Dreams..my wife had a dream last night?

United States
February 22, 2008 9:46am CST
My wife does not usually remember dreams but I do. She dreamed that I bought a lot of meat..a lot lot lot of red meat and she saw me eating two subway sandwiches..(her personal favoriate place) but she asked me to share the sandwiches and i did not answer her but kept on eating the subs..but i had all that meat i bought what would you think was the meaning of this dream? just wondering..thanks for any?
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13 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Feb 08
think ya want a subway lol and dreaming about all that meat might be ya saw too much being buried after the recall
2 people like this
• United States
22 Feb 08
yes, you are right..we both saw this and more..we both have seen the suffering of the animals..i wonder if people seen how the meat was before and after it was processed..we would be all vegetarians..or close to it..but i still eat red meat and pork, and chickens..but it does make you wonder
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Feb 08
yes I Watched my grandpa kill chickensand my fatehr in law kill hogs but we did this for us to eat. the mass killinga are something else.
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• United States
23 Feb 08
my cousins had a turkey farm and my family used to help as it was all in the family. they used everything and nothing was wasted..but like you we did this for food and enough to pay the taxes.
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@ellie333 (21016)
22 Feb 08
Your wife wasn't eating it was you but for a person to dream of food signifies a satisfaction of our needs whether those are physical, mental or spiritual. Meat can indicate pyhiscal and wordly satisfaction and food in general spiritual sustenance. Aman in a womans dream who she knows and loves could mean she is trying to understand her realtionship with him but could also be her more logical side trying to understand the world. Don't know how to link the separates together, but a positive dream I would say. Ellie :D
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
22 Feb 08
I used to read a lot into dreams but then I read somewhere that a lot of times your dreams come from random things that happened throughout the day. So I would say.... she was hungry :-D And perhaps she saw a subway commercial close to bed time! I've heard that dreams are just your subconscious random thoughts and memories coming out. She may not even remember seeing the subway commercial, but subconsioucly it was there. Or if you want to try and interpret it, it could mean she thinks you are really selfish and won't share! However, I think it'd be nicer for you if you just say she was hungry :)
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• United States
23 Feb 08
not hungry but craving a sub? or anything like Mc Donalds fish sandwich or Wendy's//she still want this but she is trying to just eat at home..she is still sick from the cold..thanks..she can have anything she want as i will get it for her..but i don't eat this either..since Dec 2nd..its a wonder..
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
23 Feb 08
Some say that dreams is the cry of the subconscious. I guess each of us may have different interpretations for each dream depending on its significance to our lives. However, I felt that the dream that your wife may have could mean that she may be bothered about something in your relationship. I mean, she is in a place (like the subway) that she wants to be but its not all 'beds of roses' for her. She may be bothered about some communication gap you may be having with her as manifested in her dream of you not responding to her asking you to share your sandwiches.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
I won't even try to understand your situation. LOL! But all I could offer is prayer that all would turn out well for you and your wife. We do a lot of things in the name of love and compromise but it doesn't mean it won't take a toll on our nerves or moods. Maybe there are times that your wife may be feeling homesick and expresses it through some moodiness. I guess we, women, all have those moods at some times. LOL! All the best!
• United States
23 Feb 08
Subway is a restaurant that sells submarine sandwiches..grinders, you have many in te US..aso Quizino and we live about a mile from all these fast food places..like Mc Do,Wendy's Taco Bell, Pizza, KFC but we only go to these places maybe once a months..but it has been since Nov..our Thanksgiving since we go out to eat..Louellas was in the Philippines from Dec 3rd to Jan 22 and she only eat fish and rice at her brothers home in Negros Occ. Bacolod City..so she go very sick and came home early..now she never leaves the house as it is our winter and very cold and snow on ground/ice too so i buy all the food..she gives me list..but she still dreams about Mc Donald double fish sandwch and fries..Subway Sancdwiches..etc but she tells me only buy what she put on list..one time i bought some tortilla chips (corn_)_and she threw them in the garbage an screame NO NO NO we are on diet..but i said what it salsa for? thanks for your in put we do not have a subway (underground in Michigan) only in New York or Washington Dc etc etc..I always follow her lead..many people questioned why i LET my wife go six months at a time to the Philippines..but that is her choice but she and I are glad we are together even if she got sick as evern 45 days seem like an eternity...thanks
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@anonymili (3138)
22 Feb 08
Dreams are often a reflection of our thoughts of the previous day or things that have happened or things that are playing on our mind. It could be (and please don't be offended by my suggestion as I'm definitely not an expert in the field of dream analysis) that your wife thinks you are greedy and want to eat everything and leave her out even though it's her favourite item you're eating. I remember you started another discussion about your wife buying lots of food which was not good for you or her and was wondering if you had discussed this with her. Maybe this was playing on her mind and she dreamt this thinking she is forcing you to eat lots of food (subway might be nice but it isn't the healthiest of foods really)...? Just a thought...
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• United States
23 Feb 08
yes, it seems possible..i believe you are right as i too think about stuff that i heard the previous day..or the fact she thinks I am going to eat everything and leave her out...as I did eat most of her foods while she was in the Philippines and this was the longest she was away in 22 years for a vacation..it was supposed to be six months..but she got very sick..I ate the food as it was there and i don't believe in stock piling food and rotate the food to keep is fresher...but we still have 21 bottles of salsa and 15 bottles of ketchup..etc etc. she buys cuz its on sale and she sends a lot of food to the Philippines..in big boxes..she loves the sub way as every week we eat at the one in Walmarts...so you maybe right..
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@Gesusdid (1676)
• United States
22 Feb 08
i would think that you guys want to go to subway , either that or you dont share alot lol or maybe , your going to build alot of musle because of the red meat or a heart attack i dont know thats weird dream ...
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• Canada
22 Feb 08
I find my dreams are the wierdest when I am most anxious, or when there is a problem. Lately I've dreamt that I can't find my husband in a crowd, and this comes in the middle of a bit of a financial crisis between us, where I had to rescue our finances, and now we need to re-build our savings. For me the dream symbolized my fear of having my esources drained. I trust him, but this new situation still scares me. Is something bothering your wife that she, herself, might not be aware of?
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• United States
22 Feb 08
we both retired about the same time.. so i am on social security and ford pension but she is not old enough for social security..and we have a home in micigan and she bought a home in the philippines .but she gets very sick when she goes back..this time is was bad cough..lungs congested and she came home after 45 days but was supposed to stay six months..i was to join her there ...that is why we got the new house..well its four years old..but my brother in law and his family moved in..hmmm you are probably right..maybe she is worried about the future as the recession in michigan is not going awasy soon..thanx for the insight
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Feb 08
perhaps she thinks your selfish
• United States
23 Feb 08
she probably does..this is something that i will have to change..i am always the one who gets the good stuff..but i can change.? well, thanks
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
26 Feb 08
wow, that is a really bizzare dream.... maybe it means she wants to go to subway and get a footlong double meat sandwich! there is so much meat on those! and you must be really hungry to not want to share it, lol. I do not think dreams have special meanings, necessarily - but it is fun to think of reasons why.... lots of red meat...wow.
• Lithuania
24 Feb 08
Hi, the meaning of dream can be result of movie or day experience.. Also, it can be the result of your behaviour with her..or anticipation of future events.. If this dream repeat I suggest to consult to dream-reader:)
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
23 Feb 08
My interpretation of your dream - I think maybe she feels that you are not budging or sharing in your relationship (please don't take any offense - just going by your dream). Since Subway was her favourite meal and you had not one but too sandwiches, she may think that you are being greedy somehow. Not quite sure what the meat part in the dream meant. But I think there may be meaning in the part where you did not answer. Have you guys recently had argument and she feels you are not listening or hearing her? Don't stress too much about the dream, it is great to analyse the meanings though. :))
• United States
23 Feb 08
We have been apart for 45 days and my wife came back from the Philippines very sick as she was supposed to be there in Bacolod City, Negros Occ for six months. She bought a house closed on it and moved in after paying for the house..all furnished..but you know how it is to do business in the Philippines? Paper work. stress, send money to bank ..convert to pesos...dealing with attorney, sellers, family, diet of fish and rice..water was different..even in the bottle..so she got so sick..lungs congested..but we never arugue as whenever she talks she sound so sad and tired..sick? well, i would say do whatever you think is best..get a lawyer, have your brother Bebing along for protection or his family..that is what family for..and they did..I am never afraid as I am German American as I always am well protected by my wife family and friends..sun every day except Rainy season..fresh fruit, veg..,fish, etc..away from the stress of Manila in Negros Occ as I have spent three weeks in Manila and know the problems there.. Louella will do what she wants to..as she has a lot of common sense and I told her whatever path she chose will be the right path as she has been never wrong in 25 years that i know her..lol..a good team will pull in the same direction...thanks for the input..its cold in Michigan but Maine is colder!..as goes Maine goes the nation..)))
@ruthinian (2309)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Hello, I am from the Philippines too and here in Maine for only 8 months. I was fascinated with dreams too and like your wife I don't remember much about it. But I made a little reseach. Hope this will help you interpret the dream. RAW MEAT: it signifies that there will be many obstacles and discouragement in achievement your goals. COOKED MEAT: denotes that you will see others obtain the objects for which you are striving for. EATING MEAT: signifies that you are getting to the heart of the matter. MY SOURCE: hhtp//:www.dreammoods.com Say hi to your wife for me... KAMUSTA NA SIYA? Take care.
• United States
23 Feb 08
thanks for the maine is worse cold then we are in Michigan. I told my wife to eat balut and isaw and she is craving Mc Do's and KFC and junks so i told her OK..go to it..but she don't leave the house for his cold is too bad..so I ask..may i get you a carry out orde? no..No. hindi..no..etc So i buy all the groceries and just buy what she puts on the list..as if i Don't then she just throws a hissy fit and throws them in the trash..it has happpens Our goals are clear cut as we are aleady lolo and lola and have both retirement and a home already waiting for us..but she has just been to the Philpines..Negros an got very sick..so she come home early...third time she does this..always the same result..sickness..flu like ..congestion. Its a hard world sometimes..what is worst..getting what you want or not getting what you want..both can have consequences...believe it or not..thanks pinoy
23 Feb 08
dreams are so weird, they dont mean anything, just your brain going loopy while your asleep... i dont remember my dreams very often either
• United States
23 Feb 08
dreams are like "chewing gum for the mind"...lol so is TV...internet..and ?