Another Valentine's Day Almost Over.

@Darkwing (21583)
February 14, 2008 3:17pm CST
It's ten past nine in the evening here, in Britain, and Valentine's Day and Evening is coming to a close. For me, it's really just another day. Nobody ever takes the time to send me a card, unless my "Sis" sends me one in my e-mail, nobody calls me or texts me, and there are very few people online. (I daresay they're all otherwise engaged). I cooked myself a Chili Con Carne, sat it in white rice, arranged Cheese Doritos around the edge, so it looked like a flower, and plonked a heart-shaped tomato in the centre, for decoration. ha ha ha. That was my romantic meal!:) So, what did you all do on Valentine's Day, or in the case of those of you eight hours behind us, what are your plans for this evening. Did you send and get cards, gifts, proposals or anything? Did you, or will you be having a special, romantic meal, at a restaurant or at home? How did it go for you? I'd like to hear your stories. I'd like to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day, and for those for whom it has gone... I hope you had a great day!
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14 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Feb 08
the only thing UI did was treat my daughter to go out and we played bingo didnt win but got close lol. hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
15 Feb 08
oh yes very fun we hadnt gone in a long time and think we will do it again today! hugs
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Well, if you decide to go again today, I want to hear of your winnings when you return. Good luck, my friend. xx
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Awwww... that was nice. A time of bonding, away from the daily norm. I'm sorry you didn't win, but it sounds as though it was fun. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
@mummymo (23706)
15 Feb 08
Well sweety Valentines day is more of a family day for us as it is my partners birthday! We had a quiet day - and even some piece as Niamh was at a friends birthday party at the 10 pin bowling near us! We got him silly presents and made a fuss of him in general! He and I did exchange valentines cards and small gifts but we both feel it is not about gifts more about time to reconnect! I am sorry that you were alone today sweets but I hope you still had a nice day and your chilli sounds really yummy! How are you feeling now? xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Oh wow, so hubby's a Cupid in disguise, is he? ha ha ha. Yes, it's more important that you get to connect and spend some quality time together, and great that the whole family can be involved because it's hubby's birthday. I don't mind being alone... I was just trying to explain my day, to give the rest of you a basis to work on. The Chili WAS yummy, and guess what? After I finished this discussion, I was surprised by one of the local lads who plays darts, with a box of choccies, Cadbury's at that. I suspect they were more of a gift of sympathy because I haven't been to darts in two weeks and can't get out, but it's the thought that counts, and nice to know that somebody is thinking of you... however young! :) Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Sorry, my sweet friend. I completely forgot about telling you how I'm doing... I wasn't avoiding the issue. I'm doing quite well, although my legs still ache a bit after sitting or resting for a while. I'm managing to slowly walk without support. Now all I have to conquer is the ache, and stiffness, and the fear of not being able to get back out of the bath. I dream of a nice, relaxing bath, and all I've managed so far is all-over washes. lol. Next step, to the garden gate. I haven't worn shoes in two weeks, so I think my open backed sandals will have to come into play here. Who knows? I might even venture down the pub for a couple. I've asked my boss to lay me off work and take on another staff, but with first refusal for any opening that might arise. So, all in all, things are going quite well. I will update shortly in another discussion when this long-winded dream one has subsided a bit. lol. You take care my friend, and practice what you preach, huh? Indeed, how are you doing? :) Brightest Blessings.
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@mummymo (23706)
15 Feb 08
That is so sweet - I bet you really have been missed at darts and that is why they got you the chocs - so you would know they were thinking of you! Yolu still haven't answered whether you are feeling better and that makes you feel you are doing a Gabs and not wnating to answer when you aren't too great! xxx
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Lots of Valentines - Maddy and his valentines from his class.
My son got 30 valentines LOL from his classmates at school AND they got to celebrate it with a party and activities. I must say I did get a surprise card and homemade cookies from my neighbor today - she is sooo sweet and thoughtful. My husband and I don't celebrate Valentines so we never plan anything, however I just got an email from him saying that he bought me something and needed my son to sign the card. Umm hello, I thought we decided not to do anything I told him because I dont have anything for him and its 4.30pm. LOL Apparently all the ladies at work were having him on and were telling him he better buy me something haha too funny! Not sure what Im going to do but your idea of sprucing up your dinner might be a good one to do for my husband. Set out his dinner in a heart shape or something LOL Happy Valentines Darwing!
@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
Wow... thirty is a huge amount of cards for your son to get. That's more than I even get for my birthday. lol. I'll bet he enjoyed himself at school. A bit of a looker, is he? :) That was very thoughtful of your neighbour. She must appreciate you very much. As for your husband, he rather spoiled the surprise, didn't he? I can imagine him being nagged at work by the women. It really doesn't matter that you don't have anything for him. You shouldn't fee guilty... he just wants to show you he cares. Yes, that's a good idea about his dinner. Go for it!!! :) Brightest Blessings and have a great Valentine's Evening. I hope you enjoy your gift from hubby!
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
That's a great idea though... that way, nobody feels left out. I like their style! :)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Well actually whoever brought valentines to school had to bring something for everyone and not just one or two classmates, which is fair enough. Our room parent did a great job in organising everything!
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
15 Feb 08
happy valentines to you - sending you heaps of hugs
hi darkwing. and happy valentines to you. even if i am a bit late. well i had about as exciting day as you. i didnt even get a 'happy valentines' wishes. but thats about normal. i put a little teddy on hubbys pillow, but he never said anything about it. think i been married too long haha. so i ended up in the afternoon buying myself some roses in a pot from the rural centre next door. they are really pretty pink. there is actually 3 plants in the pot so i will have to transplant them. then in the evening the kids had swimming club and they had a barbecue after. it was a belated christmas one, cause that one was cancelled due to bad weather. the kids had a great time though. and us adults had a chat and it was relaxing. you know, the other day i was thinking of chilli con carne. i havent had it for ages cause i the only one that eats it. and yours sounded so yummy. i think i need to make myself some this week. treat myself. hope all is well with you and your feeling better. been wondering how you been getting on. best wishes to you and take care. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Men!!! What are they like??? I don't think it's that you've been married too long but perhaps that he felt embarrassed that you'd remembered and he hadn't. What did he do with the little bear? lol. It sounds as though the children had a good time, even if it was a late Christmas Party, it gave it a meaning to have it yesterday. I feel Valentine's Day originally derived from the celebrations we have for Beltane. It certainly would seem so, even though they're not until the end of April/beginning of May. At that time, there's a lean towards young couples and uniting, which smacks of Valentine's Day. Although not much is known about it, some historians have accredited it to the Romans, but nobody's quite sure about its origin. The roses smell gorgeous. They would perhaps be nice either singly, in large patio pots, or somewhere in the garden, if you're going to separate them. I can smell them now... I love the smell of roses. :) The Chili Con Carne was nice, especially with the Doritos. I don't go a bundle on rice, because it's bland, but cheesy Doritos... yummmm. Do spoil yourself. An idea... if you made a batch for the cafe, you could take a portion out. That way, you don't have to make it just for yourself. I'm getting on well. I still haven't tried shoes, or walking outside, but I'll do another update shortly, my friend. Thank you for asking. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Awwwww, he could have mentioned the bear, at least. A kiss or a thank you for thinking of him would have been nice. Sometimes, they can be quite impossible, huh? lol. I think Chili will go down well in the cafe, especially with working men. Go for it... it's a new test for you, which I'm sure will go well. xxx
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
15 Feb 08
well, he just put the bear on the table next to the bed. typical. but he new it was valentines, cause i was selling valentines stuff in the shop. doing chilli con carne in the cafe sounds a good idea. might have to give it a try. glad your improving, and its good you taking it easy and not trying to rush around. take care
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
15 Feb 08
Hello Darkwing, Valentine's Day may have been over for you, but did you know that you have been sent specially made cards by me (check out as well as drannhh (check out Perhaps you have overlooked these earlier. So now you know, and cannot claim that "Nobody ever takes the time to send me a card", because we have. Happy belated Valentine's Day.
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Victor, that was a lovely card... thank you very much for taking the trouble to put it together for all your Mylot friends. I had overlooked both of them earlier, but I'm happy you pointed them out to me. Brightest Blessings and I hope you enjoy your meal at the weekend.
@Darkwing (21583)
16 Feb 08
You're welcome, and that's an excellent idea to make cards again next year. We really appreciate your thoughts and efforts. I make my own special greetings cards offline, and thoroughly enjoy doing so. From what I gleaned from your discussion, I believe you do too. It's not a cheap hobby but it gives me a lot of satisfaction to achieve an end product which betters anything in the shops and is more personal to the recipient. Brightest Blessings.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
16 Feb 08
The weekend's here, and I'm really looking forward to the dinner. Thanks for looking at the card, and I hope you liked it. I enjoyed creating it. drannhh and I have both said that we will think about creating Valentine's Day cards for myLotters again next year.
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• United States
15 Feb 08
Happy Belated Valentine's Day Darkwing, and I really hope the rest of your year is full of hearts and flowers! I actually forgot it was Valentine's day, haha, my bad. No husband or boyfriend to buy me sweets, awww, lol! I ended up getting all my tax forms filled out and sent in, going to the Dollar store for odds and ends, going to the thrift store to buy some cheap sweaters, getting gas for my car, and going to the bank. All in all, a pretty productive day for me so I'm happy. It was my day off from work, as is today also. A much needed rest I must say, even though I was busy running around, it was fun. You take care and I'm mentally sending you a bouquet of beautiful spring flowers and happy thoughts! Aren't they pretty?
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Awwwww yes, very pretty. Thank you so much, my friend. I'll put those behind the belated gift of choccies I was given last night. They were probably more a "Get Well" gift, rather than a Valentine's gift, but I don't care... at least he was missing me from darts. ha ha ha. I'm glad you had a good and productive day. It seems you're making headway out of your "messy patch". There's always a way my friend, and I know you'll find it. Take care, Brightest Blessings and please receive this return photographic gift from your friend. :) x
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Huggy Teddy - A Valentine's Gift for my friend...
Hugs to Kashmere... from Darkwing. x
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• United States
15 Feb 08
Thank you soooooo much!...That was so sweet of you to do! Progress is coming, slowly but surely, and I think I know where my problems are right now, Thanks to you. I'll relate that in my response to the dream discussion. Thank you again, you couldn't imagine how good that made me feel...xxxooo!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Feb 08
Well I went to see my special Man this Morning and then the afternoon Gissi and I where asleep As I am not sleeping at Night I am sleeping in the Afternoons and Gissi is being knocked out by his Tablets lol Happy Valentines Day to you xxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
That was nice, seeing your Special Man today. I'm sure you both enjoyed that. As for Gissi, he probably ran him ragged, if I know much about it, and it's not the tablets that knocked him out, but the attention seeking. ha ha ha ha. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
@nancyrowina (3850)
15 Feb 08
me and my partner were too poor this year to get any presents for each other, we only had potatoes and frozen vegetables with a few spices to make it a bit better for dinner. tomorrow he gets some money anyway so I might get some chocolate at least, I don't get paid again till next Wednesday so he'll have to wait till then to get a gift. :( What really matters is we are together but it is sad when you can't even afford to have a nice meal at least.
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Yes, it's sad that you can't afford to buy special presents or have a nice meal on Valentine's Day, but I think when that's the situation, it makes you appreciate each other even more. Money doesn't buy love, and if you're together today, that is what's most important. Prezzies to show your love and appreciation of each other can be bought at any time. You have a specially wonderful day, my friend. A hug is as treasured a gift as anything else in this World. Brightest Blessings. xxxxx
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
14 Feb 08
So far, I sent out cards to family far away, I gave my mom, my client & my roommate (from the cats) cards. And THAT is it. Granted, I have about 7 & half hours to go, but I doubt anything exciting is going to happen between now & then.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
I don't really expect anything, but a text would have been nice, just saying "Happy Valentine's Day". Never mind... it's for the youngsters anyway, I guess. I did have a box of chocs brought round by one of the local lads I play darts with, just after I finished this discussion, but suspect they were more of a cheer-up because I've been stuck at home, with a damaged leg. lol. Still, the thought was nice. Brightest Blessings, and I hope you do get a surprise before the day ends.
@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
That was a sweet thought on the part of your room mate. I hope you enjoyed your barbecue and I see you found a lot of time for Mylot. :)
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
15 Feb 08
Well, the roommate suggested stopping for bar-be-que on the way home, so, that's what I'm having for dinner. Just me, my bar-be-que and my computer... life is one gay, mad whirl....
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
14 Feb 08
Happy V Day Doll I didn't send or recieve a card. I did give small candy gifts to my children and their children.. I have never needed the flowers, cards,gifts..I do like the thought of someone thinking of me and if I'm out I always tell everyone I see Happy Happy because I always think someone needs cheering up. Love you Sweets and I'm sending you all my happy thoughts.. xoxoxoxoxoxo
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
Awww, that's nice that the children and theirs have something from you. My brother always did that with his kids but now they're grown, they get them from the lads. lol. I'm with you, my friend. I don't need flowers, cards and gifts really... I do just like a text saying Happy Valentine's Day, though. I normally get that, but not today. Just hope he's ok. Something pleasant did happen as I posted this discussion though, a knock on the door and I went slowly down to check, and one of the local lads had brought me a box of chocolates... possibly more because I've been stuck indoors with this leg for almost a fortnight but he picked an excellent time for it. lol. So sweet. Love you too, Raydene, my dear friend. Have a Great Day, and Brightest Blessings. xxxxx
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
14 Feb 08
Valentine's day for me- I could do with- or easily without. I have been burned by love (and not literally people) so many times that I have almost given up on it. I am at a point in time in my life where I'm happy being by myself and with myself- so thats what im doing on Valentine's day ;) I do have a few "friends" that have bought my things and are trying to take me to dinner- but Im just not in the mood and as I said- it is just any other day to me. Besides- going out to dinner is such a waste on a day like today because you end up spending most of your time waiting for a table ;(
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
Join the Club, my friend! I've enjoyed pampering myself as I'm sure you have. With the dining out, I don't know about where you are, but in England, it costs two to three times as much as a normal meal, so it's a waste of money as well as time. You pre-book tables here, so there's no waiting, or very little. Brightest Blessings to you for a Very Happy Valentine's Day, pampering yourself! :)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I got up this morning and decided that I just needed to at least do something for my 2 small grandchildren. My own children are 30, 23,21 and 14. While in the store, I thought, 14 year old who doesnt really care...I should get her a little something. Then I thought...oh ...i can't just do her and so I bought each of my girls just a little token...nothing much. I bought my boyfriend a card....he did the same. I had to work and so it was nothing real special but kind of fun. My oldest daughter gave me the most beatiful card and took time to stop into my work to give it to me. The 23 yr old brought be a candy rose at work. The other 2 did nothing and that was ok too....i know they love me. Happy heart day to you!
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Awwww. It sounds as though you had a really nice day. I think girls prefer Valentine's day to a lot of boys and men. lol. They seem to be much more excited about it, and it's not the cost or size of the gift that matters, when all's said and done... it's the thought. On Mothers' Day, as one of three daughters, I used to amble off over the fields and into the woods, picking violets and primroses. Then, my sisters and I would come home, put them in a bunch, cut a hole in the centre of a paper doily and push the stems through, then tie them with purple or yellow ribbon, making a pretty bouquet from each of us, for my Mum... one for each downstairs room. Because we'd taken the time to do that, she used to be thrilled. We'd be gone for two or three hours, as well! lol. Brightest Blessings.
• China
15 Feb 08
Yes the Valentine's day is almost past,maybe we everyone feel something unusual in heart. As for me ,I haven't had a girlfriend now.When I see others getting togrther happily Ialways feel sorrow. Be blessed!
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@Darkwing (21583)
15 Feb 08
Awwww... you're only young yet, Shifeilong. Get out there and get noticed! Send out some cards and some single, red roses, and you'll not be without a girlfriend for long! :) I had a pleasant surprise after finishing posting this discussion last night. A young lad from the darts team I run, popped round with a box of chocolates for me. What an opportune time to call... bless him! I suspect they were more to cheer me up after my leg injury, but it doesn't matter... it's the thought that counts, huh? Brightest Blessings.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Feb 08
Don't be so down Darkwing. I sense that you are feeling sorry for yourself. Think about the positives in your life, and if you can't then tomorrow get out there and make a friend. Do something different, go somewhere you've never been before. Your not a hopeless case and let no-one tell you that you are. Think positively, and positive things will happen. Take care.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
Oh, I'm not down, my friend, but thank you for the lift anyway. I have friends, one very close one, but he doesn't believe in celebrating the day. :) By the way, I finished writing this discussion, and there was a knock at the door. I went down to see who it was, and there stood one of the local lads, (just a youngster) with a box of chocolates. So, I did get something, after all. He didn't admit they were for Valentine's but I've been stuck indoors for nearly a fortnight after damaging my leg and being unable to walk far without support, so I think they were more of a cheer-up, but who cares... the thought was a very nice one. They're even my favourite Cadbury's chocolate. No, I have lots of friends of long standing, so I know I'm not a hopeless case. I was just thinking about how others were enjoying their day, and I had posted quite a sad and haunting video in my 360 site, about Robin Hood, so I was a little thoughtful, to say the least. It made me cry! :) I hope you had a good day, or are having a good day, and thank you for your input and concern. I'm bright and happy but getting tired, after a long day. Take care and Brightest Blessings.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Feb 08
I was pleased to read your reply. I was worried that things were not too good so I am delighted that I misread your post. Great news about the chocolates. Hope your leg heals quickly. Take care.
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@Darkwing (21583)
14 Feb 08
It's just my way with words, my friend, but I appreciate your wish to help lift me up. That was so sweet. Thank you. Yes, the chocs were nice, and my leg is healing. I'm managing, after eleven days of struggle, to walk around the flat without support now. There's still a bit of pain but I think perhaps the injury wasn't as bad as it sounded or felt when I did it. I might even venture out for an hour with my friend tomorrow evening, as she calls me every Friday to see if I'll join her in a drink. Thank you again, for your wishes. Brightest Blessings. x