Yeahhhhhh... I Made It!!!

No Support! - Walking with no support again.
@Darkwing (21583)
February 17, 2008 7:38pm CST
Fifteen days after my freak accident with my leg, I made it a whole day, without support. I was transported to my Son's house, at approximately 12.15 p.m. today, leaving there at approximately 8.15 p.m. I wore my sandals, in case of problems, and took a stick with me, but I didn't use the stick, all day. I made it, with no support!!! Woohoooooooo! I've decided now that I'll walk a little outside, each day, until it's completely back to normal and comfortable, but to say I'm pleased, would be an understatement. I got to breathe the fresh air and feel the sunshine on me, after fourteen days indoors, looking out at the spring weather we've been having. I think tomorrow, I will try to walk up to the garden and see the snowdrops which are hidden behind the hedge when looking from the window. I can also see if my acorns are sprouting, and how the rest of the garden is doing. Just a week ago, I was wondering whether I would ever be able to walk far again, without support... I can't tell you all how happy I am! I can't dance yet, but it'll come... perhaps by the time the Full Moon comes around! Yeeehaaaaaaaaaah! :)
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17 responses
• China
18 Feb 08
I am really sorry for hearing that ,but I believe this accident will be power in your life. You will be able to face and overcome any difficulty. When you remember past events of the-fifteen-day,for everything becomes insignificant in front of the misfortune that you have been hurt your leg.GOOD LUCK!
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Thank you Coffee. I agree... these things are sent to try us, but we will overcome. Brightest Blessings, and thank you.
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• Canada
18 Feb 08
Wow...I am out of touch. Sorry to hear about your accident...belated news as it is. However, it is good to come into a discussion where you are feeling better and gaining mobility. I can relate to the frustration that comes with leg injuries. I have whacked my knees up a lot with all the digging in the garden, falling off horses, rock climbing and do not like it when old injuries come back because I have overdone it. My suggestion to you is make haste slowly...and take good care of yourself. I haven't been here much due to work and personal commitments...but wanted to drop by and let you know I miss chatting but think of you often my dear, sweet soul sister. Our bond transcends time and physical boundaries and we both know that. So enjoy the Spring weather...we are still under mounds of snow with cold weather...but I will be back in the garden in the not too distant future. Love, hugs and many light filled blessings to you dear one. Raia
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Hi, Soul Sister! It's good to see you again. I'm doing ok and taking my time at this. I've been missing you too. It's cold here but quite bright. You take care my friend and I too am looking forward to time spent in the garden. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
18 Feb 08
This is truly the day to celebrate, then. I am glad that you are doing so well now. It can only get better. I am sure the sun and fresh air were lovely. The computer and I are keeping company today because I am fighting off the bug that my clients have had that has caused very acute stomach issues. I have only been mildly affected, but at least one of them was taken to the hospital for rehydration. Liquid diet for me today, and lots of rest. I will catch a sunbeam or two tomorrow though.
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
I have that feeling too... things can only get better and yes,I enjoyed the sun and resh air. Awwwwwwwwww ((((((HUGGS))))) I hope you soon get better, my friend. I'm handin you a sunbeam! xxx Brightest Blessings and get well soon.
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Oh my goodness Darkwing, I just read in the first response you gave about your misfortune. I can only imagine how frightning that must have been and how terrible it has been to be confined to your flat. Loss of independence is horrible and makes us feel so vulnerable. I'm happy that you managed without any aid today! Best of luck in the rest of your recovery!
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Yes, you're right, it was pretty frightening at the time, and indeed afterwards, when I came to realise what the consequences could have been. The pain was unbearable initially, and I had to take extra strong pain killers for over a week, but I kept flexing my foot and bending my leg whilst in bed, in order that it wouldn't get used to non-use. I think all that helped some, and with lots of rest and determination, I've made some initial headway. Now, all I have to do is keep extending the time on my feet, and strengthening the weak points again. Hopefully, soon, I will be able to get back to normal, but I still don't feel I should push it too hard... little and often, as they say. Brightest Blessings.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Great to hear you are doing ok there Darkwing. It sounds like you might have just twinged it a bit or had a slight strain. Glad to hear you're up and about! do take care :)
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Thank you my friend. I'm still not quite sure what I did, but the ache is still in the top of my calf at the back of my knee and to the sides of my kneecap. So, whether it was a ligament, cartiledge, or muscles, I'm not sure. I can't stand without moving for long, but the walking is getting better, and my confidence is returning, little by little. Brightest Blessings.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Yeahhhhhhhh Doll, I am so happy.. I have to tell you I've been worried about you.. I kept thing what would happen if you had to get out of your home in a hurry... I am so glad you are on the mend Sweets.. And selfish me I miss the oxxoxoxoxo
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Me tooooo.. I long for the walks, and to share them! Brightest Blessings. xxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Feb 08
Well I am really pleased about this you know Now please do not run before you can walk ok still take care and listen to me do you hear I know I never listen but that does not mean that you don't and no I have not moved any furniture round lately either hmmmmm but it must be due again soon (big Smile) Love and Hugs xxxxxxxxxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Lol... I can't run any more, at the best of times, so that's out for a start! And do I hear the pot calling the kettle black, my friend? Hmmmm... the furniture is fine where it is! Stop that! On a more serious note, I hope that both you and Gissi are doing well, now, and thank you for your concern. I think I've willed my leg back to functioning because I can't stand sitting indoors all the time! Off up the garden soon, to check your Faery playground. The snowdrops are apparently abundant, and I want to see if the bluebells are shooting. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Feb 08
I am so happy for you!. I know how hard it has been on you not to be able to get out and walk around . so praying that it heals fast so we can have another walk around town hugs
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Feb 08
oh that would be nice if you can our mothers day here is always in MAy this year its the 11th of may then fathers day is always in June. and our easter is early this year in the last part of MArch23rd I think i saw. heres praying that your knee is ready for that walk hugs
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Yes, our Easter is at that time too, which I'm quite glad about because in the pagan world, Ostara, the first day of Spring, The Spring Equinox and my son's birthday, all fall on 21st March, so it's at a really relevant time, this year. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
I'm sure it won't be too long before we can share a few walks again. I'm itching to get out there, but at the same time, I need to take it gradually. It's Mother's Day here on the 2nd March; early this year, but I might make it an aim to walk out for a bit on that day. Brightest Blessings. xxx
@anonymili (3138)
18 Feb 08
That really is lovely to hear, well done you! Your strength has made this a speedy recovery process for you and you are due lots of credit for being back on your feet (quite literally)! Hope you're fully back to normal in no time at all hun. xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Thank you, my friend. Yes, it has cheered me up a great deal to have some of my freedom back, and not have to stick my head out of the window in order to avoid those "five-day" odours! ha ha ha. I'm off up the garden after lunch, to survey the beauty of nature, as my exercise for today. Just a leg-stretch and a mental boost from the World of Nature. Brightest Blessings.
@mummymo (23706)
18 Feb 08
I am so pleased that you are improving so much sweetheart -- it does my heart good to know it! i know you don't need me to tell you not to push it - you already promised you wouldn't and you are going to really enjoy that walk into the garden, I hope that the weather is lovely for you tomorrow sweety! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Thank you my dear friend. I didn't get up to the garden yesterday, but instead, went to the pub for a while, to reunite with the locals, and sort out some stuff pertaining to darts. However, although the Sun is hiding behind the clouds a bit today, I'm going to take that walk up the garden in a short while, after lunch. If there's enough going on up there, I may take you all with me in discussion, so that you can enjoy my freedom with me. :) I really appreciate all the good wishes and support you all give me. It's lifted me no end and made me more determined to get fit again. Thank you. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
I have added my discussion about the garden, my friend... in fact, I posted it twice, so take your pick. ha ha ha. The pub I went to was my local, but that's not where I work. I work in a pub called the Cricketers, in Burgess Hill, which is about 41/2 miles away. It's nice when you work locally, but at least I can't get called in at a moment's notice. he he. Brightest Blessings. xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
19 Feb 08
A visit to the pub would have been good - I always feel better when i visit - even if I am only having a coffee! lol I hope the garden was good as I am looking forward to sharing it with you! xxx
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Feb 08
That is awesome, I am really happy for you. I do not know what happened that caused you to be laid up, but I know that feeling of freedom. Just make sure that you still take it easy at times so you do not over extend your injury. Best of luck to your new for freedom.
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Thank you, Persephone, I will. If it starts aching in the calf or knee, I know it's time to sit awhile. What happened was, that two weeks ago, when I returned from work, I was walking up the nine stairs to my flat, and one step from the top, I put my foot down at an angle. There was an almighty clunk, and it felt as though the bottom of my leg, and the top, had gone separate ways from mid-knee. The pain was excruciating and I was scooting myself around the flat for over a week, on my typists chair. I had to spend a lot of time resting in bed, and I couldn't put any weight on it, but I've gradually managed to stand, supported by two walking sticks, and progressed from there. Boy, am I happy tonight! :) Brightest Blessings.
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@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Woohooo I am really happy to hear that you were able to go the whole day without any kind of support...I am really sorry that you had some sort of accident that hurt your leg or foot..I know how it feels to be disabled because I remember whenever I broke my wrist a few years ago playing football and I had to have everyone pretty much do everything for me..and I absolutely hated it when I couldn't do everything for I know how lucky I have it to be able to do things for myself...Congrats and I hope that you really start feeling well..Hurry up and get back to a hundred percent again...
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Thank you very much for your support JHL. You can see in the previous response, what happened to my leg, but I too hate to be dependent on others, and even more the thought of not being able to walk again. The people who know me well in here, will vouch for me when I tell you I love to walk, and be at one with nature, and I couldn't face not being able to get up and out there again. Congrats to you, as well, getting the use of your wrist and hands back again. I know how difficult and scary it is when you've lost your confidence and every little move you make hurts. So well done you, too. Thank you for your input, and Brightest Blessings.
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@Betty34 (267)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Hi, You have me curious... What happened to your leg? can't even imagine what that would feel like... or thinking I could never walk again. I would really be up crap creek, I don't drive. I am very happy for you. It sounds like you have a lot going on that you need to take care of. Are you a dancer? Or is the kind of dancing like just going out with friends and having fun? You mentioned the full moon... I have a gadget on my computer that tells me what state the moon is in and when there's a full moon. It's very pretty. Have a good night. B
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Feb 08
Hi Betty! If you look in my first response, you will gather brief detail of what happened. No, no a dancer as such but a pagan who likes to dance under the full moon. The full moon is due here, in the UK is due on 21st of February... i.e. Thursday, and I would love the opportunity to dance, on that day. Brightest Blessings. x
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Oh hey! I have a friend in Washington State, in Tumwater. Small world! Thank you for your wishes; it's interesting to know the moon phases in different corners of the World. Ours is as Waxing Gibbous 96% Full, so we're a little bit ahead of you, my friend. Brightest Blessings.
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@Betty34 (267)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Well I wish you the best of luck to make that happen. :) And I looked at my little gadget thing, the moon one, and it says that we are 96% of full. I'm not sure when our next full moon will be, but I hope it's the weekend! I am in WA state. B
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Feb 08
my congratulations to you. sounds like you are getting on with your life now. In reading this you inspired me to go the things that I can. for a long time I have let fear keep me housebound because I had a terrible fall two years ago and broke my shoulder making a shoulder joint replacement necessary. since then I have been using a quad cane and going to Larwin Square to shop via access bus. but I need to get out on my own and take a walk every day for my health's sake yet the image of that fall and all the rest the hospital, the care house,keeps me frozen with fear afraid I will fall again. I am bound to that cane yet I keep from doing what I know will be so good for me, going for a walk and getting sunshine and fresh air.If you can do it I think maybe just maybe I can too. time to let go of fear. thanks.
@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Oh, Hatley, it would make me so happy to think that I'd helped you to overcome your fear... please do try to walk each day because the chances of you falling again are minimal, and if you don't do it, you'll eventually lose the strength in your legs and need physiotherapy to learn to walk again. I'm sure that you'll soon find you don't need your stick, and if you drown yourself in our beautiful natural surroundings, amongst the ever-increasing green of the trees and the newly opened flowers... the singing of the birds and running water, you'll forget the past and let it go. If you look to the good things we have in life, and the wonderful healing gifts we have been given, you will feel you are being willed on, and throw your stick in the hedgerows, because you feel free again. Go for it! One step at a time, is ok, because there is something very wonderful at the end of it! Brightest Blessings, take care, but strive for what you want out of life. It's there for the taking my friend. I think I've proved that! xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
20 Mar 08
You're more than welcome, my friend. How's it going... are you getting some confidence back now? I sure hope so. x
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Mar 08
thanks so much for best response
25 Mar 08
It was good to see you back on your feet again but not so good to see you hobbling again, with a stick. I think you ought to go to the doctor if it goes on much longer. You're obviously in pain and unable to stand very long. Now be a good Mummy and go to the doctor please. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
26 Mar 08
Ok... we'll see how it goes. The problem is in getting to the doctor. I've either got to get to Cuckfield, and walk a mile there, or walk to the top of the street on a certain day, so let's see how it goes, eh?
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
18 Feb 08
that's so FANTASTIC. i am so glad you have come this far. and i am sure you will go ahead in leaps and bounds. it sounds like you are having some lovely weather over there. we have had some nice days. it hasnt rained this week, which is good, cause we have had a fair bit lately. hopefully it will stay nice till over next weekend, cause we have the show on next saturday. best wishes to you, Darkwing and take care
@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Ha ha ha... well, I think "leaps and bounds" might be a bit beyond me for the moment, but I'm really so pleased to get a part of my freedom to roam back. It's a bit cloudy here today, but I've decided that my exercise for this day will be to go up and see how the garden is coming on, after lunch. I can't see all of it from my window and a neighbour remarked on my snowdrops, which are in my little Faery Garden along with the bluebells. I can also see that the daffodils are opening, so I need to go and see what's happening up there. :) Brightest Blessings ... I hope the show goes well and the weather stays nice for you. Take care, my friend. x
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
18 Feb 08
Hi Darkwing! Yipee! That's really good news and I hope things will get better and better for you each minute of each day and hope to learn that you are going to dance the "Full Moon Dance"! That would be really great news for all of us here in mylot circle! Take care and have a nice day! :)
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@Darkwing (21583)
19 Feb 08
Well, the Full Moon is due here this Thursday, so I think I'd be better to wait till the next one, my friend! :) That gives me four weeks to get fully fit! A goal for me, huh? Thank you, Faith, I'm really so much happier when I can get outside and have a bit more freedom of movement. I'm going up to the garden after lunch to see how things are progressing there. That will be my exercise for today. Brightest Blessings. x