Kids trying to fake sick so they can stay home
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
United States
February 27, 2008 1:46pm CST
Does you kid do this? How often? What does he/she do to try to get out of school? My step-kid was trying to talk me into letting him stay home the day before yesterday and i said no of course. He has perfect attendance and I think he wants to miss a day but we wont let him b/c than he will think he can get away with anything. Well last night after he took a shower he couldnt get the water out of his ear and was trying to freak out. I told him that it will come out eventually and there is nothing to worry about you cant get an ear infection or anything b/c of water. Well after I went upstairs to go to bed I came back down to get a drink and I here him "sobbing" but when i tried to get him to tell me whats wrong he ignored me like he was asleep or somehting so i told his dad and his dad came down there and He said that his ear was hurting and he couldnt hear out of it. My fiance talked to him for a min then came back upstairs. then you hear him crying again and would get louder and louder (this is about one a clock in the morning and noones got any sleep) So we came back down there and when he pulled him out of his room low and behold NO tears whatsoever, No red face like he was crying, adn looking in his ear it wasnt even a little on the pink side, which if he was in as much pain as he was letting on his ear would of been red. He still denies that he was faking it and still says he cant hear out of his ear. I made him go to school though. Do you have any storys like these of you child trying to pull the wool over your eyes?
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9 responses
@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
5 Mar 08
lol..yes I tried to pull this on numerous times,and got away with it numerous times,I must add my reason was I was afraid to go to school as I did not have my homework done,and there was a good reason for this.My children did the same,I feel it is a normal thing.I would perhaps have a doctor look at the childs ear,my youngest son had ear ache,woke up crying in the night,bad ear infection,he was about five at the time with no apparent signs of anything being untoward..At age nine he had lost seventy five percent of his hearing,when further investigated it was found his tonsils were very badly infected,and his sinuses badly congested.I don't think we can risk a childs health,if they are faking it,well no t.v. or the like.
I know it is hard a little like the boy who cried wolf!

@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
5 Mar 08
Stage,there are so many of,pleased his ear was o.k...guess a whole lot of T.L.C. and bringing some consistency into his life will reap rewards.I can relate,be patient with yourself,a good pat on the back sort of thing.Good luck with it.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
5 Mar 08
yes its hard, there was nothing wrong with his ear, the nurse looked and nothing and he didnt complain agian. Hes seems to be going through a stage, but we just pulled him out of his stepdads hands who was abusive and now have custody, its hard to remold him from what he had, you can tell what being in that house has done to him
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@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
4 Mar 08
With my kiddos, do you need to see the Dr. or ok you can stay in bed all day. No TV, no radio, no nothing.
That will solve it hun.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I heard this from more than one person so this is what i will do next time. thanks
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
4 Mar 08
I did want to tell you I also nipped that issue in the bud by giving my kids one free sick day to spend with them. Kind of a reverse psychology. My mum did it for me and I was a straight A student.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
28 Feb 08
My son would never try to fake sickness to stay home. In fact, he's got a fracture and has been advised to stay home for 6 weeks....he started missing school in two days and wants to go to school.
I'm glad because that shows that he enjoys could also mean that he hates being home because it's no fun:P But I hope that's not the
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
28 Feb 08
no hes probaly missing his friends and wants to go to school.
@mummymo (23706)
27 Feb 08
Nope - my kids are weird and absolutely love school! lol That is true as well! I have even known them to try and go to school when they seriously are too ill - the other week when Niamh 6 had a really bad ear infection and her Asthma was bad she was too ill to go to school , she would be so ill in the morning she was throwing up as she was coughing so much. She insisted on going to school when she felt better in the afternoons! The school were more than happy with this arrangement and it helped her to keep up with her school work as she informed me! The only problem is she is ahead of most of her classmates so what she really didn't want is them catching up with her! lol xxx
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
28 Feb 08
LOL well thats a good thing. I'm glad she likes school so much
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
27 Feb 08
LOL thats what his grammy on his mom side said, she told me to tell him that next time and see what he says. my fiance told him we were going to the hospital and he didnt want to go.
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@ganarch (18)
• India
5 Mar 08
I agree with you that kids do fake when it comes to going to school. My son, who is hardly 2 yrs 2 months now has been going to kindergarten. Weekly thrice he acts a bit funny and fakes as well. He slowly sits on my tummy and whispers in my ears that he has pain in stomach, sometimes in eyes and all that stuff. the best remedy that i have for him is Rhymes. when i start playing Rhymes on the computer, all his pain is vanished and in next 10 mins, he asks his mom to dress him and take him to school. I enjoy his pranks.
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Did you try talking to him? He probably doesn't want to go for a reason. Overwhelming school work load, friend problems, etc. Or, you can do like my parents did. I had perfect attendance because if i wanted to stay home, I'd go to school for a half day then she'd let me come home because in my school it counted as a full day if you stayed for the first half.
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@gandatwo (602)
• Australia
5 Mar 08
FootNote:Yougest when he was about eight wished to learn to play the violin,however lessons had stoped due to lack of interest.we enroled in in piano lesson,and purchased a piano.Evey Monday morning he was sick,turns out he didn't like the piano lessons! Quite often if a child is not wishing to go to school there is a underlieing reason.
Good luck with it,sorry for the rush responce..trying to cook dinner in between.BALANCE did I suggest?..Lol
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Not really, not yet. My daughter is only four and right now loves pre-school. But she may some day. You might consider a different reason for your step-son wanting to stay home. My brother had this problem when he was in school. Some other kids were bullying him. So my brother would pretend illness too. Just something to consider. It can sometimes be hard for kids to come to us and say"I am having this problem".
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
27 Feb 08
yea we ask him everytime he acts like that whats going on at school that makes him want to stay home and he says nothing or doesnt talk. My stepkid keeps things bottled up sometimes. We just got custody about a year ago from his mom and abusive stepdad so thats part of the reason he acts like he does sometimes. Hes about to be ten so I thought that that was kindof young for someone to act that way. Its hard for me b/c im not the best at knowing what to do b/c i go from no kids to a stepkid thats 9. I try my best though and sometimes i see progress but sometimes it seems that he gets worse. the other day he was caught by his dad trying to steal a skateboard and his dad had a long talk with him and thats all. I would of grounded him for a month but thats just me. I cant really make those decissions b/c I'm a little harsher than he is and if i say something and my fiance doesnt agree than that makes it bad on me b/c than my step kid will think that im not an athority figure.