In Honor of the Zoo.

United States
February 25, 2008 7:05pm CST
You are in Wal-Mart and all of a sudden nature flies through your belly like a Twister on a stormy southern night. You make a dash for the bathroom only one stall is open and he head for it. Your hard at work tending the misery the twister has left in its wake when you realize there is no toilet paper. Everyone has left the bathroom leaving you sole surviver of your storm. You look in your purse and or wallet. All you have is a $100.00 bill with which you were going to make your purchases that are quietly waiting for you in the cart outside the bathroom door, Or a picture of your Sweetheart. What do you use? Ladies no cheating we did not bring kleenex in our purses this time. What do you do?
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15 responses
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 08
It may get gross here but I guess that was precisely the point of this wonderfully neat discussion! :-) I see that people have already listed some intelligent choices when it comes to cleanup in the event of having no TPs, especially one of my friends have represented male species quite well and I don’t think I have much more to add. I don’t like carrying picture of my partner in such places, that’s why I don’t keep it in my wallet, I do keep them in my bag though, so it’s out of question. I don’t carry $100 bills in my wallet either but then in the spirit of this discussion, I may use $100 bills. BUT, there still are many options before I may even consider taking that “cheap” shot! First, I’ll YELL like hell for help (TPs) and it’s inconceivable, given the volume that I can muster, that nobody in the store is able to attend to my voice. I can assure you a more enjoyable drama than a prime time show! So, if my purpose is served, well and good, otherwise I have other options like the ones mentioned in previous responses. I would add another option though. Lift yourself up a little and flush the decorated inside of seat…then flush it again such that no trace of aftermath of storm is left behind and it is clean like anything. Then, lower your back in the seat; if it is possible by any means…pull the lever such that gushing and screaming water touches the center of twister taking the adhered offerings with it. Do it as many times as you please and until you feel all is quite well and clean. You can wipe, if you want, the wetness with socks or underwear or whatever you like. Bravo! You have managed to come out clean! A little variant is through your ability to open the water tank and using its water directly with the help of TP cardboard roll to cleanup the mess. First responder has also suggested something that was initially in my mind when I read OP, which is, if there is nobody around, you can walk like a chair to the next stall and get the TP!
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• United States
26 Feb 08
Oh my sweet Kamran, I absolutely bust a gut with the image of you stranded in the john yelling to the top of your lungs for help!!! LMAO oh too funny that one hurts. Oh my gosh another great unanticipated option.... just wash your bum in the bowl..... How totally cleaver... and to think I was giving the girls all of the intelligence credit :)))
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• United States
26 Feb 08
Oh yes indeedy Kamran :))) They sure did :)))) LMAO
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
26 Feb 08
Well, wasn’t it said by an intelligent person that necessity is the mother of invention especially in compromising positions!? :-)
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
Angel, Why wouldnt you attempt to run pants around ankles to the next stall?! lol if its that messy, i would take the unders off and clean off the best i could with those and then go camando till i get home after i make my puchase! lol... buttttttt if i had to choose the picture or the bill in light of the discussion, i'd choose the picture, i dunno how good it would be for wiping, not very absorbant, but there would be more photo's at home where that one came from lol.
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• United States
26 Feb 08
Darn you are to smart! I had not thought of that possibility. Trying to bring the boys out to play... They do so love to talk bathroom talk. Thought Rintintin would feel at home if we opened a locker room up :))
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
lol i thought it was more of a trans type discussion, although he HAS laid off the poo discussions since that last discussion lol.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Sissygrl is smart, and brave. I had some of the same thought, about running to the next stall, but taking the underoos off to use, and discarding them, or whatever, WOW. I think I might choose that option.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
26 Feb 08
I either hope I can straggle next door, since no one else is there, or sit and wait until another person comes in and beg and plead for assistance. Next time, I 'll look for paper first.
• United States
26 Feb 08
You all amaze me really I am in such awe.... i would not have thought of half of these things.
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@AICIRT81 (847)
• United States
26 Feb 08
Thats what i would do. Wait for somebody else to come in a ask to hand over some tp. Walmart bathroom are usually pretty busy. Or if there were the toilet seat covers I would used one of them.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
16 Nov 19
I like the way you think ...... thankfully I always have those Wet Ones wipes in my purse, those can save the day if needed.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
hehehe you had to make it complicated with the no klenex thing didn't you? I really don't know.I would rummage my backpack I'm sure I would be able to find something in there.If not and there was really no one else inside I might run to the place where the sinks are in hopes that they had those dispensers with paper to dry our hands.Or even the dispensers with feminine pads, that might help to clean. Worse case scenario: there's nothing. I suppose I would use my underwear to clean myself. I could certainly go without for a bit as long as I was clean. And since I was at wal-mart I could always buy another and come back to put it on - this time with a pack of klenex as well just in case :):):)
• United States
26 Feb 08
You Ladies are so much more innovative then the fellas are. I am with D on this one I would never have thought of these things.
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• United States
26 Feb 08
I am so glad we were able to disspell some of the gloom hanging over your head :)))
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
ANother great discussion today you're on a roll LOL I was a bit tired and maybe to the grumpy side but I've been smiling non stop since the last two discussions :):):)
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
26 Feb 08
If no one is in the bathroom, I would make a dash for the paper towels by the sink. I wouldn't use $100. Geez that is hard enough to come by. And a photo, no way. Worse comes to worse, I'd rip my panties, use them, dispose of them and use some of the $100 to by a new pair. Then I'd get out of Walmart and go home. Storms like those come in waves.
• United States
27 Feb 08
" Storms like those come in waves." rotflmao Oh yes they surly do... homeward bound I would be also.
• United States
26 Feb 08
A very practical answer. Don't tell my wife, but a few times in my life I've gone commando after going to the bathroom. The underwear never made it home. :)
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Angel, this is too funny! I first thought about what Sissy or who was it, said about hobbling pants around my ankles, to the next stall, to seek out what I needed. I've also used the tp roll like diecaster suggested. I've even used my undies and thrown them away afterward, with nothing between me and my kitty for the entire day afterward. Oooh, breezes! When I saw the thing about sparing a square, I could not help but think of that Seinfeld episode and got yet another good laugh. But, if I HAD to choose between the bill and the picture, I'd surely use the picture, because I could use the bill to buy some nice cleansing cloths, pre-moistened and soft to the touch, to take care of any remaining detritus that the undies might have left behind, so to speak. And as someone else said, I could always put another picture in my wallet. BUT, I almost always have tissue in my purse, Angel. Pocket packs, bunches from the box, and toilet paper if there's nothing else. I get the sniffles, riding out in the cold on my bike, and I need those tissues to blow my little nose. Plus, the cold makes my eyes water. Plus, there is always the possibility of the exact situation you describe popping up unexpectedly, so tissues are a must with me. Great discussion, Angel, once again, you've drawn out some of my faves here on this one and their answers tickle me to no end. Thanks, darlin.
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• United States
27 Feb 08
I am so very glad you had a good belly laugh :))) I actually like Kitty free occasionally :)) And I said no hidden Kleenex's :) that is pure cheatin. I would never be caught anywhere with out kleenex either Nova unless I was separated from my purse and jacket.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
28 Feb 08
Ok Angel if there is no one left in the Bathroom at all I would actually risk going into the next Cubical to use the Toilet Paper there I would then flush go in the Cubical where the Storm had happened and flush to wash my Hands, leave and hope that I do not encounter another Twister lol If my Daughter is with me I would phone her Mobile ask her to come to the Toilets to pass me some Toilet Paper lol
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
Wellllll....I'd have to use the picture if only given those two Definitely wouldn't be comfy, but if all else fails, use the picture, call your hubby, then use some of the hundred to take pics while still at Wally Gotta love one stop shopping and the "sh*tty" situations it can get you out of :P
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• United States
27 Feb 08
I think honestly of the two choices I would use the bill. For one it is softer, and after I would wash it off then use the hand drier to dry it.... LMAO Laugh my a$$ off all the way back to my car after handing it to the cashier.
@mummymo (23706)
27 Feb 08
Definitely the picture! Can you imagine the satisfaction if you had just had an argument with him? lol Talk about a silver lining to every black cloud! xxxx
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• United States
26 Feb 08
i have been to many comfort rooms without finding toilet is not always available in certain toilets..i have been to johns for both men and women at the same need for false modisty..i use the water and my god given hand wash my back will not kill you..but i do not eat or shake hands with this hand out of respect...wal-mart is not sterile..the keyboard or telephone is far dirtier then most toilets as these are cleaned on a regular bases..the kitchen sinks in most homes have more germs then the is a matter of fact..and also urine is sterile..some places use this to treat the wounds (open wounds) believe this or not
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• United States
27 Feb 08
LMAO thank you for that very graphic Image Asawako :)))) Too funny... but I guess if there was no other means its a good as it gets :))) Oh I believe you :))
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
27 Feb 08
LMAO! Interesting discussion.. I will read through the replies when I finish my answer... I would choose neither the money or the picture. Knowing the bathroom was empty, I would walk in a funny fashion to other stalls, and use their toilet paper. If those too were empty, I would go for some paper towels. If that too was empty, I would get to the sinks and wash as best I could without soaking myself. And if the water didn't work? Gosh.. at that point, I would hope I would awake from such a terrible nightmare, and then I'd have second thoughts about shopping at walmart later that day.
• United States
27 Feb 08
rotflmao too funny Karen :))
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
26 Feb 08
This one's easy..the picture! I'm not rich enough to use those hundreds..What do they look like again???LOL
• United States
26 Feb 08
OH SkinnyChick finally a straight answer :))) LMAO
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• United States
26 Feb 08
LMAO!!! and a truthful one..
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• United States
26 Feb 08
Wait 'til the next person comes in to use the restroom. I'm sure you won't have to wait long at Wally World. Possibly there are toilet seat covers on the wall behind the toilet. Use as a substitute tp. I've had to do that in the past. This is a hypothetical question, right? Okay.
• United States
27 Feb 08
Very hypothetical Joyce, although from some of the answers here I do believe my posters have been through it. dang I would never have thought of some of these things :))) Glad I am now armed in case this emergency ever arises.
• United States
27 Feb 08
What did poor Ben Franklin do to deserve a chocolate milk moustache?
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• United States
27 Feb 08
I don't know maybe he had a craving for a heresy bar.
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I take a risk and go to the other stall to get some toilet paper. hahaha I like this question that you have posed. What made you think of posting it here? Has this happened to you?