Global Warming!!!

Global Warming - Downloaded from Google Inc.,
United States
February 27, 2008 1:58pm CST
Hello all, This is the right time to discussing about the Global Warming. Do you know how to control the Global Warming? Give some of the points?
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7 responses
@jwfarrimond (4473)
27 Feb 08
You can't control it anymore than you can control the rising and setting of the sun.
@psp008 (27)
• India
28 Feb 08
At present time it is very difficult to control global warming. But if one's country make some policy and strictly implement it like controlling pollution due industries, vehicles, etc.
• India
8 Mar 08
hey its very simple. for controling on global waming u have to control on population and try to decrse world population. 2. grow many trees as much u can it will also help u to control the temperature.
@chalitha (18)
• Sri Lanka
6 Mar 08
we can't do that without support of world's major countries. they are not giving considerble atention on that
• India
6 Mar 08
yes global warming has now increased to larger extend that it requires major steps to control it other wise no far are the days that we all are going to vanish due to it. but still if a common man, is able to do things given below then to some extend it can be control. firstly every one should take care that u shoul plan more and more trees because they provide fresh oxygen and helps in control of carbon dioxide,which is major factor in it. secondly if possible then u should walk for lesser distance work or else u can used cycle to smaller distance. try to avoid uneccessary use of gadgets which produces greater heat.
@paid2write (5201)
29 Feb 08
We can all help by not buying or disposing of products which are harmful to the environment. I think it is important also for governments to make laws which restrict CO2 production and it should be compulsory for new buildings to have energy saving features and have solar panels or wind turbines.
@broc93 (167)
• Italy
28 Feb 08
I think we can't control the global warming now... But you should watch "An Inconvenient Truth", a film where Al Gore explain the global warming :)
@merjun (158)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
well i guess the best way is to recycle.