Your thoughts on ESP ..

esp - Extra Sensory Perception
February 22, 2008 9:38pm CST
ESP - Extra Sensory Perception. Many people claim to hear things that others dont, see future, predict events, telepathy, teleportation ... etc etc. Do you think there is any truth or any explainable logic in all that. Can it ever be explained?? Mere coincidences or is there something we dont know about our body and mind??Your thoughts ....
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6 responses
• United States
30 Apr 08
I think it is possible. We only use a fraction of the mind we were endowed with. If we can use even a bit percentage of it, it could mean a whole new way of experiencing things. Scientifically, it cannot be viable. But it remains to be a possibility. Honestly, I want one day to become telekinetic. lol
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• India
14 Jun 08
Right .. 9.11% of brain capacity is used in the concious world. Perhaps if some day we get to increase that, maybe we will have more answers.
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@megumiart (3771)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Yes, I beleive in ESP and stuff, but I'm not sure about teleportation. I've had lots of first hand experiences with future predicting, though.
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• India
14 Jun 08
It would be great if u can share one or few of your experiences ;) !!
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
15 Apr 08
On this topic I consider myself a skeptical believer, I do think there is more than we know, that there is something to some of I have seen it for myself with people I know. I have also seen scams and pure nonsense fraud, etc that people use for these topics. SO yes there is somethin to it at least I feel there is, but I also think there are many who make things up to either use it as a scam, or to delude themselves or that others will deal with what is referred to as self fulfilling prophecy, Where they are told something is going to happen and they either make it happen sometimes with out even realizin they are doing so. On the other hand, I know of those who had made predictions that did come true. I have witnessed some interesting things in my life. Not just with people but with animals as well. SO while I don't know that anyone has mentally developed their minds enough for say teleportation, I do know that some aspects are possible. As for coincidences, well not so sure I think that things are coincidences I think it is more of a synchronicity that coincidences happen so we will notice something. Example, someone I know of was out of work they kept seeing the number 304, wherever they went, on license plates, in phone numbers, on lists, for some reason kept looking at the clock at 304 even when they were in different locations if it was afternoon and she stopped to check the time, it was 304 pm a couple of times woke up at 304 am looked that the time and went back to sleep. Any way this person was looking for a job for a while, then there was a job that she wasn't going to apply for, but then noticed it said send resume to PO Box 304. Well because she had seen 304 so often for so long she took extra notice of this particular position and and applied for it, she didn't get that job she applied for but a new job had been created in the company one for more money than the first one, and she got that job, and so was then making more money than she hoped to make. Because she saw the 304 as the PO Box to mail her resume. Was it coincidence that for 2 weeks everywhere she went she saw that number and that lead her to the job? Or was she guided to it either through intuition, or from a guide or angel? Prior to that day she never even had a lucky number after that 304 became her lucky number.
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I think that some people who claim to have that ability may actually have it but some others just do it to get attention for themselves is what I believe..I mean some people probably really does have this ESP...but like I said others are fakers and they only want to have more attention for themeselves...So you just have to pick and choose!
• India
14 Jun 08
But if talk about the facts .. what is there and what is not. . our picking and choosing wont really matter. For example, say, I think i read a person's mind. For you, it will be a lie, because we are tought that, that is impossible in the real world ... But at the same time, it might appear the truth to me, maybe i have experienced something u have not but i dont have words to explain it. I think its more about perceptions. It is not necessary that m truth is your truth.
• Lubbock, Texas
30 Apr 08
Yes I do believe in ESP. I also believe there are people who are able to observe events and details around them and to "read" people well enough to pass as psycic, even though they are not. As for teleportation, I don't know about teleporting the body, but I know several people who are "wind walkers". Some people call it out of body experience. Our minds are much more powerful than most of us realize, we just don't know how to tap into that power.
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@Agent89 (91)
• India
19 Jun 08
Ive seen too many things in my life to say i dont believe in ESP. But i also think that people become fanatics and/or try and pass it as a mode of profession .. which is wrong.
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• India
19 Jun 08
Id love it if you decide to share one of the many incidents you have seen .. Thanks for replying :)
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