which city would you choose

@rcaira7 (145)
United States
February 26, 2008 1:21am CST
If you could spend 60 days exploring any city...money is not an issue...which one would you choose?
10 responses
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 08
I would choose to go back for 2 months to Sydney in Australia. I would stay in accommodation that has a view of the beautiful opera house and the bridge that looks like a giant coat hanger. I would go on an exciting walk up that amazing looking bridge. I would go to every beach north and south of the harbor. I would explore around the historical rocks area and the interesting Darling Harbor area. It would be fun to go out to Shark Bay and walk to the south head of the stunning looking harbor. On one of the days I would like to take a bus to beautiful Palm Beach and walk up the footpath to the lighthouse. In the afternoon I would take a boat tour to explore the beautiful waters of the National Park. I am sure that I would have a delightful time in the gorgeous city of Sydney and I would take loads of photos.
@rcaira7 (145)
• United States
26 Feb 08
wow...that is a great response..makes me want to do that.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
26 Feb 08
Thanks for the best response. I hope that you will go to Sydney one day and have a fantastic time there.
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@moondan (712)
• China
8 Mar 08
60 days could let me have a long trip.I will not only go to one place to choose.The time i could go to three place and have a good trip.Fristly,i will go to Egypt,the place is where i dreamed for a long time.when i was a young kid.i attracted by the pyramid.I think the place full of mystic.Secondly,i choose Paris,a romantic place.there are many of famous place to go and see.paris'iron tower and triumphal arch and so on.The last one will be Greece,a age-old place,there are many stroy and fame or tale to remember.boating in the aegean sea feeling the wind.How wonderful.I wish this is not for dream.
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@rcaira7 (145)
• United States
22 Mar 08
now hat sounds like a 60 days well spent.
@crazylady (470)
• United States
27 Feb 08
I don't know that I would want 60 days there, but I would love to visit San Antonio, TX. I would also love to revisit the northeast since I have family up there. I guess I could take 60 days to go around visiting with my family.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
26 Feb 08
London, UK. It's not my first choice but if money were no issue I'd choose London hands down because I would like to explore it in detail, but it's so incredibly expensive there, and even more so when the British pound is over double the Canadian dollar.
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@xialinye (1403)
• China
27 Feb 08
i would like to choose hongkong. because i love this city,it's frequently described as a city where East meets west.it has an active nightlife,its entertainment industry companion with my childhood.and my father tell me that hongkong is the best place for chinese people to dwell in of the whole world.
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@julievy (593)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I would go to Rome. There are lots of things to see, and I love the food!
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
I'd love to visit New York. I wanted to see all those grand places and know why it's called the richest city in the world. Though I love Europe part but I wanna go to New York first as you're only giving me one choice here hehe..
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Choosing one is too difficult, but I think that I would return to New York City. My daughter took me there one time for my birthday and we only had 4 days and that was not near enough time to see the city and I loved being there. I would never even consider living there or anywhere near there, but I loved being there and seeing the sights and the people. We didn't get to do some of the things we wanted to do and I would make sure that I did some of them.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
26 Feb 08
I want to explore Sydney.. I want to go there..
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@gerald_lian (2188)
• Australia
26 Feb 08
I would choose to visit any city in China because I have always been fascinated by the ancient Chinese buildings and structures as well as their culture. My top choices would be either Beijing or Guangzhou.
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