Barack Obama is always a victim

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
February 28, 2008 11:32am CST
I must say that Obama is the best victim candidate I have ever seen. First it was the press making fun of his ears. Then is he "Black" enough. Then the "African Dress" photo. Now it is his middle name, Hussein. To make matters worse all the comments where blamed on the Clintons. Obama only has four tactics Victim, Hope, Change, and the Future. He cannot go ten minutes without crying out that he is a victim, and then talking about hoping for change in the future. Then in ten more minutes he becomes a victim with something else, and then says changing the future for hope. By the time he is done he is the victim of something else, and then says the future is full of hope and change. Come on Barack you what to be the leader of the free world, and lead it into the future with change and hope. How do you plan on doing that when every time you get in front of a camera you are a victim.
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2 responses
@bond0077 (375)
28 Feb 08
well said gewecw23 ,you have hit the nail on the head,funny because bill clinton when asked once by an actor,was a fear of being assassinated ever on his mind as president?and his answer was "as president of the most powerful nation in the world you can't be a wuss!"which comes to mind when you describe obama as a"best victim candidate ever seen"!haha!you are good!i am watching you!oo yea!
• United States
28 Feb 08
Hillary was a victim by the Obama campaign when this race first started. Hillary and her husband Bill were put on the spot by the press media many times, saying they were racist. The video where Bill was falling asleep in a church while in a black church. The Obama campaign started the attacks, if they can dish out, why can't they dish back?