I love music but music doesn't love me...

@chrysz (1602)
February 25, 2008 9:57am CST
I am off-key, as in people did not appreciate my singing then especially when I was younger. Right now, at least I can do a lot better since some really took their time to train me how to sing. I also practice everytime I get the time to do so. My aunt was a bit shocked when she heard me singing last month coz I really improved a lot though I am not still as good my sis in law who can do a lot of Celine Dion and Clarkson's songs. Are you like me who loves music a lot (my preferences vary from metal rock to soft music) but cannot even sing a piece nicely?Are you still an off-key singer or you have improved over time? How did you do it?I wanna hone my talent more...Thanks!
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4 responses
@Umbra75 (56)
• United States
26 Feb 08
The trick is recording yourself, then playing it back so you can hear where you went wrong. I don't have a great voice, but I can always tell if I'm going off-key or not. That's because listing to my own voice playing back to me helped me recognize what I was doing wrong. I'd listen first; then, when it got to the problem-parts, I'd stop the playback, and sing the parts so I'd know how it made everything feel (my vocal chords, the vibrations in my throat, the amount of air I use to get the note out). I'd also pay attention to how it sounded, both while I sang, and on the recording, because your voice sounds much different to you while you're using it than when you're just hearing it. Then, I would try to adjust the note to bring it to where it should be, and record myself again. After a few times of doing that, you start to recognise what isn't right. I know that, now, I can go for maybe a month or two without many problems. After that, though, if I go for a while without listening to what I'm singing, my notes start going bad, and I need to start recording for myself again as soon as possible to get back on track.
• United States
26 Feb 08
Sorry. In the second paragraph, I actually meant "listening", insted of "listing". I really need to double-check these things before I post them, lol.
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
Thanks for your time. I've done that before and it worked. Now I know if I am going off key or not. My hubby told me that I must sing songs in my own way and never ever imitate the singer because I have a different degree or pitch or tone (I am not familiar with the terms so guide me please). I am just aware that I can sing now and that;s all that matters to me.
@rashmigs (400)
• Singapore
25 Feb 08
Same here... Im there to accompany u. Infact, i always try to catch up with the tune and try to sing in a similar way, but it always turns out so bad. :( But do remember, practice make perfect... Im infact thinkin of joining music classes. I will reach out to be better one day! :)
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
Good luck! never lose hope coz I'm one of those who can testify the power of practicing to perfection. Thanks for posting.
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 Feb 08
I love music. I listen to it almost constantly when I have a chance, and even if no music is playing outside, I hear music in my head all the time. I have certain songs I associate with certain moods, and I have half my hard drive filled up with music, all arranged into playlists for mood and occasion. I can't sing. Or rather, I can sing if I have someone to sing along with, like in a group. However, on my own, I completely destroy the tunes of songs, and I can't keep in the right key without someone to follow. I haven't really improved, but I haven't had anyone willing to work with me on it either. Instead I confine my singing to singing along with my music on the computer (so I can follow the singer) or with groups of people. Or I sing where no one can hear me. :P
@chrysz (1602)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
SOrry for the late acknowledgement, I don't have my own pc here in singapore. I can't even sing with a group back then but now, I already can. At least, my effort was not wasted. Until now, I sing with the music and i do it really loud, who cares with those around me hehe :-) at least they are hearing free concert :-)
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
I love music too and I guess I am a decently good singer. It is good to hear that you are now better able to enjoy music after the voice training. Way to go! :)