Setting up a bed time routine
By JKostura
@JKostura (107)
United States
February 16, 2008 1:55pm CST
My 13mo old son and I have moved around alot so we never really established a good bedtime routine. Though I've tried to get him on more of a schedule, he seems to think that doing his own thing is MUCH easier LOL He tends to stay up until at least midnight and wakes up at different times each morning. I know that I should be getting him up in the morning at a consistent time, but when I've stayed up half the night trying to get him to go to sleep, I'm pretty bad at getting up early. We are soon going to be settled and one of the biggest things on my mind is trying to create an easy, fun bedtime routine. Something that will be good for both of us.. Any suggestions??
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6 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Your main thing is going to be picking a time for him to go to bed and being consistent with it. I know that can be hard, i went through the same thing with my daughter who is almost two. Once you pick that time, you need to make it clear that that is bedtime, even if you have to sit beside him for a few nights, but stay with it. Getting him up earlier, instead of letting him sleep in is good to. it will make him tired before midnight to where he will want to go to bed earlier. and if worse comes to worse, cut out his naps during the day that way he is exhausted by the time it is time to go to bed. good luck and keep us posted. God bless
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yeah its funny, he is in no way consistent in the evening, but if I try to get him to skip his mid afternoon nap, forget it! LOL I'm hoping that once I've picked a bed time, like you mentioned..everything else will fall into place. How long did it take for your daughter to get into the swing of things?
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
17 Feb 08
It took her about two weeks of me being consistent and not backing down and then she was fine. things will work out. good luck and God bless
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@shymurl (2765)
• United States
16 Feb 08
Thats a tough one. I was in the same situation. I worked at night so my baby now 2 would stay up so we could sleep in together. Now I don't work at night and am trying to get him on a decent schedule. When all the lights are out and its quiet he usually knows that it is time for bed. I find myself laying down with him and falling asleep with him. Then we get up in the mornings and its a day. Now my thing is trying to get him to go to bed on his own. LOL
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
17 Feb 08
wow! I give ya alot of credit for working at night. I tried that but I just couldnt handle it! I've started turning out the light after we've read a book or sang a song..and he doesnt mind it too much..inless I put him in his crib. But it doesnt seem to phase him as sleepy time..he just thinks its cool that its dark and goes about playing as usual LOL
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
This is hard because sometimes we have to do what works for us...even tho we know it might not necessarily be gerat for our child. I used to have my son stay up later at night because then he would sleep a full night and sleep till a decent time in the morning. Establishing a bed time routine is hard at first....but just know that it gets much easier once you and the babe settle into it. If you son is used to geoing to bed at midnight, then I would start off and gradually work down in the time that he is put down at night. Dont start drastic because that may just set you up for faliure. Knock his bedtime down by an hour each week maybe. Start with 11pm, keep that for a week....even more if he isnt settled and going down good. Then just keep moving down. His body just needs time to adjust and all will be well. I gradually moved my sons bedtime 3 yrs. I now am able to put him in at 9pm and he will sleep till 9am most of the time. He does get up once or twice in the night but it is all good. We put him to bed at 8pm a few nights this week and it made no difference, he slept the same as normal. Just have patience and know that it will get better...and honestly it wont be all that long. it doesnt take long for a young child to catch onto routine. Your first few nights may be trying, having to go into the room countless times...but all will be good in awhile.
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
I think we have all done it :-) I used to do it while my son was little. Put him down later at night that way he slept in in the morning. I didnt get to sleep of course (other than the odd weekend) as I have a 10 yr old to get up and off to school. I just found it easier to get her up, fed and packed up for school without having to tend to the baby. She would leave, I would have a half an hour for a little sit down and coffee break and then my son was up...and was ready to start the day.
Do you still put your son down for a nap during the day. My son used to nap for 2 hrs in the day...which was also making it hard for me to get him down to bed at a decent hour...when I wanted to start with the routine. At about 20 months...I had to take his nap away. Really didnt want I enjoyed those two hours thro the day...but wasnt enjoying the 12 midnight bedtime. As soon as I took the nap away...and started to decrease the hour that he was put to bed...I would say all was well in just over a week. Even if maybe you try and take the naps away....just until you get him settled at the time you would like each night. That way it allows him to be tired and ready for bed and in the you just keep implementing that bed time routine. He just may go down he hasnt slept. Once routine is settled....try giving him a nap...then putting him to bed at your set routine...see if that works. Just a suggestion. Good Luck
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Yeah he LOVES his nap. The day that I tried keeping him awake, he dozed off on the floor WHILE I WAS TRYING TO PLAY W/ HIM LOL Its funny, his daytime routine is pretty much set..(and of course, he is the one that set it). I started our little bedtime routine last night..and he was not happy w/ me at all! Neither of us got much sleep :/ I know it will get better..its just this inbetween time thats gettin me lol thanks for your advice!!
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
17 Feb 08
That's a really good idea! I'm going to try that. I guess that was the selfish side of me...even tho goes to bed late, and yeah maybe he wakes up during the night, he would sleep in until late morning which in return allowed me to sleep in. He is just soooooo busy all the time. It's like sleep is just way to much of an inconvenience. I appreciate the 8 or 9 o'clock bedtime sounds really good to me!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
17 Feb 08
The first thing you have to do is pick a time. Lets go with 10 pm. Okay so at 8pm give him a bath use the lavender sent wash it helps to calm the body down. 830 all dressed and ready to settle down. You can watch a movie or just have quite reading time. My daughter is pretty good about her bed time. Our routine is 830 she takes a bath after that we make a bottle and lay on the couch for a little i soothe her by playing with her hair or rubbing her belly. From about 9 to 930 she plays in the living room while we watch a baby einsitine. Then its off to bed. Its just as importaint to have a 10 min before bed routine too. For my daughter I lay her down (she likes to hold something) I put a blanket on each side while saying this ones for this hand that one for that hand and this ones for your belly. I kiss her give her her binkie and turn the moble on. She knows its bed time and thats that. No fuss nothing. I know I am one very lucky mom but you could have it too with consistancy. Good Luck!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Yes I really am lucky there. My mother in law watched her a couple weeks ago for 2 nights and 3 days. So 2 bed times and 6 naps. She said Luann didn't fuss once and could not get over that. She is still bringing it up. My daughter knows her bedtime and naptime. But you have to realze she set it. She let me know when she was ready and I just kept her with that schedule. I get a moring AND afternoon nap every day at the same time. and a good bed time. Like I said just very lucky. Makes me not want to have more ... I could never have another like her.
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
19 Feb 08
LOL wow! Yeah I would feel the same way..then again, my sisters friend had a daughter that was really content all the time. Good eater, good sleeper..just a very easy going baby. When she had her son she was nervous at first. But then, it was like he just picked up with what his sister had been doing! She would continue the routine that was set w/ her daughter, and for the most part, he just went w/ it. Crazy!
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
17 Feb 08
See that's a huge part of my problem, holding him til he falls asleep..which I know isn't good .. But I'm definitly going to try your advice. I like the idea of the lavender bath. wow, no fuss. I can't even imagine LOL I can't complain tho,my son is a very well tempered little boy, just EXTREMELY busy. I'm really hoping that we can settle into something like you and your daughter have. The idea of the little 10 min routine is really sweet as well. Thank you, I appreciate your input!
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@wangasfzi123 (3)
• China
17 Feb 08
In the morning 7:30 point----7:40 gets out of bed (does not calculate is too early,first one week permission hates to get out of bed 5 minutes)7:40----8:20 morning calisthenics(may indoors outdoors union)8:20----8:40 washes rinses(force pale zhuang,could not look like before such had hair dishevelled eye not to open work)8:40----9:00 breakfast (may anticipation news and entertainment program)9:00----9:30 insisted that walks the company to go to work.9:30----10:00 allows itself to send a half hour dull. Ponders preceding day of work progress,browsing news 10:00----12:30 work(does not chat as far as possible.influence working efficiency)12:30----13:30 lunch(accesses the net to chat.Free activity)13:30----15:30 works earnestly 15:30----16:30 rest works,surfer,Chats 16:30----18:40 works 18:40----19:20 walk goes home(if is late,goes by car)(18:30----21:30)attends class studies 19:20----20:00 supper 20:00----before 20:00 rests,the preparatory work(including surfer time)22:00----7:30 sack time(cannot think blindly that cannot have a bad dream or nightmare,only cherishes fond hopes.Ha catbazole carbazole....)
Hopes my these things to be possible to help you .
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@catfordshopper (92)
17 Feb 08
Read the ingredients in any foods. Don't feed cheese, dairy or sugary carbs by evening. Energy foods are a no. So now you need a workout before bedtime. You set the time. Maybe 10pm- so by 8pm we need to play hand clapping, shake rattles and get movement going, any brain training movement. Then bath baby, change to night clothes and start getting the lights low(dimmer switch), this is the nightfall illusion. Hopefully a busy active play expells energy anf hopefully you haven't had a sleeping babe for too much of the daylight hours? Evening routine is essential to the learning of the child. You know that already. Doing his own thing is great, so make him do his own thing earlier evening, playing, noiseig off, generally tiring himself. Then you pick the same daily time you start easing him into the bath/low light/clothes/bed routine. Obviously he wont perform like a puppet on day one. But you must doggedly stick to this regime even when it's appearing to fail because that is what it is, a routine and fingers crossed he will break first and see this over a time. well he will break first because the routine never should break... When you have been up half the night, it is because you have paid attention to what? His screams, noises, or what? DON'T! He isn't suppossed to get your attention. You need to get his attention to learn from you(hard eh?). As long as you know he is fine then simply leave him to cry himself out. If you go to him you are stopping him learning that he is suppossed to be quiet and asleep. Good luck and it wont be easy however you do it. But you wont love each other any less.
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@JKostura (107)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yeah, I've heard about the not eating certain foods..I just havent got around to trying it yet. Thank you for all the advice, it was definitly helpful! I'm just anxious to get a full night sleep in. It definitly is hard to listen to him cry at night, but like you said..if I know he's fine, I need to practice not jumping outta bed! LOL
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