I have a computer problem, can somebody help me please.

February 14, 2008 5:09am CST
Just recently a pop up virus has removed my yahoo home page, and made my home page it's own. I have run my free anti virus through and cleared my computer of virus's, my anti virus is called "SuperAntiVirus", it's free, and very efficiant, I would recommend it for normal use. However it wont clear my home page of this virus pop up. Can somebody help me please ?
1 response
• Canada
14 Feb 08
Try AVG from now on, it's better. First though, use this program to clean up your computer completely, it worked for me and got rid of some nasty bugs preventing me from using Firefox. http://housecall65.trendmicro.com/
14 Feb 08
Chris, Ille tell you what's happening. When I turn on my computer, my home page is now supposedly an anti virus page. When it should be Yahoo. At the top my screnn says "Blankpage". Ive run through SuperAntiSpyware again and again, but this still does not get rid of it. I have tried AVG, but SuperAntiSpyware is better. What do you suggest ?
• Canada
14 Feb 08
Definately run the Trend Micro scan. When I ran my first scan with that, it came up with over 30 viruses/trojans, and fixed everything. Visit the site I linked you to, it will help.