Is she just attention seeking or really sick?
@goddessglamourpuss (261)
February 20, 2008 1:20pm CST
I am really mad with my sister at the moment because I have just had my Mum crying down the phone to me that my dear sister might have a tumour.
Now don't get me wrong, I would hate for her to be ill and I am concerned but we have never had a brilliant relationship and I find communicating with her on obligatory family holidays is more than enough.
Since she swanned off to the other end of the country about 4 years ago to start a new life with her rich new boyfriend after being tied down to "supposedly" looking after our disabled Mum.
Everything was fine as she was living the high life and swanning off here there and everywhere. Then she got a water infection which was treated but came back. This went on for a few months and she was told it was cystitis/water infection and just kept getting antibiotics. Eventually she got fed up with the diagnosis and went to see a specialist who said she had some kind of bladder infection. Still the problem persists so she goes back and is told it might be some rare bladder disease and she would need a laparoscopy. Result - inconclusive. Doctors kept saying she had a water infection so she saw somebody else. Result: possibly something in the bladder as it is inflamed but definitely endometriosis. Cue first melt down.
Ok so endometriosis is no joke and I was sincerely sorry and sympathetic but since I have kids then anything I had to say was irrelevant.
The bladder condition was investigated again and again with one doctor saying definately and another saying no but she spent hours researching on the internet to find it is incurable (if she has it) so woe is her.
Then she has got a bad back so she can't sleep which coupled with the bladder pain and constant colds and period pains means all she does is moan.
Every time she feels crap she phones my Mum and moans about how bad her life is, how much pain she has, how little sleep blah blah.
So my Mum is left to feel bad because her daughter is in such a bad way and there is nothing she can do about it. Which means I have to put on a brave face and try and make her feel better despite my own problems.
So the latest revelation is that she has some kind of muscle weakness that did not stop her driving, working or going on holiday to Thailand strangely enough.
Now she phones to say she might have a tumour because she saw the doctor today. But she won't know anything until she gets a scan which is who knows when and I would not doubt that if she is ok (which I hope she is) she will keep looking for a diagnosis that is going to turn out to be really rare.
So my Mum has gone into meltdown and is going to worry herself senseless about it while my sister keeps her up to date with all the pains and problems and misery knowing there is nothing any of us can really do.
So the problem is that I am so sick of hearing about all these health problems she is alleged to have because she just keeps heaping the misery on my Mum and I am finding it hard enough as it is to keep her on an even keel. I just feel it is incredibly selfish of my sister to keep harping on about everything when Mum is not in the best of health herself and my sister knows that she will just worry and her health will deteriorate. She just seems to think that it is my responsibility to look after Mum as I am not working - yet this is because I have a young family to care for and I need free time in the day to keep an eye on Mum and take her to doctor's appointments, shopping etc.
So I am being insensitive to the suffering of my sister or am I right to be annoyed with her?
How I am supposed to help my Mum deal with all this when she cannot do anything for my sister and all the tension and uncertainty is very bad for her own health?
I really need an outside perspective on this and advice on how to handle this situation as I am sick of treading on eggshells.
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3 responses
@duvessa17 (9)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I have a relative who likes to have everyone elses illness too. It is really difficult to console when you feel it is not needed. Have you spoke with your sister about what it is doing to your mom? Try letting her know nicely that your mom is worrying herself sick and for your mom when you are around her try to keep off the subject of your sister. I know it sounds simple and silly but a bit of fun out with you and some words of kindness work. As for your sister and how you feel towards her, it is normal. You are not bad for feeling this way.
Try speaking to her and letting her know how her nagging is affecting your mom and that she needs to try to not let mom see her feeling bad. Turn the table to where she needs to show she is strong for her mom. i hope this helps if you need anything or just want to vent message me ok. best wishes and don't worry you're not alone in this my brother and father are the same way they love to be sick.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
21 Feb 08
Thanks for your response.
I have repeatedly told my sister that her negativity is getting to Mum but all I get is a lecture about how I don't care, it's all very well for me because I am so wonderfully healthy, if anything happened to me then I would appreciate how horrible it all is... blah blah.
I do try and stay away from mentioning her around Mum to take her mind off things but I know she will worry anyway and not say things to me because she knows I will get mad at my sister.
I tried telling her to be positive and offered to research pain management at first but she was only interested in the negatives and since she never really got anywhere with the doctors decided to go on the internet and get even more depressed and obsessive. She seems to neither not know or care what it does to Mum despite her own health problems - she just bullies her into getting better.
Thanks for letting me know these feelings are normal. We have always had a difficult relationship and since she has become so self-centred it feels wrong sometimes to be harsh to her.
@lolalolacherrycola (899)
• United States
21 Feb 08
You say that your sister had a water infection, I am assuming that means a bladder infection (cystitis). People usually get bladder infections from untreated urinary tract infections. You mention endometriosis, however, that affects the uterus, not the bladder.
Your sister sounds to be a bit of a hypchondriac and hysteric; you need to protect your Mom from it.
You are in a tough situation to be sure.
I wish I had some advise for you. Is there anyway to get the straight scoop from her rich boyfriend? Might he intervene?
Good luck to you and keep us posted.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
21 Feb 08
Thanks for your response. Yeah this is the confusing thing for me to as she kept saying she had pains in her groin and kidneys so she kept getting antibiotics for urinary tract infections and possible cystitis but she kept insisting on pains. The endometriosis was actually diagnosed and was found during a laporoscopy to investigate the bladder problem.
Yep, she is something of a hypochondriac and even a simple cold is the end of the world. I do my best to keep my Mum out of it but she is her daughter and she worries. I have tried to reason with her and tell her that she needs to step back from it all as it will make her ill and my sister will come sweeping in like a tornado making things worse and leaving me to clean up the mess.
As for the boyfriend, he actually threatened to throw her out in the begining when it first kicked off because he couldn't cope with her being ill and constantly moaning and wasn't prepared to support her financially if she no longer had a job!! Haven't heard much on him lately anyway so not much help there.
I appreciate your comments and it is helpful to know that you think I am not being insensitive and need to protect my Mum.
@havfaith (174)
• United States
20 Feb 08
I have 2 older brother and 1 older sister, but up untill Oct 20,2007 you would have thought I was a only child to help with my father. Oct 19,2006 I was rear ended and about The end of Dec. 2006 I felt like something was wrong with me. I kept telling my husband & brothers & sister something was wrong I needed help with our dad. But everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Well in July 2007 I had went to the doctor with my husband and I past out. I still kept saying something was wrong but all my test came back fine. but I left everything go and Dec. 20, 2007 I past out again at work. All my test came back fine again. But know my body and I knew something waas wrong and I demanded another doctor. Here the new doctor ran different test and found out I had a seizure and I have been having seizures since. Since then my brothers and sister started helping with my father. And with all the problems that my father has and even though he may not beable to do anything he still wants to know about me and the problems with my brothers & sister.
I have seizures. I have dizzy spells and a study headache on the left side that the doctors can't find out the reason for. I'm going through all kinds of test and there is really nothing I can do for my three kids (ages 18, 23 & 24 which our out on their own)cause I never know when my seizures are going to hit till my medicine startes helping.But, as a mother no matter how bad of a day I'm having I want my childern to call me and let me know their problems. Yes I worry about them and I feel awfully bad and sit and cry cause I can't do anything. I am there mother and I want to know the good and the bad in their lives till the day I die. Even when I was well i worried about my childern. So well or sick I'm going to worry and cry over them. Just ask yourself if you want your childern to cut you out on their problems when they get older, When you get down and ill are you going to want to know the good and bad about them. Ask your mother if she wants to hear about your sisters problems and if she don't talk to your sister abut it. And if your mother does then your the one that is going to have to learn to deal with it.
Now that is only my opinion, everyone has their own.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
21 Feb 08
Thanks for your response and I value your opinion and the time you took to reply.
I appreciate your experience of searching for a diagnosis but in her case she never had anything done differently just different doctors who then started bad mouthing each other. She even went to see a specialist about this bladder thing and he even couldn't decide so she just went all over the internet and pronounced herself as having this that or the other but most likely the rarest/worst/untreatable. She even put herself on a really restricted diet so she could moan about her bland meals.
As regards my Mum she didn't require a lot of care just light housework and bits of shopping so it wasn't like I dumped my sister in it or anything. Now though Mum has deteriorated a lot and my sister seems to think I should do everything and be on 24hr call because I only live 10mins away.
As a mother myself I see where you are coming from with wanting to be involved with your kids lives and although my own children are still very young (3,5,7) I would want to know what was happening in their lives. It just seems that as far as my sister is concerned she had little contact with us when she first left except to rub my nose in how well she was doing and where she was jetting off to next. For the past couple of years her phone calls have either been to check up that I am visiting Mum daily and taking her shopping etc. or a run down on her latest illness. Even a cold is a major deal and so much worse for her than anyone else.
Yet through all this she has pretty much held down a job, drives everywhere and arrives at Mum's after a 3-4hr motorway journey to proceed to clean the house in banshee fashion.
It is just very upsetting to see my Mum driven crazy with worry when she can't do anything and she is still quite frail at the moment and I am concerned that if my sister persists in her constant misery spreading that my Mum is going to end up in hospital again.