have you had a long-ditance relationship? did it work out?
By littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
February 18, 2008 4:21am CST
my partner about a year ago used to live quite near me and we saw each other frequently had stay overs but his love is horses then one day when at his place he said he was going to sell up and move to lambourn in the uk which is a horse village in a matter of speaking and he was going to start a horse yard up there with a partner-i never stopped him and he moved-now he is living there it is about a two hour journey for him to come and see me-as i do not drive i cannot go there-obviously we dont see that much of each other now but do keep intouch when not together, but not as much as we used to i do trust him-but was wondering is there anyone there that has had a similiar experience or can share their experiences with me please
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8 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
19 Feb 08
My eldest daughter met her partner when she was just 16, she lived in Devon and he in London. They are still very much together today, she is now 21. This I think is admirable because of the age factor. He loved her enough to set her free so she could go off to Australia and Fiji during her gap year and they got back upon her return. It is much easier for them this year as she is now at university in Guildford which is not too far from London so they see each other a bit more. The hardest part for her was if she was upset over anything and wanted a hug and they never the same over the phone. If two youngsters can make it work anyone can. Also army wives have to be in a long distance relationship a lot of the time when their partners are sent abroad and have in addition to that the worry of whether he will return and they make it work. If your love is real you can work through any obstacles, any distance and still be as once, even if you spend time apart if that makes sense. I also agree with another response when they said that you are a strong woman in setting him free to follow his dream and yet still be there for him. Ellie :D
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@littleowl (7157)
20 Feb 08
thank-you ellie for such a lovley story your daughter and her partner are admirable and the love they share together is so strong it seeems nothing could tear them apart--i had thought about army wives and how hard it must be for them too--there was a song avril lavigne recently let out it is very apt for all those in the situaion others like your daughter and i are in--i believe it can work-guess i just needed to know how others felt about the subject and get some sort of confirmation blessed be littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
9 May 08
Awww-thanks djedtek for your encouragement-our relationship started in 1995 when he was living not far from me-but then as he has always loved working with horses he sold up and moved to racing town where he bought a horseyard and is partner there breaking horses and doing admin'-thats about one and a half years ago-so its really since then that we have had this long distance relationship-we have been through a lot and know each other very well guess sometimes it is hard but know he is also working hard and has past the age of sowing his-I do have other things in my life that I do which are more on the spiritual side and that keeps my mind occupied-but all the same I do very much miss him-thanks for your kind response-your friend littleowl 

@kevsgirlalways (5883)
• Malaysia
23 Feb 08
I've been in a long distance relationship before. No doubt it was very hard, especially with the time difference. i have no idea how i survived that, but i did. drove me nuts at times and made me cry too. but there are many means to keep in touch; telephone, email, IMs, digi cam..etc. i missed him a lot, every single second and wish i could see him or for him to be physically there with me, whenever i was sad or happy. you need to have a solid trust, as you're not able to see what your other half is doing. And you need to have lots of faith, enough to not make you give up on your relationship. but i believe, in the end, love is what that holds you together. if two people really love each other, no matter how far they apart they are, they'll be able to go thru the relationship. love knows no boundaries;).
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@littleowl (7157)
27 Feb 08
hi kevsgirlalways,thanks for your response,i can admit i feel like you did at times,it can b lonely annoying when i cant get hold of him if i want to talk, times when i cry wanting to be with him or vice versa but i do agree with you that love knows no boundaries,it was only this week he told me the three little words i long to hear,and when he tells me that i know he means it and it is true--as he says saying i love you is used to loosley--so he only tells me now and then,also we do text,phone each other so the communication is there and try to see each other each week,i could not be unfaithful to him either and i trust him too--as you have said we do have the trust,thanks so much for sharing-blessings littleowl
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
18 Feb 08
Only 2 hours? That is nothing. I was in a long distance relationship with my wife or almost a year before we got married...and we were 7 hours apart. I also had girlfriends when I was single that were an hour or two away. I would make the trip at least every other weekend, but sometimes I would go every weekend, or they would come to where I lived, depending on what was going on. A two-hour road trip isn't an inconvenience once you get used to it, it becomes fun, especially if you can get a friend to go with you some of the time. Make it fun and go for it...what have you got to lose?
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@littleowl (7157)
18 Feb 08
thanks goldeneagle that is so comforting to know when we do see each other we do make it fun and that is once a week or sometimes a bit longer,thank you for your optimistic outlook-littleowl
@merchil (47)
• Philippines
2 Mar 08
i have tried a long distance relationship,, when i enter into college...at first i thought it wont last,because were too far from each other...as time past by we conquer all the difficulties that trying to distruct our ralationship..until now it works
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@littleowl (7157)
3 Mar 08
hi merchil i admire your patience and perseverance in your relationship it is so encouraging to know that it can work out no matter how long it takes-thanks for your response- littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
9 Apr 08
hi c4cyber-the answer to your first question is quite simple, we have both have been in rather bad relationships before we met each other,it took a while but we learned to trust,talk go out with each other and go away together,he does love me even though he doesn't say it often, and vice versa we are both independent and have differnt things in our lives which we do-when he moved away we both thought we would be able to see each other as often as we always did but unfortunatley as he now has a business where he lives it is a bit more difficult to do so, even so he does come and see me about once or twice a week we text each other and phone each other-the fact we have trust and communication in our relationship doesn't mean it won't work-life just has a funny way of working things out-littleowl
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 Feb 08
long-range relationships are twice as difficult to sustain as close ones. They are possible, but it depends upon how strong the relationship is to start with
blessed be
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@littleowl (7157)
18 Feb 08
thanks for your response-guess i'm fortunate enough tosay it is quite a strong relationship thank you for your advice blessed be
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
18 Feb 08
I have not had a long distance relationship before. I would find it extremely hard as I guess I like the company.
You obviously love this guy a lot. You are enabling him to follow his passions and dreams whilst sacrificing some of your own happiness. You are such a strong person, not all people could do that. The good thing though is it is a car trip away, 2 hour drive. I guess it could be worse, move interstate or overseas. I believe you can make this work, as you both love and trust each other. Maybe one day you might look at joining him there.
I know i did not exactly answer your question, as I have not had a long distance relationship before. But definately don't give up this relationship if you truly love him.
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@littleowl (7157)
18 Feb 08
many thanks for your advice kiran it is solid good advice-i do love him very much and believe that you shouldn't hold someone down if they have dreams they want to acheive-it is hard i dont feel a strong person thank you so much for positive outlook on this and that it could work-blessed be my friend