When The World Expects Too Much!
By Stormy
@Little_Stormy (6883)
United States
February 20, 2008 12:05pm CST
First, let me say that if I had somewhere else or someone else to rant to, I wouldn't be here bending your ears...
But I don't have that now, and I need to at least feel like someone cared enough to listen.
I don't expect anyone to have the answers, because, quiet honestly, there are some problems in life... that have no answers and no way of ever being fixed. You just have to deal with it and hope to make it out alive.
Don't for a moment think that I'm lonely, or even unpopular! OH! NO! far, far, from it!
In fact, I'm the total opposite! I have found that I am apparently the neatest person in the entire world to be with or talk to!
And I had no clue, just how "needed" and "wanted" I am until this point in my life! how could it have happened without my knowing it earlier? how did I just suddenly and blindly stumble upon this unwanted popularity?
my phone rings before I even wake up each morning, it's always someone wanting me to do something, help out... or just listen to their mind numbing chatter!.. don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping those in need.. BUT EVERY SINGLE DAY is a little more than I can take!
my sister calls about 12 times in a 4 hour period, each and every day... and God forbid I ever say anything (I've done that before) it only gets my entire family mad and thinking that I need to get over myself and I'm told that I should be happy to help out my sister, who can't turn a computer on without step by step guidance from ME, but alas, she has the "want" to be online even though she has no clue what she is doing! I am suppose to get up and leave what ever I might be doing (which is usually house work or fixing someone Else's problem!) to run over to her house and find the problem and fix it.. happily and without complaint! her last problem (OH! this will give you an idea what I am dealing with) was Yahoo (her favorite groups are there) went down and I was to fix Yahoo... yes! the server!
so that she can continue reaching out to those in her groups!
After explaining that I can't do that, I was then called 15 more times to get an update on how it's STILL not working.. if I can't fix it, I should at least listen to what it's doing to her and how it has profoundly changed her day! but to be on the safe side that it is indeed the server being down.. I am asked to come check it out.. many times throughout the day! and yes, I go!
I've learned what happens if I don't! I get the cold shoulder from not only her but my ENTIRE family.. because my sister needed me and by GOD I wasn't there in her hour of need! how self centered of me NOT to go!
When she is finally tired and 'called out'... then comes the visits from my parents (they just walk in many different times a day!).. I am then expected to stop whatever I'm doing and chat with them... and should I continue doing what I was doing... WELL! I'm just ignoring and pushing my family (who is the pentacle of my existence) away! I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I have no time at all, in any given day..or any hour that I can actually say belongs to JUST me.. no one else.... just me alone.
I feel like my sole purpose in life is to service other people's needs, wants and desires... to heck with mine! and I'm never to complain about it... my wanting time to myself is "selfish", "childish", and completely wrong to expect or ask for, under any circumstances.
By the time I have done all that I can do for those around me.. my real day starts! it's then time to pick up my kids... fix dinner.. talk to them and hubby about their day and try to fix whatever the "problem of the day" is that seem to be plaguing them. it's MY job!
I send hours figuring out the hard stuff, like why a girl in school is being hateful to my daughter for no reason... to homework problems that drive ME nuts! lol!.. to chatting about the hateful and uncaring teachers.... and then it's time to trade in my therapist hat and slip into my taxi uniform and start driving my two sons from band practice and to other school functions that can't function without them being there.
Then back home in time to listen to hours of my husband talking about issues at work that I have no idea what he is talking about, but I DO listen and listen about how a certain thingymabob isn't working or how there is a possibly layoff in process.. and how a certain guy at work is only out to get him, no matter what he does!.. and I'm to remain hopeful, upbeat, happy, smiling through the entire thing.. it is, after all.. MY job.
I have one hobby, just one.... and for me to spend any time whatsoever on this hobby is considered unreasonable and a waste of my time, when I could be taking care of someone else!
I feel like I'm going nuts, never having one minute to myself.. is it really that important for someone to have time alone, to do nothing but cater to their own needs just for a little while each day?
Is it really wrong to want it so damn bad?
I have learned that the only times that can ever be mine are when everyone else goes to bed and have happily been taken care of throughout the day.. and my time is from midnight to whenever my eyes won't stay open any longer...
And then I'm asked why I stay up all hours of the night?!.. it could be because it's the only time I have to sit and THINK or read what I want to, in silence, or even to play with the dreams that I push away throughout my day.. and entertain the thoughts of being someone with a life.
Those precious and few twilight hours are all that I have... there are 24 hours in a day.. and those last remaining hours are what I have left over that no one else wants or demands... I cherish those hours, if only they knew how much I cherished MY time! Perhaps they would see why sleeping isn't nearly as important to me as it might otherwise be if I had another time slot to call my own.
I have spent the last 19 years of my life, taking care of a husband that has another, but very important profession that takes me into the inner workings of it.. taking MY time, MY effort and it is expected of me to be there, no matter what.. a title I never asked for or wanted, yet it was dumped on my lap and I graciously took it.. and have without fail or complaint done the best that I can do.
I have spent 18 of those years raising babies so close in age that it felt like having triplets.. 3 in diapers, three in need of round the clock supervision.... and I didn't let any of their needs go unattended even if it was sometimes round the clock special care. I have been the best mom that I know how to be.. I don't mind doing what I do for them, they are my kids and I'm the reason they are here to begin with... I wanted them and didn't have children blindly but rather knowing the responsibility of what they would bring into my life.. I knew this before I even gave birth... but thinking that at some point, the burden of being so responsible for so much of their existence would somehow become less of a demand.. and I would then be able to rest and take a few minutes to myself.
Foolishly, I believed that I could live again (just a little!).. after they grew up somewhat... but even though they are teens now and one is almost 18.. it's not changed anything.
I no longer feel like a woman, or even a person.. but rather a service dog for others to come to (only when they need something which is pretty much all the time) and I am seen as selfish and self centered if I want just a small space of time to call my own.
is it REALLY so wrong to want time to catch my breath in between times that I must fix or cater to someone Else's needs?
am I really asking or expecting too much?
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9 responses
@supeemom (121)
• United States
20 Feb 08
Your right, I don't have any answers for you. But at least know there is at one person out here in the expanse of the universe that is listening. All I can say is hang in there. And if you really feel like you have nothing left for yourself, put your foot down. All these people who you take care of are adults/ or near adults and should start relying on themselves a little bit. Learn to say "NO" or "Not right now, I'm busy" and take some time for yourself. It will make you a better wife/mom/sister/daughter/etc. We all need alittle me time to recharge our batteries and your loved ones need to allow you that. It's not to much to ask.
Sending you a virtual hug, sounds like you need one.
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my long rant, and I can't begin to tell you how bad I need that virtual hug! thank you!
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
21 Feb 08
Gurl you got a major problem in saying NO... If you feel that you are overloaded with it and you have no one to share it to. You have someone..You know who? Your sister :) If she can disturb you in every way she can because of her need for you to help her now's a good time to tell her this. Invite her to go some place quiet then talk to her tell her you have this feeling and you need a listening ear. You know once you tell your sister this she will understand you and give you some advise on it. Tell her you'd love to help her out every time but since everyone needs you you can't keep helping out even in a small problem they can do for themselves. Say it in a way your sister wouldn't get hurt..in a way she would understand how you feel. She'll understand you I just know it. Then after talking to her talk to your parents about it. Tell them you need time to do your stuff and that you need to let them understand that you have work to finish and that you'll talk to them after your done. Same with your friends they shouldn't lean on you so much. If your tired of getting those phone calls tell your mom or someone in the house not to tell anyone who's calling that your doing something very important..make an alibi not to answer the phone.It's not wrong to say 'Uhm sorry but I can't help you at the moment because I am doing something really important. And i know you can do it on your own . You're good at it.Bye!' That will be your tagline when your friends or your sisters bug you on the phone. And when your parents call you just to chat tell them dad mom I am really busy at the moment let me finish this up and will get back to you. Then go and do your work. Make sure you don't ask any questions like Ok? or You understand? It will just give them a doorway to chat you up more. Do hope it helps.:)
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
20 Feb 08
There are several VERY selfish and clueless people in this drama you've laid out--and the good news is that you aren't one of them!
I would insist on family counseling, and, if your family (and that includes your husband and kids) doesn't go along with that, I would go on strike!
Spend one of those nights you have to yourself packing a suitcase. Then, leave for a three-day weekend.
Leave a simple note saying that you're taking a vacation to an undisclosed destination and will see them sometime Monday.
Then, get in your car and start driving. Or, if you feel bad about taking the car, go on a bus or train. But I would suggest that, if all possible, you take the car.
Find a pleasant bed-and-breakfast out in the middle of nowhere (or whatever else might tickle your fancy) and check in for the weekend.
Best wishes! Don't feel guilty, because you *so* have this coming!
@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Thank you!
I have to say the thought of just going away for a weekend sounds like heaven on earth! if I ever just decide that I'm going to let go and follow my "wants" for a change.. you are the first person and probably the only person I will tell! lol!
again, I thank you so much!
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
21 Feb 08
I hope you get the chance to act on this very soon!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
26 Feb 08
thank you, again :)
In a few days my husband will be on a three day business trip and the kids are planning on staying with friends so it looks like it's only gonna be me and my dog... alone! woo!
not exactly a getaway.... but at least I will have three days of silence! lol!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 08
No you certainly are not
I mean even I managed to put a bit of time in for myself
I think you need to have a word there this is so silly
Your Sister could have called the server and got it sorted, your Parents should realize that you need time to yourself
Your Husband and Kids should realize what is going on and lighten things for you a bit there
Goodness I really hope that you will get this sorted Sweetie as you need time to yourself
@jayman32 (267)
• Australia
21 Feb 08
not at all little_stormy, sounds like you need to go smewhere they cant contact you so easy for a week or two. come to my country for while, i understand that no matter what you do your still going to be seen as selfish so you may as well make your holiday a good one, but you need to take one. you may end up really resenting some of these peopke if you dont do something now..
is that something your able to do?, i mean are you able to take a week or so off and not think every 5 mins that you need to call just to make sure everyone's ok?
And after having those few weeks off(you had a fantastic holiday by the way), how do you think your family would respond to home coming? would they have seen what was happening to you because while you were away they really took notice of how much you do?
or would they just say " its about time you came home selfish cow, i had to do it all myself while you were gone, selfish so and so", and not see why you left in the first place?
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
LOL! you are right! if I'm gonna be called a selfish cow anyway, I might as well live it up!
thank you for taking the time to listen!
sadly, I doubt they would ever see where they were wrong.
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Oh! if I ever go ANYWHERE! trust me... I've wanted to go there for as far back as I can remember!
you live in such a beautiful part of the world, my friend!
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@lady0fdarkness (73)
• United States
21 Feb 08
It's not wrong at all. Sometimes you have to take a minute and think of yourself. And take a breather.
I am somewhat in the same situation as you. But as for me, I've always been the unpopular and lonely girl in the family. But when my sister or someone in my family needs directions, answers, or phone numbers, they call me. Last month, I fixed my cousin's computer, my sister's computer, and my nephew's computer. I've had phone calls as late as 3AM in the morning asking how to troubleshoot this and that on their computers. My parents calls me every first and end of the month to make sure if I have already paid their bills for them. Nevermind, asking how I am doing or how my 2 year old is doing, just as long as I get their things done for them. Just yesterday, my sister called and asked how much stamps are now. I was sort of pissed off and said I don't effing know!
I find it very amusing how, they don't call to check on me or my daughter, but they call to ask me for something. On top of caring for myself(I'm disabled), my daughter, and my fiance, I also have to worry about everyone else's problems too. Whenever I want my own time, I turn off the ringer on my phone, but when I do turn it back on.. I get an earful from everyone, asking me why the hell I turned off my phone and that they've been trying to get in touch with me all day. I don't know why they don't have a clue by now.
Sigh... I think we both need that hug.
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I am so sorry that another human being has to feel what I feel.. you are right! you need a hug too!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
21 Feb 08
i really think i can't answer your observation. in this world there are so many things happening that we really don't have any idea.May be we don't get treated for this very well.
i have seen taht in my case as well. so many good things i do are b=never rewarded. Else i am in trouble in every aspect of life.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
21 Feb 08
No, you are not wrong. And one solution, is to start telling your loved one's you need some time to breathe, that they are grown and will have to figure out somethings on their own. As for no time during the day for yourself, I'd make time, take an hour, turn the phone off or let the answering machine answer it, lock the doors, close the blinds and let them knock. Which if my parents had the habit of 'just walking in' I'd be locking the door and making them knock anyway. You need to learn that you deserve an hour a day to yourself, without being needed for something so trivial by everyone around you. And if they stop talking to you for a few days or a week, just think that's time for you to do something, they'll come back around.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I don't have any answers for you but I've been in the same boat so I know just how frustrated and tired you are.
I would advise you, though, to unplug your phone. If someone asks why you didn't answer when they called, tell them you needed your sleep or you were sick of telemarketers. Doing that saved my sanity many times!
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@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I only wish that was an option!
thank you for taking the time to respond and sharing how you survived.