Which csi character do you dislike the most?

February 28, 2008 6:52am CST
Out of all the csis, the one character I really dislike is Catherine Willows, if she left I just wouldn't care. It's her attitude that gets me with her, the I'm better than the rest of you, it really annoys me. All her storylines annoy me too, her daughter, her parents and her past, yawn. There are other characters I don't like but they add something to the show, whereas Catherine just doesn't add anything worthwhile, no matter what happens. What character or characters do you dislike and why?
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8 responses
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Actually I like Catherine. She is well educated, has lots of struggles in her past like most of us do, and is a team player on the job. The one I can't stand is Horacio Cane on CSI Miami. The show wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for him. The man can't act worth a toot.
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28 Feb 08
I agree with you about Horatio. I actually laugh when he does his I'm so serious and wise bit to the camera, with that weird look of his. CSI Miami might actually be more watchable without him. Catherine has had struggles in the past but just seems to make so much fuss about it, but if we all felt the same life would be really boring, don't you think.
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@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I agree. I guess I could live if nearly all the characters were replaced...except Grissom. Don't mess with my Grissom. He's the reason I never miss the show. lol
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29 Feb 08
Absolutely, William Petersen was one of the reasons I started watching csi and wasn't disappointed. Grissom is the best out of all the csi characters. You have very good taste Nova1945. :D
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Horacio Cane on CSI Miami is the one I can't stand. He can't act and when he is on the screen I want to turn off my television. I once saw an interview he did on a talk show and he really made me dislike him even more. He acted like he was gods gift for women. I can understand why Catherine is the person you dislike. She can be annoying at times with her family issues taking up large parts of some episodes. I want to see the cases and would like more time spent on them.
29 Feb 08
I could never work out if it was the character or the acting that makes Horatio annoying. Unlike Catherine although he can be annoying, he kinda fits in. I agree, I want to see the cases and Catherine's problems do take up a lot of time. Very little has been shown of the other characters backgrounds but I feel I'm an expert on Catherine's life lol
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Isn't this terrible. We get so involved in these ficticious characters that we actually fell like we know them. I think we all need to get a life. HaHa
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@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Wow, I didn't realize there was that much of a delay in the programming in other countries. Yes his marriage is over. There was never much todo about that marriage and very little explanation about it. I guess they decided the whole senario wasn't working for him so they just sort of swept it under a rug.
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
31 Mar 08
i like all of them! :) i think i will be sad if one of them will be out of the picture... i feel if they are all together, the show is just so perfect having them in it... I like them all together, and how their story, each characters weave together and their bonding is just great! I feel sometimes i want to belong with them heheh
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2 Apr 08
I think I'd rather Catherine had left rather than Sara I still miss Speed who was in CSI Miami but even though I dislike Horatio it wouldn't be the same without him so I kinda agree with you.
@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
28 Feb 08
i do not dislike any of the CSI characters, whether NY, LasVegas or Miami, all characters are lovable and sincere in the character they are portraying, for me at least thats why i watch all 3 CSI :)
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29 Feb 08
I suppose this shows the strength of the 3 csis, that you like them all.
• United States
26 Mar 08
omg,I love all the characters on all the csi's,and horatio is one of my favs,the show wouldn't be the same without him to tell the truth.I guess everyone has different opinions,but i think they all bring something different to the shows and if any of them left it would change it,except sara which i liked also they gradually took her off,because last season she wasn't on the show much with i think was there was of offing her on the show,but wish she would come back.
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27 Mar 08
I do dislike Horatio for all the reasons everyone has mentioned but I wouldn't want him to leave because as annoying as his acting is, he does fit in with the rest of the cast and you're right it wouldn't be the same without him.
@kymommy72 (588)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I totally agree. I really dislike her character, when Sara left, I was wishing it was her that left. I'm tired about hearing about her stripper days, her kid, her bad parents and everything else. I really liked her character when the show first started, She seemed like a nice, hard working, smart single mom, but slowly they progressed the character to where she is now. I think it all really started when they bumped her up to lead CSI. She started acting like who she was and her insecurity showed through big time. I agree, she adds nothing to the show, except maybe some cleavage :)
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3 Mar 08
I didn't mind Catherine in the beginning, I quite liked her in fact because she had worked so hard to change career, I actually admired her but now her past is getting really boring and it's maybe time they got rid of her.
@soulist (2985)
• United States
25 Apr 08
Not sure if there is a character i dislike. I enjoy watching all the characters and seeing them interact with each other, but if i had to choose one it would be Sara Sidle.
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• Philippines
24 Apr 08
I hate Horatio Caine..His gestures annoy me. I like the characters on CSI LV.
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