what do you do in this situation?

@BYOLA2871 (4371)
South Africa
February 27, 2008 8:59am CST
This weekend was a hectic one at home.Our baby was crying all through the night.At first i thought she was hungry we gave her food ,she ate and continued crying.after about 30 minutes i was relieved cos she stopped crying,she started again about 2am and this time it became so unbearable we checked to see if there was a reason for her crying but found nothing,ually we had to go to the nearest clinic.guess what the doctor on duty said after checking her,?he said its normal for kids to cry like that sometime.but its my first experience of such.have you had such experience before?
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10 responses
@gem4678 (220)
• United States
27 Feb 08
There could be many reasons a baby cries. Much of it can depend on the actual age is she is under 2 months old she could be colic which means she is allergic to the formula/ milk she is eating, but then she would probably act like that whenever she is laid down, but not always. My nephew had colic and the docters kept saying he didn't need his formula changed that wasn't the cause, but he cried almost constantly laying down he had to be held upright, now he was an extreme case of this also. Also she could just want someone to hold her. Some babies are very demanding while others are just simple to please. Generally the rule is if she has ate and has a clean but then she is fine. Sometimes if you put them in a swing it helps, but also works better with some than others. And if she is older she could be starting to teeth. Its hard to tell until you eliminate everything out. Good luck and hope this was atleast somewhat helpful. Probably things you've already heard though.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
your response was useful because to tell you the truth iu never heard of colic before now i will have to learn more about it thanks i hope when you have a post i will also be able to give a useful response
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Feb 08
yes thanks in fact i have learnt quite a lot in just a few days regarding this issue i dont see myself a novice in this area again and we also did a return visit to the doctor just to be sure and his findings are still positive meanwhile the kid is doing just great
@gem4678 (220)
• United States
27 Feb 08
I'm glad I was able to be somewhat helpful, colic is usually just when the baby is really gassy and that hurts her tummy. But since I seen a post of yours below mine that says she is 8 months even though that is still possible I would have to lean towards teething. I wouldn't thionk so much an ear ache since you took her to the docter I would think he would have checked her ears but it is still possible. And then again many times there is no reason, my son never had that problem, but my daughter does occasionally have that problem but not often. GOod luck.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Yes. I have had 4 babys and it does happen. one of my daughters was collicky and cried non-stop and often.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Feb 08
yes i just learnt about this thing called collicky and i am excited as i am learning more about thius little bundle of joy
@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Is this your first? It really is normal for a baby to cry for what seems to be no reason some times. How old is your daughter? My daughter is 14 months and there hasn't been to many times she has cried for no reason. For my daughter what works is me holding her tight sitting on a glider and humming. Some times babies get cold too it could be as simple as that. If your daughter is still young enough to swadel that may be all she needs. If not then she could just need that closness to you. Children like to hear there moms heart beat, and they love daddys chest. Some times its as easy as holding them close other times its hard and you can't get them to calm down. You have to be calm before they can. They have to feel that calmness from you because they don't really know how to calm themselves yet. It could have been some thing like gas pains. That will wake a child up. Did she eat some thing different? Drink some thing new? Is she teething? Not knowing how old she is makes it hard to say what the problem is. You will learn her different cries soon, cries of pain, cries of coldness, cries of hunger, cries of just needing a diaper change. Good luck!
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
she is actually 8 months and really i tried to do a lot in fact the mum got so stressed up that i had to do most of the work,but i really cant tell what went wrong and the doictor says no problem but i will keep looking out.yhanks,she has been playing well since then
@jal1948 (1359)
• India
27 Feb 08
In such a situation the doctor no matter how much qualified his not in a position to help you . It is the mothers intuition that comes into play.The baby is uncomfortable,something is troubling her, maybe her feeds or the clothes,or the bed,or the environment observe the baby is trying to convey a message to you maybe she needs to be nursed or needs the comfort of your voice or your warmth.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Feb 08
yes the mother should be able to do that but you see sometime it gets so complicated and thank God we had everything sorted out now and we still keep our eyes and ears open to see how she is doing
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Yes it is normal. Some babies tend to be criers and some aren't. My mom had so many foster babies when I was growing up and so I learned a lot from that. There was one baby that cried til she was blood red in the face. No matter what we did for her, she wouldn't stop crying and there was nothing wrong with her, she was just a crier. Always always always, check your baby when it cries because there COULD be something wrong such as a diaper needing changing or it is hungry or it needs to be burped or it'll have an upset stomach. Check all over their little bodies to be sure nothing has bitten them, that way you'll know there is nothing wrong. Then let the baby lay in the crib and cry. It's good exercise for their little lungs. Although hard on your ears, it's wonderful exercise for their lungs.
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Feb 08
waoh what a response?thanks i will sure do more than just get irritated the next time this happens but by God i dont pray to experience it again,it is not just because of the noise but because it makes me feel as if am depriviving the child of something
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Feb 08
My oldest boy was a crier (he's 20 now) and at times I wondered why I wasn't a good mom. But he needed more comfort than other kids. I'd rock him till he fell asleep then, if I was lucky, he'd sleep a couple hours. Mylicon (simethycone) would sometimes make him stop so I think he also had some stomach problems but he just needed a lot of holding. When he was about a year old he got much better! I think children always cry for a reason. If your daughter is 8 months old, there's probably something wrong but finding out what it might be can be really tough before they start talking!
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Feb 08
thanks we have to be double sure that there was no problems so we checked a second time with the doctor and its okay now ,thanks so much for your response
@subha12 (18441)
• India
28 Feb 08
I am single and do not have children. But we have two little kids at home. my nephew and niece. I have not seen them crying whole night. they are actually very qy=uite kids.But my mom used to tell that we sometimes used to cry so much at night.
• United States
28 Feb 08
Oh my! Well how old is your baby? I know that colic is normal for young babies but it usually happens every night at the same time (at least in my experience). Hopefully in your baby's case it was a one time thing. Maybe she had a bellyache or gas. Hopefully she's sleeoing better for you now!
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
28 Feb 08
it could have been the heat. my daughter who is 2, didnt sleep to well this weekend either. i doubt its colic as she is already 8 months. it could be teeth. the 9 month teeth are quite painful. keep some stopayne in the house. it helps them to sleep better as well. but dont use it too often. i have heard babies get too used to it. and get some biltong strips. it helps with teething and the salt heals the gums a bit quicker. let me know how it goes. the doctor should have given you some tips on what to do when this happens again. try asking a nurse next time. i have had more problems solved with nurses rather than with doctors.
• United States
28 Feb 08
When my second child was a baby, she was definitely a crier! She cried non-stop unless someone was holding her. It was so hard to do anything, including spending time with my older son, because she would immediately start screaming if I took my attention off her for anything else. I eventually had to get one of those baby carrying wraps that you can get to hold your baby close to you while you do other things. Unfortunately for me, even that didn't always work. Turns out, my baby was just stubborn and extremely strong-willed...she would cry because she wasn't getting her way. It doesn't sound like this is the case with your child, though. I would place my bets on teething...and it might sound strange, but if you rub some bourbon on her gums, it will help soothe her pain and help her sleep better. (DON'T let her drink it, though. LOL)