My cat TOTALLY destroyed my sleep!
@wrld_n_harmony (695)
United States
February 29, 2008 9:45am CST
So I'm sleeping so very soundly, and my cat taks a running leap onto my diaphram and totally knocks the wind out of me! UGH! I wake up with a start (obviously as I'm trying to catch my breath.) So then I trap him with my arms and hold him there because I don't want him to think that if he jumps on my when I asleep, that I'll get up. That only worked for like a minute, then I let him out.
How do you discipline your cat for doing things like this? Does it work? Is there any real way of disciplining a cat???
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13 responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Sorry! I have to giggle! I know their antics can be infuriating. But, he probably jumped on the rise and fall of your stomach as you were breathing because it looked like something to attack! He might have either thought he was protecting you or he thought you might want to play. Try not to get too mad at him.
Yelling is about the only thing that you can do. Cats are notoriously hard to discipline because they hold grudges like their fellow human occupants.
The hubby and I shut our bedroom door to keep our 3 cats and our dog out because they would keep me up all night playing with stuff in the room, sleeping against me thereby trapping me and keeping me from being able to shift positions, or, as is the case with the hubby and the dog...snoring. The hubby's snoring is bad enough. The dogs snoring rumbles the house...literally. One time, he was upstairs on the floor in one of the spare bedrooms and he was snoring while I was downstairs. Before I knew what it was, all I kept hearing was this low vibrating rumble that was shaking my house. I looked outside, I walked around the house. I couldn't find anything until I got within ear shot of where it was coming from and what it actually sounded like. Then, I knew it was Frizbee. Bad huh? That is why he will never sleep in our room.
My youngest cat really wanted to get into my room last night when I went to bed. It was so unusual. The hubby had gone to bed already. I headed up stairs less than an hour later and Martini, who rarely says anything, did this little purr like chatter as I hit the middle landing of the stairs. She met me half way, asked for a pet and kept talking...and I am serious when I say that it is rare for her to talk and really rare for her to want attention from me. So as I ascended the stairs, she went ahead of me, all the while chittering. I walked down the hall towards the door, she raced in front of me and stood in front of the door on her hind legs still chittering. She has never done that before. She does sometimes try to sneak into the room either as we are leaving it or as we are entering it. But, she has never begged. She apparently begged the hubby last night too and meowed outside of the door after he went to bed. So weird. I don't know what got into her. If I could have trusted her not to play with stuff in the room keeping me up, and just to cuddle with us in bed, I would have let her in with us because it was so cute! I felt bad.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
1 Mar 08
LOL about your dog! I want to try the breathe right strips on my dog now that you said something about it! LOL!
That meow your cat is making that sounds like Momma is called caterwalling. Not sure of the spelling but, that is it! My cats do it to sometimes. Basically, if you can brave it for a couple weeks or so, your cat can eventually learn that her place is outside of the bedroom at night. It just takes patience and some sleepless nights.
I think all cats like the sound of breaking glass. My girls do it to...not too often though. New stuff tends to make its way to the floor. They are sort of sticklers for their environment. They notice every little change!
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@Annie2 (594)
• United States
1 Mar 08
My schnauzer snores like an old man! He is so loud. I wonder if those breathe-right strips would work for him. :-)
I allow my cat to sleep with me. If I shut the door I would have to listen to her cry for me. She meows in such a way that it actually sounds like she is saying, "Momma!".
She does sometimes like to get up in the middle of the night and play with things, knocking them off the dresser and making lots of noise. She has recently knocked my fern off the stand and shattered the Corelle Ware plate the plant was on. During Christmas her nightly ritual was to knock ornaments out of the tree and off the fireplace. She apparently loves the sound of shattering glass.
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@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
1 Mar 08
LOL - your animals sound funny! A dog that snores louder than hubby, a begging cat?! :D My cat Symphony is actually a pretty good bed companion in that he doesn't move or leave the bed until morning (usually.) HOWEVER, he does sleep right on your leg or ON some part of you, and you can't move once he's settled. The only way to move is to knock him off. He's such a hard sleeper, I actually rolled over and knocked him to the floor with a THUD! I felt SO TERRIBLE - he never woke up until he hit the ground! I don't get mad at him often (unless he eats my panties - but that's for another post!) and when I do, I can't stay mad at him. He's just too darn cute and SUCH a good lap cat!
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@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Thanks Sissy! He only sleeps with me every once in a while (like when i don't have to get up early,) and he usually doesn't do this! It was much brighter in the room this morning, so I'm wondering if he thought it was much later than usual or something? I don't know.
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@etavasi (749)
• Malaysia
29 Feb 08
Hi wrld_n_harmony, this is some suggestion for you. This is work mostly work at my house. Before you going to sleep, what you can do is, give your cat enough food until your cat doesn't want anymore to eat. The cat will start to sleep, and you can take a sleep too.
@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
29 Feb 08
Unfortunately, I don't think that would work for my cat! I've never seen him get enough food, oh, but that's for another post! LOL. He'll eat until he pukes, then eat some more. I have to really schedule and portion his food. Poor thing wouldn't be able to move he'd be so fat!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Feb 08
I was always taught that you dont own a cat, they own you and this has always been pretty true of the cats I had. I am not sure that you can really discipline a cat if a cat wants to do something it will do it whether you like it or not I think you may be stuck with it! Maybe he has watched too many Garfield films because thats what Garfield does.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
29 Feb 08
What I usually do to my cat when he's being a little bugger, is simply these two things...
1) I'll pick him up and tell him to stop and hold him underneith his arms and I'll bug him back and that seems to calm him down
if that doesn't work,
2) I have a cat carrier for him and I use that for his time out lock up times and after he's been in there for 10 mins or so, he comes out rubbing up against my leg and I'm guessing that's his way of saying sorry?
He will then go lay down and sleep the rest of his energy off.
My hubby use to put him outside when he went up on the table. My cat is an indoor cat so kitty didn't like that too much and he learned not to go on the table pretty quick!
@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
2 Mar 08
Kinda funny. But my family never thought it was bad at all for our cats to come onto the table. So, it's a ritual thing. Both jump on (though they don't like to be on together usually). One of our kitties (and don't worry, she's not overweight), waits patiently on the table for us to give her scraps, even when oen of us is calling her over to have her lunch or dinner. She continues waiting until she has been happily treated with something.
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@Tony_Montana87 (36)
29 Feb 08
hehe my cat also destroy my sleep when is in the "love season" LoL, is this the cause..
@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Nah, he's not in heat or anything. He was fixed when he was like 6 months old. I don't think he has any idea to the "love season!"
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Mar 08
Our kitty Mysticat (Mysti) does that every night. She loves to jump on my husband and I. We do the same thing you do, and then she wriggles her way out. It's pretty funny. I don't think there's any way to stop her from doing that. LOL
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@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I've tried grabbing him and stuffing him under the covers. He REALLY hates that, but it doesn't stop him from doing whatever he was doing again. The last time it was for running across our bed trying to wake us up.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 Mar 08
beats me, my cats sometimes do the same thing to me, they do not understand how it can be okay to jump sometimes (when I am up,but not other times, when I am down.)
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@humbleme (1004)
• India
1 Mar 08
Hello wrld_n_harmony, hahahahahaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaa,there are three choices left,Firstly train your cat to sleep with you sing lulaby to make your cat sleep along with you, secondly give your cat a dose or two of tranqulisers (after
a consulting and prescription from a pet doctor hahaha)andyou will be confident your cat will not jump and leap on your diaphram when you are sleeping soundly hahahahaha OR Close your door keeping out the cat out of your room and put finenets on your windows so that your cat dont
get success to get inside your room when you are sleeping
hahahahahaaa please follow any of the above or reject all.
By the way I used to have two pet cats along with dogs
and birds in my childhood growing years atmy home,and I loved them a lot and they too used to reciprocate all the time except
they knew verywell I dont want to be disturbed when I am sleeping or doing some serious work/ studies etc and they
never dared to enter my room especially when they used to see me sleeping ahahahahahahahahaha
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@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
29 Feb 08
My cats sleep on the bed with me at night, but are up the minute it gets light outside. Then they start right in, walking around on the bed. That's their way of making me get up and serve them breakfast, lol. I bought all this on myself. But in a way, it's a good thing, since the cats get me up, much better than an alarm clock!
I don't know if you can discipline a cat for doing such things. Shooing it away all of the time will only make the cat fear you, and you don't want that. But you can probably encourage good habits by petting the cat often, telling it how much you love it, and giving it a treat as a reward for the desired behavior. The cat's behavior will change eventually, but it will take time. Good luck!
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@Loen210 (1540)
• United States
1 Mar 08
Ouch. Sorry to hear that. But it is a type of play/love showing, I believe. Is he a kitten or adult?
Sylvie, when she was a kitten (we adopted her I think it was 8 months old), she wasn't tiny, but still hyper. When we brought her home, she started every night and morning scaring us in shocks of pouncing onto our faces and stomachs. We'd tell her to stop, stop, stop, and she woudln't. It got pretty bad. But then we were just lucky. It was her youth, like how hyper we can be as children.
Now, she never does (and we didin't ever punish her or anything). But we did show how frightened and shocked we were when she did that. They can read many facial expressions. If he's young, it may go away. Otherwise, I'm not a pro, but I'm sure many people may have ideas or suggestions. Good luck.

@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
2 Mar 08
My cat is actually going on 4 years old! Definately not a kitten anymore, but he had something like ADHD as a kitten - just EXTREMELY hyperactive. He was a little hellion (so bad that we thought we may have to get rid of him,) but thankfully he grew out of it. We used food to encourage him to be a lap cat and relax some. He would have to sit in our lap for a short period of time, then he'd get fed. Now he's the best lap cat ever, so I'm glad we put in the time and effort!

@corilat (180)
• Australia
1 Mar 08
LOL! My cat used to do things like that to me a lot! - When I let her sleep in my room. Sometimes she would just move constantly around my head and rub herself against my face until I woke up (at 5am or earlier!). Other times she would jump on me, try to catch my feet or just jump for the fun of it, but most often on or near my face! Or she would just scratch at the door and mioaw to be let out.
Now I very rarely let her sleep in my room because I NEED my sleep! Unless I need to wake up early, she has to find another bed somewhere else! :)
@Annie2 (594)
• United States
1 Mar 08
My cat has at times attacked my toes while I'm sleeping. One thing she does which I don't know of any way to discipline her for is that she walks across my chest and it never fails . . . she manages to step right into the center of my "CHESTeses". OW! What a rude awakening.
I swear she can hear my eyelids open when I wake up. As soon as I open my eyes she hops up and gets in my face. She licks my nose and pats my face. She is so loving.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
2 Mar 08
My Mom's cat bit her toe so hard one day that she couldn't get back to sleep for the rest of the night.
And, I know what you are saying about the chesteses! Ow! I hate that! My one cat that has to be up close and personal to my face likes to try to sleep on my chesteses! Can't happen. What is it about them that cats seem to think they need to land on when they jump or lay on? Perhaps it is their pillow like quality. Well, not mine really. Mine are too small to be mistaken for pillows! LOL!
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@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
1 Mar 08
I know what you mean! My cat has perfect aim when it come to the chest-region! LOL! Yeah, OWs an understatment!
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