ? I dunno! but any of them seems to me would be fairly uncomfortable!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
14 Feb 08
lol i think they also vary from place to place too. Happy Valentines day bella ;)
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• United States
14 Feb 08
LOL!! yep they are truly uncomfortable. LOL... I sometimes mess up on the sayingings LOL!! But I try my best. LOL!!!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
14 Feb 08
The only problem that I had was the belt would jam or it could not find the item and kept telling me to put it on the belt. It said to put coupons in the slot, but would not recognize that I had done so. I do use them some, but only with small orders with cash.
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• United States
14 Feb 08
And see that is the problem they are not meant for big orders they are meant for the person in a rush paying cash with 10 items or less and preferably less because that's less chances for he machine to do something wrong. LOL!!!
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 08
honestly im not familiar with the term since i havent work as a cashier yet..but experience once when the cashier had an error in punching or whatever..somebody came by and do some that what you mean??
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• United States
14 Feb 08
No self checkout are registers that you ring the item up yourself and hit a total button and then give it payment. No cashier required they have a cashier on stand by to make sure you are ok and that you're doing it correctly or if you need help or if something goes wrong while your checking your self out with out the help of a cashier. I have enclosed a picture of a walmart self check out so that you could see what they are like.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
15 Feb 08
ohhh i see...thanks now i know what it looks like lol! and what does it mean..
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• United States
14 Feb 08
Self check out - Self check out station. Walmart
ok what happened to the image. let me try this again
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• United States
14 Feb 08
I havnt really had a problem using them. I did when I first tried buying produce and going through a self check out. I had no idea what to do and had to have that cashier the stands at the end making sure ppl dont steal come help me. But now i got it and I dont really need help anymore.
• United States
14 Feb 08
Thanks for the response. Somethings can be harder when using the self check out and you need assistance from the cashier on duty for those registers. have a nice day.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I have heard of the self checkouts, of course, bella, but I've never had the opportunity of using one of them, lol. It sounds to me like they are not entirely a "stand-alone" thing if you run into snafus and have to wait for assistance when using them. But, what else could you expect from an application that's run by mechanics. As slow as the regular checkout can sometimes be, I think I'd prefer to stick with that.
@KKKBsmom (1092)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I LOVE the self checkouts!! I don't know why.. but IO do... and no I have not had any problems (YET) with self checkouts... I usually only use them when I have a few things... and I know that I shouldn't have to have an over ride or anything! have a good day! :-)
• United States
14 Feb 08
See and that is what they are useful for when you have a few things that you know won't need a price over ride and you don't want to wait in long lines. LOL!!!
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
13 Feb 08
If I have only a few items I will use the self check out if there is a line at the other check outs. I hate some of them though, esp. the one at Kroger. The one at Walmart is not so bad. They use to have some at Kmart here but they got rid of them. I think that's the place that needed them the most cause they always have so few checkers.
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• United States
13 Feb 08
If the customers complain enough or they lose profit they get rid of the self checkouts LOL!! I know that Walmart says they lose on the self checkouts but they have two sepreate groupings of self check out and I think there are 6 in each grouping and there for easier to get away with theifing... LOL!! So some store end up with a loss while others don't...
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Feb 08
I have not seen any self checkouts up here at the stores I shop at, Safeway and Stupidstore, I mean Superstore, and Economart and Sobeys. I would not like them myself, because what happens if they suddenly change the price or if there is old stock at a lower price, and new stock at a high price and they all look the same? It sounds that they are more trouble than they are worth. I would rather see the cashier as I can talk to her if there is a dispute. I cannot hold a dispute with a machine.
• United States
13 Feb 08
LOL!! but you can just press the help button and presto a cashier to argue with..LOL!! No but I understand completely what you're saying and that was my biggest problem with them when they first came out then after I have worked with them and know how to fix them I only use them for small shopping trips when the other lines are huge. LOL!!!
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• United States
13 Feb 08
i never was a cashier..much..but i did work as a bartender..and sometimes i got to drinking my mistakes..that what i was told when i made a these guys would come evry round of drinks we order you charge us a different amount?..well, ok..the drinks are on the learned never to drink on the jog..because i was poor in math anyway but i very seldom go to the self check i don't think about it unless their is a big line in the regular lines
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• United States
13 Feb 08
Iknow what you mean I use them when I have a few items and there are big lines. LOL!! I haven't been a bartender but my ex did that for a while and I liked getting the free drinks and food when I went and visited him. LOL!!
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I like using the self check out when I only have a few items. Most of the stores around here have taken them out though. Schnucks in the only place that still has them. Usually when I go there I end up with a cart full, so I don't get to use them.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
They have kept ours around in the stores that they were originally in. lol!!!
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I absolutely love these things! Where I'm at it seems people are intimidated by the process. Score one - virtually no lines! I have noticed that the few who try can't seem to understand the process or instructions and start over several times before asking for help. I don't scan as fast as someone who does this regularly, but as I do, I start deciding which bills to pull out of my wallet to pay for the purchase. Score two - no verifying I exist and that the account is indeed mine and that these are legitimate coupons. I see the total, slide in the cash, get receipt and slip out the door. Score three - no impulse items adorning the register to make for lookyloo last minute purchases that hang up the line! 'Nuf said there. Some people say that this is putting people out of work. Maybe. I think it frees up some of the staff so that other important processes can be addressed to keep the store looking better and restocked sooner. I dunno for sure, but if I were managing such a place, that's what I'd do.
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• United States
13 Feb 08
Thank you for your response. LOL!! I have worked with these checkout ans they can be both good and bad. LOL!! but you got it right it's quicker for some of those reasons. Now on to the putting people out of work ..In a way yes and in a way no. Depends on the place where I worked yes we hired less cashiers and no we didn't divert the funds to where we needed more help. So that money went right back into the company with more customers getting frustrated because there was not enough people to help them with their needs. LOL!! But when a business is all about the money that's what happens.
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
12 Feb 08
I loved the self checkouts they used to have at my Walmart they don't have them anymore. I liked being able to buy my stuff without the cashier having to see all of my items. I always made sure if I bought a cd or something to run it over the descanning deal. I never had any problems with the terminals so it was great.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
Wow you have better luck than most then. LOL!!Sorry they took out your self check outs they still have the things at ours were I live. LOL! thank you for your response.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
I've learned through my experience that the self check out lines take longer to get through then the lines manned with cashiers. Because every other person in front of me has to wait for a cashier to come fix something. I use them only if they are empty when I get there an I have less than 5 items.
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• United States
12 Feb 08
great for small trips but horrid for big shopping adventures. LOL!! You have no clue how many times I had to fix something for customers when I had to work the self check outs. LOL!!!!!
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• Canada
15 Feb 08
I prefer a human to a machine. My vision is not very good, so I am liable to goof up, because of that. I would much rather deal with a human being, who should know what he or she is doing.
• United States
15 Feb 08
Thank you for your remark. I too prefer human interaction as opposed to machine interaction!!!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
12 Feb 08
We've had a few problems with self checkout so we don't use it very often. The main thing we had trouble with was bagging the stuff. It would miss calculate the weight or something and then it wouldn't work. And a few times we had stuff that wouldn't scan and we didn't know you could just punch in the number so the poor person had to come over and do it for us. We usually only shop for big grocery trips so its easier to just go to the regular check out.
• United States
12 Feb 08
Exactly it was my biggest complaint about the registers is the bagging weight.. LOL!! and you know there is a little button to push to ignore weight that the cashier pushes to fix that . LOL! But they have to make sure that they are actually paying attention to the check out register on the monitor.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I have never had a problem at all. I love the self checkout. It's the only way I go anymore. I don't like to sit in a grocery store any more than I have to. In my store anyway, there is always someone readily available to quickly fix things if you do have a problem.
• United States
15 Feb 08
See and that is how it should be but I have noticed like when I use the one at walmart they take forever to come and help you because they are to busy holding on a conversation.
• United States
16 Feb 08
I couldn't agree more when I went to a Weis they had the self checkouts and you know they weren't that bad there. LOL!!But home depot and walmart's suck!!!
• United States
15 Feb 08
My walmart doesn't have self check out..just jewel which is a grocery store here. That would explain why I like it. Nothing really is ever good with my Walmart experiences...:( If we had them at walmart they would suck..
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I know what discussion you were referring to in your description because I also participated in that one. This discussion has made an interesting point. I never thought about self-checkouts from the other side! The only problem I've had with one is when I had fruit or some other kind of thing that had to be weight. I didn't know where to find the product code or number to punch in the machine so it would know how much to charge per pound. I know it was a quick-fix for the associate, but I'm sure it would be a pain having to do that all day long! I've never worked at a grocery store, but if I had that job I'd probably have very little patience. I know associates have to realize that we ignorant shoppers don't always know how to run the complex machine (LOL), but wouldn't it be a lot easier if everyone could just complete the entire checking-out process by themselves? In a perfect world...(LOL) Well, I supposed it would be a lot harder on the grocery store employees, but I still love self-checkouts. I used one just yesterday! It was very nice. My prior experience has not discouraged me from using them either. Great discussion!
• United States
26 Feb 08
Thank you for your reply, I'm glad that your prior use hasn't deterred you from using them. Have a nice day.
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