How do you keep your romance alive?

February 18, 2008 9:00pm CST
My fiance and I have only been together for 2 years, but already the 'honeymoon period' is wearing off. I think we're doing pretty well though, because we both understand that things aren't as they used to be. On the weekend, he took me out to dinner and a movie and we tried to relive what it was like when we first got together. It was funny and interesting to see how we've changed as a couple. Ages ago I cut out an article form a magazine. I'll share it with you here: 7 key ingredients for a rocking relationship: 1. Finding each other sexually attractive 2. Being affectionate with each other 3. Communicating effectively 4. Being honest with each other 5. Being kind to each other 6. Having mutual goals and morals 7. Feeling that you're both heading in the same direction So do you have any tips for keeping the love alive in your romance?
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15 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
19 Feb 08
well, for my husband and i, we always try and do little things for each other and we act like we were just starting to date all over again although we've been married for almost four years. you have to stay spontaneous and do things for the other one to let them know you are always thinking about them and loving them. you don't have to buy things, but surprise him with a candle light dinner or something like that. just keep things spiced up and don't let that die. when you start getting into the comfortable stage it's harder to get out of it and then you start taking each other for granted. good luck and keep us posted. God bless
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Interesting that this article starts out with #1 being that little 3-letter word that gets most badly matched couples in trouble in the first place. I think honesty is good, up to a point, and sharing common goals is important, but my advice would be not to worry about "romance" and stress more important things such as intellectual growth, integrity, morality and service. I think the love follows respect and not the other way about.
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• United States
19 Feb 08
Those are really great things! I noticed that my hubby and I are right on those! I think that communication is the key to any great relationship. But as far as keeping the romance alive it's the little things to show you appericate your loved one that really makes a big difference. Bringing home a rose or flowers for no reason, writing little love notes, things like that. There are other ways too of course like telling the other person how pretty/handsome they are when they're least expecting it. And even simple thank you's.
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@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
19 Feb 08
i am in a somewhat similar situation as u are. I feel communication is a key to establishing all kind of relationships
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@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
19 Feb 08
communication, respect, and mutual understanding are some essential aspects..
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Feb 08
Try to find new things to do together. First, stand up in front of each other and renew your committment. Then, think of something you haven't done in a long time and do it. Then try to do all of the things you did at the begining. Then look for a new activity that might interest both of you and get involved together. Start wearing clothes to please each other. The same for food, drink, music, friends, etc. See how it works!
• Philippines
19 Feb 08
I have been married for 15 years. We also have 5 kids. Our relationship was up and down. In those trying times I learned about us and our relationship. What we enjoyed though is sharing a common interest..Like we both love playing pool online and we have common friends in there, We both love our new car which I had bought for myself but since I don't drive, he drives me to and from work. I also bring him with me when we have office events. We like to watch the same movies and we have common music interest. He doesn't work but when I think of the kids we have I try my best to make our relationship still be intact. We also have given a day for us to be together in a week. Communication is good. It won't be like the 1st time you met but once you find something common with each other you'll learn to enjoy it. :)
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@mummymo (23706)
19 Feb 08
Well after 11 years and having a 14 and a 6 year old to contend with as well as having our annus horriblus last year and me being ill for a long time and my other half can still give me butterflies in my tummy - he can give me a raging headache too when he annoys me! lol i think it is too easy to forget to express your feelings and let the other person know that you love them! i guess that trying to take time out every so often and making sure that you reconnect is a good idea! xxx
@MsCYPRAH (394)
19 Feb 08
The first step for you is to apply those points to your own life and see how it compares. You have 7 good pointers there to test your own relationship. However, most relationships soon fail because people begin to take each other for granted, expectations are unfulfilled and so resentment creeps in, and disillusionment sets in when the partner doesn't behave as planned. However, what really kills relationships is a lack of appreciation because the attraction has worn off, and so communication goes too. the first real test for you both is this: When did you last compliment each other and affirm each other positively? Something simple like that forms the glue that holds couples together, and when praise and appreciation are absent, other things soon follow. So, how many of the 7 points you have shared with us apply to you both? Your answers will reveal where you are now and the state of your relationship.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I think you pretty much covered it coffeeshot. It's how my hubby and I are, for the most part ;) lol We have our ups and downs just like any other couple in which we may need some cool down time before talking again to realize what the other was saying but we try our damnest to keep our marriage a 50/50 agreement for one can't have it their way all the time.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
19 Feb 08
All of those tips apply, but instaed of just seeing the words, make them fit what you do. I've read many articles over the 44 years we've been together, and though the words sound nice, they mean different things to different people. Finding each other sexually attractive sounds very shallow to me... there are many men I find attractive. But Hun is also funny in his romance, doing things to make me laugh... laughter is very sexy! Being affectionate isn't just touching or staying close to each other when people are around... its adding something to dinner that he really likes and doesn't expect. Notes in lunchboxes are fine, but the first time you forget gets noticed. Try touching his neck when you walk past behind him, many small surprising things at times when he least expects them. Communicate by looking at each other across a roomful of relatives... 30 seconds is such a bond. Personalize these ingredients... no one can tell you which will mean the most. And my best tip of all? When a problem arises, stand beside him so you can fight it together... fighting each other lets the problem win, and can damage the relationship permanently.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Feb 08
You touched a chord with me when you said he did things to make you laugh. I think that was a big part of what held our marriage together. we had some special code words that only us two knew what they meant but they related to some funny experience that we had both shared and over the years and the troubles and bad times and good times. those code words still broke us up into laughter. We shared troubles . good times, bad times,ups and downs. but the one thing myhusband always had was a sense of humor and sometimes that sort of lifted me. who is more sober. out of the doldrums. I am a widow now but looking back I think that his sense of humor really kept us going.
@alamode (3071)
• United States
20 Feb 08
How good it is to have memories that make you smile... after all these years, I can't imagine my life without Hun, but I know that I'd go on... he'd demand it!LOL! His love and humor made me a stronger person than I ever thought possible, so I that I could go on, for our family... it sounds like your husband did the same. Thats love!
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
19 Feb 08
keeping the romance alive is easy as long as you both do love one another love is always in the air no need tpo wait for valentines day if you can make it everyday a valentines day
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@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
19 Feb 08
The key to this question are respect and understanding. One need to respect their partner and try to understand him or her and see things in their propective. That doen't mean we are wrong all the time but give ourselves room to understand each other. Other than that, from time to time do something that you seldom or never do before such as fishing, going for movie or just take a walk in the park together.
19 Feb 08
well, as many experts said, communication is very very important between two people who live together. try your best to share you with your honey. " love the life you live, live the life you love."
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
19 Feb 08
As said here a couple times communication is a must we know that. But your question isn't whats the key to a good realtionship its how do you keep your romance alive? For us Its little things like a kiss when its not expected, a pat on the butt in the grocery store, its when I take a bite out of some thing and its soo good I have to feed him a bite, its when I jump and hold on to him because of a scary movie, a phone call in the middle of the day just to say I love you I miss you can't wait till tonight. I really think its all in the little things we do for eachother.