People's ignorance never ceases to amaze me!

@Sissygrl (10912)
February 20, 2008 9:29pm CST
I have a few different things to rant about if i may. First. My hubby was in the "smoking section" at his work talking to his co-workers about me having an ultrasound today. And they were all VERY concerned about how dangerous it is to have an ultrasound later on in pregnancy and how harmful it potentially is. The whole time puffing away on a cigerette which is causing them to shorten their lives as well, these are probably the same people who smoke in the car with their kids in it and windows all rolled up. GEEZ. Now i dont know any of them, but i'm just thinking, they are judging me because i'm getting an ultrasound, something deemed safe by a doctor and medical society, While they are sitting there killing themselves with over 2000 carcinogenic different chemicals straight to their lungs, something ANY doctor will tell you is harmful to your health. no denying it. Then there is the case of the optimistic girlfriend. This friend i have, has a bf, who has had more jobs in the year i've known them then i can count, THINKS that her precious man will finally stick with this one job that he got where my hubby happens to work because they REALLY wanna get a plcae together. They are both over 25 and living at home with their parents. . And you know those know it all people who just mystically KNOW everything about everything!! They are both that type, so being around them together is absolutely a no no unless you want to hear a nonestop smogusborge of bickering. OMG. okay. Do you have any ignorant or rude people rants to tell me about? i'm listening and waiting for your responses ;)
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11 responses
• United States
21 Feb 08
yeah I hate none smokers, that use to smoke that want to gossip that do not listen to the fact that we are going to have another PRINCES! I hate people that gossip, I hate folks that do not smoke pot, I hate folks that do not understand PINK FLOYD! USeless kids live with mom and dad and they are 25 with 4 kids.... where is Jerry springer when you need him. :)))))))) Your ultra sound was perfectly safe ya sis mongering sunshine ray of the sun.
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• United States
21 Feb 08
In fact tell them to piss in my corn flakes :))) I will lead them to the stupid line ...... grinding grinding
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• United States
21 Feb 08
I am a recovered smoker Sweeite.,..:)) was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
lol angel. Your a smoker ? I was having a moment before bed i guess last night. I dont usually rant up a storm. Just.. argh ppl!
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• United States
21 Feb 08
hmmm well i already told you this but for all the people out there that dont know. I have a sister in law that has a 2 yr old and thinks she can give him some toys and go to sleep for an hour and half and thinks everything will be fine. A 2 YR OLD!! She told me about this all happy saying Im glad hes at this age where I can just give him some toys and go back to sleep in the morning. Am i crazy for thinking shes crazy. oh and the not buckling him up all the way when we are in the car. She will buckle him up in his carseat but wont put the car seatbelt on him. Says his car seat is big enough and sturdy enough...PEOPLE!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
I hope that poor child makes it through life unscathed.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
Oh dear! Ok, well, first, let me clarify that I definately AM NOT the friend discussed Now...let's get to it.:P I have a friend, not Sissy, who constantly complains about EVERYTHING! Nothing is ever good enough, everyone hates him/her, the world is a big plot against only him/her. It REALLY topped me off when this person brought up tuition rates in the province they live in. They are paying a measley 3 grand for a year of college, thinks that it's far too high blah blah blah. Like WTF!!!! I want to go to college and I'll be paying over 3 times that amount, $10,000.00, for a single year! And as for everyday problems/hurdles to jump...don't we all bloody well have them??? I think so! I complain sometimes too, but darnit, I earn my complaints! lol. As a single mom of 2 girls trying to get back into the whole college life, I have my share, but thank god I have a friend like Sissy to complain to:P
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• Canada
21 Feb 08
geesh..well thanks for being so darn generous I think we've both done our fair share of being leader of the complaints department for each other..but that's what friends are there for :P
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
lol i'm sure i have done enough complaining about this and that over the nearly 15 years that we've been friends that you can complain to me.. but just this one time!! lol
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
hehe i agree Candy-cane ;)
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Your story made me giggle. I know way too many people like that. Actually, Im thinking seriously of leaving my boyfriend for stupid stuff like that. He does not have a phone & borrows his neighbors phone to make calls & then gets angry when people don't call him back in HIS time frame. He has a car that he can't drive because he has been out of work since fall because his job is landscaping and you can't landscape snow. He does have a friend that has jobs but becuz he has to go over and pick him up & he lives in another town & can't call...friend often doesnt bother. so he gets angry with friend. He actually was angry last nite with his neighber whose phone he borrowed to call me becuz her little grandson makes too much noise for his liking and if she did not do something about it then he was going to play his drums really loud and make sure everyone lost sleep. I just don't get people sometimes.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
Yea.. Sid, he doesnt sound like a really winner, i'd loose him and find someone else more appealing ;)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Feb 08
Oh gosh do I know what you mean!! Hubby and I have a friend that has done this and done that and knows all about it and will contest what ever another says... I could go on and on. He lived with us for a month last year and then two months the end of last year and this year and about drove us absolutely NUTS!! Finally he moved out and it took me a few days to get my sanity back! I was a nervous wreck when he left. The only part I hated was his rent money which did help us out quite a bit but deg gone, it just wasn't worth it.
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• United States
21 Feb 08
I've been around rude and ignorant people all my life. There is one that always seems to come to mind when I think of these kinds of people. Not only is she rude and ignorant, she's also superficial and self-righteous. I grew up using a wheelchair. And though I tried so very hard to not let the wheelchair get the better of me, I find that a lot of people I come in contact with let's it get to them. I grew up with three able-bodied beautiful and popular sisters. And me.. I was always the sister that no one knew about. If they knew me, they'd refer to me as "oh, that girl in the wheelchair?" But anyway, my very popular sister brought home a friend one day. When this friend met me at home, she was so sweet and friendly to me, even striking up a conversation about school and such. So I thought, wow what a lovely girl this friend of my sister's is. So a week later, there was a party among our little Laotian community, and I decided to go and give this party a try. I ended up sitting in the corner in my wheelchair, because the party was so crowded with young and hip people dancing that I just couldn't get around. But then I saw my sister's friend, looking all made up walking along with her group of friends towards me, so I waved at home. Instead of waving back at me, she completely ignored me and kept walking straight towards me, but when they reached me, they turned a corner by me. When my sister's friend turned the corner, she bumped into me and slightly pushed my wheelchair backwards. She then proceeded to laugh and talk with her friends, not even saying sorry or acknowledging me or even waved back. So I realized that, she didn't want her friends to know that she knows someone like me. Perhaps, she was afraid that she won't be cool if she knew someone like me; an unpopular girl in a wheelchair sitting all alone at a party. That night was so vivid, that I can still remember every moment till this day. Luckily, I don't ever have to see her face again. And luckily, there are more compassionate people in this world than a rotten person like her. These kinds of events just makes me stronger and I am the person I am today, because of ignorance like this.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
Lady0fdarkness, I'm glad that you let the event build you up instead of break you down, those people like her will get hers someday! i believe in karma and what comes around goes around. Usually those people who were popular in highschool end up with pretty crappy lives lol. ;)
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
22 Feb 08
well some people are like that really..but im glad you can distinguished those kind of people..but let them be themselves its how they think is right..right now cant think of any difference..since ive already encounter those kind of people in my lifetime lol..
• Guam
22 Feb 08
hmmm, I'm a no no to smokers... but my bf right now id a smoker, how ironic is that... I'm also a student nurse, so i know all about that "smoking kills" thing... But i try to convince my bf to stop.. as of now, he doesn't smoke when I'm around, cause he knows it gives me a migraine and a bad temper... hehehe... from i guess, 10 sticks a day, he is now down to 3-5... sigh, I hope he stops though... cause it has been said my medical and nursing books that once you stop now, you cut down 10 years of having lung cancer...
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Feb 08
I can't stand miserable people who are never, ever satisfied no matter what! I've known people who have been lucky enough to be able to go on wonderful vacations or to go to great restaurants but when you ask them how their trip or meal was are they ever happy? Oh, NOOOOOOOOOOO! You always hear about everything that went wrong or how someone was rude to them or gave them poor service, or this and that was too expensive or overrated...I could go on and on but it's making me aggravated just typing this! Annie
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@mummymo (23706)
21 Feb 08
No rants today sweety apart from the fact they are saying this site will be down again at some point AAAARRRRGGGGHH! As far as I am aware ultrasounds are perfectly safe - I had several late in my pregnancies - specially with my eldest and why should these people think they know better than medical experts what you need? i am a smoker and I know it is not healthy but you are a mother and wouldn't subject your child to danger so tell hubby to tell them to butt out! xxx
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
hey thanks mummy, congrats on getting to 6k in one more post! lol I wanted to tell hubby to do something with their butts.. lol! Smoking is your option, but i would never go back to it, i've quit for over 3 years now after smoking for 10. It's easy to stay quit after you've quit for months. If you are looking to quit, i wish you luck ;)
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@mummymo (23706)
21 Feb 08
LOL I can just imagine what you wanted done with their butts sweety and I don't blame you! I hadn't noticed I was at the 6K til you pointed it our - hoorah! I once stopped for 2 1/2 years and only started again the day my Grandad (who adopted me so was also my dad and my world) was dying, whenever we had to go out of the hospital ward I would take a ciddie off of my sister! I would lovwe to stop again but even my dr has said that now is not the best time for me to try and he would rather get the pain under control before I try to stop so I am hopeing to be pain and smoke free soon! xxx
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
I would like to rant about my mother. She is ignorant and rude, thinks she knows all, and drives me batty! The latest of her issues has been spaghetti sauce. She has decided that she's allergic to it, and therefore, I should stop feeding it to my sons, because they could be allergic to it too. Apparently she has found that using Campbell's tomato soup instead, is better, and therefore, I should do the same. She also claims that I don't feed my children properly. She was rather upset at our meal of homemade mini pizzas last week... whole wheat english muffins, real mozzerella cheese I grated myself, green peppers, etc. I was told that I should feed them something like hamburger helper instead.. but with really lean meat. Okay. Whatever. Then she got into a rant about how her cholesterol levels are high. She's convinced it is because her mother didn't feed her proper meals as a child, and now she is suffering the ill consequences of that. (she is now 64 and moved out of her mother's home at 18). She also had to rub in that whatever medication she is taking is VERY expensive, and according to her, most people could not afford it. It took a lot of effort, but I did manage to NOT fill her in about how much sodium is in her blessed tomato soup, and that is likely the cause of her high cholesterol issues. But it is SO HARD to just listen to her babble on about such nonsense sometimes. Thank goodness she lives 2 hours away and I only see her every couple of months and only talk to her on the phone once every few weeks. I'd go insane if it was more than that. /rant
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Feb 08
lol your mother sounds similar to my MIL!! She is always complainging and butting in everywhere when she has the chance! i try not to answer the phone myself when i know its her calling. But she DOES do a lot for us, like buying our daughter a new dresser and sending little things on special occasions.. So she isn't all bad, which i'm sure your mom isnt either. But oh my gosh, i feel your pain! I think that's a pretty good meal myself, and i will have to try that out! the muffin pizza's! I have made them on bagels, amd on pita's before.. mm your the second person today to talk about pizza and i want some now. I'm making turkey soup.