does anyone suffer from insomia out there? how dos it affect you ?

@littleowl (7157)
February 14, 2008 11:00pm CST
i actually suffer with insomnia and find that if i go to bed too early i'm wide awake in the mid hours of the morning-yet if i go to bed late which is normally about 3am i can sleep like a baby and only need a few hours sleep-generally it doesn't affect me as in getting grouchy but how does it affect you and why?
4 people like this
13 responses
• Philippines
15 Feb 08
Insomnia is a curse to me. Whenever I have it, I can't concentrate in class, I have pimples and those ugly circles under my eyes. I get really low blood pressure, and I'm very pale. And my skin doesn't look nice. Through my study, though, insomnia is a sign that something is bothering a person. It is a consistent sign of depression. We deal with it through meds. The other thing is to overcome depression. The longest time I was wide awake was 46 hours, and it was just so hard because in my profession, I need to stay alert. Sometimes, I get to bed and try to sleep until most of the times, I go to school without sleep. This sleep disorder takes soo mu ch of my time and energy. I never get fat, I never got rid of the dark circles under my eyes, the same thing applies with my pimples.. And I don't get to think straight. Sometimes, when I lack sleep, I become more focused (just like with mild anxiety). I become more energetic and much task-oriented. But then, at the end of the day, my body hurts as if I've been run over by 10 people. My head aches like hell, that tension headache. And then comes migraine, the worst headache of all. So I tried different methods to get to sleep whenever I want. First, I found out that when I eat meat, I feel a little sleepy right after. Then I exercised, or when I can't, I just tire myself. And the last and my most favorite, I get a full cold shower right after tiring myself. It worked for me that way.™
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
hi kornflakes insomnia is a curse-i have never looked at it as a form of depression though-that is interesting-you are also right about the circles under the eyes i tend to get them too my blood presure is low anyway so none of that i reallyhave put down to insomnia-i do become more clumsy more than anything though-thanks for your response blessed be litteowl
• United States
15 Feb 08
Insomnia affects me to the degree that I may only get 4 hours sleep a night. My state of mind at work is fuzzy to say the least lol! Little things start to annoy me, and I can't wait to come home and get some sleep. Then, when I get home, I can't go to sleep at all! My mind races about things I need to do, or things I should have done but didn't. It's 4:00 AM now, and I'm tired....but not sleepy, ya know? Could it be our hectic lifestyles affect the amount of sleep we get? I have so many online things going on, it's crazy! After I'm done with those, I have "real" life things to attend to. Does this make sense to anyone? :)
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
it makes sense to me yet i dont think its because of our busy lifestyles i am unemployed because of health reasons and also have a lot going on in my life but when i've done a few things and sit down i get tired and have about an hours kip then am up doing other things about 10pm i get tired and may fall asleep for about an hour again my son always go to bed mum i say i wil but after making my so called last drink of the day i'm fully awake-lol!once again i'm up til the early hours of the morning on the computer mainly on mylot responding to discussions! when i do finally get to bed i only then have a couple of hours kip--so yes can understand fully litteowl
@littleowl (7157)
22 Feb 08
hi spleendingo thanks for you response-guess there are more people out there than what we think who suffer from insomnia-am glad to hear that you have done something though in your waking hours with the radio show-i really understand how you can feel tired but not able to sleep,maybe it is our life styles,the only way to get some shut eye for me is meditating as it tends to quieten your mind and makes you sleep,even then though i only get a few hours sleep it's a pain thanks for your response littleowl
• United States
16 Feb 08
Judging by the responses here, it's good to see I'm not the only one lol! At first, I thought it was the caffeine. Si I started drinking water after six in the evening. That helped somewhat, but if I could find a way to just shut my brain off for awhile, that would help a LOT lol! I just decided if I'm going to be up, I may as well make some money. I also started my own radio show on Now Live from midnight until whenever (eastern time). It's called "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and it's basically an anything goes call in/chat show. Making money and having fun! If you can't's great! :)
• Philippines
15 Feb 08
i do. i have a very low rbc (red blood cells) because i have been having a hard time sleeping at night. when i was still working, i fainted in front of my co-employees. that has become one of the major reasons why i quit work and just decided to start a new business for myself.
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
hello loudhummer what you have is what my daughter has it isnt nice as she often feels faint and she has a three year old boy-at the moment she too has given up work because of it-am sorry to hear about your plight but admire you for starting a business of your own-take care of yourself blessed be littleowl
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
15 Feb 08
As you know I suffer from insomnia at the moment as I am pregnant. Hopefully it will disappear for me when baby arrives. But then the baby will keep me up all night, lol. I think I am getting used to lack of sleep, must be surviving on adrenalin. I learnt a useful tip of a friend of mine today on getting to sleep. She said you start at your toes, saying there is my little toe, my big toe, then slowly go up the body stating each body part. Just making your mind aware. Hopefully by the time you reach your eyes, you will be zonked out. I have not tried it yet, but I will tonight. Give it a try, let me know if it works.
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
hello kiran i wasn't totally aware ou were suffering from insomnia but as baby is so close i know it is difficult to sleep-it was for me-what your friend has told you though is sound advice it sounds like a form of meditating-i know when i meditate most times i fall asleep for a while so yes it may help you too especially at night blessed be littleowl
• United States
21 Feb 08
I suffer from extreme insomnia I either sleep for a few hours, or up for days. I have a few mental issues that may be the cause if it, but the hard part is my brain overloads on stuff and now I have no short term memory. I forget it as fast as I do it. It does make living a "normal" life hard. I am very lucky to have real friends in my life that accept my menals issues and are really supportive of me.
1 person likes this
22 Feb 08
i used to suffer from insomnia but then i bought these hypnosis cd's for insomnia ans now i get to sleep easily. if you want i can send you these files , message me if your intrested
@littleowl (7157)
22 Feb 08
hi qwerty thanks for offer for cd's am really interested if you are willing to send them to me-littleowl
• Romania
22 Feb 08
Hello.I'm interested of theese hypnosis cd's for insomnia, maybe they'll help me to sleep.I'm feelling so bad after a night of insomnia and it's really hard the next day to work.?Thank you so much.
• United States
16 Feb 08
hey theer owl..happy day to ya..i have been there so much over the last few months..i cant seem to fasll asleep at night at all..either its my hunny snoring..its too ahnea machine is bugging me..or i have a milion things on my mind..or hell theer have ben many times nothings on my mind and i stil can sleep!! But come about 8am or 9am..and im out cold..i have even stayed up for a day to 3 to try and get me on body hates sleeping at night and i dont get it...well i just got Ambien and it helos me sleep threw but i am looking into Ambien CR to knock me out faster...i wish u the best luck ever!
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
hi cloud_kicker! you sound so chirpy even though your body seems to hate sleep-will say haven't heard of ambien but am glad you are getting some sleep know--its amazing though how like how our brains are always on the go so i bodys can still keep going too-cos that is one part of us that does need rest..take hope to hear from you again-littleowl
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Lord have mercy yes do I suffer from insomnia! I came over to my parent's house an hour ago because I was tired of staring at my ceiling trying to sleep. I cleaned, I got on the computer, I prayed, I watched TV, I did low impact yoga, nothing worked! I always have had insomnia, but last night has been the worst in a while. I was in pain a little bit more than usual, and my upstairs neighbor decided she needed to do all her cleaning in the middle of the night. Including vacuuming and emptying out her dresser drawers!
• Pakistan
21 Feb 08
You told that you are suffer with insomnia. You can not sleep early at night. You use to start your sleeping hours at 3:00 am. It is common to many people. Those people who sleep at morning hours and get up late in the day, they suffer insomnia like you. Solution of your problem is that you should fight against the asleep, which use to come at early in the morning. Avoid sleeping in morning hours. And keep your self awake up in the day hours. You will feel tired in the evening and you will also feel desire of sleep. Try to get up early in the morning and keep your self awaking during the day hours. You will fee tired and desire of sleeping very early at night. This is a simple remedy of your problem. Test this today, you will get a good result. Proper sleeping is very important for mental and physical health.
@littleowl (7157)
22 Feb 08
thanks for your response-have been trying what you suggested for the past few days yes its god to go to bed early thing is though i wake after about 4hours and cant sleep after that so end up staying up for the rest of the day then on going tobed early once again i wake about 3am and am up again-its like an effort to get any proper sleep but thanks for your advice though am grateful for it perhaps eventually doing what you say i will be able to sleep properly blessingslittleowl
@ellie333 (21016)
20 Feb 08
Hi Littlowl I have just had a thought so I will share. With a name like Littleowl, perhaps you are just a night bird which is why you have trouble sleeping at night. Some people are night people while others are morning people etc. Not a serious answer but have been awake a lot in the night myself tonight and for some reason this came into my head re your insomnia quesion LOL Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
22 Feb 08
hi ellie you are right that i am a night bird -but my name is actually my spiritual name it is the name my guides gave me-guess they could of thought the same thing as you!!-but truthfully there is a reason for the name i have been given which actually has nothing to do with the reson i find it hard to sleep--lol littleowl
@madlees (1377)
• India
23 Feb 08
That is because you have been sleeping very late in the night regularly and your body has got used to that timings. Hereafter sleep regularly at a fixed time and see that you get used to it. I always sleep early in the night and sleep for 8 hours daily. That is my beauty sleep and I have to get it. If by chance I go to bed late I will not able to sleep for sometime and get headache in the mornings.
• United States
16 Feb 08
I usually go to sleep around 2-4am and it really sucks. I guess it affects me, I schedule all my classes at around noon because I usually wake up at around 10 or 11am. I think if I tried to fix my sleeping schedule I would be fine but doing that is so hard for me. Right now its fine because I'm a college student but once I get out into the real world I think that it would really be a problem. Hopefully by then I'll be fine though! :)
@littleowl (7157)
16 Feb 08
hello chelsea same here i go to bed round 3-4am but am never asleep before 5am like you said it sucks-although i get told the same as you to try and turn my bodyclock round and go to bed earlier that doesn't work cos am awake about 3hrs later and have to get up! hopefully you will be ok after leaving college-wish you the best of luck with that-littleowl
• Romania
22 Feb 08
I do suffer from insomnia in two different manners, sometimes I can't sleep about 2-3 am and even if I sleep about 10-11 I'm not feeling well.Sometimes I sleep to early, like you , and I'm awake about 1am and I must read or watching tv about 6am, whem my eyes are closing.?This is bad because at 6 am I must go to my work.Sometimes I must take sleeping pills, but I don't want to do this every night.
@littleowl (7157)
23 Feb 08
hello daniraius i quite understand where you are coming from on that one-only because of health reasons i am unable to work-it must be so hard for you specially when your up til 6am and have to go to work-mayb sleeping tablets are the only thing you can really take to help you--i was given them one time but the first night it knocked me out for six!-i nearly slept for the whole day after so now i wont take them as i find it worse taking them than not taking them-insominia is a curse and if there was a way round it would take it but haven't but dont think there is one-thanks for your response-littleowl