Im NOT Going To Lye To Your Husband!!!
By copperkitten
@copperkitten (3473)
United States
February 18, 2008 6:57pm CST
Ok heres the thing. I am about fed up with people and there Bull SH*T!! This might get long and confusing..Sorry.
As many of you know I do daycare from home. This is how I make a living and pay my bills. The one lady I watch kids for asked Thursday if I could watch her kids 1 and 2 years old for the week end..friday-sun. I said sure no problem but I have an appointment in Erie at noon on sunday.{Erie is a town about an hour from here} You Have to have someone there to pick them up at 10 am. She said no problem If im not back I will have someone pick them up. She droped them off at 11 am friday.
Well around 3:30 there a knock on the door and it the brother whos 10. Mom told me I have to stay with you. WHAT?? I had NO idea I was watching him to. He stayed at his house friday night with his older sister.{he lives right down the road} I called every hour to check on them till 10 pm and called right away in the morning around 9. Everything went good and he came back up here saturday for the rest of the weekend.
Now Sunday has come its 10 am and no one is here to get the kids...Big suprise. I call there mom. She says well my mom was going to get them but now she cant and I dont have anyone else. I told her well she better figure someone out because I have to leave soon. After a few phone calls to her She finally calls me back and says well I found someone to take them but you have to drive them there. Excuse ME?? Why do I have to take them there? I have 5 kids and a car...Not going to work. I had my husband take my kids to my moms and I ended up taking them there anyway because I had to go. By This time I am wanting to pull my hair out and strangle her with it. UGG!!!!
{Im going to call the husband Mac} Drama over I thought well boy was I wrong. She calls me this morning and says dont tell Mac that the boy stayed here with his sister. Mac dosent want her in the house.{Not my problem}
Then she says well if Mac askes you called me on sat night and said you had a family emergancy and have to have the kids picked up at 10 sun morning. WHAT?? She is asking me to lye to her husband to cover her stupid a**!! She had from thursday to sat evening to find someone to take the kids from me. Its not my fault she was to busy screwing around. And like you know you will have an emergancy in the morning. What a crock!! And hes stupid if he believed her.
Well she is done and I WILL NEVER EVER watch her kids again. She still owes me 75 for the weekend. Thats on top of the 80 she already gave me. I didnt know I was going to have the 10 year old untill he showed up at the door. She is OUT of her FREAKING MIND if she thinks Im going to lye to her husband!!
Shes not a friend just someone I met through another friend. She needed someone to watch her kids and thats what I do. What I dont do Is LYE to your spouse!! What would you do in this situation?? Am I wrong to want to tell her husband the truth? Mac is a biker and 6 foot 300 lbs I really dont need him coming up here kicking my A** over it.
Thank you for listening. I really need to get that out! WHEW!!!
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8 responses
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I set a president years ago. I do not babysit for anyone. I never had anyone watch my kids when they were little and I do not watch anyone elses kids. I like this rule. I have never broken it and so no one can be mad that I made an exception to my own rule.
I love kids, but I do not love adults. It is not the kids fault. They are so sad when they get shuffled around.
I do tutor. But I do it in the child's own home with a parent there. Or I do it at the child's school. I never let it even slightly resemble a babysitting situation.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Feb 08
It was easier for me to stay home with my kids and babysit. But now they are both in school full time and Im going to get a real job outside of home.
I agree. Its not the kids its the parents. I love these kids like they were mine. I would do anything for them. But..there moms a jerk and I dont need that around my family. The 2 year old crys to come to my house. She has even snuck out to come here. They dont have a good home life. There mom is always yelling and swearing at them. I fell bad but theres not much I can do.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
20 Feb 08
Aw, poor Copper again!
You have more problems with these parents, if you want to call them that.
If asked, I would not lie in the least. You know where that goes...but be glad you are done with them.
Is there any way you can have them pay you first...such as, if they want you to babysit all week, it's upfront money?...Can you make that a rule for your babysitting?......And then, if there is a day you don't watch them, just give that money back to them?.....I dunno, I can't think of any other way of doing this so YOU are not cheated out of unfair and wrong!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I know Right. Im so tired of being screwed around by her. I have decided to quit the babysitting and go get a job outside of home. My kids are in school all day now so I will be free. I need a steady pay check. I cant just hope they will pay..hoping dosent pay the bills.
The one lady who does do what she should I have already lined up a sitter for her. I cant just abandon her. She has payed when she should and gets her kids when she should. My mom is going to take over them for me. As far as stupid and the other mom go to bad to sad. You shouldnt have taken advantage of me.
The other mom..not stupid and not the good mom...told me the other day "you wont be watching them very much longer" I have no Idea where that came from but whatever. She found someone to do it for 60 a week instead of the 100 I charge. Which is an awesome deal for a 3 and 1 year old. 9 hours a day 25$ flat rate. If someone is willing to do it for less then let them. And they can deal with the crap.
Have a good Day Kash and thanx for listening.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I can sympathize with your frustration.
That would totally piss me off too.
I'm afraid I'm not sure what I would do if Mac asked me about it.
I'd either rat her out full force including the part about asking me to lie for her and even making up the lie herself or I would say, I'm still owed $75 for taking the kids x amount of time and you'll need to find out the rest from your wife, sir.
That's a tough one.
Sounds like a real live dumbazz to me, that woman.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Feb 08
If he calls I will rat her skin off my back.. and tell him she still owes me 75$. Im not going out of my way to get ahold of him though. I dont need in this more than I alreay am. She called me yesterday and was like I have to go to jail on Mon till tues and you will have the kids. Wait a minute? Did you ask If I would watch them..NO. She just assumes I will take them. She is definatly a real live DUMBAZZ!!! Thank You!
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I agree that you should never watch her kids again. I would not lie for her either. I used to do daycare too. I had my own for 22 years. The worst part was getting people to pick their kids up on time and pay every week like they were supposed to. I really dont miss it. I miss a few of the kids that I'd had since they were babies,but on the whole I'm happier now. I think I was just burnt out. Sometimes ranting really helps doesn't it. I hope she shows back up to pay you.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I have been doing it for the last 10 years. I think Im burnt out too. I meed to get out in the world and interact with adults for a while. I also have trouble getting them to pay and get there kids when there supposed to. Im not going to hold my breath on her paying me. Thanx for your response!
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@lala766 (239)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I would not watch them again at all. It was wrong for her to play around with you like this. And then to ask you to lie is just crazy. People like this will have people lying for them and have all kinds of drama going on and its just not work it. She still owes you money!! I hope she pays you if not its better to have her out of your hair!
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Im not going to. She had the nerve to call me yesterday and ask if Id watch the kids in the evening! UM...NOOO!! LOL! And yes there is sooo much Drama. I hate drama. Its so not woth my time anymore. She wont pay me I know that. Whatever..I dont have to deal with it again.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Wow, that's pretty bizarre.
You can't do much about what's already happened, but I for sure wouldn't be watching the kids again. As for covering for her, I wouldn't go out of my way to get in the middle of it by telling the husband, but if he called or the situation came up in some other way, I wouldn't lie for her.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Thats what I figured. I wont go find him and "tell" on her. If he happens to call and ask about it I will tell him the truth other than that I dont care to get in the middle any more than I already am. Thank you.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Is this the same one that you were fussing about a few weeks ago for not paying you? This person seems to be a lot of trouble, and you are right for not watching her kids anymore. First, she had no earthly right to drop her son on you like that without telling you anything. These kids are her responsibility, not yours. Then she leaves you in a sling, when you already told her you had something to do on Sunday. Gawd. You will be so much better off not babysitting for her.
Don't be suprised if she doesn't pay you that $75 dollars she owes. Don't get mad either, because if it costs you $75 to not have to deal with her mess anymore, it will be money well spent.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Feb 08
Yes it is. This is her last srike..Shes OUT! I dont expect her to pay me what she owes. Ill gladly let her keep it if she leaves me alone! She called me yesterday all peaches and cream and says "I have to go to jail on mon till tues and you will have the girls" WHAT?? She never asked and if she did I would have said NO. She is so dumb and just assumes I will take her children when ever she wants! Well find someother dumba** to do that for you because IM DONE!
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
20 Feb 08
She says "I have to go to jail" as though she is going to a doctors appointment. Well, she is in a sling now unless biker hubby stays home with the kids.
I hate when people take kindness for weakness. It makes you not want to be nice to anyone. But if we all took that attitude, where would the world be. I know its not the best of situations in the world, but it would be a lot worse.
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@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
20 Feb 08
She acts like jail is no big deal. Shes going because her 10 year old had several unexcussed absences. She was sent letters but thinks she didnt have to pay. She said he didnt go because he didnt want to get up. Um get his behind out of bed your the parent. So what if he cries or throws a fit. Was him missing a day worth going to jail??
I hate that too. Im nice to people and expect the same kindness and respect back. Its only fair!
@tinkerbell203 (14)
• United States
8 Mar 08
well, iam sorry to hear about your trouble, however i think your right about not lying, she should keep her own stuff in check, i think if her husband asks then tell him. you have nothing to hide and tell him your not wacthing the kids any longer. good luck and hope things go well
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