What are the names of your pets?
By brian7914
@brian7914 (53)
February 29, 2008 7:30am CST
We have two cats, a dog, a hamster and 3 fired belly frogs.
The cats names are Boomer and Lightning, Chase is the dogs name, hampy is the hamsters name. The frogs names are croak, ribbet, and pebbles. We did have bamm bamm, but he passed away.
9 responses
@pepsigrlfan (18)
• United States
15 Mar 08
We have three cats: Thelma & Louise after the movie and then Sunshine. I didn't get to name any of them though since they came from different homes.
I love your frogs names by the way..that's actually cute!
@sheric529 (72)
• United States
15 Mar 08
3 cats; popcorn, sally, smokey,
2 dogs; lady & rocky
2 ferrets; sleepy & bandit
2 fish ( no names)
1 guinea pig named piglet.
@margerydaw14 (735)
1 Mar 08
i have a little chih tzu called Dexter ( or the thug) 5 cats called , tyson (big black and beautiful tom cat) 2 black and whites called tux and felix, one ginger ish tabby called sally, and one white tabby mix called strawberry kit kat (kit kat for short) i have had 2 rats called cadbury ( deep choco brown ) and boris ( after boris becker because he was a lovely strawberry blonde colour) and alsation called fred bloggs. and yes he would come to that name! more cats called whisky , a blue burmese called felix(again) , blackie, tinker. and a rescue dog called benjy and 4 rabbits owned at different times but all called bugs.
@kaysue4 (951)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Well, I have 3 dogs, all adopted from unwanted homes. So they were already named. My black lab is Raja, my mixed ridgeback is named Bo, but my beagle was renamed because the name didn't fit him, so I named him Piggy. That is because when I put him in the car and he wsa sniffing around he snorted like a pig. Also he is very overweight, since I have gotten him. He has gained more since it is winter and I can't leave him out for a long time.
@SusanShayAvon (1003)
• United States
1 Mar 08
We have a dog named Buddy and three cats named Cally, Spot, and Tinkerbell. Funny thing is I got Tinkerbell last year in 2007 in about May and was needing to get "her" fixed. In January my Mother pointed out to me that Tinkerbell my "female" cat had balls!!!!!! For eight months I thought the cat was a girl!!! I felt pretty stupid.
@sassygirlanne007 (4517)
• United States
1 Mar 08
We have a cat named Izzy, and 3 dogs Trixie,Tyson and Girl. We had 2 other cats Q and Teddy but they past away a few months ago.
@jesse2881 (80)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I have 2 dogs that are named Wilson and Timid. They are both males. Timid is a mix of god only knows what and a collie. Wilson is a pure bred red huskie. We named him after the friend we bought him from. Timid on the other hand got his name because he is very shy. When we got him we were living in a neighborhood where a male collie had been getting loose and going around getting all the females pregnant. He got like 7 dogs in my area, so when all these pups came we all got together and tried to figure out what to do. When we could not find any more homes we decided to call the humane society and have the rest picked up. When they came to get the remaining pups Timid was hiding in the back corner of the pen. So we decided we could not let him go. He has always lived up to his name. Wilson on the other hand is a very loud and and has a really outgoing personality. He loves to talk back by howling and barking whenever he is told to do anything.
@LessSeriously (10)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I had a blue tick coonhound named Blue Belle. I also had a playful rat terrier named June Bug.