So... Did The Earth Move For You?:)

Earthquake's Epicentre - The epicentre of the earthquake which occured at 12.54 a.m. on Wednesday, 27th February 2008, measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale.
@Darkwing (21583)
February 29, 2008 12:09am CST
It didn't for me, but it did for a lot of people in the UK, at around one o'clock on Wednesday morning, when the biggest earthquake since 1984, its epicentre near Market Rasen, in Lincolnshire, radiated throughout a large part of the UK. Tremors were felt as far south as London, and also in Scotland and Wales. Reports were received of residents being woken by the tremor, which measured 5.2 on the Richter Scale. For the UK, this is quite a sizeable quake, which only occur once in about every thirty years. There were reports that the tremor was felt as far south as the Isle of Wight, but it must have passed my Village by, if it was! I didn't feel a thing! lol. Mind you, it only lasted up to thirty seconds in the worst hit places, but even so, it caused a lot of damage, brought down a number of chimney stacks, and scared a lot of people. We're not used to earthquakes of that size in our Country! So, did any other Mylot Members feel the earthquake in the early hours of Wednesday morning? If so... please tell us how it affected you, and those in other countries who have felt a quake, please share your experiences too.
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17 responses
8 Mar 08
We felt it here in North Norfolk. I thought it was just my kids and the dog roughhousing so I shouted at them to get back to bed. I only found out it was an earthquake the next morning.
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 08
Oh yeah, I was forgetting it was pretty close to you. Lol about the kids and dog. It was one o'clock in the morning and I bet they were sound asleep! We didn't... or I didn't, feel it here at all. We must have been off the line of it. Brightest Blessings.
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@Darkwing (21583)
9 Mar 08
Cripes, that must have been frightening, as it was a first for your neighbours kids... probably for all of you. The last one I remember was in Birmingham... that was quite bad but not as strong as the recent one, as far as I can make out. Yes, I have kids, but they're grown and have kids of their own, so they don't live with me any longer. One's in Brighton and the other in Crawley, and neither of them felt the tremour.
9 Mar 08
Yes, as the crow flies not far at all away accross the Wash. You have kids dont you? Fast asleep at one o'clock? In theory yes, but back in the real world. My neighbours daughter was scared stiff, pictures fell off the wall.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
29 Feb 08
I didn't felt it, since UK is far away from the Philippines!;) My country is a part of the Asian continent, it's also included on the Pacific "ring of fire." We experience earthquake almost every year, on some parts of the country. The last time a huge earthquake struck as was almost 17 or 18 years ago, it cost thousands of lives (with some even buried alive and were not found) and millions of infrastructures were destroyed. I think that time, some buildings were not that strong enough to withstand a 7.8 magnitude typer of an earth-shaker. But then again, I'm very much sure that nobody wishes to be struck by such a force like that..
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Yes, and thank you for sharing. It made me stop and think how fortunate we are in this country with escaping the worst natural disasters. It took my memory back also to a volcanic eruption in Turkey and a terrifying flood in China. I invited you to share your experiences, and it's fine that you did so. I value the lessons I learn from my friends here. You take care, Rajin and please don't think I don't value your comments, for I rate them quite highly, my friend. x
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
I seem to remember the earthquake you speak of. The aftermath was shown on our television news channels. It was awful... even little babies were being brought out from the rubble. Then, here am I, going on about a 5.2 strength earthquake. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be flippant... it's just that it's such an unusual occurrence in our country, that talk of it will go on for a while yet, just as it did with the hurricane, in 1987. I hope and pray that you never have to go through another quake like that, my friend. Brightest Blessings. x
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
29 Feb 08
You don't need to be sorry, I understand your point here!;) I don't see anything wrong here in your post, I just wanted to share what we experienced here and it just so happened that it's not a fun moment at all.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I Was very shock to see that you had an earthquake over there. if something shook or ya felt a movement then ya felt it. Back in the 50s one hit i YEllowstone park about 300 miles from where I lived and it tossed me out of bed and my girlfriend had a 9 foot chest that got move way across her room. and it killed the gas stations family that had bee there for a vacation. We all were very sorry for him . was a very sad man for along time but us kids would go around not only to buy gas but to cheer him up.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
1 Mar 08
dont remeber what it was on the recter scale but It was big! and I hope we kept him cheered up
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Yes, I think it came as a bit of a shock to everybody here too. We're not prepared for these events, as we very rarely witness them. Wow, the one you speak of in Yellowstone Park, sounds like it was a mighty big one, if it affected you and your girlfriend so much, three hundred miles away. It was a very nice thing you did for the Gas Guy. Kids seem to have a knack of cheering the "olds" up, don't they? Brightest Blessings. xx
@Darkwing (21583)
1 Mar 08
I'm sure you did, my dear friend. xxx
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
Hello Pat, Singapore is an earthquake-free zone. I can't remember the exactly geographic term for it. But we are not on any seismic area. We are fortunate because of all the natural disasters plaguing the rest of the world, the worst we have are mini flash floods and haze coming over from fires in neighboring countries. We occasionally feel tremors but those are caused by earthquakes happening in neighboring countries.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Hello Wizzy my friend! Haven't seen you in ages! Wow, Singapore seems like a good place to live! Sizeable earthquakes are not common here, but we do have mini ones quite often, apparently. We have problems with flooding sometimes too, but it's not as bad as some other countries. Good news, my friend, I think what you did for me last year, worked. Things are going very well at the moment, and it's estimated that he now has a 70% chance of being rid of the cancer. So thank you... thank you very much for all you did, my dear friend. Brightest Blessings.
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• Singapore
29 Feb 08
Oh Pat! I am so glad to hear that! And I certainly don't claim any credit. I think you did it and I am guessing your encouragement, whether he consciously knows it or not, certainly went a long way. As for Singapore, yes, it is a great place to live in. And yup, I am trying to get into the swing of things. I am back, sort of, and just posted 2 discussions and will be posting more (hopefully).:)
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Well yes, I played my part, and he knows it for I asked his permission first. :) But I don't doubt that you helped a great deal. I'm glad to see you back, and I'll watch out for your discussions, my friend. Take care!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
Did the earth move for me? I am not sure. However, Singapore time yesterday afternoon, my colleagues claims their monitors were moving. I believe I am "firm" enough not to be "moved". I thought I was dizzy though on Monday afternoon Singapore time. Even the goldfish in office really felt the effect of a quake nearby.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Yes, I guess Wizzy might be a bit more centralised and further from the neighbouring companies. I believe you but the contradiction in your responses confused me. Lol at the reasoning regarding the goldfish and your dizziness. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Now, I'm confused, as Wizzy told me in his response that Singapore is an earthquake-free zone, and is not on any seismic area. Your work colleagues might have meant their monitors were shaking with the movement in the earth, which in turn might shake the building. Wow, you don't think of fish and how they might respond to an earthquake, normally, do you? You've put my mind on a whole new train of thought here. lol. Brightest Blessings, my friend. xxx
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
29 Feb 08
We might not have earthquakes but we can feel the tremors from neighbouring countries. Some parts of Singapore are more "prone" to feeling the tremors. Oh, the goldfish tank was the first and nearest thing I look at when I felt dizzy that day. If the water "sways", then it is not me feeling dizzy, I guess.
• United States
29 Feb 08
I heard about that quake, to bad it caused so much damage. Fortunately I have never been in an earthquake or any other form of natural disaster.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Hurricane Andrew - UK, 1987 - Trees uprooted by Hurricane Andrew, in the UK, October, 1987
Was it reported on American News Channels? Wow! I'm glad to hear you've never been involved in any form of natural disaster. The only one I've encountered was the hurricane of 1987. That was scary... it went on from around 7.30 at night, till well into the following morning... about 11.00 a.m. before subsiding properly, and it caused havoc all over the country. Brightest Blessings.
• United States
29 Feb 08
Wow! That sounds scary! I don't know if the quake was reported on American News or not because I seldom watch the news. I heard about it from a friend I talk to in IM chat who lives there.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Oh, I see. That's good that you can chat to friends and hear the news from around the World. I love IM. :)
@weemam (13372)
1 Mar 08
Helllooo my friend , I was told about this by hubby but we never felt anything , I hope you are well and allof the family too pal , xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
2 Mar 08
Hi, Weemam, my friend. It's strange, isn't it, how some people in areas close to us felt it, and we didn't, but it was there! :) My family and I are doing great... we have Lauren's school play to attend on the 12th March, so I'm looking forward to that. Joy amongst sadness though, with my friends and their loss. I guess that's life, balancing out again, but I'm praying that they find that little ray of hope. Brightest Blessings. xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Feb 08
Nope not a thing I knew nothing about it till I saw the News But Mel said they had bad up there and she thought that her neighbour upstairs moved the Furniture round until she told her Friend who picked her up for work about it, Mel said to him that it felt like an Earthquake and her Friend said Mel I hate to tell you this it was not your Neighbour it was an earthquake I never felt anything and even if I had I would have probably thought it was the Tablets making me imagine things
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Lol at Mel! :) What is she like? ha ha ha. Yes, it was quite bad in both Grimsby and Bradford, and she is on the eastern side of the M1, so I guess they would have been in its wake. Lots of people described it as like a heavy juggernaut going past their homes, hearing a loud roar and the house shaking, and one even said it felt like a train going through his cellar and shaking the whole house, but neighbours moving furniture? lol. That's a first, for me! I was sitting here at my computer and although I heard a loud sound like traffic on the A23, I didn't feel anything. We were lucky my friend... I think it might have been a bit more scary than your tablets making you imagine it. Brightest Blessings, love and hugs. xx
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@rsa101 (38208)
• Philippines
29 Feb 08
You in luck that you were not able to feel the earthquake that many people of your country felt. I guess in our place earthquakes are frequent than in your place but so far we have never epxerience one big quake for the past several years.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Oh, I'm glad to hear that... California has been known to suffer quite a bit in years gone by, and I seem to recall something in Oregon recently. I was lucky enough not to have experienced this one. I would think it's pretty scary when woken from your sleep as one person reported, "by the sound of what seemed like a train going through their cellar, and making the whole house shake." I don't think I'd have relished that very much. :) Brightest Blessings.
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
18 Apr 08
We had one here this morning about 5:37am woke me and my boyfriend looks at me and said...did you feel that wind blow and all I could do was laugh at him. They said it registered a 5.4 this morning.
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@Darkwing (21583)
18 Apr 08
Wow... I have never felt a proper earthquake and always imagined them to be quite frightening. Lol at your boyfriend... he sounds a wheeze. I got pretty close to an earthquake last week. I was lying in bed and the workmen started beating down the filling in a trench they'd previously dug. The whole building shook and my bed with it! Brightest Blessings, my friend, and thank you for your contribution. Good to see you here again! x
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Feb 08
No, slept right through it all the best urban
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Lol... was that because you always sleep well, or because it missed you, as it did me? I count myself quite lucky if it reached the Isle of Wight and missed me. Brightest Blessings.
26 Mar 08
Like you I didn't feel a thing. I didn't know anything about it until half way through the next day. It looked pretty bad in Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire, but it must have missed us, I think. Thank goodness. I would have thought it was my neighbour playing his car stereo loud. That shakes the house. lol.
@Darkwing (21583)
26 Mar 08
Lol... yeah, I've felt it. Is he still about? I thought he'd moved recently.
@mummymo (23706)
2 Mar 08
Thankfully no I didn't feel it! I would like to say I slept through it but I wasn't even asleep so if tremors had been felt in this area I would have known about it! Still a bit confused as to why there are earthquakes here though as there are no fault lines or plate thingies! xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
3 Mar 08
I think it must have missed your area, my friend, as Weemam said she didn't feel it either. I'm not sure, but I think I noticed somewhere in the reports, that this tremor came from the North Sea, even though the epicentre was in Lincolnshire, away from the coast. We don't have earthquakes often, certainly not of this size, so yes, it is a bit confusing. Another curious act of Nature, my friend. Brightest Blessings. xxxxx
@raydene (9871)
• United States
29 Feb 08
No Doll not this time but love the song! I have had it move many times though..I used to live in Southern California and tremors were the rule not the exception. It is amazing what a waterbed does when the shocks hit oxxoxoxoxo
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Feb 08
Is that the Carole King song to which you refer? I like that too. :) Oh yes, California suffers a lot from quakes, doesn't it, and often bad ones? I'll never forget the way the motorway link was destroyed in San Francisco, and whole walls ripped out of the sides of houses. Wow... I've never seen anything like it! LOLOL out the water bed. In fact, I would think that's quite a safe place to be during an earthquake, and the ride must certainly be enjoyable, to say the least. ha ha ha Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xxx
@GardenGerty (162452)
• United States
3 Mar 08
Scary thought. We did not feel it here in Kansas though. Glad you are okay. I got to feel quakes regularly when I lived in San Diego. In Kansas we get tornadoes, but I will take those any day over earthquakes. I do not know too many ways to predict quakes yet. At least the weather man can see the tornado coming.Usually.
@Darkwing (21583)
3 Mar 08
Woooo... I think tornadoes can be pretty destructive too. Neither situation can you do much about. We only have really mini tornadoes here, but I've seen them lift the cut straw up in the field at the back, and swirl it round in circular movements. They only last a few seconds but it is a strange sight to us, here in England. lol. Brightest Blessings. x
• Philippines
1 Mar 08
We never felt that here in the Philippines. Although on August 16, 1976, a devastating earthquake on the Cotabato Trench caused destruction on the island of Mindanao - the southernmost and largest of the Phillipine Islands. The destructive tsunami that was generated in the Gulf of Moro and in the Celebes Sea killed about 8,000 people in coastal communities in North and South Zamboanga, North and South Lanao, North Cotabato, Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat (Mindanao), and in the neighboring Sulu Islands. This was the worst earthquake and tsunami disaster in the history of the Phillilines. The earthquake occurred at 16:10 UTC of August 16, 1976 (local date August 17, 1976). The epicenter was in the Celebes Sea between the islands of Mindanao and Borneo. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center's preliminary magnitude was given as 8.0 on the Richter scale and as 7.9 by other sources. There were many aftershocks following the main earthquake. A major aftershock on August 17 (local date) had a magnitude of 6.8. It was proceeded by at least fifteen smaller aftershocks. Earthquakes are scary.. I don't want it to happen anywhere in the world.. Too many innocent victims breaks my heart...especially where children get trapped and killed on it.
• United States
2 Mar 08
Holy Smokes Darkwing!...I didn't hear about it until your discussion...good grief, I need to get a life. I don't watch the news because it makes me depressed, lol! I'm so happy, soooo happy to hear you're OK! What the heck caused it? I don't remember ever hearing about an earthquake in the UK. I did feel a tremor once here in Ohio many years ago, like 21 years or so ago. I remember sitting on a chair and I felt like I was jiggling around and I thought I was having some kind of attack, haha. I was at my daughter's apartment and she was feeding my Grandson at the time. She didn't say anything about it so I thought it was just me. Later that day, they mentioned we had a tremor on the news. I guess we're on some kind of fault line here that I never knew about until then. Not a big deal but I knew I felt something, lol!, and I'm glad it wasn't an attack of some sorts. Again, I'm glad this didn't create any problems for you and you're safe and sound.
@Darkwing (21583)
3 Mar 08
Oh, my dear friend, even at the epicentre it didn't cause any fatalities and in the next County, there was just one injury, a man taken to hospital after his chimney stack had fallen through into his bedroom. We don't get anything really drastic here.. or haven't, as yet, touch wood. That's really why I started a discussion on it, because it's such an unusual occurrence, and it didn't come through my territory anyway. It's nice that you're concerned about me though... thank you for that. :) You made me chuckle when you said you thought you were having some sort of attack. Maybe your daughter didn't want to mention it in front of her son, or something, but how funny! I can imagine your relief on hearing it was a tremor. Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. Stay safe! x
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@Darkwing (21583)
16 Mar 08
You're more than welcome, and so do I, my dear friend. xx
• United States
16 Mar 08
Thank You Darkwing for BR!! Now this is the way to start my day off....I hope it continues to bring me wonderful surprises as you did!...xxxooo!
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