Miser or thrifty??
By kun2349
@kun2349 (23381)
February 19, 2008 10:53am CST
I was once a spendthrift.. But now, i dunno really know wat am i.. A miser or just being thrifty??
Once i just wanted to save 20cents on the 1 thing i wanna buy, so i paid for all my purchases in this shop b4 i lug everything to the next shop just to buy the thing i wanted for just a mild 20cents difference.. hehe
When it's night time, no matter how tired i'm, i will still make it a point to take bus and avoid taking taxi because it's much more expensive.. LOL =D BUt there are times whereby i will spend neccessarily such as food or going out with frenz, and late night taxi when there's no more buses..
But on my own, i will cut down on the spending for myself..
But to some ple, maybe they see me as a miser, but i dun think so.. I think i'm just being thrifty at times.. So where do we draw the line between miser and being thrifty??
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11 responses
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
3 Dec 09
Hiya Kun, sometimes people get confused on where to draw the line between being thrifty and also a miser. But it's actually simple. See how much money is in the bank, and save a considerable amount each month. So the balance of what one has, is the one that can be spent on anything. And if say one saves $500 every month and have left another good $700 or so or more, use it wisely. Like try to spend only $300 maximum and leaving another extra $100 for emergency. That way, one can save more. I always try my best to set up some for savings so the money will pile up in time. And anything extra from the lot can also be put inside the saving bank.
A miser is someone whom has his or her own money, but choosing to save all the money at the expense of others. Like not wanting to shed even a dollar if possible. Now, that's not a really good thing. Because he or she want to enjoy going out and stuff, but only living off others in a sense. Like wanting others to treat them all the time and all, without any giving. Always take, don't want to give..

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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
3 Dec 09
YEah!! Seems like u are a wiser saver huh!! And your savings should be able to break the bank soon!! lol =D Just kidding!!
Yup, knowing one's limits and knowing when to spend, should be the right way.. Be it we spend it on ourself or others, what matter is that we must spend it willingly and happily!! IF not, very soon, those frenz of us will leave us, once they know they are being taken advantage of!! haha
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
lol =D As long as there are savings, who cares how much it's gonna be every month?? haha =D
The more one tries to save, the more likely they will be withdrawing it again, when they have unbudgetted for themselves.. haha =D
Putting in the bank is a form of investing too, just they the back is investing without your knowledge, and thus the interest u gain per year.. lol =D
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
7 Dec 09
LOL..not really, bro.
My savings is very much basic, hehehehe. I don't believe in investments and such, because they can be a pain in the beehind, LOL..
But I like the tortoise and the hare slowly. Off to a slow start and up to a glory finish..

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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
hello casper!
hehe and here i am again...
actually, i don't know what i am...haha
some people see me as a miser coz they don't see me buying things right away & i usually refuse to buy anything that they offer me...haha especially when i don't feel the need for it..haha
but i am not as thrifty as well, coz there's a tendency for me to buy something that i think we really need no matter how much is it...
maybe i'm a combination of both? i don't really know...
what i just know is that i just buy things that i need & not what i just want...and what other people don't know is just i don't buy something coz i save the money to buy another thing...hehe
so in the end, no more savings still...
and i just budget the money that i have to make ends meet...

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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
2 Nov 09
I believe u are being thrifty!! hehe ^_^ Just your reason of buying, things u need, and not want, is a prove of being thrifty!! ONly misers will not be buying anything, be it, want or need.. lol =D
PLus, since u know what u need, and saving up for it, or no matter how much it is, it's normal.. For u already have a goal in mind, and u just wanna achieve that, and not sacrificing anything in the process.. hehe 

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
3 Nov 09
lol =D I think, it's due to the things u bought, and it's really expensive, whereby u can be buying alot more things with that price u paid for.. hehe ^_^ BUt in reality, we are not big spenders!!
Big spenders are those whom spend unnecessarily on things, on anything, as long as they LiKE it!! haha =D SO, u see, even u like me now, but u din spend anything on me!! lol =D Just kidding
All i know is that, u are not a miser.. But u dun go for petty gains ^_^ IN fact, u are quite generous!! lol =D 

@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
really? i'm thrifty? haha i think my mom will not agree! hehe coz i remember, she's always telling me then that i am a big spender! haha
and always telling me that i should be thrifty & save even a little for future use...haha
but maybe yes i am thrifty & after being thrifty, im being a big spender...haha
just like now, im not buying anything much aside from food, and people tell me again that im such a miser...haha but its ok, coz i know when to get my money out & spend them all! haha

@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
21 Dec 09
No, a miser is someone that won't spend money or hardly spends it at all. It seems to me you're being thrifty. I try to be thrifty, but there are times where I will buy stuff that is of better quality. A miser would be someone such as my friend or my great-grandfather. They won't buy anything else unless it's absolutely necessary. My great-grandfather only had two or three pairs of pants and would wash them regularly instead of buying extra ones. My friend refuses to buy her own place and instead living with her family.
Here is the definition of miser: "a stingy hoarder of money and possessions (often living miserably)." So, you see it's a stingy hoarder. If you're not too stingy then it's not possible for you to be a miser.
Cheers and happy myLotting!
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@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
21 Dec 09
Well, I'm definitely thrifty, and most times I see myself as quite miserly too!
I guess this is why we are on mylot. every cent counts! even if it takes forever to make a few cents! haha.
I suppose it's hard to draw the line. the best way is to be thrifty with yourself but to be generous with others. but then again, it's easier to work the other way, and splurge on yourself and be thrifty when it comes to gifts for others.
lots of food for thought...
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
hahaha =D We are in mylot for the few cents, correct, but it's more like for extra expenses.. lol =D SO in a way, we are earning part time.. hehe ^_^
YEah, it's not easy to be generous on others but thrifty on ourself, for there's no reason to do that at all!! lol =D And some others might even exploit us on that.. hehe 

@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
25 Jun 08
A miser is someone who is very stingy to others and themselves. They are not generous at all and they like to take advantage of others.
Whereas, a thrifty person is someone who just saves on himself but not others. They are generous to friends but do not take advantage of others. 

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@twinrachel (215)
25 Jun 08
I think a miser is someone who makes other people miserable because they will not spend money. Whereas being thrifty is just being sensible. So a miser would feed their children gruel but a thrifty person would feed them the cheapest chips they could find!
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@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
25 Jun 08
On my part, I learned the importance of saving at an early age. I still remember that I always had money on my wallet and in fact, I really loved receiving wallets as gifts because I would save as much as I could so that I wouldn't experience being low on cash.
I first opened a savings account with a local bank when I was still a school girl. I tried to be as thrifty as possible and spend only on things that I really need, such as food and transportation fare. This way, I didn't ask for allowance for my school projects as often as I should. Eventually, I was able to save. And this habit went on until I got my first job after graduation.
However, I really wasn't able to continue doing this when my husband (who was still my boyfriend then) and I met. And it worsened when we got married and had our first child, along with the soaring prices of commodities. Also, having a credit card really burdened us in the long run. Now, we still have an outstanding debt with our two credit cards; but I'm hopeful that we'll be able to pay-off all our existing obligations, and save for our daughter's education as soon as possible.
I do believe and consider myself as thrifty and not a miser because I don't sacrifice food just to save.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
25 Jun 08
U are really thrifty and u did cultivate a good habit of saving when u were young.. At least u had the experience of savings b4, thus u know the importance of savings and i believe very soon, u will be able to clear your debts and have a better life soon ^_^
@lonelylucie (194)
• China
20 Feb 08
i am actually a big miser...LOL...most of my friends have enjoyed KFC of MC for hundreds of times(most of our familes's incomes in China are not very high...so one time of consumption in fast food restaurant like KFC is usually a little costliness...)but i only went there 4 times totally. i usually ignore the farmful parts about those---to tell the truth,they are really delicious...i often dreamd of their sweet tastes...^_^but i'm a real miser---maybe including a little thrift...i just control my thirsty desire...sometimes i think i am too severe...don't know what to do with it ...will it be a harmful habbit?
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
20 Feb 08
u'r right, it's not good for the health if u eat fast food on a regualr basis.. But it's ok to eat it once in a while.. in your case, u'r not a miser but rather health conscious :) SO just let u be your true self once in a while to enjoy the things in life, that u've been controlling ;) hehe
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
19 Feb 08
You sound like your are being thrifty. Unless you compare yourself to Scrooge and find out that you are more like him than you think - then I would think you would be more like a miser. Misers don't like to spend money on anything, especially to a good cause.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
23 Nov 09
well, I am consider myself living in a frugal way as long as I could see that I could live in a day with a simple meal then have to wake up with the same routine everyday with no complain. I am thrifty as even though I have money then i could afford to buy something I never buy it unless it is a basic need. In term of want is very plenty though not to the point of depriving myself of luxury and comfort, that money could give, I hesitant to spend it and I rather save my money for rainy days. Though, i could be a great spender but not to the point that i am going to spend the rest of my money. Especially if the money I get is from my hard effort i tend not to spend it as i look at every cent as valuable. Though, if you are going to accompany me and you feel thirst..
i am not going to treat you as long as I notice you have your own money I would let you be the one to buy rather than comes from my on my own pockets..
the same things with fare...
as all the prices of all commodity is rising that I prefer to be thrifty
or either live in simplicity although I have money..
let the other people think that I am not earning much not to the point of looking miserable but so that they would not pestering me to borrow my hard earn money..
and that I tend to look more humble and in cases their is an emergency..
it is the only time my money would comes out to help..lol..
though I am a miser sometimes though not to the extent of being greedy just wiser..hahaha

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
24 Nov 09
Good for u!! haha =D
At least u have proven yourself to be thrifty and not a miser.. Well, it's always good to be protecting your hard earned money, for u work for it!! and thus one cant be wasting it unneccesarily.. haha
BUt when it comes to entertaining frenz, some treats are inevitable, for we only meet up with them once in a while.. Thus, those money has to be spent, regardless we like it not ^_^ And true frenz will tend to take turns for treats, instead of pinpointing to the same person, everytime.. haha

@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
it really bring good feeling if one have the money and when one is lack ...
it leave you to feel sad not being chase..
as some people gives value to the person with the way they see, it has money to boast of which always been the measurement set by the society as the level of success..
which undetermined wrongly the way a person is misjudge..,
You know some people only befriend you if you have something to give and then left you when they find you penniless..
which is very true most of the times..
lots of people are materialistic they devalue a person worth if you have nothing to show..
which is annoying fact thus many work hard to the extent of sacrificing their self pushing their self to the limit, that they hardly notice they neglect some important aspects of their life...
of course, I'll do anything to make a friend feel comfy whether at my home or outside my home as they are my adorable guest..
they are assure that i would gives them anything they like just cheaper food would be alright..
i am gonna treat them under the budget..lol..
now is that thrifty enough???lol..
or if I am under crisis just a dutch treat would be okay...