blujay 100% free online marketplace

blujay 100% free market place - 100% Free
All features of blujay are free for buyers and sellers always. No bait and switch. Why pay ebay when you can sell for free?
Unlimited items
Post unlimited items and manage them from your My blujay. Listings last up to 180 days.
4 Photos per item
Each item can have up to 4 photos.
Free Online Store
Let people know about your webstore. Showcase all your items for sale to buyers at
United States
February 21, 2008 8:58am CST
Tell us what you like about blujay! you can open a store for free that means no cost to you to sell your wares at all you can list as much as you want. and the people are very friendly so come on over and stop by the community and introduce your self:) see you over at blujay!debsgreatfinds
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