Religious Beliefs ...Saves Or Kills
By sukumar794
@sukumar794 (5040)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
February 19, 2008 5:48am CST
Religions around the world and their respective followers try to have adherence to their traditional or conservative beliefs and ideals. But do these beliefs and convictions really save the humanity of all the evils inherent in it. Isn't religious promotion kill the austerity of human existence and destroy the purpose of universal brotherhood.? Hence RELIGION ... a saviour or a persecutor?
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21 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I won't bother going over the definition of the word "religion", because not every religion is meant to make a universal brotherhood -- or sisterhood, at the exclusion of all else.
However, I think it depends on the religion and the time and place.
The religion itself is rarely at fault for what its followers do, but there have been some pretty bad, pretty arrogant people over history -- usually leaders of countries, start 'holy wars' (and don't get me started on what an oxymoron that is) -- why? Because of their own bias and hatred of another culture/religion and wanted what that country had.
Haven't we seen it time and again?
Most religions are not without some blood in their history, in one way or another.
But that doesn't make them inherently a bad idea.
Then again, it should be said, that just because they're a religion that they are all a GOOD idea isn't really there either.
Some people need something to believe, others don't. Depending on the person, the fact that they find something to believe in, could be a good or bad thing.
It's up to people, what people do, to place blame on anything else is silly to me.
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@ShardAerliss (1488)
19 Feb 08
'Religion' is simply a set of beliefs upheld by a hierarchy. Nothing more, nothing less. Religion itself can do no harm and no protecting. It is the people that follow the religion that are saviours or persecutors.
However, the problem comes when people simply accept that, because a person claims that their religious belief allows them to persecute people they should be allowed to do it.
Religion, because the beliefs are upheld by a hierarchy, is difficult to change. And again, this is where the danger comes into it. What's the line in Dogma?
"A belief cannot be changed, but an idea can... Now do you believe?"
"No, but I have a good idea."
Any religion is only as saving or persecuting as the people that follow it; because people create and uphold the religious ways, laws and beliefs.
I hope that made sense... it's hard to explain without doing a mini-thesis...
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
21 Feb 08
that was a good topic for clarification!!..for me religion is like an affiliation or an organization that will guide you to the right path ..and that is if you believe in God ..still God had given us the free will to do what we like/want in our life may it be bad or good its really up to us...that was evil comes in..which means those people who did some bad things are the one to be blamed off of whats happening now..crimes,bad politics and etc..not the religion or whatever to that effect...speaking of brotherhood..we are all brothers in Christ but due to some discrimination by some sect..then what else can you expect..just remember religion composes of people like the church..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
Are you talking from the view of a non god believing person or a person who believes that his belief is the only right way, or the one that believes that no religious person can kill another without differentiating between justified killing and murder. For instance, Christians believe in just wars, not going off and killing indiscriminately anyone who disagrees with them, but killing to save the lives of others. So they joined the armies and navies to fight cruel dictators, but they did not go to overthrow democratic nations. Now Muslims believe it is all right to kill a daughter or a son who decides not to be a Muslim, and Hindus believe it is all right to kill someone who converted to Christianity. I do not know about Jews, but I never heard of them killing someone because he converted, they just had nothing to do with him.
Christianity saves the believer, he still sins, but now he has God's spirit in him, to fight against the evil.
So it depends on your point of view.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
22 Feb 08
Religion has both bad and good sides. And so has science. Through science we produce bombs and weapons of mass destruction. Through religion we witness thousands being killed. Through atheistic philosophy thousands are killed.
Religion is a broad term. I think it is better to talk in term of specific religion.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Feb 08
Hi sukumar, I believe that most religions started out with some good ideas, but things got all twisted along the way. Millions of people have been killed in the name of religion, but that's not the way it was meant to be in the beginning. For example Christ told Peter to put away the sword because anyone who killed with the sword would be killed with the sword. He plainly saw what happens and did not agree with violence. There is not much of Christ's teachings found in the the churches of today. There are however some very sincere people in those churches. So the church is not all bad. I believe that the basic beliefs of all religions are much the same, and if more people saw this it would help bring about universal brotherhood, the problem is getting people past their prejudices enough to see the light. All religions need a major make over, they need to get back to their roots, or they will continue doing more harm than good. Blessings.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Feb 08
hi! my mind human shortcomings and ills are the 'fault' of humans.. Most religions do believe in brotherhood, etc.. it's humans who abuse religions from time to time... Even the present theory or philosophy of 'evolution' is yet another belief and is made up of 'good' and 'bad' people.. Of course one group or person of a group will try from time to time to say one group or philosophy is more prone to the human ills than, well, their own mostly.. which of course is nothing more than evidence of their own human shortcoming, the desire to say humanity's problems are more the fault of that group over there, and me and my group are less 'guilty'.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
19 Feb 08
The concept of 'Universal Brotherhood' is, in itself, really a religious theory because it presupposes a belief in a worshipful 'parent' in whom all humans are brothers and also that brothers and sisters in a family [should] necessarily agree and get on well.
It's a pleasing model but is it actually realistic?
I, personally, believe (indeed, 'know') that there is a sentient and caring Creator who made us 'in his own image' as sentient and caring beings with what we call 'free will'. As a matter of fact, not only humans have the power of 'free will', which is the ability to choose from a number of courses of action based on our knowledge or belief in what is good. There is a great deal of evidence that many mammals, birds and other animals have a social sense which is often stronger than their individual 'survival' sense. We tend to write these evidences off as 'instinctive' and, because we are able to communicate our reasoning for doing something in words, which animals are not (as far as we know), we assume that therefore our decisions and the reasons for them are in some way a result of 'free will'.
Why should we marvel when an animal appears to make a rational and informed decision when, all around us are humans making irrational, ill-informed and anti-social decisions? Does it not suggest that humans are actually defective, as far as being successful social beings is concerned? Our strengths as far as being competitive and successful in our world lie in our toolmaking ability and in our ability to communicate with each other and, to a limited extent, with animals.
Religions have succeeded very well in actually creating 'God' in our image while convincing us that 'He' created us in 'His' image. They have also come up with an excellent 'reason' for humans being a cut above animals as a result, when, in fact, humanity is the one big modifier and destroyer of the created world of which we should be a symbiotic part!
You can see, perhaps, that my argument is not heading towards any kind of answer to your question. I believe that many humans feel the need for 'religion' as a way of justifying their existence as 'superior beings'. Animals (we think) do not have religion. There can only be two reasons for that. Either they do not have it because they have no sensibility of 'God' or because a sensibility of God is what they live and breathe, just as they do air or water (according to their environment). Most of the great mystics have stated that the way to God - the ultimate aim of their religion - is to practice living in the prescence and being of the Creator; of becoming one in spirit and purpose with Him. My contention is that every other living thing in the world already does this instinctively. We are the ones who are 'damaged' (by our 'original sin'?) and need salvation through religion.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
20 Feb 08
They are both...
Those who have faith in their religion finds that religion give them a will to live and prevents them from going insane. Most of those people would not be able to cope with the harsh reality of this world if they could not count on God to save them.
The bad things about those people is the need they have to persecute and try to convert those who don't believe in God.
You will often find on this forum... religious people complaining to be attack because of their faith. But it is actually the other way around. The only reason they get attack is because they preach and try to convert people.
There is no such things as evil.
For every action... there is a re-action.
When people are provoked... and do re-act... they are viewed as evil... because more often than not... a re-action is immediat without thinking of the consequences.
The only evil in this world is caused by revenge.
If we did stop upsetting people... there would be no need for revenge... and so... there would be no evil.
@gbolly54 (661)
• Nigeria
20 Feb 08
Most artificial creations have bad side-effects. Religion is one of such artificial creations. I don't believe that God created a (some) religion for us. Rather, He created Love as the basis of our spiritual development. Love is not capable of ambiguity; it is felt naturally by all. Love is homogeneous and universal. It is the common denominator for spiritual advancement. If you love your neighbour as yourself, would there be any wars and conflicts? Unfortunately, humans have created religions under the pretext of serving God. Their religions have created divisions, hate and wars. God does not need your religion; He wants you to love His creatures unconditionally and indiscriminately. Religions make this divine injunction harder to meet.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Feb 08
Ideally, sukumar, religion should be a balm for the soul to those who believe in it. I don't believe that religion should be forced upon anyone -for any reason. It should always be a matter of free will. Religion has its good points and its bad points. True Believers try to walk in a spiritual way that will ultimately lead them to what they consider their reward. Religious fanatics go to the extreme and try to force their beliefs upon others whether they are willing or not. That is the difference as I see it.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Feb 08
One arguement against religious belief is- The Christian Church has had almost 2000 years to make a difference, and has failed miserably.
Religion has been the cause of most wars and murdered millions of innocent people. Religion is the biggest and most successful business the world has ever seen. Pass the Collection Plate!
@nannacroc (4049)
19 Feb 08
My view is that religion divides people and if you look back in history, most wars were fought because of religion. Once everyone realises that we are all one race and stop dividing us into categories, religious or otherwise, there may be peace.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
19 Feb 08
It depends on the person adn how they take their religion some go way over board with it and that my be alot of peoples down fall.And some cultures beleive in beheading people for alot of things so its a wonder there are very many of them left to go one with culture and religion.
also some people think it is their right to persecute others that dont beleive the way they do.!
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@sophies1703 (74)
19 Feb 08
I personal belive that religion kills. to me religion is all about man made rules that have been brought in over the centurarys. Its another way for man to control. your walk with jesus should be free and fun not burdened with rules. Isnt it all about the personal relationship with jesus? let go and let god, you can do amazeing things for jesus but if you havent got that personal relationship with him its no good. Jesus did not bring in all these rules they have been man made, there is no condemation in christ jesus, and if you truly have that relationship with him you would automaticle try not to sin because of your love to him.
You cant expect non belivers to come into the church and be burdend with man made rule youve got to let god decide whats right and wrong after all we are a rebeliose country.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Feb 08
I think, that if all the different religions could go back to their basic beginnings, they would all benefit. They all started out with a bit more simplicity and equality. Anyone who joined was treated equally and was welcome. As time has gone by, the human element with all of its prejudices and imperfections has crept in and perverted the simplicity and equality.
It does not matter what religion or belief you follow as long as you accept a Supreme Being (G'd if you will) as your Maker. Too many people feel that you have to do it THEIR way or no way. That is irrelevant. One has only one's own soul to worry about. That is a full time job in itself. You should not have any spare time to judge the doom of someone elses soul.
@clowdine (1402)
• Philippines
19 Feb 08
It's dependent on what the doctrines of that religion teaches. If that religion permits to kill or even encourages it, then it kills. But if the religion prohibits killing and teaches compassion, truth, and sound reasoning, then it saves. Obviously, most religions do not teach the whole set that saves humanity. But we are lucky because there's one that saves. It's TRUE CHRISTIANITY. Even if you scrutinize/test it's doctrines,EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, there's no commandment of God that is meant for human destruction, all for our well being.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
19 Sep 10
Following a particular religion is different from being can any follow any religion and it is not harmful to others.But when you become a fanatic and try to impose your religion on others the problem arises.History is full of wars fought on religion only.But we have not yet learnt any lesson so far.Region in pure and simple is not a persecutor as you have feared but the followers are.What to do? I think we cannot help it.We have to endure what cannot be cured.We have to live in this world of plurality.I feel that as parents we should teach religious tolerance to our children from their childhood.If parents are fanatics their children are likely to be fanatics.All religions are great and founders never meant harm to the followers of other religions.As one of very close muslim friend said "Did Allah and Bagwan fight? Then why should we fight?" looks very sensitive and let us all live happily together and let God give us strength to go in that direction.
