How many Cards did your Child(ren) get on Valentines Day?
By heavenschild
@heavenschild (4777)
February 15, 2008 4:00pm CST
My son is in a Kindergarten class of nineteen and he received only eight cards!
He is special needs and it is difficult for him to print his name but I got him to write his name on eighteen cards last Saturday of which I attached a heart shaped sucker to each card and he took them all to school for each child and here he only brings home eight!!!
How many did your child receive?
Do you think that this normal or fair?
I really don't think that it is right!!!
According to the teacher he is liked by the children and has friends so why only eight cards? The teacher sent home a class list of first names and so I really don't understand this!
When I was in school I always took a valentine for each member of my class right up to around grade five or six...You just didn't leave people out!
What do you think about all of this?
How would you feel if it was your child?
I'm just glad that my son who is four does not realize this as he is developmentally around three and is so thrilled with his little paper bag of cards...However, this is not the point...It just isn't right!!
Please place your views here and thanks in advance!!
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11 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I think it is wrong, but what can you do?
As for having so many cards to write out, my sons teacher had a wonderful idea.. Weeks before the party, she had sent home all these tags with all the kids names on them. They had a post office and the kids were to bring in 3 cards a day, that way they were not over whelmed with doing so many at once..Unfortunately they had snow days, but by the day of the party, my son had all his done, so we just sent them all in at once..The other kids did not.. So when they go back to school Tuesday, they are suppose to have the rest of the Valentines in. So my son had a few cards, and should get the rest on Tuesday...
I think even if the teacher doesn't not do this, the parent should start their child weeks ahead of time, so that they can get them all done by the day of the party..
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
16 Feb 08
Hi carmelanirel
Thanks so much for the suggestion! :)
I just may do that next year....
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Feb 08
That's ok Jezebel, I am sorry you didn't have the opportunity to enjoy this holiday in school like we do here...:(
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Jezebel, didn't you have Valentines Day parties when you were in school? I remember taking a shoe box and decorating it for this special day. And then all the valentines in my box, some with suckers, (those were the best), and the cookies and candy... Yeah, I have a sweet
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@mummymo (23706)
16 Feb 08
Oh heavens sweety I can understand why you feel so upset - even though usually here valentines is just about that 'special person' in your life - after you and your son (especially your son) going to so much trouble you feel as though he has been badly let down by others, I am so sorry about that! Niamh has a little boy in her class who has learning difficulties and he has always been one of the most popular children in the class and I daresay that your gorgeous son is too but maybe other parents just didn't realise that valentines were going to be exchanged by the kids? Last year Niamhs teacher organised a Valentines party and the children all made cards for each other and Niamh took in a little gift for each child - she only received one or two in return but I took that as an opportunity to teach her about life, I always feel you have to try and look at the positive - although I do get sidetracked quite often! This year she didn't get any valentines but at 6 she seems to be at the age where it is yucky to either give or receive valentines - I know that will change again soon! I wish I had been able to send your angel a valentines - maybe Niamh would even have liked it if it was via email! xxx
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
Not necessarily that he has been let down as his l;evel of understanding is not there...He is actually happy with his little paper bag of cards and does not realize any difference :) I am actually thankful for this! However, it is me with the problems....
As for parents not realizing...the teacher sent home a list of first names so why wouldn't they know!?
Thanks so much for your care and concern....
PM me your E-Mail and I will send you my address also! :)
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
20 Feb 08
How embarassing my dear friend...I do have it! :(
Please forgive me as I have a lot going here right now and too much on my mind!!
I had you mixed up with someone else!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
15 Feb 08
For my sons class they just give the number of kids in the class and ask the children to sign their name. They don't give out a list of who is in the class. My son got quite a few cards, not quite sure if it was the entire class or not. Are you sure that every kid in the class brought in valentine's day cards?
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
16 Feb 08
I don't know how many kids wouldn't participate, but I know around here parent and kid participation in everything is low. To the point where some parents won't pay $1 for their child to attend shows that the local zoo put on at the school and there may be 5 parents at the PTA/PTF meeting and there 500 kids in the school. If the situation is similar at your school, then I wouldn't be surprised that only a handful of kids brought in valentine's day cards.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
16 Feb 08
Well, perhaps you are right! :)
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
Well, there are nineteen children including my son.
He brought home eight valentines and he would make nine. So, does it make sense to you that ten children (out of a class that size) would not participate in Valentines Day?
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
16 Feb 08
My youngest was told to bring 23 valentine cards so she did. Come to find out, she only had 18 people at her school for the party. Here a lot of kids are out with the flu. They will have a nice surprise when they come back. This was my daughter's first Valentine party, so she didn't care what she got as long as she got something.
Before getting upset, you can check to see if any kids were sick, subtract from your son's list of 19. Then if there is still a huge gap, I wouldn't be happy, but what can you do. Some kids forget to bring there cards, parents doesn't get any, etc.
My oldest came home yesterday with cards and I was upset because she didn't go with any. She told me that her teacher said they wasn't going to do the card thing, so I was like cool, I can save money, so I didn't get any.
So don't be to upset, He sounds like he was very happy. If it makes you feel better, you can talk to the teacher about it.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I'm happy to hear that he has a good teacher. I also have an idea on why he didn't bring home as many as expected. Maybe the kids liked what they picked out for there cards so much, that they kept some for themselves, and didn't tell there mom's. Reason I say this, my 5 yr old loves Littlest Pet Shop. It took me forever to find them, when she saw them it was like Christmas morning. The night before the party, I recounted her cards and only came up with 21, so I had to go find the box that they came in and find 2 more. So maybe some of the kids did that, and the parents didn't think to check how many was being sent to school.
Or be like I did last year with my oldest, and forgot to check her backpack to see if she had her cards in there.
But that's in the past, does your son's school do any thing special for Easter. With my kids school, I don't have a clue. We moved here when my oldest was going into the 3rd grade. I do hope they don't go over board. My husband is getting tired of forking out money on things for parties and such.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
20 Feb 08
I have no idea about Easter as we have not been told as yet.
I don't blame your husband...It does add up when you're sending cupcakes, candies, etc.
Thanks so much for your help and advise! :)
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
My son has no idea that he was left out...I just feel that he was it really doesn't affect him due to his level of understanding!
I'm not going to talk to the teacher about it as I know it not her fault or that of the schools...He has an excellent teacher :)
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I have two children and both teachers sent home a note that if your child wanted to bring Valentines they had to bring them for the whole class. My sons 4th grade teacher sent home a list of all of the kid in the class so he could write the names on them.
My daughter is in preschool and they just had the kids write their names on the from line and bring 13 Valentines which is how many is in the class.
I think it is only right if you bring them to bring enough for the entire class.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
I'm with you and I took that to be the intention of my son's teacher when she sent home the list of names. When my son was in preschool he came home with a valentine from every child in his class and all of the teachers also...It just isn't right!
I find it hard to believe that out of a class of nineteen children only nine (including my son) participated and brought cards...When I went to school it seemed that everyone participated and no one was left out!
Thanks so much for your input here :)
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@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
16 Feb 08
I agree it is hard to beleive only a few kids brought valentiens when you buy a box of valentine they usually come with about 32 in the box so its not hard to bring that many.
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@justabloke (526)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I have to admit that Valentines is totally different from when I grew up in England. Over there, you only recieved valentines from "secret admirers", so, if you got one, you have no idea who it was from.
As to your situation, it doesn't seem fair, but, remember giving is supposed to be better than receiving and whereas you may have been a little upset, hopefully you made all 19 other children happy.
I do understand your concern as in a perfect world you should receive as many as you give, but, sadly nothing is perfect and many people don't even try.
Personally, I wouldn't waste the time worrying about it. I would spend the effort on my own children. You should be proud of your son for the effort he put in and even with a developemental age of three that he cared less about how many he got and more about that he got some.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
First of all, I just want to say that it is so great to see you! I have missed you around here.....
I certainly do hope that the other Children were made happy by my sons cards and James is happy because he does not understand that he did not get from every one...He doesn't understand exactly how holidays are to be and I am glad of this as I would not want him to be upset! :)
It's not that I think receiving is more important...It's just that I had to work for over an hour to get my poor boy to print his name eighteen times and so I feel bad for him ina sense to recieve eight cards and two suckers....It's not something that I am going to mention to the teacher or anything and he will give again next year as it is the right thing to do but I just wish things were different...He hasn't been invited to any Birthdays yet either and I find that strange and sad...
Ah Well...
I thank you and want you to know that I appreciate your caring and wisdom in responding here! :)
Take Care My Friend!
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
23 Feb 08
Bloke, you have brought tears to my eyes here and I can hardly see to type!!!
Thank you so much for this heart felt response which means so much to me.....
You say your thoughts and out look may not be the same as mine but they are very close and I thank you for bringing to my attention the importance of the time spent between my son and I doing this project that hopefully did bring joy to his friends and was excellent (much needed) practice in printing his name and helpful for his occupational therapy....
We truly do need to look at the bright side and focus on the positives as our children truly are precious and beautiful! :)
Thanks so much my dear friend and I wish for you an absolutely wonderful day!
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@justabloke (526)
• United States
21 Feb 08
We did have an incident in my house on Valentines! School was cancelled due to snow and my eldest had a major meltdown as he had all his valentines ready and they were having a party. It took a while to resolve.
It's a real tough one for you, you want your son(James?) to fit in and I know how much you live the pain for him.
I am trying to think of the words to write that will help you, but, naturally, you are different from me and my thoughts may not be in line with yours.
I think life is too short to worry about everything else outside your control. You don't know why the other 11 kids didn't send your son valentines, maybe they didn't send them to anyone else in the class and everyone went home with 8. At the end of the day, how much was it worth to your sons development and life that he got to spend an whole hour with his mother working on a project for his school friends? How much enjoyement and satisfaction did you get? Think positive. You son is so special to you, as are all our kids to each of us.
I have been trying to apply this type of approach a lot over the past couple of years, that life is great, life with my kids is even greater and that I am here to experience it is....priceless.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
20 Feb 08
Hi heavenschild,
I wasn't trying to sound cynical, with my comment to mummymo here. It did take me back, however, to the totally improper way that this was handled when I went to school. The teachers 'did not' get involved at all, so there were no lists of names provided etc. Yes, we did have a party, but it was left up to each individual child, as to whether they included all of their classmates. I guess, depending on the individual families, there could've been some parental involvement.
I can't imagine why this happened with your son's Valentines that he received, except for the possible reasons outlined by others here. I guess there is a good chance, that some parents just can't be bothered, with any of this, even at the kindergarten level. When the list of names was sent home, did his teacher include a note, requesting that a Valentine be made out 'for each child?'
When my daughter was this age, we received the list of names, along with a note of explanation from the teacher. We 'always' made sure that every child on the list was included. I am sorry to hear about this, and I do understand your feelings regarding it. xxx
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
I agree that it doesn't seem right. Hopefully, some of your suggestions can be implemented next year, so that this won't happen again. xxx
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
23 Feb 08
Thanks Mom!
I'm doing my best here to look out for him as always!! :)
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
The list of names came home with the February Calendar which the teacher uses as a form of a news letter for the month outlining activities...No indiviual note was included however!
My son is happy and doesn't realize that anything was wrong but what gets me is he printed his name on eighteen valentines and brought home eight...I also included a heart shape sucker with each card...It just doesn't seem right but I'm not going to da anything about it...I just wanted some opinions here :) I have some great suggestions for next year though!
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@jtr115 (722)
• United States
16 Feb 08
That happened to me when I was a kid. There were about 25 people in each of my classes in grades 1-3. I gave each of them valentines, yet only about one-half to two-thirds of them gave one to me. It's definitely not right to leave anyone out because the ones left out could have their feelings hurt. If buying a box of cards is beyond a parent's budget, the kids could always make their own.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
So sorry that you endured this!
Thankfully my son does not realize this as his level of understanding is not normal for his age...He is happy with what he has received....It is me that is concerned about this!!
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@mukhtarsaad (29)
• India
16 Feb 08
my son is only one year old and he has not got a single card even his father means myself has not get the single card in this valen,because i have no friend who can do all this type of things
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
I was looking for answers from parents of school-age children but I do appreciate your input here!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Feb 08
No it isn't right at all. At the beginning of every school year the school sends home a note to parents telling them all the "holidays" that will be celebrated in school and to please let the school know which ones if any your child will not be participating in.
My son participates in them all but there are some parents of kids in his class that don't participate in anything. Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, nothing!
Even if he comes home with a list of only 11 names of kids who are participating in a particular holiday he still makes a goodie bag for the other kids. I spoke to the teach at the beginning of the year and told her that I do not mean to offend the parents of the kids that will not be celebrating, I just don't want to leave anyone out.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
15 Feb 08
I'm so glad that you do that and my son participates in all of the holidays except for Halloween....
I'm the same as you in that It took me over an hour due to my son's difficulties but I got my son to print his name on eighteen valentines for his class and then I did the rest...It is not that costly to do!! I put suckers on each of my sons and the cards with the suckers only cost me $4...I have no idea why he only got eight cards? How could it be that ten out of eighteen children did not bring any cards at all...Makes no sense to me!
Thanks so much for your thought and your input here!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
16 Feb 08
I was just reading your discussion and I wondered if I could learn more about your tradition of valentines day, you see I have never had to give my children cards to take to school for the whole class, other than at christmas,so I wandered is this something that you have always done and how come this happens? I would love to know more it sounds like a nice thing.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
Yes, I am 30 and when I was a little girl we would have Valentines parties at school and take cards for all of our class mates. It is a celebration of love and friendship here that happens once a year on February 14th and is called Valentines Day.
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