What will you do if your child is too lazy ?
By Mamagee
@Mamagee (392)
February 13, 2008 1:44am CST
I have a son age 8 years old. My son has a problem to wake up early in the morning for school. Every morning I have to take him to the bathroom and give him a bath, put on his trousers and shoes. He knows what to do, but he is too lazy to do it. If i don't do this for him, he will be late for school and I will be late to my office.
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9 responses
@o2bfree (225)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I would definately suggest putting him to bed earlier and like someone else suggested waking him up earlier to allow him time to "wake up" As far as the responsibility of an 8 yr old he is old enough to give his own baths and such with little help from you. I agree talk with him first about the consequences, he should be old enough to understand. If that does not work then some form of discipline is in order for him disobeying you. Whatever you do try to be as consistent as possible. Good Luck with this ; )
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Feb 08
I agree he needs to go to bed earlierso he can get up with plenty of time to get ready for school. Do not treat him like a two year old if he is eight hes plenty old enough to dress himself. go to the bathroom, bathe and getto the table in time. He is playing you for a sucker, let him be late just once and I think he will get the message. When my child was eight he was up on time, took his bath and got to the table on time because we had began teaching him when much younger that he could do things for himself so by age eight he was much advanced. talk to him of the consequences for him of being late to school and for you being late to work. be consistent and do not fall for his so called laziness. He must learn to be more self sufficent.
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@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
13 Feb 08
try to put him to early and wake him up earlier than usual. Don't help him so that he'll learn that how to be independent and responsible. My 5-year old daughter now knows that at 11:30 am she should be taking a bath and eating lunch by 12:00 noon. They puts on her socks and shoes after taking abatch and after eating, she;ll just brush her teetch and change into her uniform. I scold her over and over but it seems not to be working, so one time, I allow her to be late for school and be left behind by her school service. She had walked to school instead and learned her lesson.
@cryllie (49)
• United States
19 Feb 08
It takes patience, persistence, and consistancy to achieve well-trained and well-adjusted children. Preaching, as you say, can be useless if you do not follow through with examples, appropriate expectations and lots of practice. Learning to manage your time is a life skill that takes lots of getting used to; I think I was actually in my 20's before I "got" it, and I remember my momma actually calling my grown brothers who were MARRIED to make sure they got up in the mornings!
"Beating" in this example I really think would just be counterproductive; rewards and peer pressure I think will prove to be the most effective tool. MAMAGEE, please give us a follow-up and let us know what you tried and how it worked.
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
13 Feb 08
Well, this is just a personal opinion. You talk to him about being early and being late. If he will be late, he might as well don't go to school. He may have a 1 year break and find out for himself how difficult it is to stay home most of the time. You can have other options, though.
@cryllie (49)
• United States
14 Feb 08
okay, it's just plain time for some tough love here; he's beginning a very bad habit and learning negative character traits this way, and the fix is simple; sit him down and explain that he is more than old enough to get himself up and ready for school on time, and that you will no longer be treating him like a 4 year old. Give him his own alarm clock and teach him how to set it, and ask him how long he thinks he will need to get ready; have him set his alarm, put it in his room, and then tell him that his morning is totally his responsibility now. Tell him that if he is not ready in time for school, he will be taken to school in his pajamas or whatever he is wearing, and that will be his problem, as you will not and can not be late for the office. Then be ready, let his teacher know your plan, for he may test your resolve; but trust me, you will not have to take him to school in his pajamas more than once. Tell him that learning to be ready on time is an important part of growing up, and that it is your job as a parent to make sure he attains this skill. Tell him that you would not require this of him if you were not absolutely positive he was able to do it. Give him lots of praise for each time he is ready on time, and just don't react or berate or remind him of the time if he's late, except you may want to do a single five-minute warning call.
You will see that this will give him a great sense of accomplishment and pride in himself, which is wonderful. Nothing feeds self-esteem like real accomplishment!
Best wishes, Cryllie
@cryllie (49)
• United States
14 Feb 08
its' also important that he get enough sleep to be able to wake up on time. Kids his age may need 10 hours sleep at night, or possibly more, especially if they are growing rapidly. You should set and enforce a regular bedtime. All children do much better with fairly routine schedules for sleep.
Cryllie-mom, nurse, grandmom
@olivebranch56 (910)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I agree with cryllie, Tough love is what will end this, I have and am raising 10 children, if I had to bathe and dress each of them nothing would ever get done. Mine start taking their own baths and getting themselves dressed at 4, if they can do it at 4 he can do it at 8. I would also make him walk if he is late. I had one foster child who would not behave on the bus and was put off for 3 days. I made him walk to school those 3 days, I followed him in my car. Every time another car passed I blew the horn and pointed him out. He never misbehaved on the bus again. Sometimes to help our children grow to be responsible adults we have to do things that neither of us like.
@cryllie (49)
• United States
15 Feb 08
Please do not, ever, stick negative labels on your children-like lazy! Children have a way of growing into our expectations of them, and if they hear you calling them lazy, then that is very well what they may become. This child is not lazy, he is untrained, and that is his mother's mistake, not his. Every human being will naturally gravitate to the easiest way to get through life, and thank heavens for good mothers who make doing the right thing, the easiest thing!

@angel08 (120)
• Philippines
13 Feb 08
Does your son afraid of his teacher? maybe you can talk to his teacher and let her tell your son that he must go to school early or think of something that your son wants to eat for his breakfast so he'll wake him up and prepare at once. I have 2 sons but never encounter this kind but at 8yrs old . you really have to help him dress up but not to the point of taking him to bathroom. I hope my suggestion can help.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
13 Feb 08
he sure has your number, and now you have to get another one. May I Suggest that on your days off that you tell him we are going to go to one of his favorite places, and advise him he has to be up, dressed and ready by himself in a certain time. If he is one minute late, do not go and tell him that you warned him that he had to be ready, you may have to do this several times to get him to believe you,but he will get the message that you expect him to look after his getting up and dressed and all the other little things that you have been doing because he is lazy and he knows how to work the system. he will be a very unhappy little boy but he will also learn that when you tell him to do something he needs to listen, because if he does not there are consequences.
@olivemai (4738)
• United States
15 Feb 08
This is a problem for me as I let them dress themselves but give them enough time, but it has been taking longer for my 3 year old because other people will dress her or help her in ways that she no longer needs! I find turning off the television helps. Tell him you will no longer dress him or bathe him, that he can do it himself, and that if it takes too long (more than ten minutes, twenty tops) then he will not be allowed to watch television or some other thing that he likes to do. Encourage him more than punish him. Make sure that he has plenty of time by waking him up earlier and going to bed earlier too! You can use a chart like a chore chart, to help him with self-esteem. It shows both of you the number of times he dresses himself and bathes himself. I also teach my kids to cook so they will be independent! Supervise him but tell him that you also have to get ready so he has to do it himself.