typing in all lower case

@aidenw (632)
United States
February 23, 2008 2:49pm CST
what do you think about typing in all lower case like i'm doing now? is it cool? what do you think of those that do it? i think it's cool and portrays the individual as being casual, laid back, and carefree. others may disagree and think those who type in all lower case are lazy, immature, and disrespectful. those of you who type in all lower case, do you do it all the time or are there exceptions? i usually do it in casual settings. i wouldn't do it like when i type a formal email, write the content of my website or posting to business forums. i know mylot has a rule against posting in all caps but i don't think there's any pertaining to all lower case. it's not like we won't earn money when we post in all lower case, right? :)
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19 responses
23 Feb 08
lower case is friendly speak for email and non stuffy forums. if the subject matter was technical stuff and all serious like doctors or scientists or even a serious health and safety forum then it would be expected to present yourself formally. i do lower case often but first time here. informally like this CAPITAL LETTERS ARE FOR SHOUTING and if bold type louder still. but formally would you agree that capitals are for statements or instructive warning?
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• United States
24 Feb 08
Actually, since you asked, I'm going to be very honest. I find typing in either all lower OR all upper case to be the height of laziness. We are ALL taught proper punctuation and grammar in school and we know better. Yet, with the advent of the internet and subsequent "chat-speak", to quote one of my mylot friends, the English language is getting the shaft. I think it's inexcusable, to be perfectly honest. Think about it from this perspective. When we are online, we are representing ourselves via answers we post and the things that we type. The best means we have of making a good impression is by present ourselves as well spoken and literate. Lack of grammar, poor spelling and lousy punctuation all make us look ignorant. They work together to create an image of an uneducated person who doesn't care enough to make sure that they're represented well to the people that they interact with. Just my opinion.
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• United States
24 Feb 08
That's the thing. Are you sure that everyone learns proper grammar these days?I am not.
• United States
25 Feb 08
Yes, honestly, I am sure that everyone has the opportunity to do so. Whether or not they take advantage of that opportunity is another matter entirely and further reinforces my opinion of it boiling down to laziness.
• United States
24 Feb 08
It doesn't matter to me.As long as I can understand the post, that's all that matters.Why would using all lower cased words symbolize being disrespectful? I don't get it.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I don't understand this either. Maybe someone can explain it to us as to why it is disrespectful?
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I could care less one way or the other if you would rather type this way. It doesn't bother me a bit. :) I appreciate that you at least use punctuation when it is needed. Even all caps doesn't offend me like it can others. Though I have to admit it is hard to read things this way and even strains the eyes, at least for me anyway, so I usually avoid doing this. Just keep doing what you are doing and have fun posting! :)
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@whittby (3072)
• United States
23 Feb 08
I don't type in lower case here much, but definitely for informal emails and of course text messaging. I don't think it's cool, but I had grammar and punctuation drummed into my head in grammar school and it's never gotten back out. The only problem I have with reading your post is that the sentences seem to run together making it a little hard to read - other than that I have no problem.
• Canada
23 Feb 08
I type in all lower case letters when I am either in a hurry or too lazy to hit the shift button. haha. I would never ever use all lower case letter while writing an important, formal document. I try to use capitols in the appropriate palces because that is how I was taught to write in school. I do not hoard any bad feelings for those who type in all lower case letters, actually I usually do not even notice. All capitol letters, on the other hand, is a totaly different story. I simply can not stand when someone writes in all caps because I feel that they are always yelling at me.
• United States
24 Feb 08
I agree. I only use capitols when I want to emphasize a point but I would never, never use all capitals.
• United States
24 Feb 08
I try to use caps in the correct spots, but I will admit that there are times that I just getting typing so fast that my mind just does not stop to think about it. It is like my mind is going faster than my fingers. I don't find it cool, disrespectfull or anything less it is just who we are, it is a personailty thing.
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@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
25 Feb 08
I liked it when e.e. cummings and Jane Toner Scott did it. The first is a fairly well-known poet, but Jane Toner Scott was local. Her family owned our town newspaper at the time, and she had the most wonderful column in it called The Interim where she would just express her thoughts. I loved to read it. the way she would write...was to write sentences...and parts of sentences...in lower-case...and divided up by elipses...just as i'm doing now...it was a great loss...to andersonians...who enjoyed reading her...when she first became sick with cancer...and, subsequently, passed on in 1976...i'm going to end this tribute to a fine writer...and even finer person...just the way she always ended each installment...that's all for now...
• Philippines
25 Feb 08
I usually type in lower case when it comes to using my cell phone since text messaging is popular here in the Philippines because if you type in all caps,it would seem like you're angry.In my computer,I follow capitalization rules but I don't know why.:)
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
25 Feb 08
well each of us have our own opinions. some may like it while others may not as most of them have made known here. in my case, well i am guilty of being the lazy type thus i type all in lower case. of course, typing doesn't mean just being lazy for me. personally, i find it easier and faster to type in small casings and most people, though not all would probably have not much difficulty in reading through the posts. yes, typing in lower casings are an informal way of mixing around here and for me, i find it more casual though like i said earlier, to each his own.
• Indonesia
26 Feb 08
yeah, it's cool. it looks friendly and humble. for daily correspondence (4 ex. send messages to my friends using cell phone), i always using lower case. i'm also feel more comfortable reading text that is written in lower case.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I find it a bit annoying. I am a quick reader and can pick out the thought/idea from a very few words. If its all in lower case, it's much more difficult to do that. To be honest, it also seems a bit juvenile.
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@la_chique (1498)
26 Nov 10
I type all lower case if I'm on my iphone to save time, but I think it's lazy otherwise.
• United States
22 Jan 10
how do you do. lower case i do not. no how to do it
@crazylady (470)
• United States
24 Feb 08
It looks lazy and or uneducated, but I know from having to only type with one hand when I am feeding a baby or sprained my wrist, that sometimes its hard to use caps. I find all uppercase even more annoying than all lower case.
@swirlz (3136)
• Philippines
24 Feb 08
I don't think it is cool. Wow, I haven't even thought of it that way. I do use all lower case when chatting (with my sister) and sometimes when writing in my blog. For me, it doesn't portray laid-back, carefree, and casual. I am laid-back, carefree, and casual. I think personality should show in the way we write, on sentence formation, on how we could get the message across... Not on how we dot our i's. It's not that I'm really against low caps, I'm ok with it. I hate misspellings more. hehe. But I have to say, I find it difficult to read a paragraph with all lower case.
@LouieWpHs04 (4555)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I honestly don't see a problem with it, I mean. We're all from various parts around the world and everyone likes something different, right? Me, personally? It really doesn't matter. It's a way to type and as long as you get the point across of what you're trying to say, it's no biggie of how you type it. I do find the all caps kind of people a little annoying at times though, not going to lie :P
@Umbra75 (56)
• United States
24 Feb 08
Seeing someone type in all lower case letters makes me think he or she isn't very bright. Children, who haven't had many English classes yet, type in lower case. Adults, having been through school, know that capital letters play an actual part in writing. It doesn't reflect on people's maturity. It reflects on people's intelligences. Even if their IQ's are in the genius range, typing in only lower case makes them look stupid, no matter how well their lower case words are laid out. Not to mention, as at least one other person on here has said, that it makes reading what that person typed extremely difficult. There are no upper case letters to give your eyes the signal that 'this' is where a sentence starts; that 'this' is a person's name; that 'this' word is important, and so on. It's fine if all-lower case letters are used when talking to and texting someone's close friends, but it shouldn't be done outside of that.
@belle538 (33)
• United States
24 Feb 08
I honestly don't think it matters. Like, I used to type in all lowercase letters but then I just thought it looked lazy. It's mainly just a personal preference, I guess. I mean, there's a time for formal typing, but typing with capitals can also be used casually. I just find using capitals more unique now because so many people type in all lowercase, but whatever. You portray your personality through words and the way you type things, and the form in which you type shouldn't alter that.