The Power of Positive thinking...I need your prayers...
By mrsjbelle
@mrsjbelle (1640)
United States
February 23, 2008 2:16pm CST
I have been really depressed lately. Been fighting with my boyfriend. Is there any way to be happy anyway? I just want to be a happy person. If someone doesnt like me that would be there loss because I am a good person. Its just when I am depressed I have NO energy to do anything. I must seem worthless.
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28 responses
@Lora1966 (30)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I know what you are going through. I have had depression for some years now, any little thing can cause the depression to worsen, and even on the days I think I am happy or feeling better, I end up just sitting thinking of things I would like to do but do not have the energy or motivation let's say, to do it.
Depression is a terrible thing and so hard to explain. I am so sorry you are going through this. You are not worthless that is just the depression talking, I'll bet you are very fun to be around when the depression is at bay. What exactly is it with your boyfriend are you fighting about, maybe I can give you some advice.
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
24 Feb 08
Hi Lora darling, I added you as a friend so maybe I can PM you later. I think it would be perfect because my bf was also born in 1966. I was born in 1976. Thanks.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I'm sorry. I have been very depressed lately also but it isn't just about one thing. I cannot really say there is a way to just be happy anyway but I can tell you to never give up. Give every the day the best you can. Our life is too short not to. I would love to be a happy person also and if people do not like me, which they don't, then it is definitely their loss. I am a very good person too. I haven't felt good this week. I usually have no energy either but I push myself to the limit every day. You are not worthless at all. I feel like that too but I really do know better. You have me here. I feel like you do but I am glad to be here for you now.
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Thank you Steph I have tears in my eyes, its really tough. I need you...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Feb 08
You are very welcome. I am here for you any time you want to talk. I am a very depressed person and have been that way for years but here in the last month it has really gotten to me again. My depression starts way back in my childhood.
Is there something you want to talk to me about? Maybe I can help in some way even if it is just listening and responding to you. Please don't cry. I am here for you. I am so tired of crying about things. I feel so sorry for you. Can I help in any way?
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
25 Feb 08
happiness lies within yourself,nothing and i repeat nothing external should and can have the power to disturb your equilibrium, your boy friend or for that matter nobody on this earth has been given the power to harm you or disturb your mind.It is you who are doing this to your self and finding a reason for it by blaming your boyfriend.If you know your worth then why bother about others opinion.
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Hi belle, just wanted to say that I am sad that you are hurting...Are you making time for just you? Taking time for just you is a very big stress reliever...I used to worry about everyone else and forgot that I am a person who needs things too!...I am not sure why you are fighting with your boyfriend but that is not a healthy relationship..As for having no energy, maybe you are anemic..I am extremely anemic and very tired alot of the time...Positive thinking is very important....I will put you in my thoughts and my nightly prayers also....I just said a prayer for you.....Hugs to you....
@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
24 Feb 08
this is the major cause of my depression as I can ignore the other hurts in life and go on ...but when your mate is not getting along with you or pouting about something 24/7 you feel bad even though it is not your fault..they will put the guilt trip on you as misery enjoys company.
just try to over look their behavior and if they will not help to help themsellves you are faced with living with a moody malcontented is not good when one starts the day with a smile and song in their heart and the other is grouchy and pulls you out of your bliss..just ignore them if you can but do you want to live with MR. Crancky Pants forever? Love is think how this will effect your marriage and children..Little Cranky Pants too?
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I can totally understand and relate, things have not exactly been coming up roses in any aspect for me either. It's not easy to not be negative and I get that.
I have found a way to be happy though, maybe it can help you too. Oprah does this too and it works for her. Keep a gratitude journal, just write down the things you're greatful for everyday. You can even turn it into a photo blog or something. It can be anything, breathing, an amazing sunset you caught a glimpse of, a pet, a smile from a stranger, a huge chocolate chip cookie, etc. The secret is to read through it often, it will remind you that there are things to smile about.
The second thing is to have faith. It can be faith in anything, in yourself, in your beliefs, in your religion, in love, in your abilities or values. Just believing in something helps.
Together those two things have gotten me through so much bull in life and moments when I didn't want to be here anymore. They sound cliche and a little cheesy but it's solid advice, tested by someone who really needed it.
Best of luck!
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@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
24 Feb 08
wow thank you your blog is incredible by the way I love the creativity of it and the colors/fonts
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
Everyone suffers from depression about certain things. My problem is far worse than what you have but I never put all my problems to mind or I'll go damn crazy. Anyways, behind it all ,all I do is smile and pretend to be ok even if I am not and surely things get better. The more positively you show your attitude towards life the more it will go better for you. First talk with your bf and settle things out. Talk it out. If it doesn't work let him go. There are far more better guys out there. ;P
@pogoaddict (72)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I feel for you, honestly. I'm getting ready to go through a separation and am fighting to keep my spirits up. One thing that is really helping is a book I'm reading by Joel Osteen. It is really uplifting. He's teaching me how to leave the negative and the past and move on. He also teaches how much we all have to offer and how to bring it out. I couldn't afford to buy it, so I got it from the library. So if he's being a negative force in your life, maybe he's not the right person to have around. Don't know the circumstances or details, but I pray that you will find peace.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
24 Feb 08
Wax up that surf board girl and ride the wave,it will pass.
In the meantime do the best that you can,in the knowing you are wonderful,and as you said,if someone else dosen't like you,it is their problem.Also very important for you to remember how special you are,when in doubt affirm this.
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@vpsec_ail (86)
24 Feb 08
Always remember that you can choose to do or not to do things. Positive thinking will only take effect if you also work on something to make things happen. So, stand up from any negative thoughts and start to move on.
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@2btrueinu (700)
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
Don't be like that. What you right is only for awhile and it will be resolve by you soon. What you feel depressed by what happen to you it's your lost too. Cheer up don't feel like your worthless you have many things to if you want. Yes you need alot of prayers and faith to him for you to feel happiness in life. What is happening to us is only temporary it will pass and resolve by our selves. So get up and do something. Were only human we commit mistakes the fight with your boyfriend will be resolve it take a little talk and put away your pride. Sometimes pride make us difficult to accept our fault if it's his fault you said it it's his lost not your then why you feel depressed it's not the end of everything. I will pray for you and you pray for your self and your relationship with your boyfriend if it's really important to you OK... cheer up......
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@butterflygrl76 (205)
• United States
24 Feb 08
You're not worthless, you're just human. I have felt the same as you at different times in my life. All I can say is it doesn't last forever. Is there anything that is just for YOU, that only makes YOU happy? When I get depressed, going for a long walk usually helps me, or a good long cry. When you're depressed, it is hard to have the energy to do anything. So, just take your time and do whatever you need to do to get you through. We're here for you whenever you need to talk, vent, yell or cry. You're in my prayers. I wish you the best of everything.
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@shypoet80 (112)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I know how that can feel. *hugs* I will send positive vibes your way. I wish I could give you an answer, but sadly I feel like the life is sucked out of me when I fight with a S.O. The only thing that helped sometimes was being around friends or family...sometimes. Either way, I wish you the best.
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@tinamontes25 (15)
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
You rely on your boyfriend to provide you happiness. I know you are a good person, it so happens that like you we are a people pleaser we try to be validated by other people and if they dont provide us with the validation we need we have no more ENERGY to go on. You have the powers within you..nobody can control your destiny. Please remember that when you came out into this world, your boyfriend was not with you. Meaning to say, he is not the air that you breathe...take care of yourself and love yourself first. Nobody is going to love you or treat you better except YOU. Like what you said, it is there lost not yours...explore the world and your avenues...God Bless you....
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@catjane (1036)
• United States
24 Feb 08
Awwwwwww, I'm so sorry you are feeling down, but it will pass. We all have days like that, especially if we are fighting with the ones we love. Try to find a way to make up and be happy again. If you can't do that then how about going for a nice long walk and trying to figure out what it is that makes you happy and then doing it. Sometimes the simple things in life are all you need. I'm sure your b/f feels the same way, so give him a call and meet him for a coffee, talk things over. HUGS!
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@sandip_0081 (33)
• India
24 Feb 08
You must practice meditation to get rid of your depression.Few years ago, I was also depressed a lot ,but due to regular sincere meditation I get rid of the mental stigma " depression".Try to reduce your desire in everything ;it can make you happy forever. For learning meditation you can search online or can take help of enlightened person.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Feb 08
There's some good advice here already. I find when I get depressed, I need to do something totally out of the ordinary. Last October I was really down and getting to the point of tears often--I didn't realize I was getting depressed. Well, I went out to an old-time "Magic Lantern Show"--totally out of the ordinary for me! A couple of hours of something new to me, novel and funny and laughing with strangers..that took care of my funk and I was able to realize what had been happening and shake it off.
If fighting with your boyfriend makes you depressed, you need to examine your self-image. Do you feel that he completes you? Well then, you've set yourself up for a fall. If you need someone to make you happy, that's big trouble. If that's got nothing to do with it, sorry. But we women usually give men too much power over us.
I hope you feel better soon. Depression is awful and hard to dig out of.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
23 Feb 08
Hi. The secret to happiness, as I'm sure you know, is to be happy inside. Sometimes the abrasive life on the outside interferes with the inner calm we all try to maintain. If you love your boyfriend, "fair fighting" is a healthy part of any relationship.
From your description, it doesn't sound like anyone is happy. Depression comes in two forms. There is a clinical depression, meaning an ongoing disorder, unrelated to any specific event. In this case, the person more than likely needs medical intervention.
Some depressions, perhaps yours, are situational deperssions. A person is depressed due to an anxiety provoking event in their lives. If your depression continues for more than two weeks, or worsens, why not check in with your doctor and get their opinion?
One trick I'll mention for the times when you have no energy. Feeling worthless and thinking about how bad you feel, reinforces your depressed state. When I have days I cannot move because the weight of depression is too heavy to carry, I do one thing. Making your bed, showering or any other small activity counts as a fruitful day during the depressive times.
Experience satisfaction from tiny chores and you're on your way to feeling better. Nothing damages a wounded psyche more than telling yourself you are worthless.
You spent time here on this webisite, yes? Outstanding. You accomplished one thing today, rendering you worthy.
Happiness seems elusive at times, and we have to weather it out. The good parts of life always return with a positive attitude.(this may take some time.) Your happiness is based on your own formula for what happiness is. Start by loving yourself unconditionally. Change your thinking to change your life. In the meantime, I'll watch for you on the sunny side of life.
Good luck, perhaps you feel better already!
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@HollywoodBarbi (618)
• United States
23 Feb 08
you don't seem worthless,
in fact i know what your feeling.
i've been so depressed latly [even on my medication]
to make matters worse i got horrable news today.
i want to be a happy person also, i want to smile, i want a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
so don't feel alone becuase your not.
im going through the same thing!
@hailsferrer (76)
• Philippines
23 Feb 08
only you can make yourself happy. happiness is not dependent on another person. thank of what you can do that will boost your esteem? do them. then you can move forward.