Have we lost site in this election?
By MistyD
@MistyD (9)
United States
February 16, 2008 8:46pm CST
Ok, so Obahma and Hilary are wanting healthcare for everyone......I personally think that is one step closer to socialism. Remember Hilter? It scares me to think that religon is already on the chopping block and if these socialist get into office what are they going to do next? Anyone else in fear of what is going to happen? Is evil finally taking over in tHis world? And if so how much longer do we have?
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19 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yes, MistyD, I do believe that evil has finally taken over, but it says it will in the end times. I don't know how much longer we have on this earth, but my guess would be to start looking up, especially if Obama wins. You can't convince me that he's not straight from Satan. I'm personally voting for and did vote for Huckabee. He may not seem that strong talk wise, but he has God with him, so where he isn't strong God can be strong for him. And yes, to those of you that are going to comment on my response. I am a Christian, I do believe the end of times is coming as we know it, and yes i believe that there is more evil in this world today than there ever has been, but the Bible states all this will happen before the Lord returns to get His children. thanks for sharing misty and God bless
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Hi asg,
I agree with you 110%!! If Obama becomes President, it will be a very scary thing!
I also voted for Mike Huckabee. It will take a miracle for him to get the Republican nomination, but God is still in the miracle-making business! We just have to pray for God's will to be done and keep on serving Him.
God bless you!
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
18 Feb 08
This is very true. God still does miracles and He can do one in this election. We as Christians just really need to be praying for our nation right now. God bless you
@ladyslew (91)
• United States
18 Feb 08
What scares me personally are people who go around saying things like religion is on the chopping block when they are talking about candidates who are members of the United Church of Christ and United Methodist church (as am I) respectively.
What I am in fear of are people talking about poorer people in their own country getting affordable health care as being evil.
I don't remember anyone called HiLTer. I do remember someone named HiTLer. And he wasn't a socialist. He was a Nazi.
But what I fear most is people who claim to be religious and yet refuse to follow the word of God:
Matthew 7:1
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
@niranjans87 (1077)
• India
18 Feb 08
Oh for heaven s sake nothing like that is happening....neither of them are planning to take over the world. and i dont see whats wrong in health care system. The UK and France have it and they are not socialist.They have fully fledged democracies and are doing well and people are actually healthier there cos of this...
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
17 Feb 08
I'm not scared. I wasn't aware that religion was on the chopping block. Nobody has ever prevented me from going to the church I want to go to.
As far as evil taking over the world - I don't think so. Sure, there are a lot of negative things in the world, but there are a lot of good things as well. I guess it depends on where a person chooses to focus.
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@jormins (1223)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yeah all those Nazi's up there in Canada are really going to screw things up. They got health care up there and now look at the value of the Canadian Dollar. I'm sure its only months before they invade us.
Here is a definition of socialism please read up:
@MistyD (9)
• United States
17 Feb 08
The value of the canadian dollar and the fact that they have socialized healthcare have nothing to do with each other. The reason the canadian dollar is rising in value is because they do not borrow more money than they have. I also have a definition of socialism for you, read George Orwell's book Animal Farm. Tell me how that story ends.
@jormins (1223)
• United States
17 Feb 08
The value of the dollar is not just from debt incurred but also the stability of the economy, why ours is so incredibly weak right now. The Socialist or Nazi Party or whatever you'd like to call them left the White House with a surplus. They will now inherit a huge debt and deficit amongst many other problems. I find a very hard time 1) calling them socialists, its not even close and 2) continuing to trust the Republican/or Non-Evil Party with another 4 years to mess up the economy, foreign policy, and pretty much everything they touch. McCain has even stated he knows nothing about the economy and he supports Bush's policies of which 75% of the country is tired of. You are entitled to your opinion but I see no comparison of the Dem's to Hitler, that's pretty far out there.
PS - So which animal is McCain?
@MistyD (9)
• United States
17 Feb 08
The value of the canadian dollar and the fact that they have socialized healthcare have nothing to do with each other. The reason the canadian dollar is rising in value is because they do not borrow more money than they have. I also have a definition of socialism for you, read George Orwell's book Animal Farm. Tell me how that story ends.

@daveman (1)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Well, honestly we should all have the fear of God in us. And according to the bible, these are the trialing times, the times of tribulation, "the End times", also the Lords word says that the ways of the world are of satans spirit, satans world, evil has already taken over. NOBODY KNOWS HOW MUCH LONGER, the bible says the Lord will return at an un announced hour, THIS IS WHY WE ALL NEED TO REPENT OF OUR SINS, LET THE LORD IN OUR HEARTS ENTIRELY AND CONFESS WITH OUR MOUTHS THAT HE IS LORD. the Lords return may be here before this email gets out????? be ready.
@niranjans87 (1077)
• India
18 Feb 08
Oh for heaven s sake nothing like that is happening....neither of them are planning to take over the world. and i dont see whats wrong in health care system. The UK and France have it and they are not socialist.They have fully fledged democracies and are doing well and people are actually healthier there cos of this...
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
I hope you had your tongue firmly in your cheek when you posted this discussion. If not, it's a ridiculous question. How dare you compare the atrocities Hitler committed to national healthcare! I think the USA would be a lot better off than someone like Mike Huckabee who is against healthcare for everyone. "Our employer-based system has outlived its usefulness, but the answer is a consumer-based system, not socialized medicine." That's what he wants. How does he figure that people are going to pay for it??
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Since when does a nation taking care of its own equate with Hitler? Right now the wealthiest nation on earth with the most cutting edge medicine has no healthcare program for its own citizens and you think that rectifying that would equate to having Hitler in charge? FYI: Hitler didn't exactly take care of his people. In fact, he murdered a good many of them.
If you don't think healthcare should be guaranteed to all Americans, I suggest you take a look at the FIRST amendment to the consititution. READ IT, especially the part about the rights of American citizens to petition their government....It could even be argued that healthcare is a first amendment right.
Also, I do not see how religion is on the chopping block. Last I checked all Americans were free to worship or not to worship as they chose. Frankly, I don't see the correlation you are attempting to make between healthcare and religion. Although, I can see how it may become harder for many people to get to their place of worship if they continue to go without decent healthcare.
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
17 Feb 08
There is nothing to be afraid of. We can never know which one will turn out good in the end we just have to hope for the best. Hitler is an evil man and I don't think anybody will be like him in this election or in any other. Having healthcare for everyone is not bad. What has religion got to do with it? You just need more faith. :)
@mehale (2200)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Actually I think that Universal healthcare would be a good thing. My husband and myself are among the many who cannot afford to buy health insurance. It would be great to be able to. I also don't see how either of them are very like Hitler. Obama seems to be - at least in my opinion - the best choice to lead our country in the direction it needs to go. As far as religion being on the chopping block, I was not aware that it was - and it really doesn't have that much to do with a presidential election.
@AlwaysAskingWhy (96)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I live in California, and I like to keep track of bills introduced into our state senate and assembly. One of the things that does disturb me is the fact that the Democrat-controlled senate and assembly in our state has in the past, introduced bills that remind me of totalitarian regimes such as Nazi Germany. One bill, which was luckily defeated, would have made home-schooling equivalent to child abuse. I know quite a few African-Americans who home-school their kids who would have ended up in trouble if this bill had passed. Another bill that was introduced years ago was a bill that would have required children in public schools to fill out a survey. This survey asked children what their parents taught them about religious and moral beliefs, such as abortion or gay marriage. In essence, this was a "legal" way to ask children to spy on their parents and find out if people's beliefs contradicted what the state wanted people to believe. Unfortunately, the biased media will report the Republican regime's wire-tapping of phone calls but they won't report these neo-Nazi attempts at thought-control, that I just previously mentioned. So yes, I am worried that we are moving closer to a totalitarian regime, and the media propaganda machine is keeping silent about it. So like "good Germans" we simply go along with whatever crooked politicians want.
@masteringmoneyonline (159)
• Ireland
17 Feb 08
wooow first off you spelled sight wrong..secondly I'm not American I'm Irish and health care is free here to a degree. Going from health care to Hitler is a bit of a jump don't you think?
This is seriously worrying.. they are asking for free health care and you say "is evil finally taking over in this world?" You have to be kidding me right.
The sooner you realize that religion shouldn't be a factor in government the better. Its religion in your country that has made it corrupt and engaged in illegal wars.
If you're serious about this and if you have the confidence to test your own beliefs go watch the Zeitgeist movie @ zeitgeistmovie.com
@MistyD (9)
• United States
17 Feb 08
Yes I realize I spelled sight wrong. The nazi party was originally a socialist movement. They are not asking for healthcare, nobody in this country will be turned away at a hospital because of their inability to pay. Healthcare is not a right, but a necessity for the well being of the country. That does not mean that my goverment can redistribute my hard earned money for others not willing to work and leach off of others. Religon is a factor in our goverment, that is what our founding fathers based it upon. But it wasn't just religon it was a moral center, which in modern times our civilization has lost. Though I do not agree with the war, it does not make it illegal just misguided. Also in YOUR country (Ireland) protestants and catholics have been waging a war for centuries, don't give me crap about my country being corrupt due to religon. And lastly, I do not feel that I need to test my beliefs and watch a communist indoctrination film, thank you for your comment.
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
17 Feb 08
I guess Huckabee has your vote....good luck with that. He'll be spending all your money on a big giant fence instead. Now, that makes a lot of sense.
@ladyslew (91)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Excuse me, but you need to go back to school and study history again. You seem to have missed the whole thing about the separation of church and state. But since I'm sure you won't do anything to further your education, I will clue you in on the definition of seperation of church and state:
The political and legal idea that government and religion should be seperate, and not interfere in each other's affairs.
Then there's the first amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
So you see, the founding fathers did not base our governement on religion. Just the opposite - they based it on keeping religion out of government.
@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
17 Feb 08
My goodness, this is under the Christian section and you are worried that the people of your country may get free health care. I am not sure where you are coming from. Whether it's socialist activity or not - so what. It's immoral, unchristian to not help a person who is sick. The US is supposed to be one of the richest countries in the world, yet they can't provide health care for it's residents. I find that evil. I do have a notion that you are baiting here and I have caught the bait. Perhaps you may enlighten me. What do you think this election should be about?
@Galena (9110)
17 Feb 08
so clearly the UK, with the NHS, must be a Nazi country.
seriously, I am horrified that a developed country like the US does not have a national health service. if you can't afford healthcare, you don't get it. someone has a heart attack, gets treated, then you hand them a MASSIVE bill.
okay, most people have health insurance, but surely that money would be better going by way of taxes into paying for healthcare, that ANYONE can use.
the thought that if I was to develop a long term disease I would have to pay many thousands for my treatment for the rest of my life, or die.
it's disgusting!
people criticise the NHS for it's long waiting lists, and for understaffing, or for not being able to fund some more expensive treatments. the NHS is far from perfect, but I am so so greatful that we have it. not having it is just unthinkable.
and what do you mean by religion being on the chopping block? by that do you mean that non Christians won't be expected to be treated like Christians, in a one size fits all way. religion is PERSONAL. not something that has any place in education or politics.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
17 Feb 08
I don't want to offend you, but how can you equate health insurance for everyone with evil? I know you feel it is a form of socialism, but I am not into compartmentalizing everything. That if you believe in one thing that makes you a republican, democrat or socialist, etc. I just believe in what is right and justified. I believe that everyone has the right to have good healthcare in this country. I really don't understand how you can equate Hitler with Obama or Hillary Clinton. Hitler was a psychotic megalomaniac who killed millions of his own people in pursuit of his own goals. While I don't agree with many things on Obama or Clintons platforms, I can't possibly fathom them coming anywhere close to the likes of Hitler, Hussein or Stalin. I don't think religion is on the chopping block either. We are free to worship anywhere we choose. Democracy works both ways. If we have the freedom of worship, those that we don't necessarily agree with also have the freedom to worship. Same goes with freedom of speech. I hope I didn't offend you in any way, but that's just how I feel.
@bloomsofts (2)
17 Feb 08
No , I do not get lose with this . So I beleive this one ....!
And also i refer some one for this election Hilary are wanting health care for everyone......
@kodytindall (2)
17 Feb 08
Well as you see Obama And Hilary both are going to bring the soldiers back from Iraq cause if she wins then she'll copy what he does obviously and whenever one of them win the soldiers will be brought home leading the Iraq's to come to our country then Obama, will be having to do something about this so then that means there will be a new HITLER.