What will Obama really do?
By kingcrapper
@kingcrapper (1536)
United States
February 18, 2008 4:05am CST
Looks like Hillary is losing ground to Obama. I was cheering for this but now I think...isn't Obama claimed to be the most 'liberal' person in congress? How do you think he will do against MaCain? I know his big push is in the field on healthcare. Do you really think, with the economy is the way it is, this is the good time for it?
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11 responses
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Feb 08
I fear for Obama, i really do. I dont think his policies are whats important, it is his race. Will red necked Southerners accept a black president? or do you think he maybe will be assassinated by the good old boys?
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
19 Feb 08
It is pretty sad how the who color thing becomes an issue in itself. I personally don't support Obama because he is a liberal and his health care plan is not good for our economy right now. A black president? To me it makes no difference...will he be a good leader? It is very odd to me how some people will cause rights if someting doesn't go their way. How do you think this will turn out?
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst..i am beginning to think i will have to vote repulican..first time for a life long democrat..but i did vote for Romney in Michigan..as i like his father when he was our governor? Michgan..but it still is early..are we all going to have to vote for the lesser of two evils?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I was on board for Romney too. Being a Michigan resident myself we are looking to get someone into office who will treat the government like a business and get good jobs to our people. It really is funny, this whole politican game. Remember in school when the most favored one in class was always picked as leader? Popularity contest really. What are the issues? Where do the candidates stand on this issue? What are they going to do about this or that? Where is Oprah and why isn't she asking substance questions? Where do you think this whole thing is going?
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
18 Feb 08
the governor of pa says obama will never win because everyone here is racist and will vote for clinton. i was just outraged by that...
if obama makes it to the election, i think he will win...i know of many republicans who do not even support mccain...they can't vote for obama in the primary though
I don't think it is about how liberal he is...i think it is more about his leadership qualities that make people like him...i don't agree with any of his policies, but i feel like he could change things - even if they get worse, they'd be different than they are now and get this country in a new position to make better changes.
i do not want hillary to win...i cannot stomach the idea of 20+ years of a clinton/bush administration...do people not realize nothing will change until different people get a break?
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I personally think the whole system is a train wreck and there needs to be more done about getting out of debt then adding new (and very expensive) plans. What good is higher taxes going to do if it is wasted? Isn't this from the same designers of the food stamp program....a program that has allows millions of Americans to sit back and enjoy life without having to work (I know there are some who need it...but how many really dont?) and even have sell the 'stamps' for other items. Listen, before we add another car to the train....let's actually get the train back on the rails so we can move forward. Who is going to actually provide that kind of change?
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I hear what you are saying and you used some very powerful imagery! Looks like our choices are not that great this time around. The real scary thing to me is to think of all the poeple who could vote but don't. And then those people (who didn't vote) complain about what's going on! Hey, if you want to change something...get out there and do something about it! Can you imagine how powerless our government would be if us (the people) actually took our responsibilites as citizens seriously!
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@bond0077 (375)
19 Feb 08
Vera5d first of all i would to know what kind of changes you would like to see ?ok how you vote?how the white house is run?the senate?i am not sure what you mean? you do realize Barack Obama plan will cost 289 BILLION?the hightest of all the candidates running?which oviously means higher taxes for sure?do youi want to pay more taxes?i also take a candidate that is running as a uniting force will also be a yes man to everybody,i don't know ,but don't you think the most powerful country on earth will need a strong leader who will be tough on policies not caring about getting along with everybody or pleasing everyone in the senate?your point about 20 plus years of clinton /bush is not well thought through since BILL CLINTON actually left your country in a surplus ,in other words Vera5d you would rather CHANGE and be paying higher taxes with a OBAMA presidency than more money in your pocket with a HILLARY CLINTON MORE OF THE SAME PRESIDENCY
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
19 Feb 08
All I hear about Obama is hype. Oprah says he's brilliant but she doesn't say why. His wife says he's going to unify America but she doesn't say how. I'd like to know just what action he plans to take. Especially since he is not a Washington insider and it will be harder for him to cut deals than it will be for other candidates like Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I think the word you are looking for is the word 'substance'. Wouldn't it be cool to actually know what their plans are before we actually get a chance to vote for them. There is one thing about speeches and guest appearances on talk shows but what will they actually do once there are in office. Personally, I don't like any of the three...I am almost afraid of any one of them getting in. I also against the whole health care issue...the idea of the government running something as important as health care. They can't even keep Amtrack on time! How are they going to spend billions (we don't have) on something like this with some kind of reliance? How do you stand on this?
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@mnksmommy (301)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Obama scares me personally because he seems so green and unexperienced. I like his views on healthcare but do not know how he can pull off anything he has promised. Words...it's all just words from all the candidates.
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
politics is just that, borrowed words. You said you liked the idea of the health care program. Do you know how much is going to cost? Do you really like the idea of the governing body that pays thousands of dollars for hammers and toilet seats will be in charge of finacing the most complicated medical system in the world?
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@bond0077 (375)
19 Feb 08
Well finally someone asking a good question,here is a better question! Who of all three candidates OBAMA?HILLARY?OR MCCAIN? is the most inexperienced?will be the most learning on the job president if elected?do we need someone with no experience to fix a problem that requires a BILL CLINTON OR A RONALD REAGAN to do it?and the one thing that OBAMA has in common with the current president is the fact that George.W.Bush. was also a learn on the job president and we now see what changes he brought to the white house!
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Do we really want someone in the White House with experience? That is a doubled edged sword isn't it? On one hand experience is good...to be able to know the ropes to get things done. On the other it is bad...most politicians get tangled up in those ropes and it only gets worse. Sounds like you are real opinioned person. May I ask what you position is on the illegals from Mexico and the situation with Iraq?
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@dtroas (479)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Hillary is not doing to bad now. 3 wins last night and 2 of them big! Which all wins are BIG! WAY TO GO OHIO AND TEXAS!!! I feel if it is McCain and Obama, McCain will be our president! This Country is not stable. We need someone in there that knows what is going on. Obama does not have that. Yes he is a talker, heck anyone can talk. But to act on it, I think he will be lost. SO there you have it we need ! HILLARY, America Needs HIllARY, my children your children. NEED HILLARY.

@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
5 Mar 08
Hillary strongly believes that we need to do more to know who is in our country and secure our borders and ensure that employers comply with laws against hiring and exploiting undocumented workers. She wants better technology specifically a more advanced verification system. She is against a "guest worker" program because she thinks it brings about the problems of cheap labor which undermines our wages. As a native Texan, i am very familiar with the problems of exploited labor and undocumented workers. Hillary has a plan for immigration reform and plans to make changes that will benefit Americans and will not demean our neighbors.
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
5 Mar 08
So, is she for or against the fence? Since you live in Texas what is your view of the fence? Do you think it would slow or stop illegal traffic? Thank you for going against the guest worker thing..get them out of here!
Health care, I know is a corner stone of hers. Where will the money come from the pay for it? I am not against covering people but I don't want illegals to get a free ride like they do now. And the price tag, in this econony is a great concern! With us billion and even trillions in the red, where does the cash come from?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I would love to hear why you think our country needs Hillary and where she stands on the issues. That is the importand thing to me: issues. It is one thing to have a spot on Oprah or to make a good speech but put your money where you mouth is and actually tell us: what are you going to do if/when you become the most powerful person on the planet?
Could you share with me how Hillary stands on the fence with Mexico/illegal immigrants, the economy (how would she fix it), the deficet, health care and job creation? Would love to hear it! Thanks!

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Feb 08
You say of health care, "Do you really think, with the economy is the way it is, this is the good time for it?" I say if something isn't done the economy is going to get even worse. I think Obama will bring about the much needed change we need and he'll once again unite us as a country and hopefully restore our standing in the world. Against McCain it should be no contest! As for Obama being "claimed to be the most 'liberal' person in congress" I say, "...and your point is...?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Very interesting post. I am fully backing your idea of America to become strong again and to get out of some of the situations we find ourselves as a country. Who will this leader be? To me, it doesn't matter. But are you sure that the idea of the government in Washinton (the same element that spends thousands on hammers and toilet seats) should take control of something as important and complicated as health care? Will is be free to everyone? Are our 'Mexican Guests' also covered? Has anyone ever looked at other countries that do this and actually build a model that will work?
Liberal? May I ask what you definition of what 'liberal' means to you?
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
23 Feb 08
It seems like there is no safe harbor with either one of the parties. If one isn't selling down the river the other one is! And why do we have so many government programs? With an added program there is automaitcally going to be admin waste as part of the system. Let have less government, less programs and more responsibilities for indiviuals in our society. When did this all start to go wrong? I wonder what the Founding Father would think looking at all this!
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
23 Feb 08
truth? when i was young and in college and had no money..i was a JFK Democrat..
when I later had a job and was raising a family and bout my first house..i turned slowly more conservative....but still voted the Democratic ticket
now I am retired..i am not far right ..but certainly not liberal but more conservative as i am seeing the results of all the "socialistic" grograms the government has installed...all of them will fail in the end ast the free market will determine the price and cost of goods and wages..this is going to be a global economy...sorry, i don't care for it myself but cannot see afer NAFTA and opening the door to China and a lot of other things the Democrats AND the Republicans have done...but to me there is little difference in the two parties now.."not ten cents worth of difference.."
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@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
3 Mar 08
let's see...what will obama really do?.....HOPE! that is the center of his campaign right...hope for a better tomorrow! hope that the world is a better place! hope, hope, hope....i am tired of hoping. i want action. i heard an interview that he gave with Ellen Degeneres and he said if he is elected, on day one he will sit in the oval office at his desk and say wow this is cool. so there you go our fearless leader will ponder over how cool it is to sit in the white house and he will hope. that gives me lots of confidence how about you :p
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
5 Mar 08
I love that reaction of yours! Imagine Obama siting at the most powerful desk in the world and saying this is cool!?! Hmm. What is he going to do when he does get there? I personally lean toward the republicans but that part has also gone to the dogs. What will McCain do? Neither wil close the border. Neither has a plan to pay down the debt. Neither has a real good plan to deal with terrorism. No matter what, I think America is in for a very bumpy ride these next four years. I only pray that God will watch over us and protect us from our stupid leaders! oh, and terrorists too. And a recession. And let's throw in any nukes third world countries may have.
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
26 Feb 08
The thing I can't stand is he has yet to explain his plan and how he can afford to do this 'health care' when our economy is in the toilet! Does he really expect to digour defecit even deep just to attempt to fix a system that (although not the best) works for most people? Why not a phase in? a trial run? What issues are most important to you this election and why?
@bond0077 (375)
25 Feb 08
King you are wise beyond your yrs,you ask the right questions,i have this system that has served me well throughout my life i read this somewhere,to get to the right answer in any problem ,you must first ask the right questions!well the movie the matrix used it too but they stole it from me,i been using it since 1990,i was heavy into tony robins at the time and he said it the first time!but it works and i think more importantly it is saying don't just accept what you see or read at face value, there is always a upside and a downside to everything ,ever heard the saying DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR,AND ABOUT 50% OF WHAT YOU SEE?i also studied cults and methods they use to recruit members and i see some of those methods being employed here by obama!for instance getting people to chant!"YES WE CAN"OVER AND OVER AGAIN simple therefore very effective ,the study also show that when we are in a group ,even you or i can become victim of this,WHEN YOU ARE IN A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE,LIKE IN CHURCH OR RALLY TYPE THING,IT IS REALLY HARD TO THINK AS AN INDIVIDUAL,AND FROM HEARING VOICES SAYING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN ALL AROUND YOU,YOU GET SUCKED IN AND OVERWELMED!THE OBAMA "YES WE CAN" STATEMENT HE IS TRYING TO MAKE IT WORK IN TEXAS IN SPANISH,THIS IS WHAT THE BLITZEKRIT WAS TO HITLER,THIS IS OBAMA'S SECRET WEAPON!BRAIN WASHING!
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Wise beyond my years? Thank you for the compliment but it all comes down to and interest in what the real facts behind a candidate it. I really get tired of the cheering and the bands playing (political assembly equal in value to an amway convention). When it comes right down to it...what will that person do when they are sitting behind the most powerful desk on the planet. Will their decisions help or hinder us? We, as a nation, are facing a very critical time and we need someone who will make the right choices. What issues are the most important to you? why?
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@bond0077 (375)
24 Feb 08
Well kingcrapper i think i answered your question in a previous blog on here but i will be more than happy to answer it again,OBAMA has been floating around this word CHANGE a lot lately and getting away with it quite successfuly i might add,but let me give a little history lesson here,after the first gulf war,george w bush sr. left the U.S. in a pretty high deficet if you recall?and which in coming president cleaned up the deficet,created new jobs,got elected twice,and left the country with a surplus of funds?you guessed it!WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON!now can OBAMA claim the same? NO!now if HILLARY WITH THE HELP OF HER HUSBAND BILL CAN ACCOMPLISH THE SAME THING IN 2009 WOULD MORE OF THE SAME AS OBAMA PUTS IT BE SO BAD?OR WOULD YOU RATHER PUT YOUR WHOLE FUTURE IN THE HANDS OF AN UNKNOWN,UNPROVEN,NO PREVIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN RUNNING A STATE OR LIKE ARNOLD BE ATLEAST A GOVERNOR?ONLY KEEP SAYING CHANGE?DOES THAT SOUND REALISTIC TO YOU?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I can only pray that the person who does get into office (whoever it will be) has the sense to get our country back online and back in order. The first thing we need to do is build that fence with Mexico. The next thing we need to do is fix the budget and pay back the money we owe as a country (can no longer even think about passing it on to another generation). The third thing we need to do is get people back on their feet and back to work. Citizens with money will spend money...and that is what our economy is all about. Will a democrat or republic be the best for the job? Just get the job done...who cares who you are!
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