What is the earliest thing you can remember?
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
18 responses
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
9 Mar 08
Earlier memory of mine is when i was around 4 years & my brother was born.It was one of my happiest days. Iremember going to pre Kg & giving sweets to teachers.Also i remembr how i used to take care of him & also sing songs for him.He was my closest companion & all my childhood memory revolve around him.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Mar 08
isnt it great that we can hold such memories for a life time?
blessed be
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
I was 2 or 2 and a half when i had an operation to have a peice of my bowel removed for some reason or another, i forget why, my mom told me a long time ago the reason and i for the life of me keep forgetting to ask her again.
I remember being in the hospital before the operation in those big metal barred cribs and all the doctors and nurses standing around me all in green. It was mighty scary. I dont remember after the operation or anything, just those few minutes before the medication made me go to sleep.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
28 Feb 08
awwwwww hospital is a scary experience at the best of times it must be absolutely terrifying for a child of 2
blessed be
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
27 Feb 08
When I was 8 years old. Some experiences I had then are still vivid in my memory. I can still remember people and events. I think that was the time my mind can already recall happenings the way it recorded it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
25 Feb 08
Playing in my nan and grandads back garden age 3 with my little brother who was just toddling and he was wearing red swimming trunks and splashing in the pool. It was a really fun day and one I can always remember. Their next door neighbour had an icecream van and he bought us both one. I have obviously been told things we done as children over the years but this day I know I remember rather than being told. I have no memory of the time I tried to be helpful and emptied the ashes onto the rug to help clean fireplace and it was still hot an dburnt the rug, but I have been told this and I was older at that time. Ellie :D
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Feb 08
yes, i have an elder sister who does not have early memory like i do and she says i have either been told things or seen photographs , but i do know the difference, and i clearly remember my first day at kindergarden at 3 years old but have vague memories of the birth trauma
blessed be
1 person likes this
• Australia
25 Feb 08
I was born in October 1930.
The earliest thing I can remember is
October 1933 , I was then 3 years old.
My mother sent me to a NUN's Kindergarden.
I hated is so much , I was very unhappy.
I remember my mother being pregnant with my
younger brother.
The only thing that I liked doing was to keep company with the person who used to wash clothes for the nuns, she let me play with my paper ships in the
tub she was washing clothes in.
I was still at the same school when the WORLD WAR II
started in 1939.
I remember very clearly and heard MUSSOLINI'S speech
declaring war against Malta.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Feb 08
omg you are a living history document. The earliest world changing event for me was the Soviet Union's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 lol
blessed be
@lancelotal (4)
• Australia
2 Mar 08
first memories would be mum singing me rock a by baby.
Very hazy images but a feeling of pure love that only a baby without emotional baggage can feel .
The first vivid image one is in a high chair watching C.H.I.P.S on tv.I remember i liked the motorcycles.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Feb 08
I can remember certain smells from when I was around 3-4. But memory wise you have to hand it to my husband....who remembers almost everything that has happened to him. He remembers stuff that happened when he was one! I seriously didn't think that was possible and thought he was making it up...but when I spoke to his aunts (who he grew up with)...it was true and in fact, they had forgotten about it till I asked.
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
26 Feb 08
i think we can remember in the earlist thing is you feel hungry he he he he , no idea :_)
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
25 Feb 08
I'm not sure what is the first thought I remember or how old I was at the time. I would like to say that I remember my firth Christmas when I got my yellow bike. I'm not sure if I actually remember that time or just remeber it because I have seen a picture of it.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
I remember clearly something that happened when I was about 3 years old. For years I had that memory but I never really understood it completely until I was an adult. It was a conversation and I have no idea of why I remember it but I do.
I would think that anything that is traumatic or scary will have a bigger chance to be remembered even if the person doesn't fully understand it at the time. THe opposite, something that make us really happy has a good change to stay in our memory as well.
But sometimes regular memories might come to mind as well, like in my case.
The next thing I remember is from my 4th birthday and it was when I got my first tricycle. I can see where I was when I got it still today, and I can still visualize the moment I unwrapped it. It is strange to me now , since the shape would give it away but at the time I had no idea of what it was hehehe
From there on, I have only sporadic memories that I can't really pinpoint time or place.
SOmetimes people confuse memories with things we remember because we were told about them many times as we were growing up. But real memories are also common.
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@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
The earliest thing i remember is my cellphone messages and what will be the meaning of that??can you share. thanks
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@sophialin (2677)
• China
25 Feb 08
i'm a forgetful person though i am only 25 years old. i can't remember anything happened before i was 8. my sister who is 20 months older than me shows her egregious talent in memory. she can recall what occured more than twenty years ago vividly.
i ever read something impress me from a book, which says:
"memory never disappears, it's just locked in special field of your mind."
friends, what do you think?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 08
wow thats a tough one...I really dont remember much of my childhood in all honesty..Of course I remember the bad stuff and I remember a few small simple good things but the rest is a total blurr if not completely absent..Same with my teen yrs..alot of that is missing too..everything from my pregnancy before my oldest and on though is clear as a bell..
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
3 Mar 08
my memories of childhood was a bit blurred.. i dont remember much about everything when i was before 4 yo i guess. i have remembered though that at some point, i can still a picture of what my first school looked like and how i have waited at the stairs for my mom to come and get me...
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
25 Feb 08
Living in the apartment with my gram and pap and going to blaine borings with pap and getting some chocolate pieces and cashing his check at the bank and walking to all. It was great. I love my pap and miss him horribly. I also remember when pap went to the hospital and came back with a bear for me I was around 3 or 4. Not to postive on that one. He had had his first stroke.
@sutanhartanto (4122)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 08
My mother said that my older brother used to steal my food but I don't remember :-D Actually we have 2 kind of memory: cerebral memory and extra cerebral memory. The earlier depends on our brain as it's equipment. The later doesn't need brain; it's scope is beyond this live. Using extra cerebral memory, we can remember things in our past live.