Advice From Our Fearless Leader - Is Anybody Listening?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
February 28, 2008 4:23pm CST
Soon to be unemployed President George W. Bush offered his advice to the Democratic Presidential candidates, Barack Obama in particular and also weighed in on the state of our economy. Am I the only who wonders who the heck asked?
"I believe Sen. Obama better stay focused on his campaign with Senator Clinton, neither of whom has secured their party's nominee yet -- nomination yet.
And my party's nomination hasn't been decided yet either, And so there will be ample time to discuss whoever their candidate -- the positions of whoever their candidate is."
Bush had this to say about Obama's suggestion that the U.S. should negotiate with leaders with whom the U.S. has refused to engage.
"What is lost by embracing a tyrant who puts people in prison for embracing their political beliefs? It will send the wrong message. I’m not suggesting there is never a time to talk, but I am suggesting that now is not the time to talk with Raul Castro. Let me use another word… embrace is like a big hug. Thank you for reminding me… Sitting down at the table, having your picture taken with a figure like Raul Castro, for example, lends the status of our office, to him…. He gains a lot from it he says, look at me, I am now recognized by the president of the United States."
On the state of our economy, this is what bush had to say:
“I’m concerned about the economy, because I’m concerned about Americans. There is no question the economy has slowed down. I don’t think we’re headed to a recession, but there is no question we’re in a slowdown," he said, noting that about $150 billion worth of tax rebates will go “out the door’’ to taxpayers this spring. “The checks will go out in the second week of May….The purpose is to encourage consumers… to give them money, their own by the way."
So, our fearless Dimwit in Chief has spoken. Basically, the Democrats should concentrate on their own party's primaries, McCain and the GOP not so much; he gazed into Putin's eyes and saw his soul but for a Democrat to even suggest "talking" to certain world leaders with whom we don't agree - not giving them a "hug", by the way - is a bad idea and we're not heading into a recession and these paltry little rebate checks are going to get the economy rolling right along! What do you think about Bush's advice and are you as happy as I am that he'll soon be gone?
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6 responses
@superjockh (237)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I think Bush has done the best his mental capacity can handle. I am just hopping the next president does not repeat the mistakes this president did. Worse, I hope the next presidential candidate is not the type that pulls all the troops out of Iraq quickly to damage our reputation as a world power. I hope the next US Representatives and Senators that go into Congress ACTUALLY get something done instead of investigating Clemens steroid use or an elected official's fraudulent case. I hope the people in Congress vote based upon what is best for this nation rather than along party lines. Because there is only so much the president can do without the support of Congress
-Feel Free to Disagree!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I agree that we need our Congress to start doing what they're supposed to do instead of worrying about steroid use of baseball players and the like. I don't think the next President will pull all the troops out too quickly but I don't think our reputation as a world power can be damaged much more. I really like you last line here - Feel Free to Disagree - because that's what myLot is all about, having discussions and getting all different points of view. Thanks for responding!
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
29 Feb 08
No, my friend, I am not glad to see him go. But we are allowed to have our own opinions which I love about this country of ours. I used to live in a country where using the term "dimwit" to describe our leader would land me in a place where no one should ever be. Probably with a few bruises here and there. Again, I love reading your editorials even though I don't agree.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Thanks so much for that. I agree, I love our country too and trust me, sometimes I type or say things like "dimwit", then I kind of look around to see if someone's coming after I'm so glad we're still friends despite our differences of opinion. I know I'm opinionated but I never mean anything personal against or toward those who disagree with me. I just love a good debate and I try to put a little humor into it now and then.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
28 Feb 08
Personally I think that our government has out lived its usefulness. I find that polititions only vote on things that put money in their pockets or pockets of their friends. A politition only comes out of the woodwork when there is an election. Then these wonderful people tell you exactly what you want to here. The American people like to be lied to because they keep electing these people. The problem is that a politition makes a six figure salary and most of the common people only make about 30 or 40 thousand.
In my state of Maryland it doesn't matter what Bush does to jump start the economy here. Our wonderful Governor who was electred because he said he was going to stop the 72% increase to our electric bills. Well that never happened and like no one saw that lie comming. Now our Governor has raised sales tax and about six other taxes through out the state. He has another bill on the table to raise even more taxes. So you see lies come so easy to these polititions.
Get real do you really think anything is going to change with the next President. I don't think so. A taste of money and power and it is business as usuall.
There is a recession. At least here in Maryland.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
28 Feb 08
I think Bush gave him some very good advice.
You do not open a dialog with hostile powers with no preconditions, and only a fool and someone who had no concept foreign policy would even suggest such a thing.
As to the so-called recession, if you had been paying attention, you would have seen the report last week that said we probably won't be going into a recession but that growth would be slow.
As far as who asked... well I guess that since Obama and Hillary both had been blasting the Bush presidency in order to make it appear that they are more astute then Bush that he decided to weigh in when they started getting stupid.
That's like that comment Obama made the other day about pulling our troops out of Iraq, and then sending them back if al-Qaeda built a base there.
Al-Qaeda is ALREADY there and has been for many years.
So what dumb@ss Obama basically said was I will pull the troops out, give the terrorists time to regroup and rebuild, and then we can do it all over again... only this time they will be much stronger.
This nitwit has no clue about national security, or foreign policy... and the more he opens his mouth, the more he proves it.
You may not like this, but Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time.
The liberals are nothing but a bunch of power hungry wannabes that have no clue as to what they are doing.
Just as Clinton got us attacked on 9-11, another liberal is liable to leave us in even worse shape.
Not a one of them knows what they are doing unless it is playing politics.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Thanks for your response which I'm going to have to take a piece at a time.
"You do not open a dialog with hostile powers with no preconditions."
Who said "with no preconditions" and what conditions would you suggest? Back and forth name calling and threats doesn't get any of us anywhere. Iran offered their help in Afghanistan and the next thing they knew they were in the "axis of evil". The Iranian people were the only ones in the Middle East who held a candlelight vigil for 9/11 victims in the streets.
"As to the so-called recession, if you had been paying attention, you would have seen the report last week that said we probably won't be going into a recession but that growth would be slow."
I don't need any blasted reports to tell me the economy sucks big time!
"he decided to weigh in when they started getting stupid."
THEY started getting stupid? We're talking about Bush here, remember?
"That's like that comment Obama made the other day about pulling our troops out of Iraq, and then sending them back if al-Qaeda built a base there. Al-Qaeda is ALREADY there and has been for many years. So what dumb@ss Obama basically said was I will pull the troops out, give the terrorists time to regroup and rebuild, and then we can do it all over again... only this time they will be much stronger."
First, he was answering a hypothetical question. al Qaeda is in Iraq NOW since we invaded. Why would the terrorists stay there once we're gone?
"Just as Clinton got us attacked on 9-11, another liberal is liable to leave us in even worse shape."
Clinton and his people would not have ignored a memo stating "Bin Laden plans to crash planes into the World Trade Center" or any of the other warnings the Bush Administration had no time to pay attention to because they were already planning a war in Iraq.
"Bush was the right man in the right place at the right time."
I just HAD to save the best for last. Although Bush has stated that current history hasn't been written yet (say WTF!!!) I think history is going to show that he was the worst President in our history whether God told him he should be President or not.
@maddy1156 (11)
• Puerto Rico
29 Feb 08
I think Bush has been the worst president ever! Before becoming president he bankrupted two oil companies and his own baseball team. He wanted to be baseball commissioner, but wasn't allowed because they considered him unfit. But yet the country's conservatists blindly elected him president. And what has he done made a mess of everything. It's time we had a serious president with good judgement in the White House and not this stupid idiot mama's boy who played at president risking the lives of thousands and leaving our economy in shambles. He didn't even know that gas at the pump could reach $4 a gal. He's totally out of touch and has no business giving advice to anyone.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Actually, the worst president ever is a tossup between Carter and Clinton.
Neither one should ever have been elected, and by rights Clinton should have been put in prison for his crimes.
As it is he is a convicted perjurer, and he is directly responsible for 9-11... he was warned by his advisers that certain actions would increase the risk of terrorist attacks here and he did those things anyway, one of which was for no other reason than to diverts attention from his impeachment.
You keep bad mouthing Bush because that is all that you liberals know how to do... you seem to think you have some divine dispensation to run our country into the ground and you can't stand it when you lose, and you hate it when a conservative tries to undo the damage that the liberals have done.
So you think that Bush should know the price of gas? I wonder how much gas he personally buys? Does the president usually fuel the limo that he rides in?Bush did what he had to do and what he thought best for the country, considering the mess that BJ Boy left it in.
Here you sit with the tax cuts that you wouldn't have gotten without Bush, and you complain about the economy and the cost of living. Don't worry, because if either Clinton or Obama is elected, then your taxes will go up and the economy will get much worse.... and you will have the added expense of universal health care regardless of whether or not you want it or can afford it.
If you want those things to get better, then government has to get out of the way of business and stop strangling it with all the taxation and insane regulations.
Bush has done all that he can to try to get the clinically insane liberal Congress to ease up, but they insist on being stupid.
Bad mouth Bush all you want, you may have deluded yourself into thinking he is a bad president... but if Hillary or Obama win, then you will get the opportunity to see what a bad president is really like, because neither one of them is any good.
@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I never listen to anything Bush has to say. He is from my home state, but has zero support from me.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Oh Lord! Seriously? I love my country but, he makes me less proud to be an American then I am proud my toenail polish is still on! Yup! That was a stupid statement I just made. You know why? Because everything that comes out of his mouth lowers my I.Q. another couple points.
I can't even express what I think about what he said.
I also can't express how very happy that his reign as our Idiot in Charge is just about over!
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