How to get more discussion responses?

February 18, 2008 2:12am CST
How do we all go about getting more discussion responses? I am hardly getting anyone to respond to my discussions - even though I have been a member for a very long time. Anybody else having this problem? Thanks in advance for all your tips and suggestions!
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18 responses
@Daniel_7 (91)
• Czech Republic
18 Feb 08
Now that you've got lots of responses for this discussion I think that your problem is solved - you have to make discussions that many people are interested in - just like me in this one. When I saw your discussion I got really curious because my discussions usually get very little responses too. So now that i see how much responses you've got I can try to get more responses myself as well. So thank you for this discussion.
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@Jemina (5770)
18 Feb 08
I see that you have got tons and tons of friends so I suppose that there are at least ten to fifty of them who will see your posts and respond to it. One thing that you should do is to find out what time during the day or night most users get online. Also, when you start a discussion, you try to answer as many discussions as possible so when people see you in theirs they will response to yours in return. Try to make your discussion active by always checking it if someone has replied and comment back on them. Try it! Good luck!
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@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
18 Feb 08
How is it that you have a member of a very long time when you have so little posts? Normally, a regular member would have posted something like 100 posts a month. Judging from your number of posts, you are either not an active member or do not post much. Anyway, do not be disheartened. There are always times of ups and downs. Sooner or later, members will respond to your discussions. All you need is to make sure you post thought provoking discussions.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Feb 08
It is true that you do get quiet periods here. I notice this most at weekends, particularly in the daytime. blessed be
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
19 Feb 08
As the other respondents said, i think it deend on number of your I suggest you add as many friends as you can and then of course you need to respond to thier discussion too. :) happy mylotting!
• Canada
19 Feb 08
I haven't been around as much the past couple of weeks so I am not sure if things have changed or not. I posted two discussions yesterday and have had around 11-13 so far...which is not out of the ordinary for the types of things I post. My discussions are often on the longer side with a philosophical flavor to them. The nature of them often does not pull in big numbers the way I see other members do. So I am probably not going to be of much help to you. Have you checked to see if friends on your list are still active? I posted a discussion on Chinese food and had over 40...and that was high for me. Aussies posted one on God and is up to over I have no idea why some topics grab attention and others do not. I guess all you can do it just keep posting a variety of ideas with interesting 'header lines' and see what holds appeal. Sorry you are not having the responses you'd like...hope it improves! Raia
@MOnline (240)
• Netherlands
19 Feb 08
Hi engineous, Well I geuss the best way to get more responses to your discussings is by create discussions that most people around here find interesting. What kind of things are that well mostly it's the kind of things that you like to. I myself like the making money online discussions and love to learn everything there is to know about making money online. Pointing people in the right direction always helps. With kind regards, MOnline
@rohit0471 (195)
• India
14 Mar 08
i also have the same problem. I have one query though, suppose we start a discussion and people respond to it, do we get paid?
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
18 Feb 08
In my opinion is to have a very good ideas. When you have a good idea or story many people will answer you and discuss with you. Hope it helps.
@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
14 Mar 08
You need to reply to your friends' discussions much often, so that they could reciprocate you. Your discussions, which you start, should be menaingful so that other members could contribute something on your discussions. More interesting are your discussions, more are the possibility of receiving higher number of responses. Best of Luck!
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
18 Feb 08
to get more responses from discussions, i believe it depends on the number of friends you have on mylot, the quality of your post, how much yourself respond to other people's discussions. make friends, refer users, post quality response and you will be amazed.
@samar12 (991)
• India
14 Mar 08
Well, I can see that you have a lot of responses for this discussion so what are you talking about. Anyways I guesss you just have to be lucky to get the responses here. Sometimes I see that some useless topics have a lot of responses and some nice topics have zero responses so its all about luck. If you go in my discussions you will hardly find not more then 5-6 responses for all the topics that I have posts till now, so all I do it just reply to some posts. I only post a topic if i really want to know the anwer for that, other I don't ask useless questions.
@roberten (3128)
• United States
18 Feb 08
You gotta write on topics that move people, like this one. I hope you get the response you want. I think this topic rocks!
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@manya_pearl (1901)
• Singapore
23 Feb 08
Since when you start to post comments and post new discussions here? I was just start since feb 16, and its nice, because i already reach 123 already. Hmmm... I make questions based on my experience how people doing if they have that same experience with me... :)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Be creative! Hey, you got a bunch on this one
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Feb 08
It certainly takes a good long time to get your name known around the site, have a good, active friends list and an endless suply of quality discussion topics. However, this is the only way to ensure more participation in your discussions. You need to be active in the site. You say you have been here a long time, yet you only have 335 responses against your name? Try to get here a bit more often, you will see the number of people responding to you increases. It really is reciprocal, the more you participate, the more responses you will get blessed be
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
18 Feb 08
I think you have to find a topic that everyone can relate to, and that is VERY hard to do. But if you have friends in similar interests as you it helps. I still dont get that many responses to most of my discussions either, but seems the more you are online and the more friends you build up the more responses you get.. I dont mind when i only get a few, i like to answer other peoples discussions more then anything. I dont make too many discussions on a regular basis. I try to come up with at least one a day though..
@mimatexas (1818)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Hi, engineous! I don't usually respond to lengthy discussions and I guess it depends on the topic if it will interest me or not. I sometimes don't get too many responses either. I guess I am happy when I get at least two responses because I get credit like that. Happy posting!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Feb 08
Hello dear friend. I guess that to get more responses to a discussion needs to have a general and easy topic for everyone to be related to and respond to. Also you need to be active at Mylot for the topic that you posted, because when you have responded to other responses to your discussion, it will have more chances to be exposed to mylotters. The more chances a topic or discussion has, the more responses it will receive. Thirdly, do not post discussions that will be deleted later, which is seen as violation against Mylot, because experienced mylotters will not choose to respond to discussions that will be deleted. These are the few important factors to have more responses so far as I know. I hope that you will have more and more responses to all of your new and old discussions in the time to come. Good luck and happy posting.